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you know as the end of the year closes, i am not getting sentimental, just more enthusiastic about 2008. anyone else share the sentiment?

Dec 26, 07 11:52 am  · 

beta, that's my motto for 2008....Best Year Yet! I'm pretty excited about it too.

Could someone please fetch my news post out of the Member Dropbox? I think it's a pretty good one....

Dec 26, 07 12:08 pm  · 

sarah- yes you can. the italians make a mound of flour on a table/counter/bread board with a depression in the center to pour the liquids into, and start kneading/mixing everything on that surface. I use a large glass bowl to (ahem) contain the mess, but have made pasta (2 cups flour) the traditional way on the countertop (any more flour and the mess gets too much).

I've use the food processor, and a bread machine too. I prefer mixing/kneading by hand. Doesn't take much longer and there is something cathartic about that motion that I just groove. Oh, you'll need a knife to slash to tops of the loaves just before sticking the dough in the oven to keep it from cracking and to let it rise more. ;-)

Dec 26, 07 12:13 pm  · 

dub, i think only John and Paul can do that.

beta, i'll 3rd your sentiment.

Dec 26, 07 12:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I've been doing my kneading by hand, and most of the bread recipes i have can't use the mixer anyway, too large or something, not sure. I love to make artesian style breads, so I understand the kneading by hand, plus I think you lose something when its done by machine. I've never used a bread maker.

Of the breads I've made, the Ciabatta tasted best, but looked worst. Thats a tough one, who knew. The rosemary bread I made, some italian recipe, looked pretty, big round, asterisked loaves, with sea salt crystals, but the dough was tough, so I think maybe I didnt knead it enough. Bread baking is such a fine art that I think you need someone to show you what to look/feel for, or lots of trial and error, which is my method. The roman-style pizza we made turned out well, but I think this time we will go for a more napolian style.

I tried to make pasta by hand once, and I must've done something wrong. It tasted more like dumplings than pasta, and yes I've had fresh pasta, so I know it doesn't taste like dumplings. I will keep trying, though. I can get pasta dies for extrusion type pastas to go on the meat grinder, I can't wait. The roller press attachment is expensive.

Dec 26, 07 12:39 pm  · 
John Cline

Thanks, AP. I grew up with dogs (labs and spaniels) which have their own temperment but the husky breed has proven to be a little more unpredictable and peculiar (in a good way). It was a big unknown how Twyla and Shalek were going to react. When we laid Rowan next to Shalek for those photos, he was like "wtf!". We had to act fast before he bolted. Calm, yes but they are still trying to figure out who this new addition to the family is.

Dec 26, 07 12:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

John, she's gotten BIG, and shes only what, 1.5 months old or so? My gosh! And she really is cute.

Are her eyebrows blonde?

Dec 26, 07 1:45 pm  · 


i'm pretty sure you can post date deposits into your you don't have to drop 4k into them before jan. 1. at least that's been my experience.

i'll be back in town tonight (wed) so if you want to indulge in certain alcoholic beverages or whatever let me know.

Dec 26, 07 2:30 pm  · 

lars, we're hoping to take advantage of the $4k max yearly deposit for 2007. maybe i'm missing something, but post-dating wouldn't do us much good for this. as for 2008, i'm planning on making smaller deposits regularly to add up to 4k over the year. all input is welcome, though, 'cause i'm new to this retirement planning stuff.

regarding drinks - absolutely. if not tonight than definitely tomorrow.
or both.

LiG - you asked about New Year's Eve...i'm not sure what's going on yet. the GF and I are still up in the at the moment, no plans. i know one thing for sure - i won't be going to time's square to see carson daly.

Dec 26, 07 2:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

awe, AP, no Carson! Do you think his face is going to freeze in time like Dick Clarks? They seem similar to me for some reason.

Dec 26, 07 3:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I generally avoid Times Square like the plague anyway, but especially on New Years.

My train is about an hour late so far (pulling into Richmond, VA at the moment), so I won't be back in NYC until late this evening. Tonight is out, but I'd be up for drinks any other evening, New Years or not.

Dec 26, 07 3:14 pm  · 
John Cline

Thanks SH! She's 7 weeks tomorrow and weighs over 11 lbs and is 23 inches long. She actually has dark eyebrows but she's had a bit of a dry skin issue around them for the past week. The result has thinned her eyebrows out enough so they look blond! We just got it under control. Turns out, it was the mrs.'s new "holiday diet", a la more sweets and processed sugar intake. The doctor said she had seen at least 7 other babies with similar symptoms.

Dec 26, 07 3:16 pm  · 

what i'm saying is that you can deposit the money in 2008 and have it
count towards your max 4k for least until you file your taxes.
at least that's the way i understand it.

i get back on the train somewhere around we'll talk.

Dec 26, 07 3:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

JC, thats crazy to think that eating more sweets could cause that. Hmm, guess I will have to look out for that.

Dec 26, 07 3:49 pm  · 

baking and predigrees...seems to be that xmas for everyone. I have the GF and her lovely pooche staying with me for 10 days whilst her house is being rented out to a honeymoon couple. It is so strange coming home and smelling a house filled with pastry (butter cookies were the order last time) and having a bit of barking as well. It felt like a home, not a bachelor pad.

Also too a walk down to the new purchase and knicked a bread bowl, a grater and a sculpture of a fish (abstract) - cool

Its Boxing Day here - I'm not sure what that holiday is for but I love being in the Commonwealth and wouldn't trade this post-christmas recovery day for anything in the world. I had xmas dinner with my usual folks (former beatles producer + his wife). Now we are recovering from our long to all

Dec 26, 07 5:31 pm  · 

i am so impressed by yours and panicked by my own situation regarding the plans for the future retirement savings.
i wish i had contributed to my financial future as you guys are doing but i did never have a secure job mainly due to my own choices and devices. i am kind of heading towards a first licensed, non alcoholic, non smoking and relatively talented architect with no mental hang ups and drug addictions, and good communication skills, becoming a homeless person possibly living on the street, if the situation does not improve soon.
i wonder if i should use an alias name for making this post so just in case a potential client does not read and decide not to touch the situation.
i never had a disappointed client and i recieved four holiday cards this year from clients thanking me for beautiful projects they are enjoying their holidays in.
go figure...
i find myself spending a lot of time not to turn into a bitter person which i hate.
anyway, struggle continues. yeah. what's new?
an architect friend of mine just recieved a new liver via transplant and some of the first calls he recieved were from active clients cancelling the projects because of his medical situation. he was fully aware of the condition and made preperations to delegate responsibilities accordingly so the projects would not suffer.
nice people, huh?

Dec 26, 07 6:02 pm  · 

orhan- your retirement plans can jibe with your business plan. figure out how to generate six figures of profit for a few years and you'll have it made!

Dec 26, 07 6:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Orhan, I hope things work out for you... That's gotta be stressful as hell.

I'm getting into my 30's now, and I know I should be setting up a retirement plan, but since I've been struggling just to keep my head above water for so many years, I've barely even begun to think about savings.

I'm finally back home in NYC, typing these words on my own computer, and I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight, with my own cat curled up on top of me. I love traveling, but I hate living out of a suitcase as a guest in somebody else's house (even if it's my parents). I had a good trip overall, but sometimes I think I visit them once a year just to remind myself why I left home in the first place.

Back to work in the morning...

Dec 26, 07 11:01 pm  · 

Orhan I feel your pain, so many architects who decide to step out blaze their own trail fall victim to the retirement axe. Understanding that I would never keep a 9-5 for any length of time to generate adequate retirement financing I spoke with dear old Dad (r'td financial advisor) for some direction. After quite a bit of talking (2 maybe 3 years) he convinced me to increase my savings and the creation of equity, preferably land/housing, etc. This purchase is my first step...i'll have another 30 yrs before I have to think about retirement formally but its better i take the step now

Dec 27, 07 8:57 am  · 
Living in Gin

Real estate is part of my plan as well. I'd love to buy a condo or co-op here in NYC once the real estate bubble has finished bursting, but I'd probably need to win the lottery to pull that off. Never hurts to dream a little, though. Hopefully I'll be in a better position to buy something once I'm done with grad school.

Dec 27, 07 9:49 am  · 

RIP inside arch

[don't go to the website if you are paranoid about trojans- thanks beta for the warning]

will it rise again?

Dec 27, 07 10:45 am  · 

Why do people hack sites?

I don't get it.

Dec 27, 07 10:57 am  · 

nothing better to do with idle energy?

Dec 27, 07 11:07 am  · 

How do people hack sites? Is it just a simple password steal or is it more complicated than that?

Has anyone seen the previews for that new Diane Lane movie? The one about the web site that kills people faster the more people click on it? It seems really improbable to me, especially when he starts hacking into her car and making it stop in the middle of the road. At least I'm going to keep telling myself that that can't happen, anyway.

Dec 27, 07 12:22 pm  · 

Hey everyone! Just checking in briefly.

I got a couple of referrals off a pool house I designed for my uncle a couple of years ago. Its not really interesting enough to post pics of, but at least I've got a little freelance action going on now.

LIG & Techno, glad to hear a couple more a planning for the future. Best of luck to you guys.

Orhan, its never too late. I highly doubt someone as intelligent as yourself would ever end up homeless and completely destitute. Just start taking all that creative energy and dedicate a small part of it to figuring out a way to generate some more $$$.

Sucks for inside arch. I think hackers are pretty much 30 somethings living in their parents' basements. Since they don't have to waste any time wooing the opposite sex, they've got nothing but time to spend playing world of warcraft and writing viruses. They're pretty much the bottom of barrel of humanity. Right up there with genocidal dictators and child molesters.

Dec 27, 07 12:28 pm  · 
some person

Woah - I missed the mad props back on Page 170 re: copy/preview/paste/preview. Thanks, everyone :)

...I predict everyone's post counts will stagnate now, as there will be no need to re-post corrections to syntax errors.

Dec 27, 07 12:39 pm  · 
John Cline

There are lots of people who play WoW and aren't bottom of the barrel humanity, rfuller.

Today during my lunch break I read Orhan's interview. From there I tried to figure out what tupi or not tupi meant and in doing so read a little about DEVO and eventually ran into The Church of the SubGenius. Overall a pretty interesting lunch break.

Dec 27, 07 12:42 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Finally, somebody has discovered the One True Church!

Dec 27, 07 12:50 pm  · 
Dec 27, 07 2:34 pm  · 

Crap. Jumped the gun

Dec 27, 07 2:36 pm  · 
Dec 27, 07 2:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Is that a mobile cockroach? Gross.

And it sure has been quiet on here today.

Dec 27, 07 4:09 pm  · 

yeah it's been quiet. that bug scared me away for a while. we've been speculating on the size of sir norman's unit (and the client) and what we would do with $280m in fees [rul=]here[/url]

Dec 27, 07 4:23 pm  · 

Yup. I abhor cockroaches, but i thought the idea was pretty interesting.

Concerning the IRA thing, if memory serves me correct I believe you can contribute money into your IRA/mutual funds for the previous year until the beginning or middle of March.

Orhan - I agree with full heartedly with rfuller. I really hope things get better for you soon. I know many people that for one reason or another that have gotten themselves into similar predicaments and have ultimately been able to flourish in spite of the initial hardships. Sending positive vibes your way for the new year.

Dec 27, 07 4:30 pm  · 

dang nabit

try here

Dec 27, 07 6:45 pm  · 

thanks everyone for all your advise and support. this is the greatest thread.
i really didn't want to be dramatic but it just sounded that way. good side of it is that i am only in 15K debt comparing to 100's some of my friends are. we still live in a house tina has got and so far current with the mortgage. it is not a sub-prime either.
tina and i are doing all we can and hopefully new year will bring some prospects. today they have called from istanbul where they scheduled me to write four essays in 2008 which pays a little. last one i wrote in november caused some stir there and put me on the radar larger than before. we'll see. i have thousands of readers there according to statistics, i am told.
michael rotondi will teach me how to teach by partnering me into his studio next semester. who knows, that might lead into a teaching situation somewhere. i am just delighted that i will be mentored by one of the best teachers out there teaching architecture. i feel very privileged.
one of my clients is interested doing a house on the hills. good friend of mine got a large project in abu dhabi and there might be a consultant job for me in it. you never know. this season is usually goes slow for architects when people are staying put inside their warm houses and effected by the news of economy which usually reflects retailers' complains that they have not made a killing as some previous year and sending bad news to markets etc...

i guess there are also plenty to lift my chin up say "shit man, what are you complaining about? just keep at it and make some money."

plus i have got these guys!

Dec 27, 07 7:53 pm  · 
some person

This just in: Turkey goes bananas over abracadabra, faia?

OA: Do you have a link to your essay from November that caused so much buzz? (or was it previously posted?)

Dec 27, 07 8:45 pm  · 

i wrote it in turkish. i have addressed some recent development issues in istanbul by setting some parallel examples from los angeles. which coincided with an article here.

Dec 27, 07 9:13 pm  · 

oa, i think you'll make a fantastic teacher.

Dec 27, 07 10:14 pm  · 

thanks aml. coming from a teacher like yourself, it is encouraging to say the least.

Dec 27, 07 10:47 pm  · 

oa, I concur.

Well, it looks like the job prospects have all hit me like a tidal wave in the past 24 hours. It looks like I've got 3 options right now.

1. Freelance residential - Apparently that boring pool house I did for my uncle really paid off. I've finished out both of my referrals today, and both are extremely excited (and have lots of friends).

2. My father-in-law has been warming up to the idea of letting me work for him. He's one of the biggest names in upper-end custom residential building in my area.

3. The model shop/laser cutter position just opened up, and I got an offer there ~2 hours ago.

Of those, it looks like 1&2 have the most financial opportunity, but #3 is a sure bet. I'm driving 4 hours to the lake house with my father-in-law in the morning, and we're having a little chat about future employment opportunities. I'm going down there to install cabinets and start on some trim work. I guess we'll see how the weekend goes, but after working in a trim shop for 2 years, I'm pretty confident about my carpentry skills.

Obviously none of these are capital A architecture jobs, but for part-time grad school jobs I'm pretty happy with all of the prospects.

Oh, and I pulled off 2% on the two freelance jobs I finished up today. Looks like I'll be getting my self a late Christmas gift.

Dec 27, 07 11:17 pm  · 

Oh, and I totally agree with oa, this is by far the best thread on archinect.

Dec 27, 07 11:18 pm  · 

stuck in Denver trying to get to Quito...... playing with the one year old...

happy, happy all

Dec 27, 07 11:48 pm  · 

rfuller - that's awesome news. Congrats on all the position offers. You'll definitely have to let us know which one you ultimately choose.

@ Liberty Bell - I concur with Myriam. You must see Juno :o)

OA and rfuller - This is a great thread.

Dec 28, 07 12:55 am  · 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! I'm back from the desert, welcomed home to the rain once more... All in all, I'm pretty happy with how it went. I told my mom that there would be two rules this Christmas- my father could not discuss/comment on my appearance, and nobody was to talk or question me about my love life. Since these were followed about 98% of the time, I guess I can't complain.

I pretty much agree with rfuller's assessment of hackers, and further propose that this is the problem with the single male sector of Seattle. I can't find a decent man around here because they're all too damned enthralled with their technology and don't think twice about women. That or they're married already.

Oh well. Back to the dentist in the morning to get things ripped out. Doesn't help that the security inspector at Sky Harbor International confiscated my toothpaste! Don't you think you can get away with that 4.6 ounce bottle of toothpaste, no siree...

Dec 28, 07 3:43 am  · 

Sky Harbor SUCKS. And I say that as a regular passenger at O'Hare. Although, granted, Philly and Logan are worse...

Dec 28, 07 3:46 am  · 

Orhan and Rfuller,

Great news on the employment opportunites.

It is always nice to be able to choose what is right for you..Instead of having to just pick something.

Good luck with the teeth pulling Rationalist...Hopefully they will give you lots of drugs.

Happy Friday all...!!

Dec 28, 07 8:17 am  · 

hey OA, you, Tina and the doggies could move to the snow covered hills/lakes/plains of Minnesota, we'd love to have you...

Dec 28, 07 8:30 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive...although i did have to endure an unexpected night in puerto rico earlier this week. plane had mechanical problems...oh the horror.

Dec 28, 07 8:44 am  · 

hmm I'm now convinced you are close by puddles...or should we call you puddle jumper

I'm feeling rather blah today, I've got the sniffles and am expected to drag myself to a work thingy this evening to talk about the new town, etc. It should be fun, for them, as I sound like Kermit's altered twin whose on crack...kwit

Dec 28, 07 11:15 am  · 

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