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it seems like the hawk has had a better year than most, imho.

i have a question, because treekiller has made me think recently; are we all a bunch of hypocrites? is procreation a sustainable practice? there are millions of children in the world, without parents, and yet we continue to have children? it would seem that in this day and age, the continuing practice of having children to serve our vanity/ego, is a model that should be reconsidered. adopt a child, and hold on to your egg/seed, and save the planet.

Dec 31, 10 7:53 am  · 

of course, beta. but the birth rate in the u.s. and most other develop[b]ed[/i] nations has plummeted dramatically anyway. the main thing the u.s., japan, and most of europe are making is old people that really want to retire and leave all of the problems to the less-populous younger generations.

it's the less developed, often impoverished, nations that are creating the most babies - and it's likely part of their culture/tradition that it's their duty to keep doing so. in fact, population growth may be their best way to grow their national economies and make them more competitive in the global economy. try convincing them they shouldn't.

Dec 31, 10 8:41 am  · 


Dec 31, 10 8:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm not arguing that procreation is green, but I don't know that most have children for vain or egotistic reasons. It would be much easier and cheaper to have plastic surgery.

That said, I'm not sure I can explain what the reason for procreating is. I mean, sure, Abe was a surprise, but I did want kids eventually. I think it's more about creating memories and experiences. Then again, it'd be easier and cheaper to take a vacation. Maybe it's about seeing those experiences through the eyes of a child. Or maybe it's all to teach ourselves about selflessness.

And patience.

Dec 31, 10 9:30 am  · 

or maybe it's biology.

Dec 31, 10 11:06 am  · 

oh, and...





or just


Dec 31, 10 11:11 am  · 
vado retro

steven i have been waiting for hundreds of pages to post 409 and you beat me to it. well done, sir.

Dec 31, 10 1:15 pm  · 

the song or the all-purpose cleaner?

sorry, vado. there's a song for a 454, too...

Dec 31, 10 2:10 pm  · 
vado retro

giddy up!

Dec 31, 10 3:47 pm  · 

i'm waiting for numbers 426 and 440. the sweetest numbers in the world.

Dec 31, 10 6:44 pm  · 

Happy New Year from a very sunny Auckland! Off to pick some strawberries and then drink some beers

Dec 31, 10 7:04 pm  · 

dia and every last one of you mother fuckers. happy new year.

Dec 31, 10 8:27 pm  · 

lol beta.

having kids for ego? wow, some of you are all way too dark and depressing ;-)

kids are amazing and don't need my ego to make them any more so. i'll go with biology and love as the main reason kids keep getting bornded...

happy new year!

Dec 31, 10 8:45 pm  · 

SW, you're on the right track - the sheer numbers side of the 'population bomb' ain't in the developed world. but the problem is really the number of folks living the developed world lifestyles, here, there, anywhere... the world can't take another 300 million 'mericans

Happy New Year TC!

Dec 31, 10 8:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How am I supposed to stay up until midnight? How did I get so old?

In case I don't make it, Happy New Year! Aud lang sien and all that.

p.s. Is that how you spell it?

Dec 31, 10 10:11 pm  · 

y'all are going to have a good 2011. i just drank to it. so don't disappoint me.

Dec 31, 10 10:25 pm  · 

Happy one-one-one-one!

Jan 1, 11 8:36 am  · 

happy new year TC rats (and lurkers)!

Jan 1, 11 10:29 am  · 

I drank some fizzy wine last night and managed to barely stay awake until midnight.

Happy healthy 2011 everyone! And I'm very excited about Archinect 3.0!

Jan 1, 11 11:35 am  · 

perhaps the world can't tolerate another 300 million americans - really needs that anyway - but can the world really tolerate 1 billion chinese, with the consumptive attitude of americans? or for that matter, indians?

we're a drop in the bucket. the entire globe depends on american consumerism, the problem is how do you make consumerism more sustainable, in a green/eco/upcycle/recycle...way?

Jan 1, 11 2:27 pm  · 

The scarry thing is consumerism is over taking communism....and well it might be a whole lot scarrier. Imagine the China and India at full throttle in use of natural resources. We are just ants pissing in the sand box compaired to those two countries.

Jan 1, 11 7:10 pm  · 

yup. some scary stuff coming up, unless something changes its gonna be really malthusian.

i expect it will be both worse and better than we can imagine. predictions are always wrong on both sides of the existential aisle (gloom or glory).

maybe its time for Schumacher to be dusted off the shelf again....

here's to a great year for you all as well !

Jan 1, 11 7:44 pm  · 

True Grit was AMAZING, everyone! So beautiful to see and hear. Only one quibble with the total wonderfulness of it!

Jan 1, 11 8:14 pm  · 

here's anything to consider in that mix; the chinese and the indians, more the chinese though, most people think that the when the chinese slow or stop building, the economy will take another hit. only one thing though; the chinese have yet to create their "suburbs" when that happens, man oh man, will shit really start changing.

Jan 1, 11 11:37 pm  · 

did you see the suburbs in cairo? amazing.

china is urbanising really fast. i don't think there will be a suburban type like in the usa or even like here in japan. based on the work my friends are doing there is seems to be mostly residential towers, more like korea or hong kong than levittown.

not sure why.

what was the quibble donah?

Jan 2, 11 4:33 am  · 

happy 2011 all!

I wanted to see True Grit this weekend, but couldn't get anyone to see with me.

Jan 2, 11 12:16 pm  · 

happy new year thread central (Nam, Donna, diabase, vado, Steven, jump, snook dude, b3ta, *melt, dj, copper, Sarah, toasteroven, treekiller, barry.... et al) - I love you all. This is going to be an excellent year. Say it with me, "this is going to be an excellent year!!!"

there is something to be said about positive affirmations

The missus and I landed on the north coast of Jamaica on New Years Eve and too a 3.5 hr drive home on the southeastern coast getting in just after the clock struck midnight. We popped a bottle of wine, got to the first glass and knocked out. But we've spent the last 2 days partying... a good way to start the new year.

Jan 3, 11 12:47 am  · 

Oh and it is believed that both India and China will be the two greenest countries before the end of this decade

Jan 3, 11 1:29 am  · 

happy new year archi!

wouldn't surprise me about china and india.

Jan 3, 11 8:55 am  · 

Such an excited and optimistic post, techno! Glad you and ms. had a bang up start to the new year.

We spent the last three days doing what apparently everyone else was doing: cleaning out and getting rid of shit. We took two carloads to Goodwill where there was a line of a dozen cars dropping stuff off. Then took five bags of books to trade where there were a dozen other people doing same (and bought a few new books with the credit including a wonderful little Lynda J. Barry comic - she's one of my heros). Then vacuumed, mopped, cleaned windows, repaired we're off to a sparkling fresh new year if I can just manage to find my desk under the pile of crap that's landed on it in the past two weeks!

jump, my quibble with True Grit was the final scene. The adult version of the young girl - the character/actress who, though Bridges and Damon were both excellent, carried the entire movie - was a terrible casting choice and was given some completely off-character dialogue. Kinda screwed up the magical beauty of the entire preceding film. But, maybe I just had an aberrant reaction. The movie was truly wonderful - I didn't want it to end, so maybe that's why the ending disappointed me so.

Jan 3, 11 9:34 am  · 

ha! I agree with you on the ending, donna. actually i wanted to check out the original movie / maybe read the book to see where that scene might have come from. (or was it all-original?) supposedly they stuck pretty close to the book. her dialogue seemed out of character however. so sober... where did her spunk go?!

Jan 3, 11 12:17 pm  · 

i saw black swan. i have to see it again. very good film.

Jan 3, 11 1:07 pm  · 

And her lips were TOTALLY wrong!

From reviews I've read the dialogue is mostly lifted straight from the text - so I feel I may need to read the book too, as the language was just so beautiful. You like complex language too, right manta? Have you seen Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, the most euphonically wonderful movie of all time (featuring a young hot Gary Oldman too)?

Jan 3, 11 1:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I love R and G! Everyone I watched it with thought it was boring, including my mother who was an English Major. Oh well.

Jan 3, 11 1:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dangit! I forgot my grocery bags. Argh.

Jan 3, 11 4:31 pm  · 

as a consideration to those who haven't seen true it possible to maybe write something like SPOILER ALERT or something? or maybe start a new topic? i love the coen bros and have yet to see this film..and i don't want to know anything that the preview don't show me if possible...especially any ending info! geez

on a side note today is the first day of the rest of my life as they say...first day of unemployment...slept in, made myself breakfast (which i never do) and i've been workin on art since... if any of you guys have anything you need done don't hesitate to email me...i'm down for any projects large or small.

cheers! and happy new year!

Jan 3, 11 5:30 pm  · 

Sorry, lars. Didn't mean to spoil any surprises. I don't think we did; nothing crucial to the plot really has been revealed, but I understand what you mean. The female lead - both the character and the actress - is just so amazing.

Focaccia baking!

Jan 3, 11 6:02 pm  · 

all good lb...i only got about halfway through before i just skipped the whole post..i'm sort of half kidding..but i didn't know that the female lead made it to the end for instance..which may or may not be important...i don't think i've seen the original either though.

i'll def be happy to talk about it after i see it..i have heard that she is very good..

Jan 3, 11 6:49 pm  · 

I'm sorry Lars, I REALLY hate (hate hate hate!) that myself and should have thought better before saying anything. I can't stand learning ANYTHING about a movie I want to see before I see it - to the point where I skip over the review in my magazines & avoid watching the preview even. So I'm really sorry. :-( I won't do that again.

On a side note I was actually thinking about commissioning something from you for a special occasion. It wouldn't be until later in the year however (for delivery spring 2012). And I need to make money first, so we will see. But you're on my list.

Jan 3, 11 6:50 pm  · 

larslars, at least you got to sleep in?

Can anyone else believe it is 2011? it gonna be a busy one... and i turn 30 :B

Jan 3, 11 7:24 pm  · 

anyone know how 2011 is going to end, please tell me now.

Jan 3, 11 8:03 pm  · 

manta..def let me know...i have free time now if you want to let me know what it commissions go for about 500 or so just for info purposes.

nam..def nice to sleep in..and it was a beautiful day... i didn't leave the house..and so far i haven't spent a dime today....which is hard to do in nyc.

but i also def have a lot of stuff to i've been busy since i did wake up late which is nice...just need to figure out how to make some dough.

Jan 3, 11 8:07 pm  · 

cleaning day here too. hurray!

we don't get true grit here til february. not that it matters (he said in his eeyore voice). we are only able to watch movies that the kids can see. since baby sitting is not part of the culture, we'll be waiting for the video some time at the end of the year.

i know what you mean nam. i still remember when i was a kid and thinking in the year 2000 i'd be 30 and how far away that seemed. it was so far away i din't bother to imagine the years beyond cuz that was entering star trek land in my imagination.

now i just wonder...where's my flying car!

Jan 3, 11 9:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, judging from the seas birds and fish, 2011 will end in armegeddon.

Nam, husband turns the big three O this year, too. I'm trying to rent a lake house and have a kegger. It's what he wants. I'm having trouble finding a good one.

Jan 3, 11 9:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, no babysitting? Do parents ever get solo time?

Jan 4, 11 9:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I feel like a genius. I made walnut butter last night. It was a complete accident, but that doesn't make it any less delicious!

Jan 4, 11 9:36 am  · 

Hahaha love it Sarah.

I amde traditional black eyed peas for New Year's Day, using a new recipe in which I totally lost faith halfway through. So I tweaked it a bit and it turned out delicious!

Like Garp said, some days a good meal is the only evidence of anything going well in a day's work.

Jan 4, 11 9:47 am  · 

We went with a Julia Child...beef dish...yummy yummy...even managed to stay up until after the ball dropped. Wondering what ever happened to great Bands on New Years all we have are rappers...grabbing their equipment.

Jan 4, 11 11:48 am  · 

This new years was a fun one...We had our band debut after 6 months of practice. We started playing exactly at midnight, we played, played and played until the cops got called on us.

Jan 4, 11 3:37 pm  · 

If you're going to play in a band, that's the right way to do it, Purpurina! Glad you had fun!

Jan 4, 11 4:14 pm  · 

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