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and finally watched Helvetica - the characters were as fantastic as the type faces. Granted if you turned the sound off you'd easily think they were architects.

Nov 6, 10 12:29 am  · 

do you have a deadline techno? i might try to write something for you if i can find some time...

Nov 6, 10 9:28 am  · 

Philip this is an initial call, I'd love to have some abstracts by the end of the month. The official call for papers should come out next week and the deadline indicated will likely be mid December - with final papers due in February.

Nov 6, 10 11:44 am  · 

sounds doable techno... i'm starting to work on a paper for the next [bracket], which is due in december... but if i can flesh out an idea for an appropriate topic i should be able to put together an abstract...

what's the name of the journal?

Nov 6, 10 12:34 pm  · 

i am interested archi. if you post a reminder on here would be coolio.

Nov 7, 10 9:19 am  · 

Hey all,
Back from Dallas as of late Thurs. Just now caught up with everything. Judging was a great experience that i felt lucky to have.

Phillip I am hoping to get something in for the Bracket going soft too. Are you re-purposing some school or PhD writing or going completely original?

Archi, if you do another posting re: submissions for the actual call, might try and submit something myself. Plus, I could give it the Editor's Picks big up. Maybe Paul can even get it into Bustler.

Me and the lady are using urine as a garden pest control (with the added benefit of acting as a fertilizer).. Don't know if it is working yet.

Dj, did you have problems with your flights? That is alot of airport trips.

Nov 7, 10 9:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, you're going to have to go into more detail on that urine thing. I'm picturing buckets in the bathroom. And I know peeing on rose bushes kills them dead.

Oh, and sorry it was so cold while you were here. Don't know why I feel like I need to appologize for the weather.

Nov 7, 10 10:09 am  · 

nam - my grandpa used to use urine for his tomato plants. They love it I guess.

Mornin' all. I went to the most fabulous restaurant in Louisville, KY yesterday with my girls. It was seriously the best food I've ever had (don't tell my mom). If you ever find yourself there, you MUST check out Social 732

Nov 7, 10 11:55 am  · 

i think everyone should just make a special trip to louisville to try it. don't wait until you 'find yourself there'!

...and if you let me know you're in town, i'll let you buy me a bourbon.

Nov 7, 10 1:02 pm  · 
vado retro

Does anyone know where/how etc I can obtain a "free" copy of Creative Suite 4 or 5?

Nov 7, 10 3:22 pm  · 

I definitely will buy you a bourbon the next time I'm in town. My girls and I drove down just for dinner and drove back. My childhood friend is owner and head chef.

HI VADO!!! Wish I could help, but unfortunately I have no clue.

Nov 7, 10 8:03 pm  · 

Well today I partied like it was spring 2008 again. Meaning I went crazy and got food and booze for all 35 people who RSVP'd along with a few plus-ones - then ended up with only a 15-18 showing I have wine and apps out the wazoo right now! I'll be enjoying the leftovers for a few days - the booze for several weeks if not months.

But it was a fun party - the Contemporary Arts Society. Met a very cool architect-turned-developer - there are more of then than I would have imagined when back in school.

Made a delicious cream cheese-cranberry-honey-ginger dip, and some chile-lime roasted broccolini, and toasted maple chile pecans. Honestly if I had someone to clean my house I'd have a party every week - I love the cooking part so much! But don't worry, I won't turn into an architect-turned-chef - I know *that* job is way more stressful than what I do.

Steven I'll be in L'ville this coming Saturday, coming down early - can we try to get coffee before my artshop? I'll email you.

Nov 7, 10 9:05 pm  · 

vado I can help you with 3, and MAY have some contacts for 4 or 5 if you can't find it any other way...

Nov 7, 10 11:40 pm  · 

Well my rough week got rougher last night.

I don't know if everything was just catching up with me, or if it was my body's cry for help, but I went to a friend's birthday party last night, had a couple of glasses of wine and several small bites of appetizers... then, since I was quite sober, drove a group to a dance club... and proceeded to become very nauseated very quickly. I somehow managed to say goodbye to everyone and make it to my car before anything started coming up, but by 2:30 am let's just say that the contents of my stomach were completely vacated.

Sorry for the TMI but it's kind of weird, right? I woke up feeling better, for sure, but still like I might have gotten hit by a truck. Was it the bike wreck finally catching up with me? Or the stress? Who knows. I took a nap this afternoon, got up to finish a presentation that I'm giving on Wednesday, and now I'm struggling to stay awake at 9:30. I barely consumed any food today, I didn't have any appetite.

But I did get a pedicure, which was awesome. I want somebody to rub my feet every day!

Nov 8, 10 12:49 am  · 

yay! donna in louisville?! i'll try to make it work. when does artshop start? are you bringing some yummy food with you?

Nov 8, 10 7:15 am  · 

Aegh, I screwed up, Steven - it's Lex this weekend, L'ville next (the 20th). Artshops start at 9:00, so I'm trying to get down at 8?

Nov 8, 10 8:49 am  · 

i'll miss you then. i'm [finally] taking some vacation and will be out of town that weekend. bummer.

Nov 8, 10 8:56 am  · 

Aw hell.

DubK, that sounds like a stomach virus. Hope you can spend today sipping tea (mostly decaf) and slowly munching crackers.

Nov 8, 10 9:35 am  · 

donna, that dipsounds delicious.

RE; the urine thing. WE are having a problem with some possum/coons or rabbits eating some little greens. We have heard from reliable sources who use this method that human urine can (because of scne tor hormones/both?) ward them off.

Plus, it is good fertilizer so we went with it.

In practice it involves me waiting until dark to pee in the yard or peeing in a large glass bottle then spreading across garden beds.

Nov 8, 10 2:02 pm  · 
vado retro

manta i think i have the creative suite issue resolved. thanks!

well, here in the ArkLaMiss, also known as the David Vitter Likes Whores Support Society things are moseying right along...

went to a university production of Caberet which was pretty interesting considering it has a great deal of sex and even homosexuality in it and down here in baptist country i was a bit surprised they did the show. also, went to a great show at the local museum of MarcusKenney and then went drinking with some artists.

Nov 8, 10 4:07 pm  · 

nam pull a Jed Clampit on those posseums, and have yourself some soup!

Nov 8, 10 4:54 pm  · 

Phillip, jump and Nam - I'll make sure and remind you all. The name of the journal is AXIS and we've been producing it annually since 1997.

sounds like everyone is having fun. I've heard urine keeps away rats but essentially only works for watery veggies and fruits (jimblin/chinese five fingers, oranges, tomatoes, etc) and kills everything else including scorching the earth.

Vado.. I've missed you! Plently man-love to you!!

Nov 8, 10 9:41 pm  · 

techno when is your wedding? And where again?

Nov 8, 10 10:00 pm  · 

hi Donna - it's next year October in Jamaica... the specific location alas is under tense negotiation

Nov 8, 10 10:06 pm  · 

techno, dude, are you trying to tempt the hurricane gods?? i love october for a wedding - well, i used to - but the islands? i'll be praying for good weather for you.

please tell me you are not getting married on 10/11/11...

Nov 9, 10 12:53 am  · 

archi, good point. I have heard before that urine can be overly rich in fertilizer. Therefore I am actually using most of the urine for just spreading on the boundary of the beds (for scent) not on the plants themselves.

snook i did think of trapping it. I have some neighbors/friends who trap and eat local coon/possum etc. Although eating urban based scavangers doesn't seem totally smart. I think he might cage them for a bit to clean them out pre slaughter.

Donna, how are those chickens doing with the impending winter? Have you had any problems with attempted predation?

Morning everyone else.

Nov 9, 10 8:33 am  · 

My bets are on the rabbits nam. Do you have a cat? That's one good thing about having three of the inddor/outdoor variety, they keep the other animals at bay. I only had one tomato that was munched on this summer.

Atechno - I thought your venue was solidified? What happened? That must be rather aggravating.

DubK - I hope you're feeling better. Sounds like a stomach virus to me too.

OK - back to calculating some square footage.

Nov 9, 10 10:32 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm teaching algebra I today. I gave a quiz, and it seems the three kids who are Spanish didn't even attemp it. I'm wondering how much was language issue, and why. I mean, math is the universal language, right? Even when I was explaining it to them, the still didn't understand. Anyone?

Nov 9, 10 11:01 am  · 


I don't have a cat anymore. Although I have been trying to convince the lady to leave her dog outside overnight a few times at least. However, since he has been since birth an indoor pet she is reluctant to treat him like the animal he is :o

Nov 9, 10 1:34 pm  · 

Hey, do any of you guys own and use an iPad? Is the 3G worth it, or s it OK without? What if I were taking it to Europe, would the 3G be useful there?

Nov 9, 10 3:18 pm  · 

I went property hunting today and ended up looking at German Draft Horses....all the things I do in the name of Architecture.

Nov 9, 10 5:15 pm  · 
Dennis DeSouza

nice nice article

Nov 9, 10 9:51 pm  · 

*melt as frustrated as I am, I think the missus is even more so. I can only offer moral support until we find the idyllic solution. And beta you are so right we are tempting fate - but ever other date from June is either too hot or too close to Christmas.

Nov 9, 10 11:54 pm  · 

I just came across this poem, something I copied from a 'zine in probably the early 90s:

Ode to a Refrigerator
by Blake Walmsley

We trusted you to keep the butter hard
and yet now you murder small, inquisitive children.
Is it any wonder we keep you in chains?
You are obsolete
and obviously very bitter about it.
Sulking alone in our backyard, you are tolerated
because we are lazy. But here is a piece
of news for you:
One more kid and you can kiss your door

How much more can I possibly procrastinate what I need to get done this week?!?

Nov 10, 10 12:18 am  · 


Nov 10, 10 12:49 am  · 

atechno... re: the wedding location, it will all work out for the best in the end... we had to scramble to find a new location just a few months before our wedding... our ceremony was supposed to be held in the garden of a hotel/resort and then the reception was going to be in a big air conditioned tent type thing... when we went to the location for a meeting/food tasting a few months ahead of time they took us into this garish ballroom where they said that our reception was going to be held... we were like, "no, our reception is supposed to be in the tent"... there response was, "that area of the grounds is going to be under construction... we're starting an expansion of the hotel." somehow they didn't think it was appropriate to let us know this when we signed up a year earlier... after a few weeks of scrambling we found a great hotel on the downtown riverfront that we liked even better... plus, it ended up raining, so the garden ceremony would've had to been moved anyways...

Nov 10, 10 7:15 am  · 

another day of chasing the wind....

oh ....


....a million dollar deal slipped thru my hands today...


like so many days before.

might ...

i go to sleep and wake with a change in the tide.

Nov 10, 10 8:42 pm  · 

Aw snook, hang in there.

Nov 10, 10 9:06 pm  · 

hanging by my ten toes.....blowing in the wind..

Nov 10, 10 9:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We need a vadoesque song there I think

Nov 10, 10 9:55 pm  · 

snook, poetic for something so challenging...

Night all.

Nov 10, 10 11:36 pm  · 
Ms Beary

The news is my neck of the woods is:
1) OMIGOSH I have never had Veteran's Day off before. Kinda nice, these extra holidays.
2) Thinking about starting a non-profit sister company so we can offer scholorships. There is demand for it, and why stop at one company, when I can own 2 or even 3? Sure wish I had more experience running companies, the reality is that it feels a little like I'm playing lemonade stand, but hey if it works...

Nov 11, 10 9:38 am  · 

I think I'm ready to retire. This just isn't much fun any more.

Nov 11, 10 10:37 am  · 
Ms Beary

I knew I misspelled scholarship, how embarrassing.

Nov 11, 10 11:05 am  · 
vado retro

sarah this is the only vadoesquesong to sum up this clusterfuck of an economy....

Nov 11, 10 11:33 am  · 

quizz, I'm kinda feeling the same these days. I haven't been on a construction site in far, far too long.

Nov 11, 10 1:48 pm  · 

Measuring Draft Horses ( 13 1/2 hands) and measuring out of square buildings sums up my architectural contributions this week.

I have also been entertaining getting involved in the most screwed up building of new construction I have ever come across. You have to see it to belive it. Project started, goverment does a take back of street frontage, which takes what was to be a retail building and turns it into ....a cluster...may I go on. Limited parking because of wetlands. So I might be seeking out of the box solutions or ideas for potential use. I was thinking we might use the building to Pickle Cucumbers....

Nov 11, 10 5:16 pm  · 

Measuring Draft Horses ( 13 1/2 hands) and measuring out of square buildings sums up my architectural contributions this week.

I have also been entertaining getting involved in the most screwed up building of new construction I have ever come across. You have to see it to belive it. Project started, goverment does a take back of street frontage, which takes what was to be a retail building and turns it into ....a cluster...may I go on. Limited parking because of wetlands. So I might be seeking out of the box solutions or ideas for potential use. I was thinking we might use the building to Pickle Cucumbers....

Nov 11, 10 5:16 pm  · 

hey sorry about the project snook... keep your line out the whale is coming.

Phillip, thanks. I'm an eternal optimist and so is the missus - perhaps more so. But the unknowns are never pleasing to me... I guess it's my project management background - I'm resisting having a risk assessment meeting with all parties and laying out a proper work plan. But as my sagacious friend cum rabi says - this is supposed to be fun.

Nov 11, 10 7:57 pm  · 

Out into the abiss...for more field measuring~~~~

Nov 12, 10 8:14 am  · 

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