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I agree with you. The architectural profession has used a lot of the archi students for "illustration" purposes from the, at least last couple decades. And many of them know very little about buildings and the proper architectural tools. Architects are not graphic designers. Graphic design is a specialty that should be appreciated on its own.

Oct 29, 10 2:58 pm  · 

Thanks for the help everyone!

copper I totally agree with you about graphic design as its own specialty - my own graphic design is pretty crappy, I'll happily cop to that. Just trying to make them aware of options. I'm sure they know even less about clothing design, for example, but I'm showing them that too - fields they might be able to make some headway in.

Oct 29, 10 3:27 pm  · 

copper - the best designers tend to get snatched up before they even have to start sending out resumes... that's why you want to be a visiting critic.

Oct 29, 10 3:32 pm  · 

forget powerpoint, i am sold on Prezi...this thing does not suck.

Oct 29, 10 3:38 pm  · 
vado retro

snook sorry about matisse. so many are losing their four legged family members lately. give them love people.

Oct 29, 10 5:06 pm  · 

funny that folks who know better are suggesting maybe we shouldn't do those other related jobs - because they suck, or because we aren't qualified.

grass is always greener ain't it?

that said, a lot of the architecture students here in tokyo go into real estate and other financial service type positions. a quite large percentage of the foreign students anyway. the pay is many many times higher than archi-jobs.

if i were to add to the list i would say we are qualified to become urban planners with a bit of effort...and of course there is always the option of teaching at a university.

Oct 29, 10 7:49 pm  · 


Oct 29, 10 7:53 pm  · 
Oct 29, 10 7:54 pm  · 
So you want to be an architect?


other alternatives:

public sector project management (aka capital improvements), but maybe not for just graduated students... more for people with some level of construction experience...

a lot of developers have in-house people to do preliminary site layouts...

start a "magazine" like the archigram guys...

project runway...

Oct 29, 10 8:50 pm  · 

Hi all.. Anyone rooting for the Ducks tonight?

Also, Orhan if you are around this article really made me want to visit Istanbul. Also, Pico Iyer (I have one of his earliest books) is one of my favorite travel writers....

Ahh traveling!!!

Oct 30, 10 4:53 pm  · 
snook_dude could suggest the take the Brad Pitt Route....and become actors....and actresses...

Oct 30, 10 5:18 pm  · 

They might want to start a weekly PBS TV Program..."This Modern House" It has tons of potential on the tails of "This Old House"

Oct 31, 10 9:39 am  · 

hey all I'm back from Puerto Rico. Now to the business of catching up on the posts I missed. I hope everyone is doing well

Oct 31, 10 12:15 pm  · 

LOVE the video Phillip. I nearly cried I was laughing so hard.

Oct 31, 10 12:40 pm  · 

@Donna I wrote a blog post a while back on the subject and with some of the things mentioned previous it does perhaps need some editing. Cooper I tend to agree with you, but I also believe those that make the professional transition (via training, etc) do more engaging work. I guess it's the difference between dabbling and really making it your focus

Oct 31, 10 12:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Just posted Abe's Halloween Costume on

He loved it, and even got a high-five from another kid! I think that was probably the best compliment. He had a blast. Now, I just have to hide all the candy.

Nov 1, 10 11:38 am  · 

We are also home made costume insistent. But I don't have any of Angus as theya re all on husband's camera.

Nov 1, 10 12:04 pm  · 

morning all,

I leave for KROB drawing competition in Dallas tomorrow. So i only work 2 days this week.

Nov 1, 10 12:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, Nam, I completely forgot. If you can/want to, email me more of your schedule, and I could see if we could meet.

Nov 1, 10 12:33 pm  · 

nam, have a good time in dallas, you'll be an great jury because you are such an independent thinker. and, in the future, have a good time in istanbul. istanbul is a very stellar city literally spreading to two continents in every sense. there is nothing like it in the world.
tomorrow i am invited to thom mayne's suprastudio in UCLA to give mid term crits. really interesting project right up my alley examining the culture and arts integration to american cities. a year long studio eventually reporting to president's committee on urbanism.

Nov 1, 10 2:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I completely forgot to mention, I went to the Opera last weekend. First, it was the first Starchitect building I've been in in years, and it didn't disappoint - although, Sir Foster, you could've put in more ladies' bathroom stalls, the line was ridiculous. The outside spaces were lovely, and the glass walls retracting up was a nice touch. Also, using projections on the glossy red wall as signage was genius.

The opera? It was Don Giovanni, and the performance was awesome. The costuming was distracting, at least to me. It was a bit mis-matched, like the costuming of a high school play; I couldn't figure out what time period they were supposed to be in. And I did feel they toned it down a bit, like they could've pushed the envelope on the double-entendres (sp?), and sword fighting. Oh, and I forgot it was 3.5 hours long. But, husband said he'd go back! None of the other performances this year really jump out at me, though. Anna Bolenna? Rigeletto? And I don't even remember the last one. It was fun, and only 25 bucks a ticket.

Nov 1, 10 4:36 pm  · 

Hello TC'ers,

Long time no entry.
It appears alot of you are now teaching?
Sorry for you Snook.

It is a beautiful day here in Auckland, and I have a spring tan from a day at one of my local beaches, Maraetai:

Nov 1, 10 5:45 pm  · 

it must be contagious but my niece's dog that's been living with us died. Quite sad we think she must of ate something. We have told my niece yet. She's 11 and wants to be a vet. Dibs on who gets to tell her.

Diabase... that looks awesome. That from someone who lives a few hours from some of the most beautiful beaches. And is that you sail boat?

Nov 1, 10 9:57 pm  · 

Fuck it all, I'm moving to New Zealand. diabase, can you set me up with a job, a house, a job for my husband, a good school for my kid, work visas, and a good hole-in-the-wall beachside bar? Actually just that last one will suffice ;-)

Nov 1, 10 10:04 pm  · 

Techno - not my boat unfortunately, but every Aucklander has access to a boat somehow through someone.

Donna, pack your bags.

Nov 1, 10 10:32 pm  · 

what donna said.
Sarah, that happens to be the only opera i have seen to date. With my father 5-6 yrs back.

sorry to hear archi.

Night all.

Nov 1, 10 11:55 pm  · 

Hi Donna, sorry to be late in posting this, but in addition to what everyone else has said, I would encourage any young architects who can't find jobs to pursue alternative careers in the following:

-the energy efficiency industry: it's growing and it's all about buildings
-city planning offices
-environmental policy
-start a bike fabrication business: you get to build things with your hands

...etc. Which reminds me, I need to start that blog/advice thing I talked about but I've been working so hard I forgot...

Nov 2, 10 12:55 am  · 

Alrighty then. Back from the Rally to Restore Sanity. It was a blast, although to be honest we didn't see much of the show. Frankly I think MTV didn't think that many people were going to show up... their permit requested space for 60,000 people but about 250,000 were actually in attendance. It was the most remarkable thing I've ever seen! I've posted a small photo set on FB for those of you on there, and the full set is here on Flickr:

Rally set on Flickr

Anyway, I'm still catching up on rest but it was totally worth it, to see my friends and to be in that crowd. And the signs! The signs were priceless.


snook, I'm so sorry about Matisse. That made me tear up.

Glad to hear you are all doing well. Nam, your trip sounds like fun! Sarah, I think it's so interesting that you are getting to teach so many different subjects... it sounds like you are almost relearning a lot yourself, eh? That would be my favorite part.

diabase, in the words of Liz Lemon, "I want to go to there!"

Phillip, that video is HILARIOUS. Have you seen the iPhone one? LOL.

I'm baking butternut squash! Gotta go!

Nov 2, 10 1:05 am  · 

PS. Don't forget to vote tomorrow!

Nov 2, 10 1:12 am  · 

ugh, my parent's dog died as well. 14 y.o. runt.

dia, that beach looks great. we got over 1.6" of rain here today. jealous!

Nov 2, 10 2:01 am  · 

was winter for a few days there but is brilliant weather today - just in time for a holiday tomorrow. no beaches in the near future sadly.

good luck with the elections yall!

Nov 2, 10 7:53 am  · 

I wanna sit on that beach!!!! And then go for a spin in that sailboat.

Greatly disturbed by all the furry friend deaths of late. I have mature cats and I sometimes fear their time may be coming shortly.

Nov 2, 10 8:48 am  · 
Ms Beary

We travel every year on our anniversary, and a few days ago we were throwing out our ideas for places we want to go and ranking them. NZ was #1 or #2. It might be a few years down the road, but I have a feeling I will absolutely love it.

Nov 2, 10 11:34 am  · 

hi - I'm going to be taking a break from archinect for a while ... and I probably won't come back as the toaster (don't worry - nothing bad - in fact, it's very good).

if you want to chat, drop me a line...


Nov 2, 10 7:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I have an interview at 730 this morning. I'll give more details later.

I'm subbing world geo all week, and have decided that the kids will play flyswat today. Hope they finished all their vocabulary homework. They're Learning about the carribean and Latin America. I tried to look interesting facts up on their words. Did you know the amazon can get over 30 miles wide?! Sheesh! And there aren't paranas in the parana' river.

Nov 3, 10 8:24 am  · 

toaster...must be going on an extended holiday....traveling to all the architectural hot spots of the world...oh...I want to do that so bad right I could use some white hot sand beach time.

Nov 3, 10 9:06 am  · 

So yeah I'm bummed about the elections, but painting the window trim while listening to this sure helps! It's irresistible!

Nov 3, 10 4:44 pm  · 

Here in Chicago they got so many subbing applications in the last couple years that CPS is now only taking actual licensed teachers as subs. Isn't that kind of incredible?! A) that there are that many people trying to sub and, even worse, B) that there are that many licensed teachers out of work that they can fill every subbing spot that way...

Sarah, I'm guessing Texas isn't similar? What governs subbing reqmts in Texas?

Nov 3, 10 11:28 pm  · 

Donna - I feel you. Every person I voted for except one lost to the other candidate. Very bleak day indeed. Sad to see my once purple state go red. I kinda liked it being purple.

SH - how did the interview go.

manta - nice to see you stop in.

It's been quiet in these here parts. Hope everyone is doing well. Work, if I may be so bold to say, seems to be picking up slightly. We'll see if it stays that way. Though I've loved having my three day weekends for the past year and three months, my bank account doesn't. I would really love to be able to get back to five days soon. I guess only time will tell.

Nov 4, 10 8:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Sub requirement depend on the district. Some schools have thier subs go to sub certification classes. Youdo have to be vetted, though.

I still don't know on the interview. I'm waiting on the email.

Nov 4, 10 11:25 am  · 

melt i found and upgrade for your vespa...You would be turning lots of heads wheeling down the road on this :

Nov 4, 10 5:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That is awesome!

Nov 4, 10 5:36 pm  · 

so we are finally up and ready for Pecha Kucha Night Kingston volume 1 - you'll remember our first attempt was rained out. This time we've found a drier venue.

Also whilst sorting out our venue I came across this... and I couldn't help but share. Kind of reminds of me of dj dubbers.

Okay I'm gone to batten down the hatches. T-storm Tomas is supposed to blowing through the island any minute now... dry skies but you never know

Nov 4, 10 7:08 pm  · 

snook, love that. Love it, love it, love it.

I may have had an opportunity come up that I'm *very* hesitant about... it could be good, but it's pretty much the worst timing in the world. If it happened a month from now I'd know whether to take it or not, but right now, I have no clue. WTF.

Nov 4, 10 9:14 pm  · 

I'm becoming famous! well, not really - but this new class should be a lot of fun. Got another new course handed to me for spring, the landscape capstone studio - guess I don't get to take the grad students to NYC. Now it's off to the faculty meeting.

Nov 5, 10 1:09 pm  · 

Barry, I love that it is open to all disciplines, not only A/LA students. Best way to get more people interested in the possibilities of good design is just to explain it to them!

Nov 5, 10 3:30 pm  · 

copper ...ya it is way cool! If it only had a pop up top like the vanagon..

Running across this pic was the better part of yesterday...which on a scale of one to ten a 2....and nothing more.

Spent today with and Irish Horse Trader except he is all about trading land. Mrs. hates it when he shows up cause I'm under his spell, cause I figure he is going to show me the way to becoming financially solvent, but it hasn't happened yet.

Nov 5, 10 6:44 pm  · 

Love the photo snook. I want. Anyway, off to bed. Nite all.

Nov 5, 10 10:56 pm  · 

OMG I WANT that vespa-Minibus-hybrid! So COOL! Nice find, snook!

Also I have apparently transcended drunk posting on Archinect now and have gone straight to drunk posting on Archinect...'s user group on Facebook. So that's fun.

Thanks for thinking of me, techno!

It's been a rough week. Wrecked my bike (I and she are both fine), worked over 60 hours (so far... long story) and visited Salt Lake City's airport no less than 4 times since last Friday. Is it OK to go to bed at 9 pm?

Nov 5, 10 11:38 pm  · 

dj dub glad to hear you and the bike are okay - how'd it happen.

I'm making an official call for papers/abstracts. I take over as editor of the school's journal and the topic is diversity. Anyone who is interested in contributing to a peer reviewed publication with international exposure and an issn listing let me know. I'll accept any format as long as it can be printed and fits into the topic. I'll be cool if we can truly make it an international issue...

Nov 6, 10 12:06 am  · 

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