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I totally agree with nam's sentiments Atechno. Especially considering your fiance lives closer to me than you at present moment.

Hmmm... beer after workout. I might have to try that. The other night I had sushi and half a bottle of wine after mine. Does that count?

Jul 23, 10 8:19 am  · 

Well that's the benefit to working out in the evening - alcohol reward after. When I work out in the morning I can't quite just justify that!

I'm having a piano delivered today. It's my childhood piano, that my parents are not taking on their move back to Phoenix. It's really beautiful - upright, black lacquer, made by Yamaha in the early 70s. Quite modern-looking. But my husband is NOT happy about us getting it - we don't really have a good place to put it unless we move some art around.

Plus, this weekend I'm making him and his friends build me a chicken coop. So I'm being a high-maintenance life partner lately. ;-)

Oh, with the piano I'm also getting my old wood drafting table. So I see a re-arrangement of the home office space on the horizon!

Jul 23, 10 9:47 am  · 

donna - you're getting chickens? how exciting! we've got a couple neighbors who are currently fighting (and flaunting) city code...

Jul 23, 10 12:53 pm  · 

Donna, I may just have to give in and help my lady with her chickens now. I just haven't felt like putting something more on my plate. Plus, what to do with the chickens once they are post-egg laying years. As I don't eat chicken. Just bury body?

What are you planning on doing butchering on site (meaning your yard?)

Jul 23, 10 1:00 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Can we change the Archinect discussion categories to the follow:

1) I have more "experience" therefore [blank] is always right.
2) LOL taxes
3) I didn't use google or Archinect search feature.
4) What do you think about [School name]?
5) LOL recession
6) We hate Obama or other assorted politicians
7) I'm a moron and need you to do this for me
8) Other (Hey, there might be architecture here!)

Jul 23, 10 3:02 pm  · 

That's a good list, Unicorn!

SInce we have been talking about media blasting - and booze - here is a picture of one of my custom wine glasses husband made with his media blaster. For our wedding we received some wine glasses from Michigan etched with the outline of the state. They were so dorkalicious that we decided to make a full set using the outlines of all the states we've both lived in. Shown is Arizona.

And that picture was taken 15 minutes ago, so yes, I'm drinking wine at 4pm Friday! (The meetings for the day are done.)

Jul 23, 10 4:07 pm  · 

geesh - how many people have a media blaster? and why don't I have one?

Jul 23, 10 4:30 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Had brunch with my favorite interior designer, so we started drinking at 10:30 today. It's going to be a long day. She is one of those people that I can talk for hours with, especially when there are mimosas in the mix. We talked a lot about the industry & about her future. I offered what advice and insight I could, but there are no easy answers.

What do you use to mask off the design for the media blaster? I had some large panes of glass sandblasted with some designs many years ago (where are those?) and I used a product made specifically for that very thing. It was expensive but it stayed where it needed to be and it was easy to do intricate designs - it was a sticky back foam product that I used an xacto to cut. Would masking tape work?

Jul 23, 10 4:39 pm  · 

We used plain old masking tape on our wine glasses - covered the entire thing but for the state shape.

Jul 23, 10 5:48 pm  · 

It has been raining here most of the mrs...didn't want to cook outside and tells me the cut of meat I bought is better cooked in a pan...I can smell the scent of taragon from I know I will be a happy camper in a couple of minutes.

I have been thinking chickens myself, but with two hunting dogs, I think it is a lost cause.

dinner is calling~~~~

Jul 23, 10 6:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ooohhh I never thought I could blast glasses. Sweet!

I used printed sticky-back stuck onto contact paper (shelf paper). I was afriadthe media would blast through the sticky-back. Since Donna used masking tape, I guess I wouldve been ok.

Jul 23, 10 7:46 pm  · 

For metal, Sarah, masking tape might have been risky. Glass is so soft - Brian *almost* burned all the way through the glass on New York!

I had a wine margarita tonight - local fave Mexican restaurant La Pieded doesn't have a hard liquor license so they improvised. Was surprisingly good - and potent!

Jul 23, 10 8:37 pm  · 

saw "the kids are all right" tonight - really excellent movie - and one of the main characters "went to school for architecture."

Jul 23, 10 10:51 pm  · 

okay so I'm in a love hate relationship with the weather. I should of been following the weather forecast (snafu no.2). Well it was raining cats and dogs from 4:30 for our 8:30 event... it didn't stop until way past 9pm. We had to postpone it - although some folk did turn out nonetheless. Friends took me out for wine and chocolate.... to match the 2 beers I had earlier

Jul 24, 10 12:01 am  · 

The weather is just crazy lately, techno - so sorry your event was affected!

I'm out. Busy coop-building weekend to come.

Jul 24, 10 12:09 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

So, after a whole week in NY...

I can pretty safely say networking, touring and doing things in person was not any more effective than doing it over the internet.

I did learn two things:

1) Some firms are actually willing to hire out-of-area, out-of-state. In fact, the 4 'shiny' firms I talked to were actually preferring outsiders.

2) Some of them take resumes and portfolios online as seriously as they do a hand delivery. One lady who looked very important to me said "Oh god, you actually came up here to do this! You should have just saved your money and not sweated to death!"

She was also from the former group and made some comment about how "New York is thoroughly intellectually inbred."

Other than the encounter with here and two secretaries, NY was a huge bust. I also learned that the neighborhood I liked the most is far out of any salary range I could ever wrangle in the next two decades.

But other than that, it was a pretty horrible and awful trip. And I can't imagine staying anywhere near or around midtown. This place is pretty much god awful.

In conclusion, there's a lot of similarities between New York and Florida.

Except we just throw people in actual prisons and we actually paint things from time to time. Oh, we apparently have the whole HVAC thing figured out to a T.

Jul 24, 10 12:34 am  · 

so we used an example from the new Star Trek movie as an example of a learning space today in the summer studio. But for some reason I can't find a picture of it online.

Jul 24, 10 12:46 am  · 

sunny and mid 70s... a near perfect day in seattle.

Jul 24, 10 1:05 am  · 

heat wave in tokyo. amazingly muggy and sunshine non stop. guess the rainy season is over.

media blasters are cool!

sorry your trip didn't work out UG. i think in normal times your approach would be a good one, but with the economy so bad perhaps not the best timing. try not to take it personally.

what DO you do with old chickens, especially if you don't like to eat chicken meat? Train them to go wild and live out their days in the woods? Sell them to restaurant? I am kinda curious now...

Jul 24, 10 4:43 am  · 

Unicorn, that sucks. But at least you got a trip to NYC?

hi jump! Morning all.

Jul 24, 10 10:26 am  · 

*M - the pickles will last as long as I don't eat them all up. I'm letting them ferment for a week or so, then into the fridge. I'll probably keep the brine and refresh the stash with the harvest.

Jul 24, 10 10:46 am  · 

jump, we would probably eat ours, though I believe the older they get the stringier and tougher they get. Though Brian has slaughtered lots of chickens, we don't have a setup for it here, and I don't want to build one for slaughtering maybe one chicken a year or less! So we'd probably take them to a chicken farmer and pay. One neighbor has 3 year old chickens still producing eggs.

Jul 24, 10 11:38 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Donna, you can make stringy, gamey meat taste much better by pickling it in white wine and vinegar for 12 to 24 hours before cooking! A lot if people think it is weird to pickle raw meat but it is delicious! Just rub it in kosher salt, let it sit for 15 minutes and rinse it off before cooking.

I mean it was an okay trip but I'm a person who absolutely hates vacations. Anything longer than 48 hours kills me! I just didn't like the trip because of the cost and expectation! I'd rather have gone
to Europe for three days to do nothing.

Jul 24, 10 1:03 pm  · 

so torrential rains yesterday, today blistering heat and bright skies... got to love the Caribbean

Jul 24, 10 4:41 pm  · 

did you move event to other day archi?

thas cool donna. i wonder what our neighbours would say if i made a chicken coop on our balcony...

and just to show that NOTHING on TC cannot be eventually brought back to architecture, this chicken talk reminds me of Wiel Aret's hedge house, with beautiful chicken coop incorporated into the building:

Jul 24, 10 9:26 pm  · 

jump, i didn't realize there was a coop. damn...

i've been wanting goats and chickens lately...

Jul 24, 10 10:14 pm  · 

it's amazing isn't it? it is one of my favourite buildings by wiel. this and his library in utrecht really stand out for me. i may have it wrong about the chickens though. looks like some of the photos of the house have ducks wandering around...

Jul 25, 10 12:33 am  · 

damn that's a beautiful coop. Jump we haven't determined a new date. Why? Flying over to present?

Jul 25, 10 2:08 am  · 

i think i prefer weil's ando-esque concrete projects from the earlier years. and his profilit police stations are friggin money...

Jul 25, 10 2:21 am  · 

I wish, archi!

actually that is an awesome idea. wish i could afford it. would be nice to take a holiday with my wife.

those projects are great holz. i guess i have seen too much ando to not see them as just a little bit too much like the master. the police stations are awesome though. and his recent work is very interesting. i think he is coming into his own recently.

Jul 25, 10 3:19 am  · 

You know what cracks me up? When people spell measurements "dementions". Sounds like the building is crazed!

Jul 25, 10 10:27 pm  · 

or a character from harry potter!

Jul 26, 10 4:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know what you do with old chickens, you make coq au vin. Yum. I guess if you don't eat meat then you give them to someone else.

Jul 26, 10 9:14 am  · 

I'm and ole chicken and I hope no one is making coq au vin out of me. I would rather be given to the neighbor.

Jul 26, 10 9:44 am  · 

Morning all.

Jul 26, 10 11:27 am  · 

What I did with my afternoon.


Jul 26, 10 5:26 pm  · 

*M, at first I thought you got:

[ie the new symbol for rupees]

(it still looks painful)

Jul 26, 10 6:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ouch. I am firmly against tatoos for myself, but have thought that a nice chantilly lace band would be unique and cool. I may paint it on justfor fun.

Jul 26, 10 6:27 pm  · 

Nice, *m!

Nice flask, SH!

Nice wine, LB!

Hi all! I'm into week 3 of my South American adventure. My sister got married to a wonderful, wonderful man last week. Now, I'm chilling with my parents at their house in Brasil for the next few weeks. My days consist of mimosas and breakfast with my mother, walking with my mother, reading the million books that I need to finish before the summer ends, enjoying Sao Paulo site and waiting for my dad to come home so we can have family dinner. I feel so domestic.

I have a lot of archinecting to catch up on so I'll leave you at that.

Jul 26, 10 6:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ouch. I am firmly against tatoos for myself, but have thought that a nice chantilly lace band would be unique and cool. I may paint it on justfor fun.

Jul 26, 10 7:03 pm  · 

melt, that's lovely on your neck - will you share what it says/means?

n_ I'm jealous. I need some mimosa-and-book downtime, especially with my parents!

Sarah you're right that a chantilly lace band seems unique, or at lest uncommon.

Off for an evening family bike ride.

Jul 26, 10 7:27 pm  · 

Donna - it's a Bangla Ohm... Obviously a yogic manta, a practice that keeps me strong and balanced both physically and mentally.

Barry - it really wasn't as painful as I thought. It literally took about 10 mins for the artist to do. Took more time to fill out the paperwork and figure out its precise location.

Jul 26, 10 10:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OMG! The dishwasher is busted again. Will this saga ever end? I need two acsessory clips for the racks, but last night the spray arm was hitting. So today I asked the technician to check that out to, and guess what. The last company, the one we fired cause they weren't fixing the problem the first few months, installed the arm incorrectly! Ack!

Jul 27, 10 9:25 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, Yuck. I just came across something I found a bit, well, um, disturbing...

Yeah, it looks like something from silence of the lambs/ chainsaw because it's made from human placenta. Its a kit you can buy, and make for your baby! Yum!

Jul 27, 10 10:40 am  · 

Holy shit sarah that is disturbing. reminds me of some friends who made prints using their placenta as a stamp of sorts..

Morning all. productivity is the name of the game this week!!

Jul 27, 10 10:42 am  · 

Hahahaha Sarah that's hilarious and creepy! In a bear shape, because you would give it to the kid to play with? Because you want your child to view your uterus as a woodland creature? So wierd!

Jul 27, 10 10:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I guess it's all so the placenta can be a continuing sort of comfort for the child. Heck maybe you shouldn't even cut the cord, that way it's never lost.

Jul 27, 10 11:39 am  · 

and I thought discovering my baby teeth in a box in my mom's garage was disturbing.

Jul 27, 10 12:24 pm  · 

That photo above is a joke right? Disturbing is kind of an understatment if you ask me.

Jul 27, 10 2:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No joke. Saw it on a crazy baby stuff article on parenting/yahoo.

Jul 27, 10 4:05 pm  · 

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