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maybe its the new way to save placenta dna for later when you're sick and need a new kidney. pop the wee bear, lovingly christened "plenta"by the young lad before he could speak properly...and there you go. THE ISLAND with jars of animal shaped toys row on row just waiting...until one day...

ok, obviously i am just really really tired.

we humans are such weird weird things. who does this kind of thing?

Jul 27, 10 7:03 pm  · 
the return of mdler!
Jul 27, 10 7:45 pm  · 
we humans are such weird weird things

This is one of the funniest things I've heard lately, along with Louis CK saying "It's lubricant, and I use it to masturbate with."

Jul 27, 10 11:41 pm  · 

Donna I have no idea where you read that but as the kids would say, LOL! Oh the discolourful I remember seeing on the HBO show Real Sex a couple who actually cooked up and knowingly served the baby's placenta to the family... if I remember correctly to allow them all to share in the birth of the baby. Right... whackjobs.

So bad news for me. Another whackjob smashed my truck window and took my radio and my site/work shoes. I feel a little violated and had to leave the truck with the mechanic, as the kill switch armed when he yanked the cords loose. Nonetheless it has to get now as I drive across the island to pick up the missus on Friday. Shit no tunes for the drive down... luckily I'll have company.

And had to defer my involvement in the competition as PM sad, but did take a look at it and it really was up my alley. I'll still try and conceptualise some starting points but not sure how much more than that I can go. Sucks but oh well. I need a drink, or two and a good friend time to hit up the best man

Jul 28, 10 12:36 am  · 
Here it is!

NOT safe for work (the audio only - visuals are fine).

Louis CK kills me. I'm really enjoying his new show - it makes me squirm uncomfortably most of the time, as he's so warts-and-all about his life!

Jul 28, 10 8:10 am  · 

hi all.

Jul 28, 10 8:14 am  · 

jump - I was going to post something about FLW's tiny feet but you beat me to it.

Jul 28, 10 9:34 am  · 

Wait, toaster, what?!

By the way, your work over on the BOYCOTT thread is fantastic.

Jul 28, 10 9:41 am  · 

I was being snarky, but thanks!

Jump's FLW comment is on a different thread; it's interesting how the most frustrated among us always want to become the gatekeepers of the profession - as if that will solve their problems.

Jul 28, 10 10:15 am  · 

yea toast but tell us about FLW's small feet

Jul 28, 10 10:29 am  · 

nice image archi

Jul 28, 10 11:51 am  · 

according to jump, FLW was a ballerina.

in other news I have a ton of mint and have been learning the joys of various minty cocktails - although I made my julep too strong last night and fell asleep on the porch in my seersucker suit.

Jul 28, 10 1:50 pm  · 

All this talk about FLlW as a ballerina makes me think of Stanford White too. Anybody up for a thread about modern architectural melodrama? like FOA's break up or Rem's partner being murdered in Lagos in front of his GSD students?

Jul 28, 10 2:07 pm  · 
Rem's partner being murdered in Lagos in front of his GSD students?


Jul 28, 10 2:34 pm  · 

barry, what Phillip said. and toast whether joke or serious, hilarious!

Jul 28, 10 4:14 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I've heard of this placenta eating business. You can have someone come pick up your placenta, cook it into all sorts of goodies and bring it back to you for your dining pleasure. Supposedly it is the most nutritionally dense thing you could eat. I'll pass. Suddenly I don't feel so good.

Jul 28, 10 4:51 pm  · 


wow. who says our culture is dead and uninteresting!

that is true toasteroven. lot's of bitterness in that particular gatekeeper.

i tried being bitter once, but that went about as well as the time i figured i would take up smoking to be self-destructive and cool. my brain chemicals are somehow too balanced or something. maybe i could take a drug for that and i would understand the world...something to be just teensy weensy bit psycho should do...

Jul 29, 10 3:57 am  · 

In the early aughts, Rem ran several [url=]Lagos studio[url] focused on informal urbanism and megacities. it may be an urban myth that somebody was killed on one of the trips to Lagos...

Jul 29, 10 10:26 am  · 

placenta... gross. that's like 8 weeks away.

we had soem friends that froze it and then put it under a tree they planted.

also, the placenta milkshake was making the popularity rounds a while back.

Jul 29, 10 11:12 am  · 
Ms Beary

Has anyone else dry heaved when reading TC today? My office has a white rug. I can't take these kind of chances. Let's call off the 'p' talk.

Jul 29, 10 11:21 am  · 

agreed strawbeary... totally agreed...

Jul 29, 10 12:37 pm  · 

tripply agreed beary and phil,

Although i think the tree planting option is not bad,

Jul 29, 10 1:08 pm  · 

ok kids - lesson today is instead of firing off e-mails, just make a phone call. it's too easy to send off a series of short e-mails and then the next thing you know the GC has turned against you because they think you are haranguing them.

Jul 29, 10 1:35 pm  · 

agreed on that too toaster! if it is important, use the phone... it is far too easy to misunderstand a quickly written email... better yet, just go to the site and figure it out with them there!

Jul 29, 10 1:42 pm  · 

it's tough because I'm the first professional in my family and I've never had any examples of how to navigate these kinds of situations. It's good that I'm getting this experience and that I have a patient boss, but I feel like I'm making a lot more mistakes than most other people would.

Jul 29, 10 2:41 pm  · 

don't be so hard on yourself toaster. mistakes are part of the process. am sure your boss remembers when she(he) did the same stuff. if boss is real good he or she will give some pointers for next time....

i heard one of Rem's early partners was murdered in slum in central america when trying to get to a high spot to see the city. mugged once, gave cash. mugged again later on and this time no cash was knifed and killed. no idea if that is true...

Jul 29, 10 7:31 pm  · 

it seems like Rem could entertain you for hours with his tales and exploits never once directly mentioning architecture. I remember hearing about Jean Nouvel taking US grad students out on a club crawl with his wife and rumoured mistress - it must of been in the tabloids the next day. What fabulous lives we lead

anyway my fiancee' comes tomorrow and I still haven't gotten my truck back from the shop, and I'm fighting off a cold

Jul 29, 10 10:52 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I'm kind of proud of my render in the rhino render tips thread.

Is that a good render for someone who knows nothing about architecture?

Jul 29, 10 10:54 pm  · 

I think the murder stories are grosser than the placenta stories. Both are awful, though, IMO.

Headed to the beach tomorrow evening - I have so much to do in the next 16 hours!

Jul 29, 10 10:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, I think thats because we have a sentimental connection to placenta. There's no sentiment to murder, it's just drama.

Abram decided to wear his favorite shirt today - a light green and grey plaid button up- with light and dark blue plaid shorts. I'm not sure what that says.

Jul 30, 10 8:43 am  · 

Angus was up all night crying in pain - ear infection, it seems. Which is perfect timing, of course, since we're leaving today for a beach vacation: in seven years of going to the beach, we've gone to urgent care while there at least six times!

Sigh. Parenting sucks. When it doesn't, it's the best thing in the universe, but when does, it's a giant black hole of despair and pain.

OK, back to my deadline!

Jul 30, 10 10:23 am  · 

Ugh, can I just rant, again, because for the second time in a year my health insurance premium has gone up for absolutely no reason other than to fund a CEO's yacht? Fucking hell. Really, that's all I have to offer: fucking hell. And a big sigh as I keep barely managing to tread water.

OK, back to my deadline, again ;-) !

Jul 30, 10 1:57 pm  · 

go donna go!

UG, you should be proud of the pomo thread! made me laugh, props.

toaster, i've done that same thing too... my last two responses were... "look at the drawings" and "look at the mother f!cking drawings"... it was design/build, we were one big happy family...

but it's true, i actually feel i have more power and control when i call on the phone now. and it's probably rooted in just being better understood, but i hate doing phone memo's, so there's a bit of trade off.

and donna/sarah, everytime i went to the site, believe it or not, our site super was wearing a plaid shirt & plaid shorts aaaaand he was so sour all the time he must of had an ear infection...

Jul 30, 10 2:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, we rubbed lanacane all overthe oustide of abes ear last time he had an ear infection. He stopped crying almost instantly. It's the same active ingredient that's in the prescription ear drops.

Jul 30, 10 2:31 pm  · 


A shot of whiskey before bedtime might be the ticket! Least it is for me if I'm feeling link a nasty turd.

Jul 30, 10 6:20 pm  · 

painful LB. i hope he gets better soon.

maybe you should write a letter to your politician LB and point out that the healthcare is fucking shit in USA and cetera. i swear the free healtchare in canada is one of the things that makes the country one of the best in the world...and also makes it easier to be a small business owner...

the pomo thread is great. i like some of that stuff to be perfectly honest. it was not all bad...

Jul 31, 10 2:07 am  · 

poor Angus I have no medical marvels to suggest but I will ask the doctor when I pick her from the airport in the next 5 hours, she always has some trick up her sleeve. On that note let the vacation begin (if only I could stop with the damn sniffles)

Jul 31, 10 12:03 pm  · 

Awww LB, I hope Angus's ear infection goes away soon. I had them constantly as a kid and can attest they suck ass. Sending healing vibes Angus's way.

The Pomo Thread is indeed great. Can't tell you how many chuckles I got out of ti.

Anyway, off for an evening of wine, cheese and great food from my personal chef friend. Yummy.

Jul 31, 10 4:52 pm  · 

hi all, i am around but not posting as much.. biggest thing in my life right now is the deteriorating health of my friend and hanging out in hospital rooms. my friend is fighting all he can but the heavy illness is also taking its tall.
today is the third week since me and my friend took him to hospital for intense pains where he was immediately admitted.
hospitals are interesting structures and i am trying to document this experience in elseplace as well, without invading the privacy of the patient.

in the mean time the work is piling up;
a new project,
two interviews, one ongoing and one needs to be written up,
as a preliminary offer i have been asked to write a book for a european organization which consists of series of conversations with certain architects,
putting together series of archinect physical events
and few other things.

but all i want to do right now is to get away from all and go to camping somewhere alone for at least two weeks and don't speak a word or write a sentence. yes you got it, escape from all... my friend's illness is making me angry and intolerant. i guess it is normal to go thorough all that but i need to decompress... camping is not too realistic at the moment. so, i need to figure this out in this over crowded, dense as hell, city... any suggestions?

Jul 31, 10 7:28 pm  · 

sorry to hear that orhan.

hospital design is so important and often done so poorly. hope your friend's hospital is on better side.

if it is any consolation you are welcome to join us on camping trip next week. we are going to go up into the japan alps to escape the summer heat, do some fishing and shut off all the computers.

the other stuff sounds very good though. great about the interviews. i look forward to reading when it comes out!

on recommendation of photographer friend i finally watched my architect the documentary. it was surprisingly moving and fascinating on many levels.

the bit that spoke to me as professional was a scene where the architects and builders in charge of building the kimbel complained that lou kahn had no discipline - they were ragging on him and how he would ask for details that they threw out the window because the bidding was done and he was such a fkucing idiot. total lack of respect from a group of old farts. i thought, well, kahn may have had a horrible personal life, but what building will that group of worthies leave behind for us to admire? I think/wonder Nathaniel did that on purpose? This crew of mediocre wizened souls wallowing in their disrespect for the old shit...and doing so inside this amazing building. not their building. lou kahn's building.

it was inspiring in a way. really made me think it is better to aim for greatness than hide behind the toughness of the real world as reason for not trying.

Jul 31, 10 9:07 pm  · 


Illness (especially chronic or terminal) can really affect even the caregivers. A camping trip or maybe just an afternoon spent hiking around the city, would be a good way to decompress.

Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, even before you started talking about the work and projects you have.

I am almost done with the piece of furniture I have been building. Should have some final pics to show in the next week. It has been going in fit's and starts.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, or what's left of it.

Aug 1, 10 12:08 pm  · 

thanks guys. you are very kind and nice.. i am so happy place like TC exists in internet.

Aug 1, 10 3:22 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

two weeks in a row on the news highlights! awww yeah.

Aug 1, 10 3:45 pm  · 

Orhan, you end up at a hospital bedside too often! tell your friends to stop getting sick. Glad to hear that your work is picking up (good luck with all those projects). If I could, I'd head up to the eastern sierras for a bit to avoid the crowds and heat.

Aug 1, 10 11:12 pm  · 

Sorry to hear about your friend Orhan. My thoughts are with you and he. Good to hear that work is picking up though. Hopefully it will continue.

Aug 2, 10 8:47 am  · 

well i just found out my engine intake manifold needs to be replaced. Huzzah there goes 700-800 bucks.

I am debating just s(crapping) the car and sticking to my bike. Either that or jhav my roommate pay for the repairs and sign the car over to him since he needs a new car anyways.

ughh. Merry monday yall.

Aug 2, 10 10:33 am  · 

orhan - sorry to hear - hang in there.

jump/postal - thanks -


This crew of mediocre wizened souls wallowing in their disrespect for the old shit...and doing so inside this amazing building. not their building. lou kahn's building.

many of the really good designers I've worked for have always had some trouble navigating the construction end of their projects on their own (budget, detailing, CA, etc...). it's the same story - some GC, PM, or technical staff complaining about how the designer "doesn't know how a building comes together" yet it's this unspoken symbiotic relationship in our field that makes great buildings - otherwise we get interesting buildings that fall apart, or boring, yet well-built, strip malls.

Aug 2, 10 11:16 am  · 

I'm at the beach and taking full advantage. Made one work-related phone call today and that is it - I'm actually taking a vacation.

Orhan, nam's words about the stress on a caregiver are right on. If you can't get to the mountains for a length of time, at least get to a local beach and just sit in the sand, watch the waves come incessantly in, and breath. The ocean is sublime, even at its most tourist-and-tickytack infested.

BTW, vado lives, you guys, but he's on a bit of sabbatical. We're in touch, frequently enough to know we're both hanging in there.

Aug 2, 10 10:24 pm  · 

yeah i get that toasteroven, but the sheer disrespect was freakish. it was obviously about taking him down a peg. louis kahn? oh yeah, he was a moron. kinda thing. the funny thing was that they were there in a building that not a single one of them could have ever conceived, talking about how he had nothing to offer but stupid ideas and details...

to be fair, the starchitects i know are pretty good at doing the whole shebang. i haven't met a truly clueless architect who was all brilliant design and no management skills...i suspect that is a myth. Lou Kahn maybe was as close as it gets...but still, no need to disrespect a dead man is there? I guess it all comes down to when a person chooses to be small minded that tells the most about their character. what's the saying? a person should be judged by how well they treat the people they can easily get away with treating badly...?

Aug 3, 10 11:05 am  · 

jump - I agree - although I think it has more to do with working with open-minded people who are interested in figuring things out instead of digging in their heals when you attempt to deviate from their own narrow set of rules of how something is supposed to come together. it seems to be very hard in the states to find a GC or manufacturer (or technical staff) who is confident enough (and affordable for most clients) to attempt something new or even just slightly different than what they are used to.

true - it's disrespectful, but these guys seem to be of that mindset... and they are the ones who go around saying "that guy didn't know what he was doing."

Aug 3, 10 12:32 pm  · 

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