
Thread Central


Steven Ward - nice post regarding rights.

Aug 7, 10 12:32 pm  · 

I'm thinking of starting a thread called "agriculture central" where we can debate all things agriculture/urban farming/industrial food, etc... and to consolidate the dozen or so threads started on this topic...

anyone interested?

I was at a fund-raiser last night to promote local farmer's markets and learned a few interesting factoids:

eastern mass has more farmer's markets per capita than anywhere else in the country. the state has actually gained farmers and farms over the past decade - although there is still some loss in acreage, but it has slowed to a more manageable pace. Our own neighborhood farmer's market has grown from only a hundred to well over 2 (approaching 3) thousand saturday visitors in just three years.

it's kind of amazing how the local food movement has completely exploded around here... I'm not sure what it's like in the rest of the country, but I feel like we're at the beginning of a major awakening in how we look at food - it no longer feels like this little group of annoying hemp-wearing hippies - it's a really diverse movement (at least gauging from the people I talked to last night).

Aug 8, 10 10:43 am  · 

seattle's farmers markets get a lot of neighborhood visits...

although a few of them are really not farmers markets, as much as flea markets.

definitely some outstanding vegetables and fruit can be picked up for little more than the grocery store.

Aug 8, 10 11:15 am  · 

I was at out local farmers market and there seemed to be many more people there yesterday than I can ever remember. I chuckled to my self when someone was paying $3.00 for five cucumbers. I remember hauling them around the neighborhood when I was a kid in my red wagon and selling 5 for a quarter. Oh have times changed.
We have been eating out of our garden for about a month. We have herbs, tomatos, and zukes.

I smashed the end of my little finger messing with my mantis this morning. Bummer as it is all bandaged up and I had to quit working cause the Mrs. was worried about me.

I do have a good crop of rocks I have been harvesting while tearing up our fenced back yard. Someone must have planted alot of them, cause they are everywhere.

Aug 8, 10 11:34 am  · 

snook, maybe you can make a rock garden or drainage area with them?

Toast re: thread you should do it.

Our garden is on it last few legs, before we lay it fallow for the next month or so, before fall planting. It is just too hot right now for much too grow.

Also, I just ate a delicious mango (not from my garden) and some greek yogurt.
Morning all.

Aug 8, 10 11:43 am  · 

Hey Steven and other Louisville regulars has anyone been to the Blind Pig??

Got a write up in the NYT today.

Aug 8, 10 2:30 pm  · 

ha! no, i watched it under renovation. it's in the small historic neighborhood (butchertown) where i lived when i was single and where we lived in our first apt together. now, we don't get down there as much.

we've talked about trying out the blind pig. now, because of the article, we'll never get in, of course. good for them!

Aug 8, 10 3:24 pm  · 

snook, I read your post as you smashed your finger working on some martinis. Obviously I've got booze on the mind after a week at the beach.

Hope your finger is OK. Now it's back to work for me.

Aug 8, 10 4:03 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

If anyone around here is on Architizer, what do you think so far?

And if anyone isn't on architizer, I highly recommend it. You can follow/contact architecture/planning celebrities pretty easily and see what firms are doing as well.

I'm kind of digging it at the moment. It also makes architecture/planning/construction seem far less scary because you can see the kinds of work (more than news/PR) that people have done.

Aug 8, 10 5:07 pm  · 

taost, go for it. I'll certainly be a regular.

Was just thinking about starting a pickle thread. maybe I'll wait for the ag TC to germinate. I've been giving away my cukes, maybe I should be selling them for a nickel each from the back of the radio flyer wagon.

Aug 8, 10 5:51 pm  · 

big fit cukes or the english variety? i been missing the former cuz no one eats them here. if you can stuff into refrigerated envelope I'll take a dozen barry!

we have very good farmer's market where i live. japan doesn't zone farming away from residential (or from anything truth be told) so we are within walking distance of family farms (no agribusiness here either) and all our food is about 30-50% cheaper than what the wealthy folk are buying downtown. our stuff tastes better too. definitely farms and people should live close together. is it even possible to argue the opposite?

guess i will need to check out the ag thread...

Aug 8, 10 8:40 pm  · 

hey all. I've been totally vacant because the missus was a on island. It's the first time she's been here since we've become engaged so there was alot of meet and greet with family. It was good nonetheless, most importantly we've agreed a tentative date 29 October 2011. The church is proving to be a challenge, it's a ratty forgotten urban setting with no alternative for 90 mins... she's not happy but my architectural skills will prevail. Will update you all as it progresses.

Good to catch up with everyone though

Orhan sorry about your friend - I will trade hospital stories with you (the missus was in for a week last year, and I did alot of primary/secondary care design when in Monty).

Nam beautiful furniture someone captured the essence perfectly "honest" - we could imagine more refined versions but why? It's perfect the way it is. I too am curious about the section to the right... place to put your drink?

Donna glad you were able to get a few days off. Respite is the single most important aspect of living we've taken for granted as modern people and it's absence wrecks havoc to our productivity and creativity. Glad you got your groove back sister!!

Steven Ward is a machine. Most days I'm soft and squishy

n_ I wasn't following the proposition 8... I think in many ways I always believed it would be overturned. The logic of it is overwhelming. But it does say something overwhelming about the US and governments worldwide - that much of the old guard are dying off and the hypocrisy that has been veiled by religion and apparent decency is being replaced by something that truly represents this generation

holz following up on farmers markets, et al. I had great pleasure last weekend buying 5lb of fish directly from a fisherman, not two inches from my car, as he ran off, waded through the water back to his boat with some of the daily catch which were cooked by ninja maids for lunch the next day. I love my island

Aug 8, 10 9:48 pm  · 

in honour of Nam's record player

Aug 8, 10 10:37 pm  · 
we could imagine more refined versions but why?

i love this sentence in this context. Glad you had fun with your sweetheart, techno!

Aug 8, 10 10:50 pm  · 

archi, thanks and glad you and the missus getting some time.

Night all.

Aug 8, 10 11:40 pm  · 

SW I see Pecha Kucha is coming to Louisville... I hope they get to hear you speak

Aug 9, 10 12:00 am  · 

nice, archi.

Aug 9, 10 3:56 am  · 

i'll be going, archi, but not speaking. the version here is at a wonderful arboretum - a sort of woods-n-artists site with a beautiful new visitor's center by wm mcdonough.

their theme is: "mother nature told me to tell you this"

i thought about how i might approach such a theme with the work i've done and drew a complete blank...

Aug 9, 10 7:43 am  · 

Steven perhaps that's the story you need to tell. So many have the luxury of telling how they are able to sometimes it's good to hear from those who are unable to (like how'd I'd do it differently if) as well...

Aug 9, 10 8:57 am  · 

it's not an issue of ability or non-ability. our projects are pretty responsible overall. the high-school we've currently got under construction is the first in the state to be recognized via the 'designed to earn the energy star' program and we've got leed projects, etc.

it's just that i'm not all that interested in green architecture show-boating and the mother nature theme puts me off. i keep thinking of the 70s/80s margarine commercial: 'it's not nice to fool mother nature'. anyway...

i'm definitely going but, since this is meant to be a celebratory thing, displaying my cynicism about their program would probably not be appropriate. bad marketing besides.

Aug 9, 10 10:11 am  · 

ok - what category does the ag thread belong under? general or culture?

Aug 9, 10 10:30 am  · 

jump, they are pickling cukes - the biggest was maybe 8 inches long and 2 1/2 inches across - most I pick at the 3 to 4 inch length/1 or so inches diameter. crunch!!! I'm afraid of how much the air freight would be to ship some to japan. maybe alberta/manitoba, but not nippon.

Archi, congrats on selecting a date!

Aug 9, 10 11:46 am  · 

I'll pencil it in to my calendar Atechno

Snook - My finger got slammed in my trunk car door this morning so I totally sympathize with you.

Mmmm pickled cucumbers sound SOOOOOOO good, as does the fresh fish straight off the boat. I must be hungry. I'm currently training to to do the MS Ride 2010 at the end of August. Two consecutive days of riding 50 miles on a mountain bike. Needless to say my appetite has increased as we've ramped up our mileage.

Toaster - I think the Ag Central Thread would be a good idea too.

OK - time to do some vacuuming while the cats are outside.

Aug 9, 10 1:27 pm  · 

ag central is now LIVE - please contribute if you can.... once i get some spare time i'll search through the forums for previous threads.

I think there are a ton of them - anything that deals with Detroit these days devolves into "urban farm!" and I remember one speculative project on philly a while back - plus there are at least 3 or 4 student projects within the past year... and several conversations on TC...

Aug 9, 10 1:53 pm  · 

Ooh, barry's cucumber description just gave me a little tingle.

(Yes, often I'm a twelve year old boy.)

Aug 9, 10 2:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Toast, there's also the plant identification thread.

Ok, quick arch question... Can you build a 6-800 sqft house for less than 20 grand? That's 30$ a sqft or less. I'm not talking labour, and I'm thinking ikea kitchen. Please help.

And techno, since we love weddings, if you invite us, husband and I will be there.

Aug 9, 10 4:40 pm  · 

point noted Steven, and I totally understand and sympathise. Maybe the second one could be on green grinches - I'm sure I fall into that camp as well.

It's been a while since I've had a homemade pickle. Are they sweet or tart? Doesn't matter really I love them both. Oddly the missus thinks they are weird.

I fly to OH in 18 hours

Aug 9, 10 4:43 pm  · 

I'm a fan of old fashion kosher half-sour dill pickles - never developed a taste for sweet pickles (they just seem wrong). The cool thing about my cukes is that they have these itty-bitty spines that rub off easily when picked. those spikes seem to keep the rabbits and squirrels from nibblin'.

Aug 9, 10 5:37 pm  · 

ah man, now i want some nice cucumbers sliced and in a bowl of vinegar (is that a manitoba thing or is it north american?). just not the same with english cucumbers.

i actually have a list of foods that are not available here but really crave. rasberries, cukes, beans in tomato sauce, cereal without sugar...none of its really essential, but every once in a while i will walk in a market and there will be a basket of fresh raspberries shipped from the states for $5.00 and its just enough for a bowl with ice cream. ridiculoulsy expensive, but gotta have it. its like returning to childhood when it was all you could eat from the bushes.

melt that sounds totally fun!

sarah, i don't know. to give some sense of costs here, a slightly nice kitchen here would cost that much, including equipment if we push real hard. to do an entire home sounds doubtful even with the conversion of costs from tokyo to texas. but i am very interested in hearing the real answer. maybe if you find a sponsor and do something special with prefab or otherwise?

Aug 9, 10 7:07 pm  · 

Sarah, add labor and you'll be at $75/sf for really nothing at all. Construction and material costs have NOT gone down in this economy.

jump, I've been making cucumber salad the last three days, but while my husband does vinegar plus sugar, I do it with rice vinegar, sesame oil, and black sesame seeds plus these tiny hair-thin slivers of dried red chile pepper bought in NYC's Chinatown. Funny that I'm craving the "Asian" version here in the Midwest while you are craving the opposite in Japan!

Aug 9, 10 9:42 pm  · 

Frito Jack and myself share a bowl of blueberries every morning for breakfast. I get 10 and he gets 1. It is funny cause when there are no blueberries for breakfast he gets upset. Barks a little but gets this really good pout going.

I ate a whole green pepper today just because I could. It is one food which is not served in our house because of Mrs has an allergy to green peppers. I love them straight from the garden.

Aug 9, 10 9:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, we make cucumber salad with vinegar and enough mayo just to colour the vinegar. My Polish grandmother used vinegar and a can of evaporated milk. Either way, its tangy and delicious.

About that house question, my MIL is in desperate need of a new place to live - she currently lives in a doublewide that no longer has any floor insulation, among many other issues. She wants to convert a metal shop into a house, but the shop is huge, would have no windows, and is just a dumb idea. I have sketched up a plan that is 636 sqft, with 264sqft of porch for a total of 900. I've never actually priced anything, but it's a fun exercise. I'm thinking wood frame pier and beam, and Husband and I would do the labour - with the exception of concrete work. I'm going to call a local guy, but any help is still appreciated. It sucks to have gotten laid off before I learned the really useful stuff; it just makes me realize what I don't know yet.

Aug 9, 10 10:13 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

See if your area permits you to use precast concrete footings as that will require far less work (even if volumetrically they cast more than cast in place concrete).

In Florida, my parents used them on a few things in their yard (they're really small 1'x1'x1' ... if not smaller) and they accept 4 by 4s.

Anyways, permitting an actual foundation here is expensive too but the foots aren't considered a permanent foundation so no separate permit is required for them.

Aug 9, 10 10:40 pm  · 

Well, hello everyone.

I was told that TC wanted to know what sofa I got... I don't entirely believe that but I will post it for you anyway:

The color scheme in my living room thus far is dark blues, black, and off white. I have a black shag carpet and deep blue-ish pillows for this particular sofa, and for the loveseat (seen below) I have an off-white throw and pillow. I'm going to put a bunch of my photography from LA in this room on the wall to tie it all together, because my best stuff is all from dusk, so the deep blue hues will look nice with everything.

Anyway, so that's in progress.

How is everyone doing? I feel like I only show up to complain anymore, but honestly if I could restart the month of August, I would. Last weekend I had a four-day migraine; then I felt better, and went on a business trip; then I came back, and my bike got stolen. In broad daylight. In front of a Kinko's, across the street from a bus stop, during rush hour. And I didn't even have quick release wheels which means that someone had to have sat down on the sidewalk and taken the time to unscrew the frame from the locked-up wheel, and unscrew the fender too. DURING RUSH HOUR! So that was a stunning act of pure fuckwittery that I could have done without.

Then I had a pretty good weekend, went on our Bridge Pedal and bought the sofa and everything, but last night I sprained my ankle. It's OK but it's really not something I needed added to my plate.

And finally, I'm taking my first ARE next week. So I'm on a break from studying. Which I haven't really been doing enough of, BTW. I really don't care anymore. I just want it over so I can get on with my life. Until I take the next six. Goddammit.

Aug 9, 10 11:37 pm  · 

OH and just for clarification, I really appreciate everyone's responses to my earlier "Sofa Derby" conversation. Notice that I didn't go with any of them, LOL. I decided against getting a sofa bed because, well, I already have 5 places for people to sleep in my apartment (counting the new, cheap, but totally functional loveseat/bed), and with the large footrest I got that matches the sofa, I could have room for a 6th. Plus that sofa was actually more comfy without the bed in it. So voila!

I will post pictures of my finished living room when it's done next week, sometime after the ARE, and assuming I don't totally lose my mind...

Aug 9, 10 11:46 pm  · 

DubK, the first ARE is just a hurdle: once it's done you'll be mentally so much more prepared for the following ones - good luck!

Aug 9, 10 11:54 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Okay, I am stalking people on Architizer and it feels DIRTY.

So, I went and looked up people in New York City and "looking for a job" only to find about 60 or so people popping up.

Some really talented people. *GULP*

Well, someone people have their address and or blocks on their Architizer profiles.

So, I go to MLS and hotpads to doublecheck their rent amounts.

Anyways, the formula for NYC is that your gross yearly income should be 45 times your monthly rent for Manhattan. So, ideally... based on the apartments these individuals live in, their rents specify what their asking income is for their next jobs.

I am either very cheap or very naive for asking a minimum $36k salary.

Aug 10, 10 2:27 am  · 

Good morning all,

Re: cucumber and vinegar salads. I like them either Western or Asian way but my favorite method has always been just cukes with a bit of Ume Plum Vinegar. Something I grew up with coming from my mother. Part of the whole alternative/healthy/macrobiotic food lifestyle i guess.

I actually love Ume on anything.

Re: Ag Central, archi i didn't realize you were such a prolific gardener sounds like you have had quite a haul this season.

And DubK, am I missing something or did you get both of the above seating options?

Aug 10, 10 8:35 am  · 
"DubK, the first ARE is just a hurdle: once it's done you'll be mentally so much more prepared for the following ones - good luck!"

i totally agree with this... i walked out of my first ARE thinking to myself, "that was easy. what the hell took me so long to get started?"

Aug 10, 10 8:38 am  · 

Good luck on the ARE DubK

jump - I grew up eating cucumbers with vinegar and onion. Tasty stuff. Throw a little bit of freshly cracked pepper and all is right with the world.

I got fresh blackberries from a friend the other day. Very tart. Am probably going to make a crisp or something. This time of year rocks for fresh fruits and veggies. I've been eating tomatoes straight of the vine for weeks now. YUM!!!

Aug 10, 10 9:02 am  · 

nam, I got both. I didn't have any living room seating whatsoever. Not even a chair.

Aug 10, 10 11:46 am  · 

melt, because you are so lovely I will now share my family's old and amazingly delectable recipe for peach cobbler, which can be made with any berry and be equally delicious, including blackberry which is my favorite berry version:

Melt 3/4 stick of butter in the microwave but in a glass oven-proof pan - I use a 12" round Pyrex pie pan.

Stir together 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Then stir in 2/3 cup milk.

Pour the batter over the melted butter - DON'T STIR!

Now pour on your fruit: I use 4-5 peaches cut into bite size chunks. You want a heaping double handful or so, although my sister uses a lot less because she likes the cakey part best.

Cook at 350 d. for 30 minutes or so - the edges of the cakey part will start to get a little dark brown/almost burned looking, while the center will stay a little gooey.

Serve warm with a little melting vanilla ice cream on top. Don't plan to talk to anyone while you're eating it, as your mouth will be busy chewing and making those mmmmmMMMmmm noises.

Aug 10, 10 12:23 pm  · 

Thanks Donna - my stomach started rumbling just reading the recipe :o)

Aug 10, 10 1:16 pm  · 

thanks all for contributing to ag central - I've managed to only find a handful of threads, but I know there are more... and there are pages of TC that are devoted to the subject. didn't tumbleweed venture into producing fancy cheese a while back?

also - was bracket ever published?

Aug 10, 10 1:55 pm  · 

toast it was recently sneak previewed (via the website) an i think will be coming out in next couple months)

Aug 10, 10 3:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


So far I've figured out I can get all the Ikea kitchen cabinets for this house I'm working on for 2200$. I don't know how to price out things like wood framing and drywall, or if I should just spec wood paneling and forgo drywall altogether; I'd bet it'd be cheaper. This is tough.

Aug 11, 10 9:38 am  · 

Sarah, a sheet of drywall is cheaper than a sheet of plywood or even OSB. A sheet of drywall is criminally cheap, but I've always wanted to do a house lined entirely in plywood. Getting the drywall finished well bumps up the price, but it's still cheaper than plywood.

Aug 11, 10 10:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good to know Donna, but when I said wood paneling, I meant 1970s wood paneling. I figured it'd be cheaper, but maybe it's not.

Aug 11, 10 12:31 pm  · 

Oh, yes, I think that wood paneling form the 70s is cheaper.

You know, I think hiring recent grads for free is appalling, but suddenly this morning I have a bit of understanding why someone would do it: I need help! But I don't have any money to pay anyone! Ugh, I'm so swamped.

Aug 11, 10 12:44 pm  · 

I guess she will not be missing her tin can...if you can still find 1970's paneling. I don't think they carry it at home depot or Lowes.

Aug 11, 10 2:07 pm  · 

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