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the first zoning laws in usa were made by wealthy folks to protect property values. in california they ised them to keep the chinese out of white neighbourhoods, in NY it was about solar access and overcrowding making cities shitholes and its hard to flip a shit-hole.

pure selfish reasons but even the greedy understand that regulations have value and even are required. de-regulation only works if the tragedy of the commons can be revoked, otherwise its pure bullshit. hell, doesn't the oilspill in the gulf offer enough proof for what happens when corporations are given a free hand to just do shit and fuck the consequences?

...depressing topic. on happier note we are finishing up house in tokyo center soon and today is last day of lectures for a couple months so we decided to head out to the ocean to get pampered in an on-sen, then off to the mountains to go camping with the kids. just a few more weeks! hurray.

Jul 20, 10 7:40 pm  · 

Sarah, I could see it being a nice mix, for instance if the 7/22 was something super classic like a Mrs Eaves or a Bodoni, and the 2006 was really strong like a Franklin Gothic or Univers Bold. Or visa-versa, just try it and see how it looks. If you're at a loss for good fonts, everything from the League of Movable Type is free, and they've got some quality stuff on there.

Jul 20, 10 7:47 pm  · 

*melt - sorry for the rant - I've had too many arguments with the "deregulation" mindset over the years. the main logical fallacy of this argument is that the government actually represents the consumer/shareholder - and "government regulation" is actually the same regulation they claim the consumer/shareholder would exercise on their own within a completely free market.

and didn't something called "credit default swaps", which were unregulated btw, just recently bring down the entire global economy? and will someone please tell me how a "market correction" which causes massive unemployment and destabilizes governments is good?

Jul 20, 10 8:25 pm  · 

*m, de-regulations only work when there is no risk of harm or liability associated with that industry or product. But everything has risks and potential for harm, so society needs laws to protect the commons and public health, safety, and welfare.

Jul 20, 10 8:52 pm  · 

in theory, libertarianism sounds great.

unfortunately, we live in a society, not a friggin vacuum.

deregulation works to an extent. but regulation serves a very necessary purpose towards society. shareholders only care about profit. the only reason some(most?) shareholders are environmentally aware (ha) is because their invested company doing anti-environmental work would be losing money or at an economic disadvantage.

Jul 20, 10 9:04 pm  · 

moral dilemma for the nect...

a relative (female, by marriage) got married and had a kid with another guy, who's not a 'deadbeat' but hasn't made much money and owes her a small sum of money...
she wasn't happy, so she got divorced and left state. she is getting remarried. the new husband is basically buyin the wife, and has paid off all her debt. she in turn has decided she will 'forgive' ex's debt if he gives up parental rights so the new husband can adopt.

being adopted, i feel that this a really shitty move and want to warn the guy. any thoughts would be great.

Jul 20, 10 9:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Holz, your spouse can't owe you money, at least not here in Texas. Sounds to me that your relative is well, a bit Medea. Then again, I don't know the ex-husband.

Jul 20, 10 10:22 pm  · 

holz, I don't think it's your place to talk to the guy about it (unless you're much better friends with him than I'm assuming based on your message0, but I'd encourage you to talk to your relative about it. Tell her that you thought that as an adopted person you might have a different perspective on the matter that she hasn't considered, and you just want her to hear it because someday her son may feel the same way.

Jul 20, 10 10:31 pm  · 

I'm busted up... 4 left to Pecha Kucha Kingston. We got a reminder why we opted for a sheltered venue. About an inch of rain fell in the space of an afternoon. That's why we call it tropics. I'll be glad when this week is over - it will feel like a weekend.

Speaking of zoning. I'm working on a project with a restricted covenant on a 1/2 acre of residential and we are trying our darnedst to increase the density.

Jul 20, 10 10:39 pm  · 

holz are you anti-adoption generally? Or just in this scenario which seems fucked up enough as it is. Though the gesture is nice, it's not the best way to start off a marriage. And the idea of having my child taken away from me hurts me deeply, and [insert Jamaican curse word] I don't even have kids

Jul 20, 10 10:48 pm  · 

Sarah this could be another variation on the theme for your flask. And what are you going to fill the flask with? My suggestion would be a dark rum that would relax the metallic taste of the flask

Jul 20, 10 10:51 pm  · 

holz, I'm a dolt - is the child by the first husband or by "another guy" who was not the husband of your relative at the time?

Obviously no one knows what is going on in her head, but as a mother I can understand wanting security - emotional AND financial - for my child. I'm not saying it's ever right to ask someone to give up his/her parental rights (outside of serious abuse, wacko cult membership, etc., in which case it's not asking it's forcing) and certainly exchanging parental rights for debt relief is fucked up, but I feel some empathy for the woman's desire to have the new, presumably financially secure, husband feel as well as HAVE a strong responsibility for/to the child.

I have no experience whatsoever with adoption, so I can't imagine that aspect of it - you're the expert, there.

Jul 20, 10 10:51 pm  · 

i just found out Gainesville is getting it's first Pecha Kucha. How many out there have presented at one?

I am thinking about throwing my hat in the ring and seeing if i get accepted. We will have to see if i can get a proposal together before the deadline, which is next week.

Anywho, i am sort of excited and will go to watch either way.

Night all

Jul 20, 10 10:54 pm  · 

i'm pro adoption - but in this case, i know the father still wants to be a part of the kids life, which has been hard cos the mom skipped town. and the mother who is remarrying (with her new husband-to-be's money) is basically offering to buy the kid.

the guy is iraqi, so he might not know his rights... she's trying to completely cut him out of her life (hello, the kid will look nothing like a blond-haired blue eyed mormon...) and i just find it royally effed up.

Jul 20, 10 11:31 pm  · 

damn... I should fly in and join you Nam, if I wasn't totally broke and felt so tired like I've been attacked by oompalumpahs and ninjas

Jul 20, 10 11:34 pm  · 

Ninja oompaloompas?! Scary!

Jul 20, 10 11:40 pm  · 

yea that does sound like $250/hr therapy right there

Jul 21, 10 12:44 am  · 


yeah yours is going to be happening soon right? your organizing it so will you be presenting to?

Morning all.

Jul 21, 10 9:52 am  · 

I just fixed a light fixture in my house, yay for my handyman skills!

Good morning everyone.

Jul 21, 10 9:54 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm not really an "OMGer" but OMG! I am so pleased with the flask. So pleased, in fact, that I'm posting here for you all to see. Can I have my gold star please?

Copper, thank you for your advise. I got up early this morning, and went through all my fonts to find one that looked good at proper size, and ended up with what I think is a better design all around. Thank you.

Now I can't wait till tomorrow.

Oh, and Techno, Husband is a scotch drinker, though I never thought of the material a flask is made from leaching into the drink. Then again, I've never drank from a flask before. Is it even proper to put scotch into a flask?

Jul 21, 10 3:41 pm  · 

Looks awesome Sarah!

I think scotch traditionally belongs in a bladder, no? Those crazy Scots.

Kidding. Mint juleps - bourbon - are served in stainless cups, although I think it's really supposed to be silver or pewter, because the metal adds a tang to the drink. Steven, you'll correct me if I'm wrong. My mom always drank hers out of pewter.

Jul 21, 10 4:01 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I hope it is lead-safe pewter.

Jul 21, 10 4:06 pm  · 
Ms Beary

lead free, whatever it is called. No lead.

Jul 21, 10 4:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mines a stainless steal, steel? Crap, I always get confused. Sure the flask looks a bit rough, but it adds a nice homey quality, right? I hope he likes it. I ordered a set of 6 5oz flasks in case I messed the big one up, or if the big one was too big.

Jul 21, 10 4:28 pm  · 
Ms Beary

oops, I mean Donna's mom's pewter cup.

I like how the flask ended up!

Time for Spanish lessons. Adios amigos.

Jul 21, 10 4:33 pm  · 

I'm looking at the submission requirements of a dozen or so journals (ecology, environmental engineering, and landscape) today. Seems like I need to know where I'm going to submit the paper I'm just starting before I get to far along the writing process. this is another bit of being an academic that architecture school doesn't prepare you for. this is making my head spin...

AAAHHHH! the ninja ompaloompa's are stalking me!

Sarah, can I have a swig???

Jul 21, 10 4:38 pm  · 

just my on the deregulation "thang". the minute corporations put profit before the well being of the citizenry, we are all fucked.

not only that but, consider the globalization of the past 30 plus years, WHO has the best interests of "its" citizenry, when china owns this in america, japan owns that, germany owns...who are they beholden to?

Jul 21, 10 5:25 pm  · 

Sorry Nam I'm not presenting at this first one - I was swayed against it... sad but true. Although at the evening draws close and the pressures increase I'll be glad I didn't. Instead I'm choosing to assist those that are...

Sarah that's a lovely flask... scotch is a great choice to fill it with. And selecting just the right one is half the fun.

Jul 21, 10 5:40 pm  · 

nice flask sarah!

that is too true barry. if you thought school never prepared for academia you should try doing phd. i was pilloried (is that a word?) for 2 years til i got it through my skull that opinion was verboten and every word written down had to be verifiable and not only that had to be original and peer-review-able gold. it is a very hard lesson coming from architecture school where opinion and bombast are rewarded and we are allowed to make shit up like rush limbaugh and no one challenges us as long as it leaves the right kind of after-taste...

am sure you are up to it though. have fun!

Jul 21, 10 7:08 pm  · 

factoid of the day: [i]Traditionally, mint juleps were often served in silver or pewter cups, and held only by the bottom and top edges of the cup. This allows frost to form on the outside of the cup. Traditional hand placement may have arisen as a way to reduce the heat transferred from the hand to the silver or pewter cup.[i/]

credit to wikipedia, not me.


headed out for an archinector meetup with two louisville guys: gbb and flener! libations will be consumed!

Jul 21, 10 8:08 pm  · 

sorry, that was rflener.

Jul 21, 10 8:09 pm  · 

Steven seems you started with the libations already... have fun

Jul 21, 10 9:27 pm  · 

I heard 46% of our economy is based on swaping money! So where does that leave us. I hear it on either they are masking a story or we are bent over kissing our kisters good bye~

Jul 21, 10 10:09 pm  · 

mmm, beer.

I'm walking home now...

Jul 21, 10 10:22 pm  · 

ok - finally finished the submittals.

unfortunately, it looks like I'm at the beginning of an all-nighter on something else that is due at 8am...

have I mentioned that I'm burned out?

Jul 21, 10 11:05 pm  · 

Sorry to hear it, toaster! I just finished up some drawings and will have to hit the print shop early tomorrow. Hang in there.

Jul 21, 10 11:31 pm  · 

Hang in there toast!

Morning all.

Jul 22, 10 8:29 am  · 

Aww toaster I hope things get better and soon. Same for you Donna. For the first time in a few weeks I'm feeling almost back to my normal self. Went out for sushi last evening with a friend and b/c I was not the designated driver I got to drink to my heart's content. YAY!!!! Surprisingly enough no headache yet. Keeping fingers crossed

SH - the flask turned out beautifully, I'm sure Husband will love it.

Jul 22, 10 8:29 am  · 

SH, what is this media blaster and where can i git one?

Jul 22, 10 9:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

A media blaster is a cabinet that has a door and a window, and then two holes with arm gloves attached. It's like a self contained sand blaster. Its supposed to be used for cleaning car parts, which is why we have one, but etching was certainly more fun! You could get them at any large tool store. They are big, noisy, and even though "self-contianed" are still a bit messy. Simple to use, though.

Morning! Husband loved the flask. He kinda knew it was coming, but he didn't know how intricate I'd get. Seems he would after knowing me for more than 11 years. He was most impressed by the smaller fonts.

Jul 22, 10 9:42 am  · 

i was wondering the same thing, postal... is it a mini-sized sand blaster? or a laser etcher? or what?

Jul 22, 10 9:43 am  · 

thanks guys! everything went out ok - print shop went back and forth saying they couldn't get everything done on time, but I threw a tantrum and they got it done. I really hate yelling at people because it makes me upset and if I don't give myself downtime afterwards I can end up leaving work angry.

and I just finished putting out another fire this morning - I hope this is it for the week.

tonight I think I'll take a nice long walk with the mrs...

SH - flask looks nice - glad your husband appreciated it. I've always wanted a flask (and now I want a media blaster).

Jul 22, 10 12:07 pm  · 

hm, my guess was chemical etching (i.e. etching creme). Which was it SH?

Jul 22, 10 2:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Copper, I basically masked off everything, and then sand blasted it. It looks a lot like an etching cream effect, but without the fumes.

Jul 22, 10 3:09 pm  · 

Three hours of work down the drain because I exited out of the wrong drawing without saving it. And of course it's nowhere to be found in my backup or temp folders. FUCK ME!!!

Jul 22, 10 4:12 pm  · 

sorry *m, that has happened to the best of us too.

started my first batch of pickles today! the past few days didn't see many cucumbers, then today harvested an entire colander full. So made a brine (1/3rd cup kosher salt, 6 cups water), and added dill and coriander, plus a few green tomatoes and some turnips. Will add vinegar and garlic tomorrow.

oh, wow. I've hit 1k posts under this alter ego.

Jul 22, 10 5:36 pm  · 

Mmmmm pickles. How long will those keep Barry?

Jul 22, 10 9:52 pm  · 

Aw, melt, I'm sorry.

Workout kicked my butt tonihgt, but it's always worth it for the cold beer that comes after. Now it's off to bed - long day, but had a good meeting with a new client.

Jul 22, 10 10:17 pm  · 

I like Donna's approach to exercise... topped off with a beer.

So Pecha Kucha tomorrow.... everything's almost ready, and I'm surprisingly not nervous...yet.

I had a snafu moment earlier today. We entered a regional competition that I know we can win... all the right skills, but the window to get things done is quickly closing. The directors want me to run with it - but it happens to be during my long planned secret vacation with my fiancee'

Jul 23, 10 12:11 am  · 

Sucks melt and archi f-that. Life generally (and vacation with Fiance) should take more importance imho.

Morning all.

Happy Friday.

Jul 23, 10 8:13 am  · 

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