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*m, 2nd toaster's comment. there seems a trend in everything from airports, hospitals, to universities to make institutional places into shopping malls. WTF? but that isn't really the reason why you want to shift to healing people, is it? Good luck with the lateral job shift.

Jul 9, 10 5:49 pm  · 

as a person who flew through airports a lot before they were turned into malls i am pretty happy for the change myself. i wouldn't have minded if they were turned into something else either, but the way they were was not so nice.

@melt, i agree with the sentiment about hospitals being pretty much nothing more than hotels with defibrillators thrown in. your skills should be able to carry over, especially for hospitals.

My old office did schools and hospitals and i loved and hated the job. schools were by far the funner of the two types. hospitals drove me slightly mad because my father was a hospital administrator and he was always showing me and telling me about the cutting edge places in europe which were based on healing and making hospitals like homes and so on. but i couldn't get anyone to listen. instead the main thrust was profits, increasing the number of beds, and getting the right ratio of private suites versus shared rooms, and then crunching numbers to maximise the profit. healthcare is near universal in japan but it is still done for profit. in some ways health is a side effect not the main driver of work. dealing with that reality was not always easy for me.

unlike many i kind of liked the technical side of the job though. the endless meetings with nurses and doctors and administrators were not fun, but balancing the conflicting (and often angry) demands from each group was challenging (=interesting) work, especially with all the regulations that had to be met as well. you will notice however that i didn't mention design...that's because there was almost none involved. it was a purely technocratic enterprise.

not to put you off it or anything. there are bound to be some good companies out there who actually do proper work. good luck with the switch if you do take the leap!

Jul 9, 10 11:06 pm  · 

*m I'm sure you'll do fine. Especially with the many convos we've had on specifications - there's always alot involved with healthcare. Granted it's usually finding items that match your code. All the best. It just makes you more widely marketable.

Jul 10, 10 12:09 pm  · 

over on the huffpo, the worst architects/builders in the world...

Jul 10, 10 6:29 pm  · 

right here in louisville:

Jul 10, 10 7:24 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Ugh, there are a ton of those in Orlando.

My favorite in Orlando though is the enormous storm water drains at the corners of intersections (right where the sidewalks around) where the sidewalks don't have access ramps.

Naturally the decline into the sewer starts about 6 inches away from the curb... so they're really about 6-8" high.

And almost impossible to jump with a bike.

Jul 10, 10 7:50 pm  · 

Steven we have loads of those here in Ja as well. Made worse once they privatised the power company. Those in wheelchairs navigate the streets amongst the cars

Jul 10, 10 11:24 pm  · 

I've never done this before, but I've decided to go ahead and embrace an all-black wardrobe. For awhile, at least.

Jul 11, 10 1:36 am  · 

so you got black jeans and a black superman belt?!

Jul 11, 10 7:22 am  · 

donna, are you dying your hair black and getting bangs too?

Jul 11, 10 10:39 am  · 

are you going to add the architectural spice and wear different coloured shoes? I usually go with burgundy... but I think you could rock pearl white loafers.

Jul 11, 10 10:46 am  · 
Jul 11, 10 1:06 pm  · 

*let's dance!

Jul 11, 10 6:50 pm  · 

i start every weekend braindead, disenchanted, and ready to tear things up...

...and then start every monday morning feeling like my body is completely broken from a weekend of manual labor around my house.

Jul 12, 10 7:08 am  · 

steven I feel you. I borrowed a truck and made a dump run this weekend, and helped a friend pick up hardiboard. Are you still working on that attic/loft space?

Morning all.

Jul 12, 10 8:28 am  · 

blech - I just took a drink from friday's coffee, not today's coffee.

Jul 12, 10 10:29 am  · 

I'm feeling brain dead myself. So I'm going to go be a vegtable in front of the boob-tube....

Jul 12, 10 7:42 pm  · 

I am definitely brain-dead. Just finished two big projects at work, and am still in recovery mode. Woke up good this morning, but by lunch wanted to go back to sleep.

Jul 12, 10 8:25 pm  · 

upstairs room is complete except for the base trim, nam. looking for something i like. but, really, we're already using it and have been for a few months.

this weekend's work was a reorganization of the basement. lots of heavy lifting. ugh.

and consistent with the pattern, this week is already shaping up to be truly demoralizing.

Jul 12, 10 9:08 pm  · 

nam what's hardiboard? I think there's something in the cosmos I'm a good 3000 miles away and felt like shit too. The usually clear summer sky was gloomy, hot and sticky. I don't like the idea of breaking a sweat before 7am much less when I'm just driving to work (insert 20 minute commute).

Jul 12, 10 11:19 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

my parents found out about my new york trip... which has now been sabotaged.

anyways, the 'rents somehow figured out a way to get my plane ticket and hotel room canceled. and they've replaced it with a much more expensive option.

so, i know i'm going to sound like a spoiled brat but this is pretty awful.

here's a rundown of what will happen:

1) $1500 dollars is spent on a mostly pointless trip

2) nothing will get done this trip at all, whatsoever

3) i will slink back to florida, defeated with no job/contacts/interviews

4) it will be "omigod, what is wrong with you? I just spent $1500 on that trip!"

5) Passive-aggression and guilt trips til next yet... with comments like:

"Well, I would have gotten everyone better Christmas gifts if I didn't have to spend all that money on a worthless trip."


"I'm so stressed out because I didn't get to go my usual yearly trip [to north carolina] because things just couldn't get done and there's only two working people in this family."

And then steps 6, 7 and 8 get progressively darker / more infuriating.

I've made it frankly clear that I didn't want them to pay for this trip. I'm trying to get the hotel and airline to cancel but they won't let me cancel my own trip.

Jul 12, 10 11:39 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Oh also, I still have to pay for my other flight and hotel room with the people I'm going with.

Jul 12, 10 11:39 pm  · 

hardiboard is a fiber-cement board mfr'd by james hardie.

it's thin and sucks but it's cheaper than the swiss (swiss pearl) & austrian (eternit) goodness.

Jul 13, 10 12:45 am  · 

Good evening, fine friends!

Good news: I've been studying for my first ARE, Programming, Planning & Practice.

Bad news: I've been drinking wine.

OK news: I'm not TOO far gone. I'm definitely in "I'll have to brush my teeth a bit harder" territory but not yet in "OH MY GOD, I'm not going to work tomorrow" territory.

The ARE just inspires me to drink, what can I say?

toasteroven, that photo of Dieter made me LOL. Awesome.


In other news, my living room is a blank slate. I have NO furniture for it. Here are a couple of options for sofas... all of the following are sofa beds, FYI. (I mean, why not get a sofa bed if you can get a sofa, right?):

Cheapest, but size is awkward. Not sure if it will work in my space (which has a wood burning stove/hearth in the middle of it)

Next most expensive. A little fussy with the steel supports. Nice, though.

Most expensive. I have no idea why.


Jul 13, 10 1:38 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

The first one.

you can see the sofa bed hanging out of the other two.
I think the first one is a bit cleaner designwise.

Jul 13, 10 2:04 am  · 

Unicorn, I agree! You know, for someone with improbable life stories, you have good opinions. Thank you.

Jul 13, 10 2:17 am  · 

hm, my old roommate had one from the series the middle one is from for a while, so I happen to know that it's super comfortable. That'd probably sway me in that direction, though I do always love the L-shape couches.

I talked with DubK about this earlier, but tonight I caught a guy staring in my bedroom window at me. His face was like, right up against the screen. Tomorrow my laptop is finding a daytime hiding spot, and either my landlord is installing locks or I am.

Jul 13, 10 3:26 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

chaise lounges are also great for drunken pity parties and reruns of khloe and kourtney take miami.

just pull up a tv tray... add a giant mixed cocktail with a crazy straw and some delicious cheeses!

For single 'i hate myself because dating is hard' pity parties, i prefer roquefort, garganzola or stilton.

nothing says single like drunk on juicy juice 'n campari and stinky cheese breathe!

Jul 13, 10 4:16 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Also... to add onto improbable stories, the state of florida thinks I am dead.

They sent my brother a notice of probate / settlement of estate and sent (or sending him) a check for $141 dollars for a electricity deposit that I never claimed.

I'm actually glad my estate was worth $141 dollars! I'll upload it tomorrow.

Jul 13, 10 4:20 am  · 


My initial response was (of course) that i liked the last one the best. I didn't even catch the bed hanging out the bottom. Of course that's what you get from someone who isn't a real designer (of any discipline).

I think Unicorn makes a good point though.

Also, copper, that is freaky. But you seem (at least based on your typing) to be taking it easier than I would!@@@

Anyone see SH? Maybe she got a job?

Archi, what Holz said.

Morning all the rest.

Jul 13, 10 8:28 am  · 

copper - that is really creepy and disgusting.

dubk - those all look a little too clean - you should seriously consider something a little more like this:

Jul 13, 10 9:54 am  · 

Had a great weekend in Gatlinburg. Now that I am back I am miserable once again.

DubK - I actually prefer the first one.

Copper - that is uber creepy. Hope your landlord installs locks so you don't have to.

Jul 13, 10 10:17 am  · 

The only problem with sofa beds is they are heavy - so if you're thinking you'll move often in the future, get an inflatable air bed and regular couch.

That said, I like the sectional best. The second one is definitely too fussy, though toaster's suggestion wears its fussiness well.

Jul 13, 10 10:22 am  · 

nam, it just sounds that way because I'd already talked about it with a couple of people and am actively trying to stop freaking out about it. I swear when I finally started drifting off to sleep last night, I heard a tiny noise and woke up with my heart racing. And now that I see things in daylight, the sidewalk is behind a locked security gate, because it's really only there as a setback, not intended for use. So either someone left it open when they shouldn't have, or it was someone else who lives in my building!

Jul 13, 10 10:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Copper, that's scary.

No job. Not even a call back. Bah.

I've been lurking mostly. I've had stressful dreams every night since Thursday, and as a result, have been waking in a sour mood every morning. You know the kind of dreams where you have to get something done in too little time? Last nights was about packing for a distant wedding, and having what felt like 10 minutes to do it. I kept forgetting to pack shoes, or underwear, and I didn't know what I was going to wear, ect. Just stressful and frantic. Certainly not restful. Sucks.

Abram watched the news last night with me, and when they showed the oil mess in the ocean and on the beach, he pointed and said "look at that poop, mama!"

I'd go with the sectional, Dubs, assuming its direction jives with your room.

Jul 13, 10 12:02 pm  · 

DJ dub::K i like your style. booze is a fine remedy for ARE, but wait until *after* your test! after the M/E division, i ate a pot pie and drank all the booze in the house. work was rough the next morning, but next thing you know, the pass letter was in the mailbox!

Jul 13, 10 1:19 pm  · 

copper, that sucks... hopefully it doesn't really become an issue, but it is scary nonetheless...

i've had a good few days... i spent this weekend back down in florida where my wife and her sister threw their parents a surprise 40th anniversary party... they were totally surprised... they didn't even know that we (and other family/friends) were in town... then on saturday we had family portraits done by one of my high school friends who is a professional photographer...

i also got an email this weekend from the director of the architecture program at temple university asking me to teach a studio as an adjunct professor this fall... she has given me a choice between a 2nd year "house" studio that looks at iconic precedents and then designs an urban house and a 5th year research studio that i would get to develop myself... i'm excited about both, but leaning towards the research studio since i could mold it to my own interests... i'm meeting with her on thursday to find out a little more about the two options...

Jul 13, 10 5:23 pm  · 

copper, did you call the cops?

Phillip, go with the research studio. it will be more challenging, but more rewarding.

Jul 13, 10 5:59 pm  · 

c-t I could send over my two dogs...matisse and frito jack....I swear matisse never sleeps cause when I wake up at night he is standing watching guard. Tis funny in a odd sort of way cause he sleeps most of the day....but a small uncommon noise will send him on the hunt. He is big enough and scarry enough that when he shows his teeth and strength people tend to shy away from our front door cause the kitchen window is just a few feet away. It is a nice security blanket cause you know he will never...ever...let you down.
Frito comes in as back-up vocals...tossing his lion mane of hair and dancing around. They are just two dogs looking to love you to death....but people on the other side of the door are not aware of it.
Maybe it is time for a Killer Dog!

Jul 13, 10 6:35 pm  · 

I can only imagine looking at matisses canine teeth pressed against the glass....I would run like crazy. Oh bye the way he hates hoodies,
and people riding motorcycles...if there loud sounding ones.

Jul 13, 10 6:37 pm  · 

I can only imagine looking at matisses canine teeth pressed against the glass....I would run like crazy. Oh bye the way he hates hoodies,
and people riding motorcycles...if there loud sounding ones.

Jul 13, 10 6:37 pm  · 

barry, that was pretty much my thought as well... it will definitely be more work on the front end to design the course, but will be more rewarding both in the work that is produced and for the contribution to my future teaching portfolio... however, it is a 4 credit course and the other is a 6 credit course, so it will be less money... but at this point, the experience is more important than the money...

also, i found out that i passed my german translation exam... so that's one more tick off the list on the way to ABD...

Jul 13, 10 7:20 pm  · 

cool philip. lots of good news from people i know lately, which is nice change from what feels like the new status quo for awhile now.

research studio sounds coolest to me too. Is temple set up so you have to entice students to sign up or are they required to take your course?

Jul 13, 10 7:53 pm  · 

jump, i'll find out more on thursday, but my assumption is that it is a studio lottery situation... if that is correct, they're gonna have a choice between me, srdjan weiss and alicia imperiale...

Jul 13, 10 9:41 pm  · 

Phillip, choose a topic that they can't resist. Maybe an oil spill studio or something sexy - hmmm 'procreating cities' or 'superstudio 2010' perhaps?

Jul 13, 10 9:47 pm  · 

Phillip I agree with jump and barry. Research could be quite interesting although probably have to push students harder?

Hi mfrench! It's been a minute and snook nice triple post.

I am irritated this evening for no good reason, just lots of little ones.

Nite all

Jul 13, 10 10:19 pm  · 

barry, I ended up not doing so, after a lot of mental debate. I did however tell the landlord, and as soon as I can make it before closing to a hardware store that actually has them in stock, will be installing locks on my windows.

Phillip, I'm also pushing for the research studio... research rocks! And designers don't do nearly enough of it.

Jul 14, 10 12:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, am I the only one that likes the 2nd year option? We did something similar in school and it was my favorite studio. If I had my way, I'd be teach first or second year design courses. The students are so eager, moldable, and unknowing. I enjoyed teaching my one class the best way for each of them to explore a design problem either through modeling or drawing.

Crazy thing happened yesterday. My old boss called. Don't get excited; it was an accident. Seems he was trying to callthe travel agent Sarah, and clicked me instead. Guess he still has my number in his phone. It was a pretty benign conversation. "how are you? Arch world is still slow. We have 10 people in the office." that sort of thing. I guess now he knows I'm still looking, though I don't know how ifeel about ever going back.

Jul 14, 10 7:44 am  · 

I am seriously amazed by how dumb and nasty people can be.

I made a comment on a LinkedIn thread a couple of weeks ago trying to help out a woman who was discussing her desire to gain greater experience in an area yet the inability to take an unpaid internship. I basically told her she shouldn't have to accept an unpaid internship as MOST of them are illegal anyway. I even posted the US Dept of Labor's link if anyone had questions regarding the laws. Then all the sudden she comes back, stating not ALL unpaid internship are not illegal and that these positions (the unpaid ones) are very important teaching opportunities for college students. It almost sounded as if she thought these positions should be unpaid. WTF?!?!?!? I was just trying to helpful by giving her the knowledge she could use to probably leverage herself into a paid position. SHEESH!!!! Like a dog biting the hand that feeds.

Oh well.

Jul 14, 10 4:33 pm  · 

melt, you did the right thing, and can sleep soundly. Yes, college students can gain valuable experience from internships, and if they aren't being paid in money but ARE getting course credits then that is not an unpaid internship, and IS allowed by US Dept of labor rules!

I'm absolutely, completely against unpaid internships. It's a black and white issue, as far as I'm concerned.

Jul 14, 10 10:47 pm  · 

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