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LB, you're right, i think the earliness of my morning, and the lateness of my night, i missed the point completely. that, and the comment regarding Haiti as somehow victims of their own slavery, has me real miffed. here's hoping in some alternate universe, white people are getting their comeuppance, and picking cotton...

Jan 15, 10 11:43 am  · 

Well, it's taken me most of the day, but I've finally begun the process to APPLY to take the NCIDQ exam. Yippee skippy.

Oh... I'm still alive.

Jan 15, 10 4:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Exciting here today.

I get to spend the weekend with my mother, son, and grandmother. She's going a bit nuts, and we have to put her into a home. Fun!

Jan 15, 10 4:02 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I think I am going to take a long nap.

I'm too tired to do anything anymore.

Goodnight and Goodbye.

Jan 15, 10 4:34 pm  · 

this semester will have two lectures a week for my intro to environmental design class - at least I got last years notes and slides to work with. one lecture every few weeks for studio, these will either be modified from last semester or new - so this will be all the heavy lifting for the class. I'm starting to see how folks can teach a studio and work full time. Out of 45 classes - there are: 14 days of desk crits, 8 days of reading discussions to be led by students, 8 presentations/pin ups, several site visits & a studio trip to NYC, a few guest lectures. That leaves just 6 lectures/project intros for me - woohoo! the rest of the time, I'm along for the ride.

Jan 15, 10 4:47 pm  · 

that sounds awesome barry. totally jealous.

good idea beta. i will try to start blog for new house with process stuff.

as far as picking cotton, didn't do that, but as kids my brother and i picked insects off potatoes by hand and hand picked corn too, both in exchange for food (can't recall why we did the latter, but the fields were huge as only north American farms can be - i think we were cheaper than hiring a machine). we were white. i think we still are. doesn't count though. cuz nobody bought and sold us and at the end of the day we had a color tv to go home to.

i started watching podcasts of maddow last month and quite enjoy her, but she is also annoyingly false, much like limbaugh. sometimes i cringe at how ridiculous she is while she pretends to be more open-minded than the right wing. best commentator bar none is jon stewart hisself, who still tries to hear both sides of a story.

such a sad world we live in. the irony of it all.

Jan 15, 10 6:55 pm  · 

jump, totally right re: Maddow. She reminds me of liberals who want Obama to be just like the Bush admin, but progressive ideologically.

Sarah sounds like that will prove interesting.

What's everyone doing tonight? Who is Unicorn?

Jan 15, 10 7:26 pm  · 

liberty bell, yes, it is my friend that you met in December. Sorry to break the bad news.

I like Maddow as well but like everyone on 24-hour-news networks, she has a job to do and a story to weave. The only person I care to watch on those networks anymore is Anderson Cooper.

Team Conan!

Jan 15, 10 7:52 pm  · 

really emily? thats interesting. i can't stand his show. there was a while there i liked him but then he was covering that flying saucer asshole who wanted a reality show with the lost kid and i couldn't go back.

i also tune out the news when they start covering gossipy shit like in that book game change. i don't care that edwards' wife ripped off her shirt in an argument with her husband, but now i know it and its stuck in my synapses. and i need those for other things!

stewart had a nice take on it this week. it's all old news and news no one really needs to know. i was relieved to see it wasn't only me who found the whole things mildly retarded.

bbc old codger news is more my style.

Jan 15, 10 8:09 pm  · 

Well jump, funny you should ask, because Anderson Cooper ALSO occupies a special place in my youth's consciousness... he was a reporter on the Channel One network when I was in high school, and we watched Channel One's 10-minute news segments every morning in homeroom. Lisa Ling was a reporter on Channel One at the same time, so in a sense, I grew up with them as well, although being news reporters, they didn't become a part of my cultural lexicon the way Conan did.

It seems when I talk about these things like I'm stuck in the mid-90's... actually I just regard it as a time when I woke up from the haze of my childhood and found out that life was a pretty cool place, and there happened to be a lot of really interesting things to pay attention to, all of a sudden.

Jan 16, 10 1:07 am  · 

ok so i got my schedule, and it doesn't quite work with my TA's - I suspect the cute little fellow who works the schedule is going to have to go back to the drawing board because this history lecture machine ie. me - needs to have a schedule i can work with.

At the moment it stands as 5 courses, 4 of which are history the 5th is design studio. I will have 20+ hours of teaching per week and I will all undergraduate students... all of them... every last one of them...hmm.

In other news I'm still inputing grades. I should be finished before the end of this millennia. But I did have 3 beers, nachos and a chimichanga from a Ja'Mexican restaurant which helped to take the edge off. But it's the 3rd night in a row I'm heading to sleep after 1am having to get up at 8am so I'm going to say g'night.

Enjoy your weekend, and in the words of David Rudder "Haiti I'm sorry" I've sent money but it feels as if I should give my talent too... Cameron send me

Jan 16, 10 1:08 am  · 

and Anderson Cooper rocks

Jan 16, 10 1:09 am  · 

i have a problem in general with reporters that one minute are doing the gossipy shit one minute, and reports on stories like Haiti the next. especially when they seem unaffected or are searching out stories that will win them awards. i heard on MPR a reporter actually breakdown during a live report, you don't see that on CNN. what you will see on CNN however are idiot news people talking up their techno book of the missing on their website as a "cool" tool for families of the missing to use, or their tweets or facebook messages, or whatever hair care products they are advertising. forgive me, but my cynicism alarm is off the hook, and i am having a real hard time, real hard, believing that anyone will be talking about this in a year or that anything will change substantially. the press will do what they always do; suck the remaining life force out of this disaster and move on to the "new" celebrity sex scandal...

Jan 16, 10 5:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Did you hear that Conan and Leno were having an affair! It went poorly, and Leno told Conan "if you leave me, I'll take everything!" now you know.

Jan 16, 10 4:10 pm  · 

that is exactly what goes through my head when i see most of the news beta.

i know its their job, but i really can't stand the gossip. that nightly news show from above is typical. 5 minutes for haiti then 5 minutes for leno and conan and the announcer leads into both with the same "major events unfolding in..." kind of intro. usually i don't pay so much attention but it was def surreal when jay and conan come shortly after a human disaster and the news caster treats them as equivalent. funny newsman say what?

on other hand, american news casters have better hair than the japanese ones. except cnn. those women frighten me.

Jan 16, 10 6:36 pm  · 
Jan 16, 10 6:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, hang in there - your schedule sounds crazy!

Jan 16, 10 8:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god, Toni Collette looks freaking gorgeous at the Golden Globes. I want her to be my best friend.

Jan 17, 10 7:30 pm  · 

my favorite kids book of the year:

go, dog. go!

Jan 17, 10 8:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

I LOVE Go Dog Go! I loved it as a kid too - that big tree party at the end! I also love You Are Not My Mother by the same author, though it scared Angus a bit when he was a baby.

Jan 17, 10 8:08 pm  · 

first day of teaching wish me luck..arghhh

Jan 18, 10 8:55 am  · 

Day off, woo hoo!

Good luck techno!

Jan 18, 10 2:11 pm  · 

Word WonderK.

And double word Techno.
Hi everyone else.

Jan 18, 10 3:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm exhausted. I'll tell you about the "home" tomorrow if interested.

Jan 18, 10 4:53 pm  · 

have fun techno

Jan 18, 10 6:56 pm  · 

Did you all really have to commit her?

Nite all.

Jan 18, 10 10:10 pm  · 

I think I'm going to start drinking heavily.

That is all.

Jan 19, 10 12:45 am  · 

WK's just trying to fit in - PDX is full of hardcore drinkers.

Jan 19, 10 1:05 am  · 

sad to hear that he's terminally ill. not only a genius actor, but a passionate advocate for the arts, passionate.

Jan 19, 10 9:04 am  · 
vado retro

get a prostate exam, guys!

Jan 19, 10 9:55 am  · 
brian buchalski

still alive.

thank heavens for lost weekends. especially long ones.

and not that it matters but i endorse the heavy drinking strategy. a shot of vodka with orange juice in the morning does wonders. some rum at lunch is perfect pick-me-up. a pre-dinner whiskey to take off the edge & then slow the pace down by shifting to wine with dinner and, finally, let the sparkly bubbles of champagne carry you into the nightly dream land. makes for a charmed life!

Jan 19, 10 10:40 am  · 

puddles. charmed and drunk life...

Jan 19, 10 11:42 am  · 
Ms Beary

morning all! Feeling great after a four day weekend hanging with my best girlfriends, relaxing and eating good food in the rocky mountains.

Jan 19, 10 12:25 pm  · 

Sounds wonderful straw!

Jan 19, 10 1:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok. So we went down on Saturday, met the assisted living people, ate the foodand checked it out. Seemed great and everyone was happy. Come Sunday, my grandmother is asking people at church to pray Godtakes her now cause she doesn't want to go. So we have a meeting withtwo ladies who would staywith my grandmother 24 hrs a day. She hates one ( we think because the woman has a Mexican accent) and loves the other. Soitsdecided we will go thatroutefor a month. By Sunday night, she's asking why she can't just move in with my mother. We tell her over and over and over and over that we've tried that, and she wasn't happy. Soweronvince her to try the AL place. Monday, she's back to notwanting to go, and asking why she can't move in with Mamma. So we reconvince heragain, and when we call, the spotsbeen taken. Were on the waiting list.

I'm exhausted again just typing that!

Glad to be home.

Jan 19, 10 2:01 pm  · 

wow, sounds like it could have been worse?

Jan 19, 10 2:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski

you forgot to tell us about the drinking...we like hearing about the heavily drinking part...especially when it includes grandma!

Jan 19, 10 3:05 pm  · 

thread central poll of the day :

when 'cold-calling' a firm you admire, is it better to call, or to email?
and, if you email, do you go ahead and attach resume & samples, or do you send an attachment-free 'exploratory' email first?

sound off, please! you people are smart.

Jan 19, 10 3:37 pm  · 

oh my goodness, sarah, that sounds exhausting and emotionally wrenching. I'm sorry for you and for your family and your grandmother as well. It's such a hard situation for all concerned. We are going through that with my grandmother (also with dementia) right now and it is just horrifying. The poor lady... the worst is that you genuinely are just trying to find a way for the person to be reasonably happy, or at least content -- and they don't understand that, and you end up fighting them for their own happiness, which just makes you feel like a horrible daughter/granddaughter/caretaker.

Honestly it helped us a lot to have my entire church, my mom's entire church, etcetera praying for the situation. Didn't make the situation any smoother or easier but made us all feel at least a little more supported.

Jan 19, 10 3:43 pm  · 

i would say better to call. If you do email include everything (ie: resume etc)

Jan 19, 10 3:48 pm  · 

what about an old fashion letter>?

Jan 19, 10 3:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski

that monster truck mansion thread might be the best thing to happen to archinect in years. totally sweet!

and did anybody else catch this piece in the nytimes about how hard">]hard it is to be a lawyer? has seen a 25% increase in traffic.

Jan 19, 10 3:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i blame the rum. try hard it is to be a lawyer

Jan 19, 10 3:52 pm  · 

back in the day, I lived down the street from Mr. Easy Rider in Venice. Never saw him, never could tell if he was home, but it was impossible to ignore his house by Brian Murphy. It was one of those houses that Mike Davis called a 'stealth house' - all corrugated metal with no windows on the outside that filled up most of the lot and towered over the neighboring bungalows. My undergrad construction detailing class looked at that house for the seemingly impossible interior floating wall details.

First lecture in the can! Went quicker then I expected and ended with 20 minutes left to spare. Next up, next weeks recitation and studio, then another lecture thursday.

Jan 19, 10 4:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

you should practice your pacing in private. think, "slow, slow, slow"...and if it still feels like it's going to fast then try thinking about baseball or cars.

Jan 19, 10 4:29 pm  · 

Oh jeez. I have to get my head out of the gutter. I swear puddles' comment was about something else.

Just because studying for GREs and AREs aren't enough, I decided I should learn programming code for work. 2 days in, and I keep going back further and further into the fundamentals. This should go well...

Does sound tough SH.

Jan 19, 10 4:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, my grandmother is one of the unfortunates that has NEVER had even a taste of demon alchohol even though herdaddy made his own sour-mash. She give me a look everytime I order a beer. Liquor would make her more fun.

Jan 19, 10 5:15 pm  · 

Morning all, did anyone else see mighty is back. He started the thread on robbed by

Slart, sounds busy. I need to start studying again too. I took a holiday break of sorts...

Jan 20, 10 8:14 am  · 

Slart - Why code? If all goes well I'll be studying here soon too. Which reminds me I forgot to bring my transcript requests and their checks today. Whoops.

Jan 20, 10 8:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Mornin'! Abram is still asleep, and I can post in peace. Ahhh.

Not that anyone was biting their nails wondering, but Abram's first day of 'school' was a success. He walked in on his own, and then they shut the door. He cried some, but didn't scream, and he played well with the others. Seems he ate all his lunch, and they tell me he took an hour nap on his new nap-pad I made him. When I got there at 2, he was looking out the window with two other children, and calling for me. It was sad, sweet, and cute, all at the same time. Infortunately, the moment he turned and saw me, he came running with tears just streaming down his face. Took me 5 minutes to calm him down. Poor kid. Good news is that he wasn't mad at me the rest of the day.

Off to make him some cheese grits!

Jan 20, 10 8:34 am  · 

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