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Good morning Steven
hahaha. I was wondering what was going on with those threads...

Is it just me or does there seem to be more spamming type stuff than usual.

Dec 29, 09 8:00 am  · 

Hi mfrech!!

Dec 29, 09 8:03 am  · 

hey nam! (& co.)

heh, what'd i miss?

Dec 29, 09 8:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, I have a little boy robe that I want translated. I need to email you the photos, but don't know how to attatch them through the archinect email.

So mcdonalds gave Abram this nerd gun, and he LOVES shooting me and others with it. I've got a bully for a kid. Question, how do I seperate problems from boyhood?

At least you got the computer back.

Dec 29, 09 9:12 am  · 
Living in Gin

I hope everybody had a better holiday than I did. I was just informed by my sister how the whole family thinks I'm a really shitty son to my parents, a shitty brother to my siblings, and pretty much a failure at everything I do. Worst part is, I can't really disagree with her assessment.

Happy New Year.

Dec 29, 09 11:24 am  · 

Can't be all that bad. I mean you just visited them all recently right?

But seriously, sometimes siblings just can't help themselves...

Dec 29, 09 11:28 am  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, I just got back last night.

While I was down there Sunday evening, I posted what I thought was a pretty innocuous Facebook status update indicating that I was taking a break from my parents' house and heading out for a couple drinks. My sister out in Washington took that to mean I was "complaining" about being with my parents, and flamed the hell out of me for being insufficiently happy. I guess it's her way of saying that the beatings will continue until morale improves.

I'm happy when I'm with my closest friends (the ones who seem to like me the way I am, and who aren't constantly trying to force me to be somebody I'm not), but that's a side to me that my family never sees. Whenever I'm with my family, all my internal defenses go on red alert, and I instantly become a 12-year-old sullen autistic kid who is incapable of expressing the slightest emotion in their presence. This goes back a very long time, and isn't likely to change anytime soon.

Dec 29, 09 11:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lig, everybody is that way. I mean, what's that saying - you're always 17 in your hometown? Well you're always whatever roll you played at home when you go back home. I'm still the bossy oldest who makes fun of everybody and beats up on my little brother and critisizes my sister whenever we all get together. Wow. I made myself sound like an angel just then huh. I'm usually much better when I'm one on one wih the siblings. Maybe it's an angle you could try.

And if it makes you feel anybetter, I offended two of the 4 friends that husband and I have. I said something about how (I)I(/I) hadn't crossed the line where pets are family. I'm just not there. I'm still a pets are pets not people person. Yeah it'd be Sad to lose one, but I'm not the kindto take out insurance on them. And I called a friend out on how he always repeats stories like my grandmother. Apparently they got upset about it all. I wrote them a letter to appologise. Still don't know why they took it so personaly but whatever. Guess I should watch what I say. I'm pretty good at offending people. Like the big stink over the Adventure thread. Sheesh. For now I can blame poor social skills on the fact that my primary soialization is on TC and wth a two year old.

Dec 29, 09 12:44 pm  · 

Yeah I mean that is the joy of family and hometown. Reverting to old patterns..

All my friends who spent holidays with family needed a drink by end of day. If not before.

Me included.

Sarah, I totally feel you on the pets thing. Some of my co-workers spend all of our socializing on the clock time, talking and repeating stories about their pets.

Plus me and the missus have a thing re: her dog of many years who sleep son the bed and is treated like a prince/son (she doesn't have).

I am sure if they are real friends they will take your "apology" letter, to heart.

Dec 29, 09 1:11 pm  · 

Gin, I can't say the rest of this without first pointing out that I'm a big advocate of trying to actively address the bits of our character that we know can be improved and that harm the people we love.

THAT SAID, there's a certain amount of that in every family. Before these holidays I couldn't remember the last time I'd actually yelled at somebody, and I've done it twice to my mom in less than a week. She just brings out the same temper I had when I was a kid. So, work on what you can, accept what you can't, and constantly re-evaluate what falls in which category.

Dec 29, 09 1:18 pm  · 


These are words to live by
So, work on what you can, accept what you can't, and constantly re-evaluate what falls in which category.

Dec 29, 09 2:23 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Over the past couple years I've trying to make peace with those things about myself that will probably never change. Problem is, most of my family still keeps wanting me to change them.

Dec 29, 09 3:22 pm  · 

thats a pity lig. their problem, frankly.

sarah i sent e-mail. feel free to send image by email me if you want.

Dec 29, 09 5:08 pm  · 

dealing with your growing up persona maybe just takes time. i spent a couple of months at home after undergrad and GOT. OUT. wasn't working. same high school issues resurfaced 5yrs later. i've visited briefly here and there since and had the same experience.

so now i'm almost 42 and after almost 12yrs of almost no contact with anyone in my home town, i went back this christmas. (my mother moved back there.) and it was OK! i got to be the current me instead of the then-me and people only shared with me the good aspects of what they remembered from my youth. so i can like it there again and feel like it's still my home town.

Dec 29, 09 5:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks, jump and Steve. The whole geographic connection also raises issues.... Right now my parents and one brother live near Raleigh, North Carolina, a place I've never had the slightest personal connection to. (They moved down there after I was already living on my own in Chicago.)

I've always considered Cincinnati to be my hometown... I still have some extended family there who I get along with pretty well, and I've been itching to move back there in a big way for the past couple years. (I visit at least a couple times a year, so it's not like I'd be going back there for the first time in decades.) Thing is, my parents and brother also plan on moving back there when my dad retires, which could happen as early as a year from now... My brother is developmentally disabled, and although he could probably work and support himself, my parents have let him live at home and watch TV for the 10+ years since he graduated high school. I feel like a monster for saying this, but this also happens to be the brother I have absolutely nothing in common with, and I generally can't stand even being in the same room with him. (This goes all the way back to early childhood, and isn't likely to change soon.) I try to at least be civil to him, but my reaction to him is pretty much how rationalist describes her reaction to her mother.

I guess my worst fear is that the bunch of us all living back in Cincy together would be a bit too close for comfort... At least right now I'm able to keep them at arm's length, but it's harder to maintain that distance if they're living right down the road or across the river. But then, maybe it would be better to see them briefly for dinner every couple weeks or so, rather than being stuck in the same house with them for several solid days in a row. (But then, I have an uncle to doesn't talk to his sisters despite the fact that they all live within the same postage stamp-sized town, so anything is possible.) Guess I'll just have to live far enough away that we aren't constantly bumping into each other at Kroger's.

And as for my brother, that's the bigger worry that's lurking in the back of my mind... At some point there will come a day when mom and dad aren't around to take care of him anymore, and I have nightmares about being forced to have him living in my basement for the rest of my life, since the other siblings are scattered across the country and are likely to stay that way. I have no idea how that issue will work out, but my parents certainly aren't doing him any favors by not encouraging him to live independently.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest...

Dec 29, 09 5:54 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In other news, I just had my first physical in four years, and the doctor let out an audible gasp when she checked my blood pressure. Not a good sign, and yet another thing on my plate to deal with.... Lots of tests and pills in store for me soon.

Dec 29, 09 6:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lig, no one should have their bloodpressure taken during the holidays! And a therapist once suggested to have more frequent but shorter encounters with family who aren't good for us instead of fewer but longer ones.

It's snowing here again. Third time this winter. Are you green-necks sure about this global warming thing? Did I just coin a term? That would be sweet!

Dec 29, 09 6:13 pm  · 
vado retro

the entire holiday season is a recipe for disappointment. we all have these ideas/ideals about what the time is supposed to be but the reality of the situation whether it be the fact the only thing you share with the people around you is blood. so, the obligation and small warm fuzzy feeling about seeing relatives vanishes quickly after a few ignorant declarations by the glenn beck fans of the family or the rampant greedy feeding frenzy of presents by the unappreciative spoiled kids or the Nascar hats or whatever...yeah its fucked up, man. who wouldn't want to get out of there. better off taking a vacation to somewhere you want to go with someone you want to go with. and also, friending family members on FB is not always the best move.

Dec 29, 09 7:01 pm  · 

hahahah vado. So true..

Sarah i like the term. Also, i get to post a pick. Yeah!!!

Ferrari 355

or Gibson?


Dec 29, 09 7:20 pm  · 

hahahah vado. So true..

Sarah i like the term. Also, i get to post a pick. Yeah!!!

Ferrari 355

or Gibson?


Dec 29, 09 7:20 pm  · 


Ferrari 355

or Gibson?

[img] Width=300[img]

Dec 29, 09 7:22 pm  · 

double shit

Dec 29, 09 7:22 pm  · 

Remind me why i tried this?

Dec 29, 09 7:23 pm  · 

Lig with five siblings....I understand totally! ma used to say no ones kids fight like you kids.....I took it as training and gave a few black eyes to guys who thought they were bullies and I was the little guy....they just didn't know all my uncles were golden glove I was in training since about 5. I also never knew how to back down from a fight. I once told a contractor who was around 6'-7" tall to take a good look cause I had a hammer in my hand and I could bring him down to my height in a flash. Fortunately for both of us he listened. It took my older brother ( a cement contractor) years to understand that I did more than draw pretty pictures. It was a revelation to him that I actually understood what I was drawing. Today were better brother friends than we have ever been. Maybe it is something about age that made us both mellow.

Dec 29, 09 8:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, I don't have time to do a long response, but regarding the issue of being responsible for your brother after your parents pass: don't feel guilty about that, OK? Those are totally natural feelings to have, not selfish at all, and absolutely worthy of being a looming fear that always accompanies you when you're around family.

Sarah, likewise: don't worry about Abram being fascinated by the toy gun. it's a pretty typical boy thing.

Dec 29, 09 9:27 pm  · 

had comcast over to the house to figure out why my replacement cable modem wasn't performing. after poking a few holes in the house and running a new wire the modem seems to be happy. But my tv stopped working. Now comcast has to come back tomorrow

sarah - love that term! don't worry that you're only getting snow three times this winter. global warming means more extremes for folks like you (snow) and better weather for me up north.

LiG - you can always be part of my family. my dad and sister have a few auspie tendencies that drive me batty when I have to spend more then a few days with them

Dec 29, 09 9:52 pm  · 

global warming really should be called global wierding.

Dec 29, 09 11:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay, it's after 1am, I've been working for 14 hours straight, and yet I still won't be able to write myself a paycheck on Friday. Woo fucking hoo.

I've been avoiding TC today because that's exactly the kind of mood I'm in. But I've enjoyed hearing how everyone else is doing and hope it gets better for everyone soon.

Dec 30, 09 1:24 am  · 
vado retro

i just learned that a guy who wanted to date my exgirlfriend probably not future wife before i ever knew her is an architect in silver lake designing houses for the rich and famous and is married to an actress that has been in many movies and television shows.

Dec 30, 09 1:28 am  · 

Well I just saw Up In The Air and really liked it. Curiously for me, it really dovetailed with a lot of things I've been thinking about my own life lately. It's weird being unemployed, that's for sure.

Dec 30, 09 3:20 am  · 

Good morning Manta.....

Dec 30, 09 8:06 am  · 

i saw UP a few weeks back. won't see up in the air. don't like movies with thinking in it.

liked UP though. the 3d was sparkly.

am very glad am not unemployed and still can pay myself most every month. slightly worried that this is not going to continue because in case you all don't know it teaching pays worse than architecture. there i said it. not actually a problem but there is not a chance i could support my family on a teachers wages so i quite need to keep this architecture thing going.

since i am sitting here drinking a nice glass of wine while i prepare next years lessons might as well raise the glass to the future. here is to a bright and shiny 2010.

hang in there LB!

tomorrow am off to the holidays...except i have to write a paper and finish corrections on a construction set ...and there are still a few lectures
to finish off. my wife is going to kill me. hah.

Dec 30, 09 8:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, liberty bell, it has to get better at some point. You've been in the dumps for a while.

I hereby decree copywrite on the 'green-neck' term, and any derivation thereof. Any and all use of the word is subject to a $500.00 payment to be send directly to me. And with the date andtime stamp on this page, it's official!

Good morning otherwise.

Dec 30, 09 9:25 am  · 

2009 - An environmentalist who practices 'traditional' outdoor skills and pursuits (hunting/fishing/winemaking, etc) on the grounds that they represent a more sustainable local alternative to industrial agriculture. The word's origin is rooted in someone who acts like a redneck, for "green" motives.
2008- A person who has 'gone green', and is now highly judgmental of all others who they feel are not 'green enough'.

2007 - You know you're a Green-Neck when...
You get excited when you see a hybrid car.
You like the way solar panels look on the roof of a house.
You download music to your music player instead of buying the CD -- because it reduces pollution and waste.
You think people who drive Hummers are stupid.
You don't use bug spray in your home.
You'd rather plant a bush than elect one.
You feel sorry for trees when they get cut down.
You know intuitively than global warming is real and caused by pollution.
You wonder how the people who run Exxon sleep at night.
You'd rather visit a mountain waterfall than a shopping mall.
You know that trout are the "canaries in the coal mine" for water quality.
You'd like to see the OPEC countries run out of money before they run out of oil.
Your mouth doesn't salivate when you see a deer.
You hunt bears with a camcorder.
You know Cradle To Cradle does NOT involve babies.
You tinker with the power-saving features of your computer.
You invest in green companies even when their track record doesn't look good.
You are suspicious about Wal-Mart selling organic food.
You don't scare a snake in your backyard even when you have a shovel in your hands.
You can't get all the stuff to be recycled into your car when its time to haul it off.

but still, you should start a blog.

Dec 30, 09 9:57 am  · 

anyone else see Objectified? what happened? how did we get so far off the track and cede design to other peoples?

Dec 30, 09 10:43 am  · 

I've gotten far too many calls this morning asking me if my underwear made it through security.

Dec 30, 09 10:57 am  · 

"You download music to your music player instead of buying the CD -- because it reduces pollution and waste."

"You know Cradle To Cradle does NOT involve babies."

"You'd rather plant a bush than elect one."

I qualify for at least three... I'm a semi-green neck. Oh wait, one more, but I'm a bit sensitive to this one because I lost a lot of money for stock picks in solar, wind, and alternative fuels. I just tell myself "its for the long-term, its for the long-term...". If it wasn't for these stock picks, I wouldn't have had a single stock pick that I actually lost money on.

"You invest in green companies even when their track record doesn't look good."

Dec 30, 09 11:55 am  · 

TK I can't believe that term was already out there...

Morning all. Trying to resolve an IT problem for a bigwig. Per another Bigwig. Ughhhh.

Dec 30, 09 12:07 pm  · 

my comcast story of the week....I just learned from the guys who have the security contract for one of my clients that no calls from the alarm were going to their office because when the comcast guy came to the house and installed their system they reverse wired the phones and the security line so no calls have been going back to the station for months. I discovered this the hard way, by setting off the alarm and not being able to override the system with my code so I called the security company and told them the alarm was going off in the house and I could not get it to turn off. Long story short I used a butter knife to gain access to the security panel and disengaged the battery backup and then disconnected all the proper lines as directed by the security company. To sure those guys don't mess up your burglar alarm.

Dec 30, 09 12:38 pm  · 

just realized that I need to go back in to work this week, even though I have it off. I've got an extra person coming in to help wrap up a project, but at the moment I don't have anything I can hand off to him. Boo.

Also, my eye is swollen to all hell. I thought it was just a clogged tear duct, did hot compresses, but it was even worse when I woke up this morning. I really, really don't want to know how much a visit to the eye doctor costs without insurance but I have the feeling I'm about to find out.

Dec 30, 09 12:46 pm  · 

oh, on movies: Loved UP. Thought Up in the Air was pretty good but it depressed me a bit because I feel a bit like the main character lately. Anyone else seen Avatar over the holidays? It felt like a live-action version of Fern Gully to me, though I did still enjoy it, but I've been a bit surprised that nobody else seems to have made that connection.

Dec 30, 09 12:48 pm  · 
vado retro

i was listening to the recap of 2009 films on fresh air the other day. i used to go to movies all the time. but i realized that this year i saw two films in the theatre and didn't like either of them.

Dec 30, 09 1:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado did you also hear on that show Ken Tucker's music wrap up? He called this Taylor Swift song one of the top of the year. To me it sounded like awful synthy pre-made pop with an annoying country twang. But what do I know, except that I'll no longer trust Ken Tucker's reviews.

God sorry you guys - I'm such a Donna Downer these days.

Dec 30, 09 1:28 pm  · 

reading through this "Albums of the Decade" list at huffpost is a real beating, too.

adam lambert!?

Dec 30, 09 1:33 pm  · 

our 'security' is a sign out front that says 'security' - don't think comcast can screw that up.

just read Theyer's 'Three Dimensions of Meaning' which explores topophilia, technophilia, and technophobia. gonna stick that to my environmental design undergrads!

R- sounds more like an infection and something that an urgent care clinic can deal with and prescribe eyedrops. good luck being an one-eyed graphic designer this weekend!

Dec 30, 09 1:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ugh, mfrech, Ken Tucker liked Adam Lambert, too! WTF?!

Dec 30, 09 1:39 pm  · 

Ha Fern Gully. That takes me back. I won tickets to see that when i was younger...

As for being a Debbie downer. I wouldn't worry about it. One could also call it a dose of hard-eyed realism.. Wait that isn't really the phrase is it.?

Dec 30, 09 1:42 pm  · 

Still alive.

So far my vacation has been a flurry of random activity. I'm supposed to have friends over for dinner tonight but the one has a major cold, so I might be taking it to them instead. Hope everyone is having a good post Christmas week.

Dec 30, 09 1:58 pm  · 

tk, made an appointment with an opthamologist, hope it is just an eyedrop thing. Being a blind graphic designer is something I've actually been thinking about recently. My dad is losing his sight at an early age due to glaucoma, and I don't like to think about what that means if I ever develop it.

Dec 30, 09 2:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

Angus and I just watched this Monty Python Silly Olympiad video and shared a good belly laugh.

Dec 30, 09 2:45 pm  · 

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