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SH - I usually do that too with walls but trim is a little different. It's also colder so the paint doesn't cure as fast. After two hours the other day my shelves were still slightly tacky. Didn't want to risk messing them up.

Nov 16, 09 5:07 pm  · 

Slart sorry about the fellowship, but you've now been through the experience of applying for it - you know where you went wrong, seems like a great lesson learnt.

I heard we made it through the first hurdle with the pre-proposal for the development plan. Should be fun to see this progress

Nov 16, 09 8:59 pm  · 

slart, i just got letter in mail that my grant application wasn't accepted. I wasn't expecting to get it so am not bummed out over it, but maybe it makes you feel better to be in good company ;-)

nice thing about well funded grants/fellowships is they make pretty classy rejection letters. infinitely nicer than the ones i got from achi-firms when i was job hunting all those years ago.

i am really glad to see the portfolio-making article up. it is possibly nice resource - though i must say it felt a bit preachy here and there. if i were younger i might find that off-putting....

Nov 17, 09 6:38 am  · 

Orochi they called him a Cowboy. He is part of my family history so I think I know full well what a Cowboy is. A moss back cowboy is a term used for a cowboy from the Northwestern Part of the United States where as Liberty pointed out moss grows on just about anything left out doors. Oh ya and well Oregon's football team is called the, "Ducks."

Ed Lemmon began managing the Sheidley Cattle Company in 1891 and later in 1893 sold his shares of the company and went into business with Richard Lake and Thomas Tomb. Together they ran around 50,000 head of cattle while hiring up to 300 men. Due to the Dawes Act in 1887, the range began to be settled by hopeful homesteaders and therefore reducing the grazing land for cattle. In 1902, Lemmon got permission from President Theodore Roosevelt to lease almost 900,000 acres (3,600 km2) on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation which he called the L7 Ranch. It was the largest fenced pasture in the world, bigger than the state of Rhode Island.

Nov 17, 09 8:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hmm there's a portfolio article? Guess I should venture out of tc and find it.

Don't where all the anger over the cowboys came from. Everybody knows the cowboys are from Dallas. And they could whip those ducks anyday.

Nov 17, 09 9:55 am  · 

Thanks all for the comments

It truly was a learning experience, although its a shame it came at the expense of such a great opportunity. I'm sure there will be others, although definitely not with the same degree of freedom. I don't feel too down, but I do feel a bit like I let my supporters down (even though made a point of saying how much of a long shot this was to begin with). My belief that things happen for a reason is fading, but I do know that I have to work harder to make something good come out of this...

Nov 17, 09 10:22 am  · 
brian buchalski

technically speaking this is premature, but fuck it: rip 2009 atlantic hurricance season

and still alive

Nov 17, 09 11:44 am  · 
brian buchalski

follow-up: a couple of months ago (about the time of the 'buy a house in Detroit' thread) i posted that the pontiac silverdome was up for auction and the city was hoping to get $500k. it's now being reported that all 127 acres of it was sold for a bid of $583k. and to think it only costs $55 million to build.

Nov 17, 09 2:13 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

A cowboy... or vaquero... is a job title given to contract cattle herders. The position was born from land management practices under the Spanish hacienda system where landed individuals were granted a small plot of property under the crown.

Under the hacienda system, a rancher shared a common pasture controlled by the crown while owning a proper "country estate." All land outside of the estate was fair game for pastoral use as long as the land could be conceivably called "public land."

This system did exceptionally well in New Spain where there was far more open lands and less established haciendas. Under the Viceroy of New Spain, cattle could be taken hundreds to thousands of miles to fatten them up.

With non-existent borders and limited ports of call in New Spain, cattle had to be driven to a place where they could be "processed and shipped."

After the Spanish-American War, mobility was hampered and settlements across the west increased driving down the need for such long cattle drives.

When the rail heads came to Kansas, the birth of the Santa Fe Railroa and shipping was thoroughly established in California... the cattle drive was nearly dead.

By the 1890s, after the invention of barbed wire and after successive land grabs encouraged by the government... the open land and extensive cattle drives under the hacienda system were effectively dead.

In the following fifty years, confined cattle and loss of public lands lead to the spread of Big Sage, Horsebrush, James' Buckwheat, Salt Cedar and Cresote bush... the prairie lands of many Rocky Mountain states have turned into hyper arid deserts and badlands.

The loss of seasonal grasses coupled with the fencing of the West and the lost of open lands have effectively ended the cowboy lifestyle and all traces of it.

Please use the proper term of "cattle handler" or "farmer."

Nov 17, 09 3:09 pm  · 

i like to laugh, so imagine my joy when watching charlie rose interview henry kissinger and i hear a fart squeeze out of someone's butt cheeks. i had to rewind a few times to make sure, but yep, there it was.

so i thought of this Orson's Gonk

Nov 17, 09 3:21 pm  · 

speaking as a Floridian i was actually hoping for at least a wee hurricane. Oh well.

Orochi what about rancher? or ranch-hand? heheheh

I am off to the airport in Orlando to pick up my sisters and nieces from airport. They are flying in from Calgary.

Nov 17, 09 4:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Traffic school? Think it's a infrastructure planning site?

To clarify, I'm not a Cowboys fan. Orrechi, words are living. They change with the times. Cowboy is just a man who handles cows in the ranch sense. Leave it alone.

I've got another potluck tomorow. Not at my house. I'm making bread for it. Yay!

Nov 17, 09 6:35 pm  · 

I do too SH... but at m y house. Our theme... Breakfast for dinner. I'm so excited. I'm making pancakes.

Interesting bit of history Orochi, but SH is right. The term cowboy has evolved from it's original meaning.

Nov 17, 09 6:55 pm  · 

Oh and WTF is with the trolling on TC. So not cool. Can anyone clean up this mess?

Nov 17, 09 6:59 pm  · 

i love Brinner, nothing better than pancakes for dinner.

Nov 17, 09 7:02 pm  · 

Then there are the "Drug Store Cowboys" that is another whole topic...Orochi....I have spent many a late May and early October's in a saddle. I could introduce you to some real cowboys. My cousin's son's hold up in the Wind River Range of Wyoming fighting off grizley bear and wolves. Spend the summer there with their horses, a chuck wagon and tents for cover when they need it otherwise it is under the stars. Their grand papa has the oldest registered heard of Angus Cattle in the State of South Dakota. Sometimes I wonder how the hell did I end up in Architecture. Actually last night I was talking with my older brother about his dog "Buck Shot" and it did make me want to head back out West and never have to deal with another building official again.

Nov 17, 09 7:34 pm  · 

i think i could introduce you to a few as well orochi - from manitoba not down south. my little cousin was a rodeo star most her life and now she is married to a rancher/farmer, but her da was/is as mucha cowboy as anyone i ever met. i never seen em rope a cow for work but they did it for fun, so maybe they are fake in your eyes? i dunno. really it is a state of mind more than a term to be applied like the genus of a rare insect. not that my family would give a shit what you called them, now that i think of it...

i hear that call too snook. i don't miss a lot about the prairies but riding out in the fields is something i been longing for for a long time. not much of that going on here in tokyo. canoeing too. i would love to take my kids and a tent and 2 canoes out on the river for a week or two. sadly that also is not so common in tokyo, nevermind japan. ah well.

Nov 17, 09 7:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

I love brinner. My husband thinks it's perverse, so we don't ever eat it at our house. A nice omelette and a glass of wine is the perfect evening meal, IMO.

snook loved the White Dove of the Desert reference on that other thread.

Nov 17, 09 9:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

I encourage you guys to take a quick look at this video of a drawing done with a Rapidograph. I'm cracking up over it, and these students (who I know) are so damn clever.

Nov 17, 09 10:10 pm  · 
vado retro

i think you meant Mexican American War, not Spanish American War.

Nov 17, 09 10:33 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Bwahahah, waiting for someone to catch that!

Thanks, Mr. Guadalupe Hidalgo.

Nov 17, 09 11:34 pm  · 

I'd like to chime in but I'm an island boy and well we don't have cowboys. However my mother is a trained agriculturalist, and specialised on cattle livestock, and has co-authored a book on our native Red Poll cattle breed. So I know (second hand knowledge) about cows... well I know that if you mix a cow and a young lad you don't get a cowboy. And now I have this song stuck in my head and I hope you do too.

so now that that pissing contest is over can we get back to architecture. Did anyone wish Rem a happy birthday?

Nov 18, 09 12:06 am  · 
brian buchalski

i feel so hungry. how come there is no food in my stomach? this is horrible.

Nov 18, 09 9:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Aww, techno, I love that song!

Nov 18, 09 9:03 am  · 
vado retro
oh those southern gilrs, they all look the same...

lb are you going to the Revisting Cranbrook lecture at the IMA tomorrow?

Nov 18, 09 9:23 am  · 

I am super hungry too, puddles.

Also, i got to the airport almost an hour late last night because there was a horrific accident blocking traffic. A semi flipped over, the cab was no longer visible and the entire thing was a burnt out hull. Explains why so many tanker trucks were rushing to the scene.

Meanwhile i was thinking what are all these tanker truckers going to do in an accident..

Nov 18, 09 11:53 am  · 

Have a feeling the driver didn't survive.

Nov 18, 09 11:54 am  · 

i went to see kissinger speak once. he didn't fart. but he was boring and i fell asleep, so maybe i missed it.

cool mom archi!

that song is so true too. cool that you caught rem's b-day too.

speaking of awesome architects in their youthful old age, we just looked at FLW in class yesterday and talked about how he started his career as a modernist after he turned 60 and was destitute and all that. amazing man, to be called a has-been by philip johnson and then pulling bear run, johnson wax and the guggenheim out of his hat. the students thought frank's work was much better than the international style. which was interesting.

Nov 18, 09 6:10 pm  · 

here's an odd WWTCD. All the full time staff are being signed up to give lectures next semester (you are all invited) however I have no idea what to talk about. My passions are far and wide, and I am no where in narrowing it for research - help.

Nov 18, 09 9:14 pm  · 

I almost had brinner last night but my roommate ended up ordering pizza and making a salad.

Jump, re: the students thought frank's work was much better than the international style. which was interesting. I tend to agree..

Especially if we are talking the last two buildings of FLW that you mentioned in the post.

Also, archi, sign up with a very fuzzy abstract and then whittle down between now and then.

Nov 19, 09 8:29 am  · 
brian buchalski

i am now eating this very good meats and vegetables in a very fine sauce... i will shit easy tomorrow

Nov 19, 09 9:30 am  · 

Damn these Youtube links on TC. My office has blocked Youtube. But then again, why am I trying to watch these videos while I'm working?

I can't watch this at work, but how observative are you?

After a couple days of NOT getting the fellowship, I got an e-mail from NCARB that I'm officially officially done with IDP and can start testing. I had gotten an "you're officially done" email before, but it was followed by "you've put the wrong date and now you have to wait months before the paperwork is cleared" email. But now its officially official. Maybe this means I should just stick to getting registered for now.

Nov 19, 09 10:54 am  · 

archi- 'brinner' as the design trend of the future! On a more serious note, browse through my lectures and pick one...

got a strange email from CLARB about how my record is incomplete. Got a similar one few months back with a follow up saying there was a computer glitch so ignore the earlier message. No followup message yet - I'm about to call them to express annoyance that they lost my file...

Nov 19, 09 11:27 am  · 

I have a lot of respect for FLW for precisely that reason, jump -- it's amazing to me how he never stopped pushing himself to experiment and innovate. Most quality architects seem to find something that works for them and then do it over and over and over again with small tweaks of development here and there. (Not that there's anything wrong with that! A lot of incredibly beautiful, elegant, and polished works are produced that way.) But I do greatly admire FLW's ability to just keep pushing himself to break out of his own box, over and over again -- even at age 90.

Nov 19, 09 12:18 pm  · 

Also, I hate to say it but this place is really depressing me lately.

Nov 19, 09 12:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, which place?

Hey did anyone try those dumplings recipes I sent out yet? Just curious.

It was cold for three days, but it's up to the 70s again.

Nov 19, 09 2:29 pm  · 

manta you mean tc?

Me to only because it seems so dead lately...

Nov 19, 09 3:41 pm  · 

totally agree manta. flw had an ability to be a self-centered asshole inflexible as hell and back, but at the same time the self-critical awareness to realise he had in fact become a has-been (no question about it, he was washed-up at 60 and completely irrelevant), and the self-conviction to decide to do something about it. amazing. that kind of power is uncommon in most at any age. i am not a fan of the cult he made though (his wife even decided who had sex with who, and who would marry, and then negotiate divorces, etc). very weird shit that.

in contrast i showed johnson's own pavillion at new canaan, which is to me a brilliant building even now. some loved it but most did not. it made me aware of the degree to which my love of contemporary architecture is supported by the education i have and i find myself interested in understanding buildings in that direct unfiltered and uneducated way that the students are able to do still. it is a nice reality check.

youtube has autocad and other computer/software tutorials and should not be blocked !

Nov 19, 09 6:22 pm  · 


I don't know where it is but the Lobby of the Imperial Hotel was relocated and installed......kinda like a piece of Art. I believe it is
somewhere in might provide a grand field trip for your students.

I have as part of my architectural collection a steamer trunk tag from the Imperial Palace designed you on of the may interns of Franks!

I have managed to stumble thru an number of his projects over the years...and yes they are grand even when there lived in. I recall talking to the owner of one of his home in Madison and she said her biggest problem is nose prints on the glass.....can you imagine.

Nov 19, 09 7:00 pm  · 

Hi all. Nam I've been wondering about the slowness on tc myself - some of our regulars have increased demands I guess. Goodness knows I do as well

does anyone have any idea where to buy those cute red chairs?

Nov 19, 09 8:33 pm  · 

Too tired to post anything of any consequence tonite. However i was thinking the exact same thing Orhan when it comes to what Atechno should lecture about.

Nov 19, 09 11:41 pm  · 

i'll third that. it makes sense.

almost all buildings i see in magazines are disappointment in person. the ones that don't are rare. that is part of the game i suppose and lord knows i have been guilty of directing photographers to take pictures in flattering way.

haven't seen zumthor's buildings yet. am curious if they are better or worse than they look. i suspect mixture of both...

snook, re FLW yes there is a place called meiji mura where the lobby is preserved. is nice enough but not amazing. i think he got better after that ;-)

Nov 20, 09 1:53 am  · 

that topic might be timely, too, techno. there is a conversation around regarding how the social media 'curators' are defining a new way of looking and finding things - whether it's via reviews like pitchfork, bldgblog, or archinect features or just cataloguing of stuff like coolhunter and design milk, the editorial voice you bring being the key to what makes it work.

could brainstorm this with you some, especially because it was a main thread of conversation with a bunch of people smarter than me with whom i had dinner the other night. email me if you pursue this direction...

Nov 20, 09 7:11 am  · 
vado retro

here's what you should talk about....

get a group of people from all over. have a virtual cocktail party. talk about what was talked about.

Nov 20, 09 7:25 am  · 

in line with vado's comment, please allow me to suggest that you watch all of the seinfeld series, order not terribly important, but watching them might clue you in to an topic/non-topic. although, i'd suggest you stay away from The Contest.

Nov 20, 09 10:18 am  · 

hey guys, sorry to interupt again but i have another nostalgia question im hoping someone here might answer... since they fuzzy bear mystery was solved so quickly im holding out hope for a repeat...

there was a book i used to love when i was little, it was a childrens book probably aimed at kids in 1st grade or so cause i would always check it out from my elementary school library...

it was about about rhino and all the illustrations were in sort of simple black and white... they were line drawings, and the illustrator used sparing bits of pink in places, but that was all the color involved...

thats pretty much all i can remember... any ideas??

Nov 20, 09 10:21 am  · 

sticky bear i mean... not fuzzy bear....

Nov 20, 09 10:22 am  · 

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