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liberty bell

puddles, was it your vomit?

That gene therapy article is why I subscribe to Discover Magazine. I like being reminded every month that there are really smart scientists doing really amazing things, and the photos of planets and dinosaurs always thrill Angus.

Nov 6, 09 11:41 am  · 

i'm not often popping into TC, (partly because its hard to catch up with all the news quickly) but i thought this was the appropriate place to notch up my 1000 post!

Nov 6, 09 2:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay p2an!!!! Congrats!

Nov 6, 09 3:07 pm  · 

TC is quite an institution, maybe one day it should be turned into a book. an interesting record of events, drama and joy - for sure.

Nov 6, 09 3:14 pm  · 

Now I have to post just to verify my count....

Nov 6, 09 7:20 pm  · 

Now if I could only figure out how many post I had before I had a name change....Yikes ! That is Scarry....

Nov 6, 09 7:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Got that tingle in my throat of an impending cold. Dammit.

Nov 6, 09 8:39 pm  · 

LB - I hope you don't get what has been going around here - it's a cough that lasts for at least 2 weeks... I had it last week and was pretty miserable - still lingering this week...

Nov 6, 09 9:17 pm  · 

LB hope that's really a cold coming on - you've working and couldn't imagine you doing it all if you were under the weather. Vitamin C

Nov 6, 09 9:46 pm  · 

hope you get it slarti. mine was the same, funded by govt not university (which was why i had to then apply officially to the university program after getting the fellowship). they make it attractive to the professors by offering them similar moneys for research. Wouldn't be surprised if the same is going on in your case....

gene therapy is way cool. all science is in spite of what that crazy lady in BD wrote recently.

Nov 6, 09 9:57 pm  · 
vado retro

time to bump TC back to the top even though i have nothing to contribute...

Nov 8, 09 10:03 am  · 

Vado, mean either.
Congrats P2an.
What everybody do this weekend? I watched football, cleaned the house, and went to the library.

Nov 8, 09 11:04 am  · 

I've never seen TC so quiet on a non-holiday weekend. I guess life has caught up with us or we were frozen in carbonite. I have loads of papers to mark - but I'm procrastinating. I have two classes to prepare for - but I'm procrastinating. And now it's drizzling so I'm going to take a nap.

Nov 8, 09 12:08 pm  · 

I have been out attacking the flower bed, putting it away for winter and mowing and raking leaves. I was doing this in a long sleeve shirt and it is the first part of November....I hope the weather holds as I have alot of concrete foundation work being carried out over the next couple of weeks.

I should have been at the computer working on paper projects....but it is Killer Nice outside and those things I can't do when it is raining or in the middle of the week when we have a nice day.

Nov 8, 09 2:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Almost 70 degrees here today! And we had a brunch party at our house! With mimosas and locally made donuts and these crazy little corn-bacon muffins with honey-jalapeno frosting! And I saw a friend from grad school I haven't seen in 5 years, and another I haven't seen in ten years! Woo!

And now the dog and child are utterly exhausted so I'll be able to get some uninterrupted work done tonight bigger woo!!!!

Nov 8, 09 4:45 pm  · 

I think I need therapy I read twice in Liberty's post "horny-jalapeno frosting." Sounds like a great party! I'm up from my nap - the weather changed and became muggy and humid as I slept, needless to say a shower was the first thing when I woke up. I've read one paper and sent on the comments, but still haven't done the lesson plans for tomorrow. Anyone care to remind me what a Garden City was?

Nov 8, 09 5:28 pm  · 

A-techno: garden cities were a Victorian concept of purity through living in nature aka a suburb. Wikipedia gives some examples here. Gotta thank Ebenezer Howard for the concept.

just got back inside from doing yard work. the brilliant thing was figuring that if I reversed the swing of the back gate, I wouldn't be forced to walk under the garage's dripping eves/icicles...

All my neighbors were marveling at the 60 degrees and wishing we could have a little warmth like this later in the winter - say in February or March.

Now back to planning next semester!

Nov 8, 09 5:52 pm  · 

I had a great brunch day with friends in from out of town. Then we went on a bike ride over the prairie....

I love the simple Sundays...
I need to get to some fall/winter gardening. Is it too late for beans in North FL?

Nov 8, 09 6:52 pm  · 

Still alive, but barely. Way too much fun in Lexington. Unfortunately I didn't get to see the Miller House. Hopefully next time.

Nov 8, 09 9:34 pm  · 

thanks Barry well timed

Nov 8, 09 10:15 pm  · 

they built part of the garden city here too. in a place called den-en-chofu, just outside of tokyo. it is entirely lost int he city now, but back then was perty cool i imagine.

thing i love about garden city is that it turned into suburbia and because howard was right in there with shaw and reformers of arts and crafts variety (pugin and friends) we have modern suburbs filled with fake vernacular instead of high end semi-classical stuff. interesting how that worked out, isn't it? this is by the way my own version of history and not actually based on verifiable fact...but it might be right ;-)

Nov 9, 09 3:45 am  · 

jump, just wanted to inform you that my anti-virus (avast) detected a worm/virus when I went to the blog section of your website.
hope it's nothing but you never know...

Nov 9, 09 6:17 am  · 

Morning all,

I am attempting to figure out what i want to do with my life? Any suggestions? My problem seems to be too many ideas.

Considering a move to NC in the next year or so.. Any thoughts on good schools, nice cities to live etc?

Main goal is to get out of IT....and back into teaching or maybe going back to school.

My girl might be moving up there for school in the next year so..

Nov 9, 09 10:17 am  · 

Boston is a good example of an almost fully-realized garden city - there is the emerald necklace - a series of parks that rings almost the entire city - and once outside city limits, there is yet another ring of reservations.

Nov 9, 09 11:25 am  · 

Nam, come to Mpls! You'd make an excellent academic, but that means getting a terminal degree aka m.arch or or phd... I'll do what I can to assist one of the smartest cats on the 'nect get into grad school!

Mpls/st.paul has almost as much parkland as the boston metro region, but I wouldn't quite call these places 'garden cities' as they were built in the '20s and '30s/

SH - I'm looking for a local architect in College Station for a potential large project. Any suggestions?

Any other 'nectuers from the lone star state? (RF is up in Lubbuck which is ways away)

Nov 9, 09 1:10 pm  · 

nam - I picture you really liking landscape architecture for some reason...

Nov 9, 09 2:11 pm  · 


As tree knows i have been contemplating landscape arch for a while.

The two things that i need to resolve are
1) i always wanted a PhD but it seems like a terminal MLA would be my best bet, unless a did a Phd in planning/urban design.

2) i don't have an artistic portfolio so up til now my research into MLA programs has focused on LSU, UF UGA and other regional state programs that don't require a portfolio submittance.

Maybe I am just being lazy and should just "create" a portfolio but i feel like i wouldn't know where to start. Just start creating landscape drawings or something? Unless i submit some written work?

Tree, thanks man. There aren't any PhD programs in Larch are there?

Nov 9, 09 2:23 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Hey Nam, start looking into formal gardens (french medieval, italian, english, jardin a la francaise) et cetera.

This is a garden from Villany I recently discovered that is terrifying and amazing:

Had no idea how they did this without a motorized hedge trimmer.

Nov 9, 09 3:53 pm  · 

Hey everyone... if there is someone out there with experience in web design or know someone who does... would you be willing to email me regarding your billing practices? It would be much appreciated!

Nov 9, 09 4:26 pm  · 

Enjoyed the concert and time spent with good friends. We had dinner before the concert and then listened to the "Dirty Dozen Brass Band" Blast away. The venue probably wasn't their best as they seem to like to make big sound but it was still a good time. The Baratone Sax player sang "Dirty Ole Man" as the last number and had three youg dancing babes from the crowd join him on stage. Seemed like they were enjoying it as much as he was. It was a good end to a weekend after the most stressful week I can recall in a long time. Just way to many fires going over the past month. Hoping to settle into a more normal stride of getting things done between now and the end of the year.

Nov 9, 09 5:37 pm  · 

Orochi most motorised tools today only emulate the tasks previously performed by servants and slaves. Now slavery - that was an amazing invention. Tk does Minneapolis have a Phd programme? I'm on the market - I need to be enrolled by 2011 to continue my teaching career. Could you imagine Nam, Tk and myself in school - wow archinect U.

Nov 9, 09 10:48 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Yeah but this garden was in France and built somewhere between 1820 1910, at least 30 to 90 years after France ended slavery and indentured in its own borders.

About 40 to 60 years before the first modern hedge trimmer showed up. I believe the late 1960s.

The gardens are Villandry were built relatively "free of cruelty."

Nov 9, 09 11:31 pm  · 

techno, might I suggest looking into UIC's brand new Design Criticism degree? I am not sure whether there's a PhD option, but it's an interesting idea to me personally. Seems like it might be up your alley as you already have some experience / expertise in the area.

Nov 9, 09 11:54 pm  · 

Thanks random. I will check it out. Fucking Russian hackers. Hopefully nothing but knowing my luck not.

Nam. Phd is whatever you want as long as you can find prof and school to sign on. Definitely go for it. I think you will do great. I don't know how it works for mla but for march is not problem to have non design background. Either way I guessing you will have as much advice as you could want from folks around here.

Orochi. Archi. Gardens are trimmed like that all the time here. It is not as much work as it seems. My father in law used to be local lord before Americans took his land after the war. He still has large garden that he does himself. Takes time and patience but not so bad. Others just hire gardners. Imagine that is what goes here.

Nov 10, 09 2:00 am  · 

Doesn't SW live in a Victorian community based on similar premises? I think I remember him discussing it a while back. It's a great concept.

Nam - I thought you had already decided to do Landscape Architecture? In any case I think that or something to do with Urban Development would really suit you.

Atechno - Why 2011? Is that what the university requires?

Not much going on here. Still waiting for the project kickoff. Hopefully it'll will start by the end of the week. In the meantime I am taking this afternoon off to continue working on my bathroom. I'm hoping last night's wood filling party was the last and that I can actually move on to priming and painting after a quick sanding. Keep your fingers crossed everyone, I'm really sick of having wood dust everywhere.

Nov 10, 09 9:26 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, what are you doing in this bathroom? You've been working on it for what seems like forever.

Tk, sorry I don't know anyone, but you might look into who did the architecture or library on A M campus. I saw a model an it was prettycool. Could you put a claus in your agreement that they have to let me telecomute for them?

Nov 10, 09 10:23 am  · 

Morning all,

Archi, so you have to have started working on a PhD and then successfully earn one to be able to continue teaching at your uni?

Melt and others. Yeah L:andscape Architecture and urban scale development/regeneration is def the thing i am interested in. The issue all along has been finding the right program (one i can actually get into).

The first step is retaking GRE which i finally started getting serious about, this fall.

Jump, the PhD issue is the one thing that makes me thing urban planning/design might be a better option as they aren't terminal masters....

Anywho, my sister is getting her staples out today and will likely be leaving parents for her own apartment within the week.!!!


Nov 10, 09 11:06 am  · 

Atechno & nam, I'm starting a new thread. But my advise is to go for the MLA, it's much easier and seems to open as many doors in teaching as a PhD does.

Nov 10, 09 11:40 am  · 

You have a good memory SH. I have been working on my bathroom project for a while. The previous owners used latex paint directly over the oil based stuff. I discovered this the hard way when I decided to do a "quick" wood trim paint refresh and proceeded to sand a few rough spots. That's when I discovered it. The only way to fix the problem is to pretty much start from scratch (i.e. strip everything). Long story short. I have stripping and have been only working on it intermittently for the past year. Now I'm down to sanding the areas I've used wood fill on and painting. Hopefully I'll be done by Thanksgiving. If not, it WILL be done by the New Year.

Nov 10, 09 2:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jeeze melt. I think I wouldve just put in new trim!

Off to mop. My mothers husband comes in tomorrow after month contracting in Kuwait. He hasn't seen the house since I started cleaning it for my mom.

Nov 10, 09 3:03 pm  · 

Hi all. I haven't posted in quite sometime because of school madness.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Liberty - I MET DAN SAVAGE A FEW WEEKENDS AGO!!!! I totally freaked on the inside but tried to play it cool on the outside. In retrospect, I was probably uber socially awkward when I met him. Oops.

Nov 10, 09 4:51 pm  · 

Hi all. I haven't posted in quite sometime because of school madness.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Liberty - I MET DAN SAVAGE A FEW WEEKENDS AGO!!!! I totally freaked on the inside but tried to play it cool on the outside. In retrospect, I was probably uber socially awkward when I met him. Oops.

Nov 10, 09 4:51 pm  · 

SH - That's what everybody keeps saying but my house is 82 years old. You can't get the type of trim that I have anymore and I'm not willing to give up the integrity of the house. So for that I guess I'll just have to suffer.

Nov 10, 09 4:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw, n_ I'm jealous but yay for you! Was it the vulva puppet story? At the Kinsey Institute in Bloomington? By the way your Halloween costume was awesome, I keep meaning to post that on Facebook but haven't gotten around to it.

Nov 10, 09 5:13 pm  · 

awesome that you are doing that melt. i completely understand the desire to keep the original trim in spite of the pain of bringing it back to life.

architecno, that is what lots of my friends and colleagues are doing too. to get tenure it seems a phd is becoming a requirement, so many professors are doing phd while they teach. my old professors are now pursuing phds, which is very cool. i think since they are not practicing or licensed architects it actually makes sense that they are going for advanced expertise in their field. makes the school more credible.

nam, you probably know this so forgive me in case i am repeating old is not like other courses in that it doesn't usually have a set course of study. urban planners often study in geography, economics, sociology faculties, as well as architecture and planning. I only bring it up because that means you could actually do a phd in landscape architecture in content, while the actual degree would be something else, like phd in geography, etc. You can determine the path on your own. the only problem is to find a prof and program that fits your ambition.

my phd was in urban planning but my professor is a professional planner and architect teaching in faculty of architecture as well as faculty of frontier science (means that planners work alongside physicists, and bio-engineers who are making toxin eating bacteria).

Was kind of cool cuz my faculty had the guy who won nobel prize for his work with the neutrino detector at super-kamiokande. but there i was, studying the similarities between compact city theory and suburbia in japan...and my m.arch class-mates were designing shelters for unicef or helping my prof with urban plan in paris...etc. which is to say it is really all over the place in terms of what is covered and who does what.

TK's suggestion sounds very coolio indeed.

Nov 10, 09 5:49 pm  · 

Hi n_.....

Good to hear all is busy. I would think it might be hard to be socially awkward around such a exposed gentleman.

Melt, love the idea that you are sticking with the trim although sometimes less work is also attractive,...

Nov 10, 09 7:50 pm  · 

Laid the shelves downstairs in the basement to dry. Just went down to see if I could flip them over to paint the other side and what did I find... two cat paw prints. ARGH!!!

Nov 10, 09 8:11 pm  · 

Hi manatary I will look into UIC the more options now the better. *m well my contract expires in 2012 and the agreement was that for continuance I would be enrolled in a Phd programme if I wanted to continue - Its something I'm interested in especially with the 50/50 practice/teach that i'm interested in. Seems straight.

Nov 10, 09 8:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay for cat paws, melt you have to keep them!

Nov 10, 09 9:34 pm  · 

Does anyone know the apartment building that was in Banlieue 13? Otherwise called District 13 a French film that heavily features Parkour. Also Wonder K I need to pick your brain on a project.

Nov 10, 09 10:59 pm  · 

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