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vado retro

i had a really good pot pie at the atwood cafe at the hotel burnham on my birthday one time...

Oct 30, 09 6:12 pm  · 

^^ Random thoughts by vado?

Manta - an email has been sent. I think your post is spot on.

SH - I hear you on the paint color thing. I can pick out a great color for someone else in no time flat, but for me it can take months. It actually took a whole year to find the right shade of orange for the accent wall in my living room and I still have yet to apply it to the wall. The swatch is currently tucked behind the light switch plate that sits right inside the front door.

Oct 30, 09 7:37 pm  · 

vado it isn't your birthday today is it?

Oct 30, 09 8:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nope, vado's a January baby, but this is what I think he should dress as for Halloween.

Oct 30, 09 8:33 pm  · 

no toaster, i didn't think of the connection between china's urban growth today and the Parisian experience. It seems a great link though in hindsight.

I will have to study up on urban planning issues in developing countries i think. i know very little about the subject except for the pop "learning from mumbai" mildly-nonsensical stuff that was making the rounds not so long ago - maybe will offer it as a paper for students who are interested, and I can learn from them...

The class is international in every sense of the word, with students from france, rome, china, vietnam, the USA, and of course Japan, so really the speaking to what they know thing is a real task. It does make it interesting though, to hear what is normal for the students back home. everyone has a completely different point of view on the world.

Oct 30, 09 10:03 pm  · 

Jump- check out the megacities project and the writings of janice perlman to start. Also look at the week 14 readings for my seminar this semester. The UN has a bunch of good stuff on informal urbanism, but ignore the world bank or IMF stuff on development.

Oct 31, 09 1:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i am about to eat some punkin pie like i give a damn.

Oct 31, 09 1:49 pm  · 

barry where do we find the readings for your seminar???

Oct 31, 09 4:25 pm  · 

Vado I was out at the store this afternoon with the Mrs...and she wanted to buy a 6pack of Philly Cream Cheese. I looked at her funny least that is what she felt. She then went on to tell me she planned on making a Cream Cheese Cake. She ask me if it was ok.
I told her it was fine as long as she made a pumpkin pie.

Oct 31, 09 6:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Anybody else catch the shout-out to Rationalist on page 85 of the November issue of Architectural Record?

Oct 31, 09 6:44 pm  · 

?! no way, LiG! I missed that! I don't get Record anymore. Will have to look!

Oct 31, 09 7:56 pm  · 

thanks barry.

that is a topic for a whole course, isn't it...i suspect something similar is being offered by the professors of economics here, but if not will propose one. an important theme of our day if ever there was one.

Oct 31, 09 8:03 pm  · 

Whoa. It's Sunday morning and I have no plans for the day. Not even brunch plans!? Humph. And because of the time change I'm up early!

manta, Sarah, melt... if any of your recipes have anything to do with apples, please send them my way. I have a bunch of apples and I'm raring to cook with them...

Nov 1, 09 12:38 pm  · 

WonderK how about them Ducks? Just kidding....

Jump. i suspect you are right that the topic is probably being offered within an economics or sociology course. However, obvs very great idea for you to do one within planning/design college.

LIG, or rationalist, either of you have an image/scan?

I was a grunge musician for Halloween. What about you all?

Shoutout to architechno....

Nov 1, 09 3:10 pm  · 

also, jump your posts on the Sanaa renders thread are wonderful..

And i really like this years 10th Turbine Hall commission

Nov 1, 09 3:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, thanks to the Ducks, the Bearcats are now #4 in the AP poll.

I don't have a scan of the article, but it was a piece about the Design Intelligence architecture school rankings. In the opening paragraph, there's a sentence that reads:

Each year, as the public cracks open the latest black-and-yellow guide, people take to the blogosphere where, sporting handles like "Rationalist" and "Worried_Mom," they share criticism, advice, and pleas for help."

In case anybody is curious about the rankings themselves:

Top ten undergrad:

1. Cornell
2. Syracuse
3. Cal Polytech
4. Virginia Polytech
5. UT Austin
6. Kansas State
7. Oregon, RISD (tie)
9. Rice
10. U of Southern California

Top ten graduate:

1. Harvard
2. Yale
3. Columbia
4. MIT
5. UT Austin
6. Cincinnati
7. Cornell
8. Virginia Polytech
9. U of Virginia
10. UC Berkeley

Nov 1, 09 3:21 pm  · 

i care more about whether or not when i am 75 if i'll have a decent bm.

Nov 1, 09 4:11 pm  · 

oh jesus. That's just what I need.


I actually keep a fair bit of separation between my screen name and my real life. If you were to ask one of my real life friends about the name 'rationalist' they'd be like "huh?" Once explained that it was me I'm sure they'd get why I chose it right away, but they don't know about any of this.

Nov 1, 09 7:35 pm  · 

rationalist your secret is safe with me.

Impressive list for UT Austin and Virginia Pol

Hey Nam...thanks for the hail up! Spent yesterday on the East coast with some friends eating, drinking, lyming at the beach. Sometimes it is necessary to unwind with the ones that make you laugh.

Jump, our school journal typically produces some analysis of Caribbean cities; and those are as developing as any other and interesting on the opposite side of the scale. And fingers crossed I should get the go ahead to publish them online

Nov 1, 09 8:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just sent a furious email to Joe Lieberman and then copied it along with a more rational plea for vision and statesmanship to both my state senators. I'm so freaking sick of politics. Joe Lieberman can bite me.

Nov 1, 09 8:33 pm  · 

Liberty don't tell me one of our senatorial asses has you up in a tizzy.
There is a massive campaign going on to dump our other senator....who just happens to be the son of a former senator. So this year he will be outted and next election hopefully Joe will go.
Connecticut really needs a new start in the political world.

Nov 1, 09 8:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nope, I give up. I've spent the whole damn day inside drafting and ignoring my family on a beautiful autumn day, and I'm tired and cranky, so I'm stopping and going to bed. The drawings will just have to be done Tuesday instead of tomorrow - I'll do a better job this way, anyways.

Good night, all.

Nov 1, 09 10:08 pm  · 

ah you just have to suck up the absurdity of it all LB. joe is a doogy dog grade A prime schmuck. what a dingbat. how much of an ass could a person be and still be given so much authority...

not that usa is doing so good lately in general. the pakistani students really whipped secretary clinton. amazing. i very much hope that part of the world gets better. will take magic probably but ill still hope.

random tangent - i got an iphone last month when my mp3 player crapped out. this machine is much better than i expected. i no longer need a tv, newspapers or books. sometimes use it for talking on phone too.

thanks nam.

archi, i hope you do. would be interested in reading.

Nov 2, 09 3:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning. I'm supposed to have a mom and kids potluck today, but it may be cancelled.

That's about all. Dubbers, I'll email you.

Nov 2, 09 8:49 am  · 

Excuse my ignorance but what does "lyming " mean?

Also, jump i am getting closer and closer to finally getting a cell phone (for the first time ever) and if i do i am definitely going for one of those all in one gadgety "smart phones".

How is everyone else doing. That extra hour of sleep left me feeling rested..

Nov 2, 09 9:06 am  · 

know exactly what you mean nam.

i resisted getting a cell-phone till i started running projects and then found that i couldn't do my job without one.

the phone is pretty good, but thing i like most is that i can now watch the news whenever i want from back home. is awesome to be able to download abc news or whatever and then get on the train and enjoy while i slide under the city.

also put on a bunch of pdfs of articles am using in classes so can catch up on reading before lectures, etc. really amazing device. now i really really really want my laptop to be touchscreen. such an amazing interface.

however if i did not ride train so much and listen to music so much i probably would not need this particular dooh-hicky.

Nov 2, 09 10:39 am  · 

the office wants to fill every desk this afternoon with ringers for a meeting... too bad I'm not going to be there. Maybe a cardboard cut out would work.

Nov 2, 09 10:51 am  · 
liberty bell

I've both been a ringer and worked in an office where we used ringers. It makes sense. And, I just came form an office that was less than half full - it just looks sad.

Nov 2, 09 1:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So about that pot luck. The kid of the hostess is sick, so the venue was changed to my house. I do t know these people, and it was last minute, but I figured my house was clean and I really wanted Abe to play with kids. It's supposed to start at 12 and it is now 12:18 and no oneis here. People never come over when I invite them. Not my friends and now not e ven strangers. This has been happening since I was little. Very very sad.

Maybe everyone is just reAlly really late.

Nov 2, 09 1:21 pm  · 

our ringers are all beautiful and talented - wish we could hire them to replace our current staff! Maybe if we win this project, we'll be able to. Can't wait to share the details about this project, but I'd have to kill you if I let it slip today. Maybe in a few weeks, it can become public knowledge.

Nov 2, 09 1:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, 18 minutes isn't terribly late, and maybe people are just freaked about swine flu and decided to stay home?

But I feel you, people never come to my parties either. We're having a brunch this weekend and I told Brian we might as well invite 50 people, because with our record only 6 will show up ;-)

Nov 2, 09 2:04 pm  · 

sarah that sucks..
hopefully they ended up showing..
Has happened to me before.

Nov 2, 09 2:16 pm  · 

I suffer from that same affliction SH and LB. If it's any to you, I'd show up to both of your houses for your shindigs.

Off to nap.

Nov 2, 09 2:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

7 had rsvpd so swine flu wasn't a factor. One mom did show just as I was making myself some leftover chili. Her daughter was only 7 months, but she was nice. She's from Louisville; steven do you know her? Just messin. Guess it's ok since my house is small. But still.

And melt, and lb, I'd go to your parties too.

Nov 2, 09 6:03 pm  · 

Well I guess you have to get creative with the title of your party:

"Naked Dinner Party"

"Naked Layoff Party"

"Naked Breakfast Party"

"Naked Play Party"

I'm sure puddles can come up with some great party names.

Nov 2, 09 6:22 pm  · 

LB, *m, SH invite me!! I'll show up, eat your food, drink your wine and even laugh at your jokes!! Comedy aside that sucks - people who don't show up at my things rarely get invited again.

Nam lyming - is a phrase common in the Eastern Caribbean that refers to leisure activity that involves food and friends. LB, et al next time say you want to invite everyone over for a lyme - maybe they'll show up then.

Nov 2, 09 6:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Is it just me or is nobody really around this morning.

Nov 3, 09 11:57 am  · 

thomas nelson high school, now under construction! yay me! (and my team, of course.)

Nov 3, 09 12:13 pm  · 

boo my posting skillz.

Nov 3, 09 12:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay Steven (and team)!!!! Looks great.

Is that a Kalwall canopy, or an alternative? I'm considering that for my (someday-down-the-road) screen porch roof.

Nov 3, 09 12:23 pm  · 

it was kalwall (or sim.) but we had to change it because of their roof slope restrictions - we were below their low slope threshold.

ended up with a polycarbonate product from cpi, i believe, which isn't as sexy as kalwall, but OK.

Nov 3, 09 12:26 pm  · 

oh, and i will also brag that we're the first new high school in kentucky to earn the 'designed to meet energy star' recognition. we'll still have to prove performance when the project gets into operation, but it's pretty cool to be able to put the energy star logo on your construction documents.

Nov 3, 09 12:29 pm  · 

Steven very cool

Hi Sarah..

Nov 3, 09 12:48 pm  · 

Woohoo Steven!!!! That's way cool. Love how it's going to meet Energy Star standards. If possible you'll definitely have to keep us updating on the school's progress.

Nov 3, 09 1:24 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yeah, i hosted an (awesome) halloween party last saturday...really, i only now recovering three days later. it's so much easier to deal with hangover when you can sleep all day.

hmmm...i'd probably avoid the word "naked" but admit that "naked brunch" could work in the reight contxt. the thing about invitation is that people want to feel they are being invited to something special (otherwise its' going to just feel like an obligation/chore for them). i spiced up my halloween party by bringing a haitian withc doctor. of course if you're of lesser means than me then you must start smaller. did you have balloons? that's really the starting point. balloons are a bear minimum...and make sure that's it's been (indirectly) communicated to the invitees that you will have balloons, unless you have something better, like a withch doctor.

oh and not that there are really any rules (well maybe there are some guidelines from the anthropolgists) but i don't think you can really "invite" people to lime...well, maybe you can but it's not quite the same now, is it?

Nov 3, 09 2:34 pm  · 
vado retro

i haven't been away. just that my computer has been infiltrated with some damn redirecting trojan that continually opens internet explorer and bogs the hell out of my computer. i have been trying to fix it for three days.

Nov 3, 09 3:15 pm  · 


puddles - I may just take the balloons approach the next time I throw a party. Would you suggest I state that directly on the invitation that there will be balloons present or should would an invitation that has a balloon design/aethestic to it suffice?

Nov 3, 09 4:20 pm  · 

congrats steven!

we've found that Sunday brunch get-togethers are very well attended - although, this last one we invited too many people and didn't really get to hang out with anyone...

*melt - I think the threshold for high brunch attendance is the presence of pancakes... waffles? eh... maybe I'll go ... pancakes? hell yeah I'll be there. I can't really think of a comparable food for evening parties, though...

Nov 3, 09 5:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Puddles, I must say that your consistency is so remarkable that sometimes I think you really must live the life you describe.

I took a practice teaching test. Missed 45 of 148. Sad. I missed nearly all the math questions and the balancing of a chemistry equation. But come on, who did that stuff in eighth grade? I think most of the math questions were hs level. I mean functions, bisects of quadralaterals? Huh? This is supposed to be 4-8th grades. Oh, and apparently I suck at economcs too.

Congrats Steven.

Nov 3, 09 6:17 pm  · 
brian buchalski

crêpes can be eaten fact, they've been becoming especially popular in detroit recently

the thing with balloons (or whatever) is that you can't be too explicit about it...and you need to prepare well in advance. say a couplle of months before your party you start working on your friends by casually having conversations like, "wow, aren't balloons cool!" even better are open-ended questions like "why are balloons so sweet?" that will set your victims, er, friends to thinking about it on their own (remember, selling isn't telling). now that you've quietly planted the seeds, let them grow for a while. then about the same time that you are sending you invites, coincidentally have an accomplice make a post on a social website that features a comment like "hey, i just passed melt coming out of balloons'r'us with a huge box!"...maybe even photo here. by now your victims, er, invitees are connecting the dots and realising that not only are balloons sweet but that you've probably are going to have an awesome display of ballooons at your party. without even reallying understanding why, they will be compelled to fact, they will crave it.

and of course you can substitute anything for balloons...marchmallow peeps, champagne, withc doctors, etc

or the other approach is to just very casually have a party with some balloons tossed about and then when your only 1-2 guests come they will see your balloons and this will set up word-of-mouth expectations for the ext time. but this is actually more work because it involves having two parties the first of which is basically a failure.

or you could just have some balloons and be all like, fuck it, i've got ballooons

Nov 3, 09 6:20 pm  · 

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