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slowly we are getting closer and closer to pin point the puddles lair.

It's a hazy day today, to the british anglophones it's a dossy day - overcast and lazy. But to make things brighter I'm sipping on a little rum punch (quickly made without the fresh lime and sugar - but hits the spot). I think I may take a nap

Oct 24, 09 4:45 pm  · 

Tis Saturday late afternoon and I'm on the phone talking with a Client about project cost. Damn it is painful when something comes in over budget! So I guess I will spend Sunday thinking about where the big cost are in this project and not relaxing that is unless I head out to the Packie....and get a big bottle of Rum or Single Malt Whiskey or do the, "Absolute Thing" Naw I better behave and
"getter done." I'm a bit like Liberty these past few weeks. I'm having a hard time accomplishing much because I have been using the Shot Gun Approach. I told Mrs. B it might be easier to be an Insurance Salesman.....Guess I'm feeling that sucking sound. I would rather be designing, but that isn't what is happening. The big crunch has been all those other exciting things such as shop drawings, cost estimates, working drawings, haggling clients for payments, and Planning and Zoning meetings. Oh ya and paying
taxes. Any yowho...I'm going to go take the evening off with my slim beers..

Oct 24, 09 5:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Exactly, snook. It's been one mundane fire after another for the last few weeks. None of it the interesting stuff! I took today off and went to the Friendly Haunted House with Angus then bought his Halloween pumpkin, the thing is huge of course!

Also, treekiller, your dream is hilarious and so Phily, but of course I never went to either Pat's OR Geno's because I don't like whiz!

mantaray, the crazy thing about the Calatrava exhibit space is exactly that it's not sued for anything. And isn't the whole justification of the wings that they can modulate the amount of light coming in and thus protect the art, in the tradition of Kimbell etc.? But they don't use that space for art, so what is the point of the wings?!

The Saarinen building really is under-appreciated. I went there 17 years ago for the Agnes Martin retrospective, but I don't recall what the entry sequence was like. Must have been too hung over. The vista from due west of that building through it to the lake beyond is stunningly beautiful, and also totally controlled, but not sterile.

Oct 24, 09 6:07 pm  · 

Morning all,
i worked for a friend doing some catering last night. Under the table, cash in hand and i made 175 for about 7 hrs work.
Not bad huh at least fr this still living in a college town boy.

I also am enjoying the seemingly here to stay fall weather. Although this being north florida it is probably not meant to last.

Oct 25, 09 1:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice report, Orhan, and thank you for reminding me of how much more personal this was.

Oct 26, 09 7:14 am  · 

I love U2; once went to a what was supposed to be a quiet concert for a bunch of stuffy managers on our north coast, only to have them perform I remember standing about 2 feet away from them singing every song I knew at the top of my lungs oblivious to everyone else in the room. But on a serious note that last image looks more like Robin Williams

Oct 26, 09 8:08 am  · 

going to chi-town in 2 wks, car rental or public transit?

Oct 26, 09 8:11 am  · 
brian buchalski

for those of you who were interested in the detroit real estate market, i just read this via yahoo.

oh, & yeah, i can definitely see stars here. lots of them, in fact, since there is very little light pollution here. it's like being in the middle of the ocean.

Oct 26, 09 8:51 am  · 

i would say public transportation. That is how I was always able to get around when visiting Chi-town but i suppose it depends on your itinerary.

Orhan, that last image kind of scares me.

Morning everyone else.

Oct 26, 09 9:07 am  · 

nam, how is your sister doing? i want to do public, going to house of blues, so i guess i'll be in the loop area??

for artiste types

Oct 26, 09 9:25 am  · 
vado retro

i like u2 as long as they don't play anything post achtung, baby. they are so by the book though. very little, if no spontaneaty.

beta i certainly wouldn't rent a car in chicago. you can easily walk from house of blues to the loop. and the redline will get you within walking distance of anyplace you probably want to go.

Oct 26, 09 9:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My first designed and built occupiable structure. I am presenting to all the Archinect LEEDers for approval. I think it qualifies for platinum status since its built entirely of non-toxic and recycled materials.

Built all of ikea boxes from doing my mother's office. Damn. I forgot to photograph the guestroom while I was there.

Morning all.

Oct 26, 09 9:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What the hell.

And in case that doesnt work, here's the link

Its an iPhone image and doesnt have .jpg at the end. Is that why it wont post?

Oct 26, 09 9:49 am  · 

i want to see stars again. i love tokyo but miss that my children don't get the picture of the milky way that i did growing up, especially when we went out to the farm. seriously the only star in the sky is a planet. that is too weird...

never been to see u2. concert looks very impressive. i liked them back in high school when they seemed much more rowdy and cool (don't remember if they actually were). impressive they kept up and are still making pretty good music...

Oct 26, 09 10:13 am  · 

Sarah, you can just add the .jpg to the end of it -- trust me on this one. It's kind of a weird trick.

Beta -- are you going to be staying in a hotel IN the city? Or are you going to save money and stay in the burbs? That's really what makes the difference. If you're going to be in the city, do NOT rent a car. Not only is the public transit extensive (and helps you see the city better), but parking is limited and very expensive, not just in the loop anymore but all over the city. (Mayor Daley SOLD all of our parking meters to Merrill Lynch and they immediately raised the rate to $4 an hour in many places, and they run the meters 24/7 when they used to be only days from M-F. And the city gets none of that extra money. Great move, Daley.)

Oct 26, 09 10:31 am  · 

hey Sarah that is very cool!! I like it! Neat and crisp.

Oct 26, 09 10:31 am  · 

Actually Beta even the car rental itself is expensive in Chicago. And they say on TV that we have the highest gas cost in the country (not surprising).

Oct 26, 09 10:33 am  · 

i'm staying at the airport, a sheraton, 50 a night, and figured transit would be better publico. do they have passes instead of buying tix daily?

Oct 26, 09 10:42 am  · 

found it 14 bucks for 3 days, nice.

Oct 26, 09 10:44 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, that's awesome. Very nice lines.

beta, you might be out late at night in Chicago, so you might want to check and see if transit runs late enough to get you back to the sheraton, or see if a cab back would be plausible.

Oct 26, 09 10:45 am  · 

Actually the weekly pass is a better deal. Sold only at the airport stations, so you're in luck!

Oct 26, 09 10:47 am  · 

train line to o'hare (blue line) runs all night, due to airport. cab to airport from downtown would be about $45 plus tip.

You should be aware that it's a bit of a long ride to downtown from o'hare -- 45 mins one way, if you don't have to wait on the train. sure you can't find a hotwire deal on a city hotel? The hotels are HURTING BAD right now -- might be worth a look. There are so very many hotels downtown it seems a shame to waste so much time in transit every day. Try the Felix hotel, they've been running a lot of ads (new renovation).

Oct 26, 09 10:56 am  · 

she is doing much better. Released home (wearing a blue helmet) last week and has the surgery to replace the skull piece they removed to relieve swelling scheduled for this week.
The docs say she might relapse a bit after the surgery, but currently is talking walking and even Facebooking..

So it seems like ti will be a full recovery with maybe a few weeks or months of speech therapy/rehab.

From what i remember it is real easy to get from Airport to Loop via CTA..

Oct 26, 09 11:20 am  · 

nam, i had a head injury when i was young, nothing as serious as your sister, but i can tell you it will be a fits and starts kind of thing. the other thing, lb and a former regular were discussing "narcissism" and illness, and i can tell you that your sister will probably experience the same thing i did; when the attention goes away, and you are left with dealing with the after effects, you feel alone and crave the attention everyone gave's tough.

manta, i wanted to stay downtown, just can't afford it, plus i like being close to airport. thanks.

Oct 26, 09 11:33 am  · 

beta thanks for the words.

Yeah i have been drifting between optimism and pessimism in equal turn, but figure it will probably be bumpy and she won't be completely out of woods for awhile.

My biggest "worry" is that her personality changes and thus i "loose" the younger sister I have always had.

Oct 26, 09 1:45 pm  · 

so... in very early '90s, my mom would take my sisters and I to the local public library to play spelling, reading and math games on their computers. It was an absolute treat and we begged her to take us every single day during the summer times....

anyone by chance do the same? its killing me i cant remember the name of the reading game i loved... i know there was a bear involved in the title... and im sure it was a spelling/reading game...

hhhhh i cant even remember enough details to google the thing...

Oct 26, 09 6:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sounds fun, lletdownl, but in the very early 90s I was in grad school. I'm a freakin' fossil.

Oct 26, 09 7:37 pm  · 


Oct 26, 09 8:25 pm  · 
Oct 26, 09 8:31 pm  · 

I was a bit old for that stuff, but my little brother loved stickybear.

Oct 26, 09 8:34 pm  · 

sure, beta, np, any advice you need and I'm sure a bunch of us would be happy to help. I just didn't know if you had been here before and realized how far out the airport is. I think sometimes people assume that since it's technically within city limits (only because they extended the city out to enclose it...), that that means it's close. If you know what I mean.

If you plan to do any suburban traveling of course you would need a car. Such as to go to the botanical gardens or whatnot. I would probably say that if you want to explore the south side at all you should rent a car; it's not well served by transit but has much more available free parking than the rest of the city. It's also, of course, the furthest thing from o'hare. The downtown tourist stuff will be fine by train.

Oct 26, 09 9:13 pm  · 

I was supposed to see mantaray this weekend but... *sniff* she never called.

Oct 26, 09 9:20 pm  · 

manta, yeah 45 minutes seems the time, man, no express?? puhlease, they could learn something from nj transit.

i haven't really been to chicago, was there in the burbs as a kid, but never really roaming around by myself.

i am just going there to see my favorite band, so my days are going to be filled with roaming and seeing...

Oct 26, 09 9:38 pm  · 

it's been a long day, and see B3ta is planning to head to Chi-town. Fingers crossed I might be flying through the following weekend to see the missus. In transit only though.

Oct 26, 09 9:48 pm  · 

beta, don't ask about the airport express... it's a ridonkulous pet project of "mayor" despot daley that would be a serious waste of non-existent city money at this point. Anyway it was supposed to be completed by like, next year but they just mothballed the station after realizing that it would cost hundreds of millions more than they had anticipated. So it's like, sitting underneath the city half-finished or some shit. Ugh, can't wait till we get rid of Dat Guy.

oh rationalist, I know, I was so hoping to have some free time! It turned out that the wedding was a bigger time-suck than I had expected. I'm sorry, it was a short trip. I'll be out for longer at Thanksgiving though and would love to see you then. If it's any consolation, I didn't get to see Orhan either (although he was too busy anyhow! Something about a Rockstar Architect lifestyle... I don't know.)

Oct 26, 09 9:51 pm  · 

Oh and Sarah I love that desk! Is it meant to be permanent? It is really quick inspiring and reminds me of an architecton installation

Oct 26, 09 9:52 pm  · 

beta what band?

Sarah, maybe Abram can play with it or even better destroy it after playing with it?
Good night everyone, i am bushed.

Oct 26, 09 11:00 pm  · 

manta, it was a long scheduled event i had to go. actually it was a dinner for my armenian friend's new novel riverbig.
the next day the rock star architect's schedule was around long overdue laundry duty because of broken dryer at home for quite some time now, necessitating me to do several (4) triple size washes and long hours of folding in the neighborhood laundry or reckon with tina's foul manners.
laundry is my job needlessly to say, and we let them pile up in long intervals. in laundromats there is not much rock and roll but relentless fluff and fold, so much so i know the attendant carolina by name. i am the only one shows up with a huge laundry pile. all the hispanic women secretly feel sorry for me but i lead them to think i am doing this for money.;.)
i have a technique for folding large sheets as one person but i don't really care about fitted sheets since they stretch flat when you put them on anyway. i seperate whites definitely but don't put anything on gentle dry as i lie to tina i did as she requested. the suggested measurements for detergants are mostly bullshit and i use twice as much what it says. i don't use any softener because it gives this false sense of comfort and can't stand the smell of it in the dryer. tide is a little more money but does the best job.
and lastly,
when you have two dogs, forget about ever having more than two pair of matching socks, which i dont wear half of the year anyway.

on an unrelated matter:
Q- why is my own posts not showing on my facebook page?

Oct 27, 09 12:39 am  · 
in laundromats there is not much rock and roll but relentless fluff and fold

This is the best sentence I have read in a long time. :)

I was kidding about the rock star lifestyle, orhan -- I knew you were busy, it was a last-minute notice, I didn't expect you to be free! :) I'll catch you another time. Too bad I couldn't tag along to the armenian thing, I bet the food was good. I think I'll buy that book -- it sounds precisely up my alley. Or up my Central Valley.

Whenever my man does our laundry by himself (he's designated laundry person), all the smiling old hispanic ladies come clucking around and start folding his laundry "for" him while his back is turned. Needless to say, they do not follow his precise naval folding training. He has to wait till they clear out so he can discreetly refold. The funny thing is that he is by far the domestic partner... if only they knew he COOKS for me too!

Also, thanks Orhan, you have successfully made me fear that he is not putting my clothes on cool dry like he says he is! Harrumph.

I get a lot of anxiety about the fitted sheet folding. When I was 12 I once spent an entire afternoon laying one out onto the living room carpet and perfecting a method that produced a folded fitted sheet precisely matching the folded flat one. I was really proud of myself and said so to my mother, who ever since makes comments about my "borderline OCD".

Oct 27, 09 12:50 am  · 

That architecture student killing himself at ASU's Design School, in front of his professor, is really disturbing.

Oct 27, 09 1:39 am  · 

Oh, and I'm just checking in. Re: the conversation of a page and a half ago, I'm in a bit of a funk too, but a slightly different funk than you all. I'm quite lonely. I mean, I have a few good friends here but I need some male companionship. I'm probably going to try out some eHarmony action after I get paid, unless someone here wants to play Yente. However, no long distance relationships anymore, please.

Urgh, I need a Halloween costume. Also I hate the Yankees. That is all. Carry on.

Oct 27, 09 1:55 am  · 

nam, Skinny Puppy, few people know them, but everyone respects them.

Oct 27, 09 6:07 am  · 

i remember my dad taking a programming course in university and it involved punch-cards. not much later i lerned basic on a 16kbit computer. the monitors were green and there were no bears.

i am kind of glad i am not old enough to remember vacuum tubes in computers but do remember them in tvs. they had a smell that i can't describe but if i come across it again ill remember it. something ozone-y.

we hang all our laundry on the balcony like everyone else in tokyo. we only see dryers in the countryside. laundromats do exist here though. have seen some awesome ones with jsut a tin roof over an allley way and electricity and water brought in from a mysterious place invisible to all. i think would be cool to visit with a basket full of towels someday. but i don't look there and taking on subway would be strange.

Oct 27, 09 7:41 am  · 


I too was interested to read your approach with regards to fitted sheets. I have never known what to do and feel like i spend to much time fussing over trying to fold a fitted sheet properly.
Think i will take your tactic from now on if you don't mind.

Beta, interesting that it is Skinny Puppy. I haven't really heard their name invoked since my high school days hanging out at the picnic tables with all the Goths...

And WonderK good to hear you are doing "well". At least you have some friends, to keep you company.

I would definitely stay away from long distance though. Plus, their is always free Craigslist right?

Oct 27, 09 8:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow. I knew that picture was bad, but a desk? Really? It's a playhouse. The front porch is just big enough for a female adult to crawl under, the middle is big enough to sit under, and the tall part is big enough for me to stand under. Abe loves it, but he want to close all the windows. Guess j can add shutters. That's my moms house by the way. Mine isn't large enough to have empty rooms.

Funny that the old women fold the laundry. I'm that kind of person though I'm not old or Mexican.

I made eggplant parm for the firsttime ever. Actually I've never even eaten eggplant before. It turned out amazing. Also made my own creation of southern apple dumplings. We drop the dough into the apples down here, we don't wrap the apples in dough. Itturned out better than I imagined. Husband gave me that "oh my god I just had an orgasm in my mouth" look. I love that look. I'll post photos in a bit.

Oct 27, 09 10:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Gonna try the playhouse one last time.

The apple dumplings, my way. I will give the recipe out if asked.

And just for grins, Husband's Bender Costume.

Oct 27, 09 10:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

son of a bitch. I tried adding .jpg to the end of those, but no go. What the hell.

That was a backass way of doing it....

Oct 27, 09 10:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and since I am so proud of the costume, the door does open, and behind was an iron transfer cartoon beer I made in Photoshop. We way overthink things, we designers, dont we?

Oct 27, 09 10:29 am  · 

Sarah, woops guess those kind of misreads are what happens when you aren't trained as an architect :0

Also, re: dumplings, do you mean you drop the apple pieces into the batter/dough or you wrap the apples in the dough somehow?

Also how have you never had an eggplant before? My roommate hates the stuff but he only knows that cause he has ate it.

Personally, one of the local sub shops does a eggplant parm sub that i love.....

Oct 27, 09 10:29 am  · 

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