
Thread Central

liberty bell

Backwards, definitely, beta.

Funny how tiffany seemed to pick random threads to spam, right? Some of them are old, some new, some borrowed....wait.

Oct 20, 09 7:34 am  · 
vado retro

Cowgirls in Reverse would be a good band name.

Oct 20, 09 8:07 am  · 

if that was your point orochi then you sure took your time getting to it. i understand, you don't get empathy, and can't get how that might be unnecessarily disturbing for some. fair enough. lets move on. reverse cowgirl is much more my scandal. lets have more of that please ;-)

aagh just snorted wasabi by mistake! woohoo, my sinuses are singing.

Oct 20, 09 9:04 am  · 

snorting wasabi could also be a good band name.

Oct 20, 09 9:08 am  · 
liberty bell

Ooh, wasabi in my sinuses sounds really nice right now. Maybe I'll get sushi for lunch...oops, forgot: Angus is home sick again today, so lunch will be mac-n-cheese at home. Better for my wallet, anyway.

Oct 20, 09 9:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't know the woman, but I'm she will get it out. Maybe she should go to a surgeon that removes tumors and such.

So I can getall but the pants and boots on baxkwards. Maybe if I put on some really large pnts, it would work, but otherwise I don't know how Kris kross did it. Maybe it's the difference between woman's and low rise jeans that wehave towear now. Would I need to wear the six shooters backwards as well? That would be a disadvantage in a draw.

Techno, the bud light was LAME-O. The ham thing is areferenceto scout finch because she dresses up as a ham for her Halloween party. I honestly only remember her falling down while running across a field to theschool.

DAmn iPhone. It keeps omitting my spaces. Sorry.

Oct 20, 09 9:25 am  · 

Howdy everybody...

Oct 20, 09 9:41 am  · 

jump - I like your story about your wife thinking you were watching porn. Hilarious. There have been so many instances where people walk in at the wrong times and mistake me for doing something else. I panic and make it worse usually. So... how do you mistakenly snort wasabi anyway?

Manta - thanks for the suggestion. I never looked into other things he's written. I kind of forgot about the book actually, although the voice is so unique it kind of stays with you. I always thought it was some obscure book because I found it in a tiny bookstore on a tiny island in Thailand. I guess I figured his voice was so unique in that book, it was kind of a one time deal. But now that I'm looking into it, it looks like he's still taking the approach of using a unique voice (except not his own) and blurring fiction and biography. Sounds interesting.

Oct 20, 09 10:00 am  · 
brian buchalski

hey i was trying to help someone named "vado retro" who posted above:

"i've searched the forums but could someone explain what a "reverse cowgirl" is. i just can't picture it. thanks for the help."

strictly speaking, i don't think they actually have to be "cowgirls". what's a cowgirl anyhow? oh, nevermind...apparently they're florida state university coeds:

...i'm kind of offended they didn't go to notre dame.

Oct 20, 09 11:32 am  · 
brian buchalski

my goodness! thread central has suddenly turned into threadbare this upside down day or something?

Oct 20, 09 11:41 am  · 

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

...and Orochi, I'm done. You just blew past the line.

Oct 20, 09 12:03 pm  · 

I met pixelwhore on friday - great guy - I'm really jealous of his job.

Oct 20, 09 3:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'M SICK, SICK, SICK OF DRAFTING. Oops, appropriate that that sentence was mistakenly written in all caps, huh? Ugh, back to it.

Oct 20, 09 4:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski

SO AM I...which is why i procrastinate. in fact, just read this:

"Football allows the intellectual part of my brain to evolve, but it allows the emotional part to remain unchanged. It has a liberal cerebellum and a reactionary heart. And this is all I want from everything, all the time, always."

excerpted from a book and currently available [url=

Oct 20, 09 5:21 pm  · 
brian buchalski

damn, i need my archinect license revoked for perpetually f'n up links

excerpted from a book and currently available here

Oct 20, 09 5:24 pm  · 

Time for some bicycle porn

I'm shocked that the isotruss carbon fiber bike hasn't been discussed on archinect before (or has it?)

available for both roadies and mountain bikers

Oct 20, 09 6:21 pm  · 

That is pure sex!

Oct 20, 09 6:37 pm  · 

that is pretty cool TK. looks sexpensive.

wasabi snorting is not fun. breathed the wrong way while eating. can still feel it ;-)

just explained to my young daughter that dazzle the dinosaur was not a real dinosaur but was a made up animal just for the picture book. She asked if there was a person inside making it move. interesting leap. kids are cool that way.

interestingly i just gave first assignment to students of class i am teaching on history of urban planning in tokyo. it requires creativity and some of the students are worried. my children could do the project in a blink. most kids could. pity how our various cultures teach us to forget to see things with naive eyes. guess that is the actual role of architecture school - to remove the barriers we put up between us and what we see.

Oct 20, 09 7:48 pm  · 

got rid of a bunch of books today. picked up a bunch of cool ones.

Roger Caillois

for one.

Oct 20, 09 9:26 pm  · 


i've got a question.

when the motivation is gone...
when the competitions/sidework/lectures/etc just aren't doing it anymore...
when the apathy towards the present work enviroment wells up to the point you'd rather stay home or work at fed ex then detail one more ACT transition, one more room layout...

what's a (wanna be) architect to do? it's really effin up my mojo, and it's been so long since i've worked on real architecture (aka not interiors or a fake project that never makes it out of SD), there are serious concerns about my ability to do the most basic things now (like detailing a wall - wtf?)

ugh. how do you kids do it?

Oct 20, 09 9:33 pm  · 

the [temporary] solution, apparently, is knocking out a perfect score in the don judd or cheap furniture quiz...

Oct 20, 09 9:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Damn that quiz, holz! I got a 92% (missed the first one) and challenged my husband to do better. Which of course he did: 100%. I'll never, ever hear the end of it.

As for the lost motivation: I'm feeling it bad, bad, bad lately. I don't know what the say except keep working. I feel good when I accomplish things; even if I'm not terribly proud of the things themselves, it just feels good to mark them off my list.

Oct 20, 09 9:49 pm  · 

ha. yeah, i've got a fetish for judd (almost literally) and unfortunately it's not just limited to his furniture.

thanks for the advice. i guess part of it is just an ovewhelming sense of not fitting in where i work, not having types of projects i felt i was hired to work on, not being able to progress on the 'green' front beyond what i'm teaching myself...

counseling helped for a while, ms. holz is unbelievably supportive as are my friends.

but damn, i seriously don't know what it will take to get me out of this f*ckin funk.

Oct 20, 09 10:02 pm  · 

whoops, that's mrs. holz.

Oct 20, 09 10:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

Argh, that's what is so annoying, I love Judd and have seen at least some of those pieces in real life. I missed that first shelving unit, so embarrassing.

It's probably not a good time to be looking for a new job, is it? (I've been dreaming of the Arch for Humanity South Africa job for awhile. Not that I could do it, but i can dream!) Can you talk to your boss(es) about doing some research into green practices during some office slow time?

Oct 20, 09 10:17 pm  · 

ha. yeah it is. i only knew he shelving unit from the desk he did further down. but it's scary how similar some of the poorly built wal mart furniture is.

now is probably not a good time to be looking/moving on. and i'm not sure anyone would really hire me w/ how badly my skills have regressed. i used to be decent at detailing (thanks to ze germans), but it's been over a year since i've done any detailing whatsoever (literally)

i did the arch for humanity/arch without borders thing, and that helped for a bit.

regarding talking to the bosses - maybe. i've talked to them about my struggles a few times, and it's great for a week and then nosedives back down. when times were better and we were bringing in green, ground up work - there were some promising conversations. but scheduling, etc and those all went elsewhere. now it's just bad work, interior remodels and yeah... combine that with being the only person in the office to lose multiple (promising) projects to the economy - it's been a tough year.

i've been doing the research into green practices on my own for a while, but with no way of incorporating into projects i'm working on - the learning can only go so far. my only outlet has really been competitions - and that's kinda run its course as well.

good times! yo yo-ing sure ain't fun.

anyway, thanks for le advice.

Oct 20, 09 11:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Argh, got the drawings done and trying to upload them to the printer but keep getting an error message that says "You may be having technical difficulties. Try again later." What?! I'M not having technical difficulties, YOU are!!

Whatever, I'll send them tomorrow morning. It's just nice to go to bed secure that the files have been sent off. Goodnight all.

Oct 21, 09 12:01 am  · 

Funny about the Donald Judd quiz. I got 67% but I don't feel so bad on the ones I missed. The really funny part is that I never made the connection between with his sculptures and furniture. I remembered being completely engaged with hi work on loan at the Raphel Vinoly designed Cleveland Museum of Art. The work had a curiously repetitive humility to them on a wall just a 100 feet from century old Picasso's and there they sat not trying to be smart, but just being. I like when art, or design for that matter talks to you that way.

Holz hang in there. I think that funk is a necessary transition towards "master architect." I figure they had to get there someway

Oct 21, 09 1:07 am  · 
Oct 21, 09 1:20 am  · 

Weird, there seems to be rampant lost motivation lately -- not just around here but amongst many of my archi-friends in real life as well. Just had some long talks trying to cheer up one of my best friends who's also suffering. As for me, I am feeling more motivated than I have in YEARS -- I am psyched about life, about what my career might have in store for me, etc. I think this has a LOT to do with being unemployed, and I feel really badly for my friends who are trapped in ill-fitting firms but can't leave because you can't quit at this kind of time unless you are lucky and get laid off and can receive unemployment. I know that sounds horrible but that's how I feel -- I feel lucky to be laid off. I have been able to be much more active in the local architecture scene (taking advantage of all those free lectures / exhibits / talks / tours that you always MEAN to go to while employed but then, well, there's always that one last deadline you have to meet... and you'll just skip it tonight and promise yourself that you really ARE going to the next lecture next time...) anyway I'm finally DOING all that. And going to the museums and sketching again and everything. Frankly it's a joy just to be able to keep my house clean and cook home cooked meals every night. And being an outsider for once is really giving me a vantage point onto how fucked up this profession can be. (CAN be, not always is, for those of you who are about to jump on me.)

Oct 21, 09 2:17 am  · 

i feel ya holz.

just heard a story about another famous architect who made his career on his connections and his wifes connections and the money he was born with, and added him to the list of people i respect who got to the clients that let him do the stuff I totally want to do not because he was just that good, but because he was just that connected...i can learn to be that good, but hell if i can work out how to be born rich. that kinda bumbs me out.

but i figger, hell, i coulda gone to jail when i was a yoot, and then ya know i wouldn't be wondering about any of this i might as well just pretend my office is going somewhere...and then maybe it will.

and that is how i get up in the morning and get ready to take on the world. naive and silly, but why not.

Oct 21, 09 4:02 am  · 

i gotta 100%, but that is expected when you can push boundaries.

manta, i agree with you, unemployment gives me the opportunity to do the things i like, reading, thinking, working on business plan, and moving on some ideas. the biggest thing it does for me though is making me consider the value of going back to a large firm. the other thing it's helping with is giving me confidence again to trust my instincts...

Oct 21, 09 5:02 am  · 

my new favorite character.

Oct 21, 09 5:35 am  · 

Holz .
Loosing motivation due to the general funk of uninspiring or satisfying work is a mega-drag. I have been there off an on for the last couple of years. Mostly because i ended up in IT after graduate school and I had plans for Peace Corps, community development work and teaching.

The upside is I have been making enough money to be real close ( less than 4 grand) from being debt free.

I have been able to console myself these last few years with the thought that i will be moving on to the things i want to do when i am not worrying about paying off creditors.

Lets hope that comes true otherwise i might be be in serious need of some counseling. I find talking with friends and family helps me to get some perspective. that and the unemployment numbers :0

Morning everyone else..

Oct 21, 09 8:20 am  · 
liberty bell

I agree, manta, that everyone seems to be in a funk. I'm so, so glad to hear you are taking advantage of it! I'm envious of going to all those talks and exhibits and whatnot.

nam, yay for getting debt-free! I'm working on it too.

Oct 21, 09 8:24 am  · 
brian buchalski

just for the record, i'm not in a funk. i'm still awesome. probably always will be too. my advice is to watch more football...a professional enterprise who's manipulation of both tradition & innovation is something that architect's might be able to learn something from.

praise to the forward pass. praise to air conditioning.
all hail brett favre, peter zumthor, mike leach & rem koolhaas

Oct 21, 09 8:43 am  · 
liberty bell

Sports talk grates on me exactly like religious talk grates on some people.

Oct 21, 09 8:52 am  · 
vado retro

lb, i will always be in your debt!

Oct 21, 09 9:07 am  · 
won and done williams

speaking of sports talk, there was an incredible movie just put out about a guy who's a parking attendant and lives with his mother, but is a sports talk radio legend. awesome movie...big fan

Oct 21, 09 9:39 am  · 
brian buchalski
sports talk

usually grates on me too even though i love watching sports. is it saturday yet?

Oct 21, 09 10:03 am  · 

has anyone else noticed this bartlett thesis project? I absolutely love the model - the process is interesting (a little out there - but I understand where he was going), however, the drawings and the model are just really beautiful pieces of craft and art.

I'm a sucker for models that veer towards collage... it makes the models seem more alive, IMO...

Oct 21, 09 10:17 am  · 

for me the funk comes and goes on an almost daily basis - it's like a hour by hour roller coaster of hopefulness, wretchedness, pissed-off-ness, excitement, panic, boredom... maybe i need to lay myself off.

Oct 21, 09 10:21 am  · 

toaster, i love that project. it's difficult for me to conceive that someone with that level of craft and creativity. he's insanely genius, someone to admire and be jealous of at the same time.

Oct 21, 09 11:45 am  · 

yeah, toaster, i love it too. i was going to post it somewhere but ... well, forgot, honestly. thanks.

Oct 21, 09 11:50 am  · 

some inspiration from thom freidman today:

[L]awyers who were used to just showing up and having work handed to them were the first to go because with the bursting of the credit bubble, that flow of work just isn’t there. But those who have the ability to imagine new services, new opportunities and new ways to recruit work were being retained. They are the new untouchables…

As the Harvard University labor expert Lawrence Katz explains it: “If you think about the labor market today, the top half of the college market, those with the high-end analytical and problem-solving skills who can compete on the world market or game the financial system or deal with new government regulations, have done great...”

Got two lecture to give and a review to sit on - gonna be a busy busy day. okay, back to imagining new opportunities for my students!
Oct 21, 09 12:06 pm  · 

agreed the models for the project are sick.

Almost seems like they should be part of some sort of D&D type game..

Oct 21, 09 12:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

But tk, Friedman then goes on to tell people not to use architects! But yeah, I like the thrust of the article very much.

jafidler, I saw a preview for Big Fan a few weeks ago and it's like a car crash - I can't look away, the movie looks so awesome and so totally painful to watch. The main actor (forgot his name) looks ah-mazing in it. I'm terrified to see it but think I may have to.

Steven, that roller coaster makes me think I'm manic or bipolar and should seek some medication. But the fact that you feel it too makes me feel better! I'm about to go get in my convertible and drive under golden leaves and a blue sky to a meeting that will make me feel powerless and under-appreciated. Then the same joyful drive back home...thus is life, I guess - enjoy the good with the bad and all.

Oct 21, 09 12:42 pm  · 
won and done williams

lb, big fan was directed by the same guy who wrote the wrestler. it has a very similar mood and ambiance about it, kinda like buffalo 66. the lead in it is good, but michael rapaport is absolutely hysterical as his sports talk radio nemesis. probably not to everyone's taste, but still worth seeing.

Oct 21, 09 1:01 pm  · 

Lb, opps, I missed that.

Off to the first of my two lectures:
Measuring Ecological Urbanism Parameters, Limits, & Potential l

then the usually scheduled feature for my class, today the episode is:
wind and solar infrastructure

Oct 21, 09 2:40 pm  · 

tk, will there be a web video feed or later posting of your lecture?

Oct 21, 09 3:36 pm  · 

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