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Rationalist, wow. Hopefully that works out.

Also, i went to Montessori for a couple of years before elementary school.

I still haven't seen Where the Wild Things Are. Hopefully today or tommorow.

Had mussels and pasta roma last night. It is the only seafood (which i only started eating recently) that i have found that I like enough to want to cook myself regularly.

Oct 18, 09 12:09 pm  · 

Sounds tasty nam. So what's the difference between mussels and clams? Can you tell I'm avoiding my wood trim project.

Oct 18, 09 12:43 pm  · 

mussels are really gritty.

Oct 18, 09 1:32 pm  · 

sigh- landlubbers! if you don't know the difference between clams and mussels, you better start eating... Can you tell that I'm avoiding writing my wind & solar energy lecture?

Oct 18, 09 2:33 pm  · 

Never had clams.
Can you tell I am avoiding .......

Oct 18, 09 2:52 pm  · 

Hi all. I'm totally out of the loop here but enjoying my new job so far quite a lot, and currently finishing up a weekend in DC covering the Solar Decathlon for my company. The weather here was mostly miserable but today it was dry at least, and I managed to see all of the houses, so, mission accomplished. My favorite might have been the Virginia Tech house, which finished 13th for some inexplicable reason but was really very livable, clever, and utilized all of my favorite sustainable systems including radiant floor heating and geothermal heat pumps. You'll get a chance to see it too, when it appears on the Today Show in November!

Have a great week everyone...

Oct 18, 09 3:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

I sincerely hope that no one here thinks I actually believe that sepia print reproduction technologies - or blueprints, for that matter - were available in Classical Greece.

Oct 18, 09 3:49 pm  · 

I have to say, Em, that CCA house looked AWESOME from the pics -- I can't wait for your review to see how it was in real life!

Oct 18, 09 5:37 pm  · 

i love the blueprints from ancient athens.

i don't quite recall what sepia prints are but am sure no one thinks you believe anything weird about them nor other reproductive techniques (that is not supposed to sound dirty), LB.

very kool emily. i liked the winner well enough. the projects are starting to look the same from year to year though. have we reached the limit of creativity on these projects? frankly they never looked that different from what we were taught about even 20 years ago...better designed, but...i guess i have been secretly wanting these projects to be innovative and interesting the same way the sepentine pavillions always are. is it impossible?

Oct 18, 09 7:16 pm  · 

I heart mussels. Clams are pretty good too though.

and I just wanted to release a big GRRRRRRRR because after speaking with my mother about it further, it turns out that a big reason that my cousin is having problems finding a doctor is because she refuses to go to "an abortion doctor". I'm sorry sweetie, but it's what you need. It's still a terrible thing that she's going through, but I have to admit to being very annoyed that she's letting her (extreme) religious views get in the way of her medical care.

Oct 18, 09 7:18 pm  · 

I heart mussels. Clams are pretty good too though.

and I just wanted to release a big GRRRRRRRR because after speaking with my mother about it further, it turns out that a big reason that my cousin is having problems finding a doctor is because she refuses to go to "an abortion doctor". I'm sorry sweetie, but it's what you need. It's still a terrible thing that she's going through, but I have to admit to being very annoyed that she's letting her (extreme) religious views get in the way of her medical care.

Oct 18, 09 7:19 pm  · 

wow that is crazy rationalist.

sadly we have been through same process, but here in japan where religion is not part of life for most anyone and abortion not a shunning offense. it did not make easier, but was done quickly. am told it is common enough occurrence but still makes me sad.

your cousin's case is horrible. sorry for the hyperbole but when i hear that kind of stuff i wonder how come usa and iran don't get along when you have so much in common?

Oct 18, 09 7:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm sorry to hear that you have experience with that, jump.

rationalist, it's easy enough for me to think how silly your cousin is being over not going to an "abortion doctor", but I also have sympathy for her because it is such an extremely difficult thing she's facing. I've always thought that it would be a no-brainer to abort a fetus that testing showed had chromosomal abnormalities, but when I got the test I have to say it was hard to imagine. Now that I'm not pregnant anymore, it seems like a no-brainer again. I think the same hormones that make pregnant women a little (OK, a lot) nutty are also a means of making sure the species is perpetuated.

But jump also raised the specter of shame: in the US, abortion is considered shameful, which makes me angry. Your cousin wouldn't have this attitude towards doctors who perform a specific surgery if we didn't live in a culture that insists that this procedure is a moral issue which it frankly always isn't. Imagine if we heaped the same shame and stigma on providers of wisdom teeth extraction or open heart surgery or breast augmentation. That last one is maybe the area where it might actually make some sense, though again, not always: some cosmetic procedures are unquestionably medical blessings, as are some abortions. I'm truly sorry your cousin has to face this.

Oct 18, 09 9:34 pm  · 

warnt fun, LB. no sugar coating it. Still, that is the human condition. how we deal with suffering as well as joy is what makes us interesting animals. if i were religious at all (i am not, not even remotely) i would say that how we deal with suffering is what makes us spiritual.

i am not a supporter of abortion, but can't imagine condoning the no-abortion thing in a generic sense, especially from a doctor. not that this is abortion anyway...but sweet mothers of all the gods why in the world do some people prefer to allow others to think for them? in this case it feels evil. absolutes are useful but is important to know when universal truth needs to be set aside for a bit of local logic.

well, that is all too heavy for me. changing subject i am listening to them crooked vultures. quite good. remind me surprisingly of david byrne.

Oct 18, 09 10:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That does suck, rationalist. For me, it would depend on the circumstance. If the fetus were alive but brain dead, i'd carry it just for the organ donation. If it were truly dead, then it would be miscarriage and I would look at it as such. Seems any hospital could handle that. Also seems the body would take care of it too. Stillborn. Still sucks. To go through all that pregnancy mess for nothing. Ugh.

I'm going to a costume party on saturday. I've never been to one. Since I already own a pair of chaps, a hat, and jeans, I'm going as a cowgirl. I did pick up some toy six shooters though. The 12 gauge is too heavy. Husband is going as Bender. He qctually has to make his costume. I tried to get him to go as a horse, but Bender suits him better.

Oct 18, 09 10:28 pm  · 

Sarah I assume it's this Bender that you are speaking about, from Futurama. I keep hoping the school will host a Halloween party. But nationally it's not practised, some for religious beliefs that it is a confer to pagan rituals. Others just think it's lame, and their poverty level doesn't allow them to go dress up as anything but themselves. Perhaps I've overstating it. But still I want a costume party to go to. Watch 150 arch students try to dress up as architects.

Can you tell that I'm avoiding marking papers...

Oct 18, 09 10:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, if you want your costume to be sexy, turn all your clothes backwards and go as a "reverse cowgirl". Only if it's an adult party, though - you don't want to have to explain it to kids.

Oct 18, 09 10:45 pm  · 

my wife is throwing halloween party for my kids and their friends today. it isn't practiced here either just because no one has heard of it. except in our flat. where some serious fun will be going on. i am expecting to come home to a tornado mess.

when i was a kid gramma really disapproved of halloween because of the pagan thing. but she also thought the smurfs were right up there with hitler. even our mum didn't go that far. so we got to do halloween with the fair warning that we might go to hell for it. great message for an 8 year old, eh?

reverse cowgirl! ahahahah! lovely.

Oct 19, 09 1:41 am  · 

reverse cowgirl -- i love it! Now THAT'S the way to do a sexy costume! Forget all this "sexy nurse" stuff. awesome.

Oct 19, 09 2:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Lb, that's awesome. I'll see if it works. Don't know that I could get theclothes and chaps backward, but maybe. Then again, they may not get it. I love costumes like that. Costumes that are smart. My brother said ishould dress up as a ham go as Scout Finch, but I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird since 10th grade and barely knew who he was talkingabout. Great idea, though.

Oct 19, 09 9:14 am  · 
vado retro

i've searched the forums but could someone explain what a "reverse cowgirl" is. i just can't picture it. thanks for the help.

Oct 19, 09 10:03 am  · 

nice vado, nice. i'd explain it, but i think there are so many more qualified people here that can do it justice. snicker, snicker.

Oct 19, 09 10:40 am  · 

rationalist - I hope your cousin finds a better doctor soon, even if the doctor may be far.

Orochi - I think you may have gotten to the point of the seriousness of the matter without the vivid graphic details. Maybe it is just me (and it really may be), but I think its very untactful to describe such matters about someone's relative. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive these days.

Vado - You may be looking at the wrong kind of forums. Or the right ones, depending on your outlook.

Oct 19, 09 10:41 am  · 

My friend's sister carried a baby that had chromosomal abnormalities to term. Very, very sad. She was born stillborn. Fortunately everyone was there to say their hellos and good-byes.

As for Halloween costumes, I'm totally not very creative. I can never think of anything so I usually go as a "Freudian" Slip. No one ever gets it and usually by the end of the night I'm freezing. I think there's a party this year... I may go as a cereal/serial killer. Maybe I'll just go as myself.

Oct 19, 09 11:07 am  · 

Oh and may I add that while reading all the posts about the reverse cowgirl my white and black cat was upstairs "going to town" on his walrus. How do I know? He's rather vocal. Poor walrus.... he just sits there and takes it.

Oct 19, 09 11:11 am  · 

slart, no worries I wasn't offended by orochi's post. No chromosomal abnormalities or brain death though... it's just dead. No heartbeat dead, but did not miscarry for some reason. So the thought of not aborting it is just not even an option. She's just being hyperreligious and doesn't want to go to someone who is "an abortion doctor" even though the doctors approved by her family and church of course have no experience performing late-term abortions.

Oct 19, 09 11:43 am  · 
brian buchalski

reverse cowgirl...there's actually a lot of pictures of it if you do an image search:

having a dead baby sounds scary. is that how zombies are born? sounds really dangerous for the human race. probably the mother should be jailed if not executed...especially if she is a witch. this halloween stuff is just crazy this year

Oct 19, 09 11:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My kid likes tobite toes. Think it's a fetish? He also gets the biggest kick out of torturing people. Wonder what that says.

Puddles, that whole post was great!

Oct 19, 09 2:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh! And they told me, after reviewing my transcripts, that I don't have enough hours in any subject to teach high school. What?! So I will have to teach something in 4-8th grade. Whatever. It's a job.

Holy Crap!!!! Abram just usedhis pot on his own, and I don't mean pee. Yay!!

Oct 19, 09 2:28 pm  · 

Congrats on the shit..

And puddles your post FTW!!!

Oct 19, 09 2:38 pm  · 

Man, I must be losing my touch, because I thought Puddle's post was inappropriate and lame on many levels. And Zombies? Seriously? Someone is carrying a dead baby that might be harmful to their own body, and you're talking about zombies?

Whew, I must be cranky today. Clearly, its me thats out of it today based on the reactions on here. I should stay off of these forums on days like this...

Oct 19, 09 2:57 pm  · 

Aww Slart no worries. It IS highly inappropriate BUT highly funny. Felt bad when I chuckled. Oh well.

Oct 19, 09 3:06 pm  · 

I was mostly just thinking... thank god I don't work in some office right now, because that image is definitely NSFW. But to be honest, I don't take puddles seriously 99% of the time.

Oct 19, 09 4:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nah, Slart, I'm with you. puddles, please no more images like that, OK? Just because other people work in real offices where that might be an issue. I certainly don't.

Keep in mind I'm also exceptionally cranky today. I seriously need a break, you guys. Things are waaaay beyond control right now.

Oct 19, 09 4:15 pm  · 
vado retro

neither of those women resemble cowgirls. i must be dense.

Oct 19, 09 4:25 pm  · 

of course i didn't think about the NSFW issue.

Oct 19, 09 4:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

God it a gorgeous day here. I'm talking blue skies, breeze, and temps probably in high 60s to low 70s. It's great if you have long sleeves. Finally feels like October.

Oct 19, 09 6:32 pm  · 

liberty, least taxes are behind us....Whew!

Oct 19, 09 7:08 pm  · 

I agree with Vado...under closer examination...i would say "Cat Women"

Oct 19, 09 7:12 pm  · 


i found orochi's text a bit upsetting. its because it was not abstract to me and i didn't understand the point except that maybe he finds it cool. but whatever. i am quite able to scroll past things i don't like. no worries.

puddles seldom bothers me. can't say why. must be a matter of style.

semi-naked ladies don't bother me either. don't remotely care. the world is much dirtier than that normally.

last week i was watching dexter on my computer and my wife woke up during one of the realistic sex scenes and thought i was watching porn. i had to explain no its ok its a show about a serial killer and he's the which point she decided i was truly sick and went to bed. porn would have been better.


Oct 19, 09 9:34 pm  · 

jump aint that just a more pointed truth...

the weather is lovely, here. Just turned to fall.

Drinking a chai and finishing a bit of writing.

Oct 19, 09 9:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

LOL at your Dexter explanation, jump! My husband loves that show but I've never watched it, just haven't found the time though it looks interesting.

I have to clarify that the reverse cowgirl costume idea wasn't mine, I read it in the comments on Jezebel and thought it was hilarious. The looks on people's faces when they get it, and the ones who sheepishly have to ask what it means - it would be fun.

Some year I'm going to give in and make my long-time fantasy of a Halloween costume, which is a character from a Fine Young Cannibals video. If I was ever invited to an 80s theme party I might wear it too.

Sketch-Up beckons...

Oct 19, 09 10:05 pm  · 

reverse cowgirl.... brilliant! That totally removes the lameness of the hanging chad, or any other too intelligent costumes. Sarah don't worry I don't get the ham reference either with to Kill a Mockingbird. It's like years and years ago I remember seeing someone with a rose in one hand and a bulb in the other, took me months to figure it out and when I did I wish I could of found the person to tell them no! For those who also have difficulty Rose (bud) + bulb (light) = bud light

Oct 19, 09 10:13 pm  · 

The strange thing is I do work at an office where that image would be highly inappropriate (and I think our computers are monitored once in a while), but thats not actually the main reason why I thought it was lame. It was because posting that image was like having to explain a good joke in the most blunt, untactful, gratuitous way possible, and something everyone knows already. The reverse cowgirl costume idea itself, however, was brilliant.

I won't even get into the Zombie thing.

Not to make excuses for myself, but I must be so uptight today because of a situation at work. I've done plenty of lame and inappropriate jokes and comments on Archinect myself.

I'm hearing mixed reviews about "Where the Wild Things Are", but I still want to watch it. I didn't know Dave Eggers had a role in the script though until now. I didn't initially remember his name actually, but I read his book "The Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius" while travelling. I bought the used book because I thought it was cool; The back part was a separate book in itself and was backwards. But the tone and style was really unique.

Oct 20, 09 12:29 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

LB uses SketchUp? GASP!

I do not apologize for the graphic nature of my description.

I feel when it comes to medical things... you need to be to the point and specific.

A calcified fetus has to be removed in such a manner and a degree of severity that the scar tissue from the procedure would be hideous and that person (woman) would be unlikely to give birth afterwards.

The human body cannot process such a large complex foreign object. This would be equivalent of swallowing an entire Cornish game hen and expecting it to come out "completely digested." Physiologically, humans can't digest or break down such objects. Compared to other animals, humans have a relatively low mouth-size-to-body-size ratio. Compared to snakes or lions, we're not good at swallowing food whole or digest whole food.

If a woman has started the process of expelling a baby soon after it has died, the rate of decomposition is faster than the rate absorbing and expelling such a complex foreign object.

I didn't use abstract or flowery image in my descriptions because this is as serious a gun shot wound.

Now, I'm not the most emotional of people... but I still feel empathy. Well, I don't actually fell empathy but I can rationalize empathy-- so, this makes me an extreme narcissist or a genius sociopath.

In either event, this is a "serious" situation.

I used the terminology carefully in my opinion of a baby born without a brain stem. I partially considered the "christian canon" and chose the phrase homunculus because it would be easier to convince a religious person that the thing inside of them is "other worldly" perhaps even "demonic."

The point is that a dead fetus is a death sentence.

And this has become a big issue because while "dilation and extraction" is illegal, dilation and evacuation is not.

But medical schools will teach neither procedure.

D&E involves basically turning a fetus into hamburger meat and shopvac'ing it out. D&X is an early induction of labor that is more than likely fatal-- this procedure however does keep the fetus intact.

So... the point is... Jump... that this is a very serious matter, and while I don't really care either way, I know rationalist would. And if rationalist feels the need to intervene in his/her counsin's life to even possibly save her cousin's life, explaining it in the most vulgar and honest way would force an action.

Oct 20, 09 1:03 am  · 

Slart, you should read the story of Valentino Achak Deng.

Oct 20, 09 1:24 am  · 

Orochi, I guess what you're missing is my standing with that branch of the family. As in, I have none. Negative even. I'm specifically not telling her what to do, because I fear that she'll do the opposite of whatever I say. She's been telling me that I'm going to hell since we were both 8 years old. So I just have to keep my fingers crossed that someone she has more respect for, more common ground with, says what I want to say in a way that she'll actually listen. I know that sounds spineless, but I am genuinely worried that she'll run in the exact opposite way of whatever direction I point. I still care, but know that I'd do more harm than good.

Oct 20, 09 1:50 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Well then... does funerary arrangements.

I'd try to pull a life insurance policy on her... so when she kicks the bucket, you'll get a pay out.

I'm waiting on several miserable people to die so I can become rich.

Oct 20, 09 2:15 am  · 

sorry to butt in the conversation rationalist. You can tell your cousin that you will have to nominate her for the Darwin Award if she doesn't get the procedure done.

Oct 20, 09 2:28 am  · 

or you could send her a tiffany ring.

realistic descriptions vs. sugar coating; in a life or death situation, i'd go with telling the truth, but as rationalist points out, if she has no standing, then a shrug of the shoulders is about all one can do.

now, the reverse cowgirl, does that entail an outfit turned inside out or wearing the outfit backwards?

the photo should have been omitted, but then this site has been notoriously asexual, can't figure out why, but perhaps we are more like family than friends...

Oct 20, 09 5:49 am  · 

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