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liberty bell

Hahahahaha phuyake that pervert must have read what I've posted here many, many times: saying "I'm an architect" is a great excuse anytime you're caught somewhere you shouldn't be!

On another topic, the problem with wine is that once you start drinking it you just want to keep drinking it, even though you know full well you've got at least four hours worth of work still to do tonight. Damn having fun, damn it.

Sep 30, 09 6:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow those cloud photos are gorgeous. Also, noctilucent clouds? Where has noctilucent been lately, anyway?

Sep 30, 09 6:50 pm  · 

That article is awesome. Also I don't care what they say, this is a UFO:

And this is ridiculous:

I would probably flip out if I woke up one morning and saw that cloud in the sky. Then again, I guess Sydney has its share of strange atmospheric phenomenon, huh?

Sep 30, 09 7:51 pm  · 

on clouds; we saw clouds similar to these

coming out of the movie Independence Day...that, was freaky.

Sep 30, 09 8:30 pm  · 

Seriously cool article lletdownl. The mammatus clouds remind me of big cotton balls. And seriously those are definitely UFOs.

Off to bed. My head is hurting for a second evening in a row :o(

Sep 30, 09 9:01 pm  · 

yeah, damn having fun. damn the drink that made me have it. and damn the free-time that allowed me to enjoy it. cruel mistress of highs, you make the lows feel so much lower and the work so much workier.

take me away on your morning glory clouds to a better place, congress st, new york, to be an architect investigating deteriorating blouse condition...

from the cubicled stalagmites of chicago
dreaming of murcutt's clouds
arrested by work

Sep 30, 09 9:02 pm  · 

melty, it's probably a tumah...

Sep 30, 09 9:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Don't go postal, postal!

I had something else to say, and it flew right out of my head. Hate that.

Sep 30, 09 9:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh yeah!! I love, love, love that the ad at the top of the page is currently for a toasteroven. Are you guys seeing that?

Sep 30, 09 9:18 pm  · 

who is postal, is that a pseudonym?

Phuyake thanks for sharing the pic..

Nite all.

Sep 30, 09 9:20 pm  · 

Nope liberty, I've got ads for Moen Shower collection, and bikes. :o/

Sep 30, 09 9:21 pm  · 

I just noticed that LB... that's awesome.

Awww postal - hope it gets better soon.

Sep 30, 09 9:46 pm  · 

Am I the only one curious where Liberty Bell has been that she shouldn't? How's the wine?

Sep 30, 09 9:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Naw, I'm home, techno. Just made one deadline today, so had a glass of wine with dinner, and am now back to work.

nam, postal's around a lot, just not often here on TC, right, postal?

Sep 30, 09 10:00 pm  · 

Hi all.

Studio (read: school) started today. Eek.

I hope everyone is well.

Oct 1, 09 12:28 am  · 

Morning all,

Good luck N_....

And LB, i thought I recognized the name but i wasn't sure if someone was just posting under an alias or something...

Hi postal!!!

Oct 1, 09 8:21 am  · 

yeah, not a frequent TC poster... just can't keep up

but namh, postal is my only 'nect-dentity.

don't worry liberty, i left my automatic weapon at home today.

it'll get better, dance party, friday, 5pm CT, thread central

hey, how 'bout we get these olympics? how bout it bout it?

Oct 1, 09 8:48 am  · 
brian buchalski
a tree to be torn down in detroit...or maybe a building.

who cares...whats' the difference.

Oct 1, 09 10:07 am  · 

hi tc!

A cold and rainy day in the Twin Cities - now I'm just waiting for the first frost to kill my garden so I can harvest the bushels of beans.

got the morning at home taking care of the sapling and dreaming up website names (my birthday present to self). the missus is off learning about 'body dysmorphic disorder' aka the michael jackson syndrome... then I'm off to the office to write a b143 or something for a project in afghanistan.

Oct 1, 09 10:36 am  · 


I think it would be awesome if Chitown got the Olympics. Know some don't agree but.... If only so the CTA could finally get some major Fed money..

Also, Tk. Bushels, really? Are you going to can/preserve them? And are you still working full time at the office and teaching?

Must be busy.

Oct 1, 09 11:34 am  · 

puddles that is cool story. Kind of a natural green roof??

Maybe they can transplant the tree(s) into the empty lot..

As an aside. You don't live in Detroit do you? For some reason i thought somewhere else.

Oct 1, 09 11:37 am  · 

dem beans are going to be dried for soups-n-such. got green beans gallore in my freezer, so I stopped harvesting about one month ago.

I'm spending about 8-10 hours a week in the office (archinecting) and the rest is writing lectures/administrating the class and teaching.

Oct 1, 09 12:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hey vado you know the Body Farm? Maybe Detroit should be left as a City Farm, to see what happens when humans disappear. It would bring an influx of scientists and building engineers to the suburbs to observe and learn!

Oct 1, 09 2:58 pm  · 


It's either feast or famine at present time in the office. Right now I'm in the famine phase... Let's see what have I been doing since yesterday... I killed about three hours today and yesterday (total) reading a 230 page book. I uploaded the photos I took at Fallingwater last week to my Flickr account. Made an appt to get a quote on having foam insulation sprayed into my house, looked at a potential hike I might make with the local hiker's club, made plans with friends to go to an art studio and finally figured out how to add color to my "Labels" on my gmail. Oh and I even transferred my calendar events from the calendar in my phone to my google calendar.

Only an hour and a half to go. Guess I'll go take another lap around the office.

Oct 1, 09 3:28 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm not cool enough to actually live in detroit...although i occasionally sneak into town on the amtrak train. instead i continue to hide out (like a 007 villain) in my secret tropical island HQ.

the lafeyette building is downtown, which is actually one of the growing parts of the city. you might be surprised to learn that the downtown core of detroit has actually experienced population growth in recent years...and mostly of the young, college educated professionals that are desirable.

anybody else digging the armani spring 2010? i love the color & sparkle of those dresses...just delicious looking

Oct 1, 09 4:54 pm  · 
Oct 1, 09 7:27 pm  · 

puddles, yeah i actually had heard that there was some regrowth if you will? In the city center (so to speak) in my experience of STL and some other (former) rust-belt cities. It seems as if many downtowns in these areas re-populated a bit in the late 90s to aughts.

Oct 1, 09 7:34 pm  · 

funny the mention about Chicago's big for the Olympics. I bucked up onto this on Brand Avenue

I've been working all day. Time for a few drinks with an old friend who makes music videos. Should be a treat. NIght all.

Oct 1, 09 8:14 pm  · 

melt, if i was single, i'd ask you to marry me. that is an awesome start to this page!

Oct 1, 09 10:02 pm  · 

liberty, vado was writing a piece for [bracket] about the Body Farm...i think.

Oct 1, 09 10:03 pm  · 

not feeling so hot today but had to get some stuff off to a client anyways... as a consequence I've been in bed with my laptop all day. BORING!

puddles, for some reason I've always hated the armani image. I generally enjoy ogling designer clothes, but I've always had a negative association with them. Even the people I know who wear ArmaniXchange are all assholes. On the collection, I enjoyed the less-sparkly bits the most.

Oct 1, 09 10:24 pm  · 

saw a whole bunch of renderings by students recently. then notice a thread here on archinect about hand rendering with the implication that hand rendering might offer more...

whether they do or not i can't say but i sure as hell wished students had more to say and were better designers.

i know that is a horrible thing to say, but i can see so much effort going into making amazing renderings of mediocre buildings and it is hard to tell the budding architects to stop with the presentations and get on with the designing already.

rudolph made fantastic renderings, but he made even better buildings. guess it is the insulation of school, makes students think representation is the point....

just sayin....;-)

Oct 1, 09 10:25 pm  · 

i really dug the original torch chicago had for the olympic logo... that at the time was illegal. such a rich image and symbol for the city.

i'm not all too thrilled with the chicago star, especially because it alludes to the fact that daley wants his own star on the flag.

...but at least it's not london's logo... gasp.

anyway, just a few hours till years of hype and arguing is over, too bad i can't mingle with the enthusiasts and protesters on daley plaza tomorrow.

Oct 1, 09 11:05 pm  · 

Hey all, i went out and say Food INC.
Great movie..

Ending up drinking afterwards at a new local spot, The Alcove. I should be asleep for a Thurs.

Rationalist etc, I personally always love [url=http: Browne[/url]

Oct 2, 09 12:29 am  · 

Try this for Thom Browne
Oct 2, 09 12:29 am  · 

puddles, how do you sneak into detroit by train? doesn't it drop you off like 10 miles from downtown?

swine flu is starting to hit seattle (especially UW)

this should be fun!

Oct 2, 09 12:31 am  · 

no kidding, postal, at this point I just want an end to the insanity. I know that's a citizen's cop-out feeling, but I can't help it. Only 10 more hours or so until we know...

Oct 2, 09 1:22 am  · 
liberty bell

I just finished figuring out my tax stuff - for 2008! - so I can meet with my accountant tomorrow. I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll owe less than 4 figures this year. I sure hope so.

Oct 2, 09 1:47 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Thom Browne is fucking expensive!!!

I own a Thom Browne belt... the tri-color with the silver buckle with two tennis rackets on it. I paid close to 700 dollars for that belt and it was on sale!

Oct 2, 09 2:55 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I want this cardigan so baddd.... but I don't think I can find 3500 euros before the season is over.

Oct 2, 09 3:00 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

also, this is on my want list:

Oct 2, 09 3:03 am  · 

I had a big long post typed out earlier about my car dying... But it turned out it didn't "die", the attachment to the battery just came loose! I love how simple my car is, I might even know how to fix it myself some day.

Also, I had dinner with SurfaceS tonight! She is so awesome...

Anyway, I'm off to Vermont for the weekend for my friends wedding. It's going to be an exhausting trip, but fun. Have a good weekend everyone...

Oct 2, 09 3:13 am  · 

$700 for a belt? what stone have I been under...

Oct 2, 09 6:34 am  · 

Wow, Orochi really? I don't actually own any. But i copy the aesthetic look in my own style. I especially like his "fitted" look

I was out to late last night oh well. Work will be a long day.

WonderK cool. Another Archinector meet up. Makes me feel all lonesome in central florida..

Holz, regarding Swine flu. I rea din the NYT that they (UW) had over 2000 cases a few weeks back..

Oct 2, 09 8:31 am  · 
brian buchalski

train station is in ">new center, considerably closer than 10 miles to downtown.

i'm not a fan of armani either...which i why i was surprised to like those dresses.

Oct 2, 09 9:16 am  · 
vado retro

hey everyone...

love the 340 pic. i remember when i was a kid when those sixpacks came out and how hot and bothered i was when i saw a row of them at a carlot. of course, we were driving by in our ford fairlane. oh well. and now to use TC for its intended purpose....

wtf is up with these threads from students who ask about books that would be readily available in any university architecture library. it is great that someone wants to learn hand rendering techniques but, come on, it doesn't occur to the person to walk away from the computer and visit the stacks? do they think the library has thrown out their collection of architectural rendering books from days gone by? i can't even comment on the thread because i don't want to seem like a jerk(yeah you heard it right) but come on. mild rant over.

Oct 2, 09 9:53 am  · 
brian buchalski

jump, it's not a such a "horrible thing to say" if it's true. that was one of the things that i despised about arch school: that students could obscure their projects simply by doing a lot of work (such as renderings)...although i don't think the smokescreens fooled all of the instructors, they certainly muddled things for many students.

Oct 2, 09 9:55 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

Randomized... what if I told you the belt was original 1850 euros?

Vado... as much as I like to troll threads, the student ones are just not worth it. "Do my research!" "I can't decide which 30,000 dollar a year school to go to!" "What's a library?"


Oct 2, 09 10:07 am  · 

Orochi, I have to say I like the colour scheme.
suggestion for dumb questions:

Oct 2, 09 11:01 am  · 

Liberty, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that missed the Architectural Tax Course offered at the University of Arizona.
I should be getting the painful phone call today or Monday.


Oct 2, 09 11:41 am  · 

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