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Jump and archi, yes i never would have said it but does seem reminiscent now that you mention. Personally a fan of the Ziggy..

Sort of for the androgynous affections and elaborate costumes if nothing else

Orochi, i never now what to think of your comments. They are almost always extravagant. Dressed to dine indeed.

Nite all.

Oct 7, 09 9:57 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

I do nothing til I am so bored it hurts.

And then I start doing impulsive crazy things to fill that boredom. Before I got terrified of driving, I use to go to really yuppie places and pretend to be one of them-- you know, being employed and discontent.

Now that I avoid driving above 35 mph and stopped smoking weed, I have a limited few options for fun. Which is now spending every dime I come across doing nothing someplace else.

I really only need cigarettes and brown liquor to survive. Everything else is just bullshit to fill the space in between. I would probably be a lot less extravagant if I could smoke more than 4 cigarettes in a sitting-- you always have to do something in between cigarette breaks.

Oct 7, 09 10:27 pm  · 

Orochi = puddles?

Oct 7, 09 11:07 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Nope, I loathe the beach.

Oct 7, 09 11:34 pm  · 
Oct 8, 09 12:20 am  · 

Happy Birthday, WonderK!!

Oct 8, 09 3:56 am  · 

i love ziggy. liked tin machine too.

typhoon ended nice. lucky. wind stopped some trains from running, but the rain stopped and the sun came out. typhoons and hurricanes are definitely not for fun, archi. am lucky to have slept through most of the bad ones. this one was supposed to be real real bad, but somehow got all mellow after an extravegant opening act. no complaints from me.

Oct 8, 09 6:51 am  · 

Good to hear you and your family got through the typhoon okay.

Atechno - I was thinking the same thing.

Happy Birthday WonderK. Hope you have a fabulous 3rd day at the new job.

Oct 8, 09 8:30 am  · 

I'm totally slammed with studio work but I'm going in to interject with my love for Lady Gaga.

Done. Bye!

Oct 8, 09 9:23 am  · 
liberty bell

Happy Birthday DubK!!! I hope you are doing something wonderfully celebratory. Bike ride down Mt. Hood, perhaps? ;-) Maybe it would be more of a "glide".

Oct 8, 09 9:33 am  · 
vado retro

better than ladygaga better than Madonna better than most!

Oct 8, 09 12:13 pm  · 

Hey all..

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my sister.

Happy birthday WonderK....

Oct 8, 09 1:44 pm  · 

Wonder I hope you had a drink at the Timberline Lodge is a great place for a long tall one! Happy Happy! Tis one of my all time favorite buildings...

Oct 8, 09 7:17 pm  · 

Wonder Kid...than again you might have found a big ole lumber jack to entertain you this evening! Ya HOOOO!

Oct 8, 09 7:30 pm  · 

Should I go ahead and spend the money to get the spray foam insulation for my house? It's twice as much as I was hoping it would be. I'd be getting a good bit back from the tax credit, but it's still a good chunk o' change to put down?

I'm worried b/c the guy said at the very least I would be seeing a 20% savings in my heating bill. If, in fact, I only save 20% on my energy bill (that's taking the tax credit into account) I've calculated it would take me a minimum of 3 to 4 years to recoup the cost. I'm hoping not to be here that long. Does this really make sense to do? I know it seems like a no brainer but I REALLY hate spending money and I've spent most of the day trying to solve another puzzle. Anyone? Anyone? I will really would appreciate some others thoughts

Oct 8, 09 7:42 pm  · 

hi *melt I have very little useful insight on your problem, worse seeing as I have a 30% complete house that I still pay mortgage on (but I digress). That said, however have you looked at alternative insulation? The ones I'm leaning to are shredded denim or paper based insulation. I'm no expert (insert Wonder K whose business shaking her Wonder celebrating her birthday) but it may... just maybe be a cost effective solution.

Hi all!!

Oct 8, 09 8:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

melt: My experience with spray foam insulation may not be applicable to residential, but here it is. The spray foam I was spec'ing had to be part of a tight building, meaning the foam had to be a continuous surface. We didn't have studs etc. making thermal bridges - the whole goal of the building was not to have any bridging whatsoever.

A good question to ask the foam people is whether the R-value they are quoting comes from spraying it just between studs or from using it in a continuous surface? In other words, what is the R-value of just the material vs. the entire wall assembly your wall assembly - when the foam is used in place of batt or recycled denim?

Oct 8, 09 8:44 pm  · 

My attic is already insulated. What I am looking to do is get the spray foam put into the spaces between the lath and plaster and the brick and shingle facade. In this case I don't think the denim insulation is really an option.

Oct 8, 09 9:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ah - so you're not pulling down drywall/plaster to spray the foam. No, the denim isn't an option then ;-)

So the question is, is the 20% energy savings from the foam based on the R-value of the foam itself, or on the improved R-value of your wall assembly? If it's based on the R-value of the foam only, you won't see a 20% savings when it's used in your walls because the studs will be thermal bridges.

Do you know if your walls are currently insulated?

Oct 8, 09 9:33 pm  · 

I'M ONE STEP CLOSER TO HAVING A WEBSITE - THE DOMAIN IS REGISTERED!!! now I just have to design the site, as the blog has been launched. ( wK, you may be getting a birthday 'gift' from DH)

Tonight might be the first 'frost' with a forecast of 30-35 in the twin cities. So I picked all the green tomatoes worth picking, which are now siting on my counter in two large bowls - time for FGT&B sandwiches!

tuna, check out the center for sustainable building research first - they have a bunch of info on vapor barriers and insulation for retrofitting houses somewhere...

Oct 8, 09 9:42 pm  · 

That's a good question LB. The house was built in 1927. The guy and I concluded today that it's probably double brick on lathe and plaster. The upstairs is wood shingle siding. My guess from me just knocking on it (bed is on an exterior wall with windows), there is no brick between. I'm guessing if there is insulation, it's as old as the house, as the walls are cold to touch in the winter and warm to touch in the summer. There is a crawl space on the one side of my bedroom that will not be able to get the spray foam so they'd use the "traditional" batt insulation. This video may give a better idea of what this stuff does/is.

And on that note, I'm out for the evening. Nite all.

Oct 8, 09 11:31 pm  · 

Thanks farmer, melt, liberty bell, nam, techno and TK. ****melt I think liberty bell is handling your question quite nicely. My short form answer would be I don't think it is worth it for the short life cycle you are looking at... but what are you trying to insulate again? The spray foam sounds like a lot of work...

TK, I'm sitting here scratching my head trying to figure out what DH stands for....

Congrats manta on starting your exams!!! That's on my list...somewhere...

My big news is that my new job is sending me as their designated correspondent to the Solar Decathalon next week. I am SOOOO excited. I've always wanted to go but never had the money or opportunity... but voila! Now I get to! Happy birthday to me, indeed!

Oct 9, 09 3:10 am  · 

Oh and thanks to SNOOK!!! No lumber jacks yet, but enough prospects to make my head spin. It's that damned facial hair... :o)

Oct 9, 09 3:13 am  · 

cool WK !

ok, so why did obama win the nobel peace prize? it just popped up in my news mail thingermagadget. i wonder if it is a joke?

Oct 9, 09 5:40 am  · 

Morning all,

Jump, nope but I thought it was. It seems like the perfect setup for one...

Oct 9, 09 8:26 am  · 

Really you thought it was a joke? Since in office he's really made great strides towards changing the U.S.'s diplomatic role in the world. Afterall the world is still using us as their police.

Oct 9, 09 8:54 am  · 

i am not sure why he would get the award. extraordinary man and all but...really?

interesting times, interesting times.

Oct 9, 09 9:09 am  · 
Afterall the world is still using us as their police.

really or is/was US doing whatever they pleased wherever there's some oil to be taken control of, why they're not in Darfur or Zimbabwe or even Tibet and Xinjiang for that matter???

Oct 9, 09 9:12 am  · 

melt, i think that it is an interesting choice. And I certainly agree that he has made huge strides just since he has been in office in emphasizing the importance of diplomacy, peace and dialog. I guess I just always viewed the Nobel (in whatever category) as more of a life-time achievement award for work in a field)

Oct 9, 09 10:02 am  · 

I agree with you Nam and Jump. I'm not saying saying I wasn't surprised either and to be quite frank there are others that deserved it more. But like NYT says his presidency has already moved multilateral diplomacy into a more central position, something that hasn't been the case for a while. So hey... what are you gonna do.

Randomized: Do you know anything about Diplomacy? I'm not trying to be mean here, but a lot of the things we have our hand in now are things we've had our hand in for a while. One simply can't "drop the ball". All hell would break loose. Successfully keeping what relative/supposed peace we have now in the world is a HUGE, DELICATE balancing act. I actually think of it as an art form really. And I'm not saying that I personally think something shouldn't be done in Dafur, Tibet, Xinjiang, or Zimbabwe, I'm just saying there are a whole slew of reasons why the US is probably not getting involved, not the least of which has to do with lack of natural resources. Why do you ultimately think wars in general are fought?

Foreign Affairs had a really good article in their July/August edition discussing the problems that the Pentagon and its budget face... one of the main arguments being that many nations want the security we "supply" for them.

Oct 9, 09 11:45 am  · 

who sez NJ doesn't have a great sense of irony? little mikey "he liked it" graves has been nominated to NJHOF. fancy that, the Garden State, the "Armpit of America," has nominated a man that designed a toilet brush in his own likeness.


Oct 9, 09 12:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, you must still be alive, as you're wielding your wit over on the Impeach thread.

Oct 9, 09 1:28 pm  · 

wK: dh= your webhosting service. hope you get credit for the referral...

Just got back from test driving some of japan's finest. So far, I like the Honda Insight best, except for the crappy view out back (at least it doesn't need a camera to see behind). Next up, the prius. It's a toss up between leasing or going with a used vehicle - stand by for the next update.

Oct 9, 09 2:11 pm  · 
brian buchalski

goodness me...i shudder to think of that as wit.

still regardless of political leaning, i have a hard time giving the presidency the peace prize. that office is little more than a tool of the massive us military industrial empire. if a president could manage to actually reduce defense spending during his time in office then maybe that should earn a prize when he leaves. but during his first year in office?

you'd think the norwegians would be over their bush hatred by now. ok, we all get've given the peace prize to jimmy carter, al gore & obama in the past seven years just to spite bush i'm sure he's flattered by the attention...but if you're really doing this just to piss him off then why not give it to dick cheney next year...bush might actually consider that a real insult.

the award just seems to have more value when it highlights someone/something that's working off the mainstream media radar. the african woman planting trees or the indian man with the micro-financing just seem so much more deserving than the commander of biggest army or a pop-culture superstar (obama's both). if they hand out the award in such an obvious fashion then it just makes it almost irrelevant.

i'd much rather see somthing like architecture for humanity/cameron sinclair get the recognition with such a widely known prize.

Oct 9, 09 2:22 pm  · 

When recently renting a Prius, I could not BELIEVE that lack of visibility out the back end. That is a HUGELY bad design move to me. I could not drive such a vehicle. My sister's car, a Toyota Celica, has such high sides (for "style") and such a low top that not only can she not see out of the back of it, but the passengers in the backseat literally cannot see out of their own windows. Besides being claustrophobia-inducing, it is dangerous. It amazed me that Toyota decided the answer to this issue in the Prius was not a redesign but a backup camera... ugh. Also, whoever said that just because electric cars are "the wave of the future", that we also need to digitize all the dials and project a digital readout of your speed into the space in front of your face? It was a dumb idea when Buick did it back in the early 90s and it's a dumb idea now. The "future" doesn't mean we have to ditch dials. Sometimes dials are better design agents for communicating some things... like speed. Ugh. I sincerely hated being in the Prius, every minute of it.

Now the MINI, on the other hand... that thing is a joy to operate and a joy to be a passenger in. My linebacker-sized brother-in-law loves his too!

Oct 9, 09 2:23 pm  · 

Oh, Cameron Sinclair would be such an excellent choice... I agree, puddles. I'm ambivalent at best about this selection. I understand why they did it, and it was to "make a point", but even though I actually (luckily) agree with the point being made, I'm not that comfortable with the idea of the Nobel being wielded as yet another political tool amongst the powerful. I'd rather see it highlight the actions of men and women more similar to myself -- people that inspire me to see what I can do, as opposed to heads of state. I already know I'm never going to be President. But I COULD help bring fresh water wells to drought-stricken areas of Africa. Or even if they have to highlight the big power-mongers -- fine -- but do it after they've done something, not before.

To be honest, though, I think Obama probably feels exactly the same way -- his acceptance speech was gracious and humble and really sounded a lot like exactly what everyone else is discussion w.r.t. the Nobel choice. I was impressed by his reaction.

Oct 9, 09 2:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well, I don't mind at all that Obama beat me for the Nobel Prize.*

*The list of nominees is kept secret for 50 years. So by the time you can prove I wasn't on it, I'll be dead.

Oct 9, 09 5:02 pm  · 

Hey, what FTP share sites do y'all use? Or, is there an easy way to partition off part of my own website and give it a separate password so that clients can upload files to me? I'm finally starting on a contract I've been waiting on for a really long time (not the one lb and manta helped with with the proposal for, but a related one), and they need to send me 400MB files so that I can get started.

Oct 9, 09 5:10 pm  · 

Yes depending on your website setup, you should be able to allow limited access to certain sites/functions..

I actually paid for a yoga class tonight. 1.5 hrs and super hard work. What i needed to get my mind off my sister..

Off to cook some tacos and enjoy the evening as best able.

Oct 9, 09 8:20 pm  · 

400 mb? pando!

or huddle

Oct 10, 09 1:15 am  · 

beer, pork and good friends - what a night.

Liberty what a shock if you manage to actually receive the Nobel in a few years. The award does seem premature, but I weighed that against those that got it so much later - as if trying to give it them before they died despite the many years that passed the good they did.

Congrats TK I see the option changed. Nonetheless a good call

Oct 10, 09 1:31 am  · 

you prolly got it worked out rationalist, but in case you haven't...we use powweb web hosting and have a guest folder that can be accessed by ftp with specific password. it is all set up in the control panel of the provider. very easy to do, taking maybe 5 minutes, most of that spent coming up with clever password.

Oct 10, 09 2:50 am  · 

my take on the nobel (sorry for the repeat, facebook folks) is that this is a great opportunity to be patriotic. yay US!

why shouldn't our celebrated elected leader be recognized for promoting peace?

it's not that the u.s. intends to open up dialogue with people from around the world - it's happening. part of the mission of the nobel committee is to recognize diplomacy as a way to achieving peace. the re-institution of diplomacy as a way of doing business is underway.

why are so many americans finding it convenient to belittle this and feel it's not deserved when so many others across the world (with the exception of the taliban) are celebrating for us?! we need some flag-waving here!

Oct 10, 09 7:26 am  · 

america should be celebrating steven.

the crazy ass morons who belittle the achievement are fools.

i am still not sure why he got it though. seriously i just read three articles in the ny times on the subject and still am not sure it makes sense...but it certainly ain't bad. best explanation i could find is that it is a down-payment on future achievements. which is kind of strange, but not bad by any means.

we had daughter's track and field today. was super fun. the teachers made a tank tread sort of thing out of carboard and painted it like a giant caterpillar, and my daughter and i crawled in that against another parent-child team - when we got to end of the line we put butterfly wings on my daughter and some antennae on myself, then ran around some pylons and back to the starting point. caterpillar changes to butterfly and runs across a field... hard to describe but a very cool race. not bad for just a reglar school in tokyo. real teachers are totally awesome.

Oct 10, 09 9:35 am  · 
brian buchalski

as someone who is presently not in the united states, i can assure that not many outside the US are considering the obama peace prize a joke. it's not just an "inside the united states" thing. the nobel peace price really made an error judgement on this one.

but that might pale in comparison to playboy's decision to put a cartoon (marge simpson?) on the cover of their magazine. what the hell is hef thinking? if we must have cartoon centerfolds couldn't he pick someone less creepy than marge simpson? maybe that insurance secret she still around?

and how is it possible that the simpsons are on television for 20 years? didn't it runs its "eat my shorts man" course about 18 and half years ago? on second thought, nevermind, fox...i should've known. f'in rupert

just more proof america is going to hell. what a shitty week

Oct 10, 09 12:17 pm  · 

I'm celebrating -- I'm happy that he got it, just confused. I don't think it's a joke, but I do think it's a strange choice and perhaps premature, but it's opening up a dialogue and I'm still glad anyway.

I'm sick and I'm supposed to go apple-picking. Bummer.

Oct 10, 09 12:54 pm  · 

the award of the Nobel Peace made me think of the VH1 show best week ever. Granted it didn't start out too good for Mr. President not winning enough votes for the Olympics to be held in Chicago (which I don't care what you think but that was a good decision - the Olympics can do as much damage as it does good)

Oct 10, 09 4:55 pm  · 

the last time olympics came to tokyo they made the city i am living in. changed the city in major major ways and 40 years later it is still having impact. when used as urban planning tool can be awesome. when just an event then rather a waste.

not sure what obama was going for. his speech was lame. maybe the proposal was lame too and had nothing to do with him...

cold nights here in tokyo. fall is falling. damn.

Oct 10, 09 9:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

jump, did you grow up in Ontario? I was listening to Neil Young this evening and thought of you.

Oct 10, 09 10:19 pm  · 

it's very rare that you hear people openly say they were listening to Neil Young

Oct 10, 09 11:46 pm  · 

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