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Which reminds me OH ORHAN I never got back to you!!! Off to do that.

Sep 26, 09 1:15 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

I could have a properly-cited decently-written 10,000 word historical essay done in two weeks.

Sep 26, 09 2:55 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

How about "Sugar Viceroys: a survey of remaining Palladian architecture in the West Indies and its role in class hierarchy and social disparity"?

Inspired by your faux columns.

Sep 26, 09 3:04 am  · 

i get it archi. i think. we do a couple of sheets with general specs that are kinda like multiple-choice quizes, explaining materials and grade of finishes, construction methods and so on. then we add detail within set of dwgs themselves, usually alongside interior elevations and furniture dwgs, details etc. we also include a room by room list of materials for floors ceiling walls.

for larger projects i would do much the same thing. i haven't been in charge of anything larger than 4500 m2 though so maybe my experience is too small...or maybe you are talking about something else altogether?

would be happy to write something for your publication depending on theme probably can think of something.

Sep 26, 09 3:25 am  · 

Orochi that essay sounds just about right. Go on do it! Manatary, jump et al I have no idea about the theme, that's one of the things I have to think up. Seeing where my head is at right now it could be a mixed bag, sort of an OMA/BIG mash-up no theme is the theme - a search for the inherent theme in a themeless issue. Worse that the name of the journal is AXIS which speaks of direction, we'll try and do a 180 and hope we are doing the opposite, but alas that's in a direction too.

Sep 26, 09 8:48 am  · 

i don't know what contractors are used to in jamaica, archi, but if it were here and you were asking that question, i'd wonder why NOT use csi format. it's what contractors know - they can find the answers if they know the format. something different than the construction industry expects sounds like a recipe for confusion and mistakes.

i'm all for reinventing representation - once had a class called 'working drawings' that was all about making presentation drawings that both communicated the idea of the project but were also suitable for building it - but the spec has its own rules.

Sep 26, 09 9:42 am  · 
liberty bell
An outdoor kitchen, with smoker/grill, refrigerator, sink and possibly a cocktail center and deep fryer.

I'm not sure I like my job anymore.

Sep 27, 09 3:08 pm  · 

liberty I think I might have been working on the same project....except on deep fat fryer, just a swimming pool with a vanishing edge and a waterfall spa.

Sep 27, 09 3:24 pm  · 

Hi all. It sunday night!!

LB, how come. Wish i could own such a LB designed space. I am sure it would be lovely.

Also did anyone else see this post at Jargon etc It wasn't critiquing Archinect but was really harshing on the Green vapidity of the Grace's Edible Facade project that Archinect showcased.

I totally stand in agreement with regards to thin green(ing) of projects. But....

Did everyone have a good weekend?

Sep 27, 09 5:25 pm  · 
An outdoor kitchen, with smoker/grill, refrigerator, sink and possibly a cocktail center and deep fryer. I'm not sure I like my job anymore.

try parrot-themed water fountain with tiki-bar. how the hell do you talk someone down from that?

Sep 27, 09 6:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Haha, toaster, a tiki bar has some kitsch factor, not just over-indulged American excessive convenience! But, point taken. Mostly I'm just grumpy because I'm, yet again, handing all parenting and household duties to my husband for the weekend while I work. Hrmph.

Sep 27, 09 7:19 pm  · 

Uuuuuugh. Head. Hurts. I didn't even drink anything last night. Stupid body.

But on the plus side, the Bengals beat the Steelers, so I'm happy.

Sep 27, 09 7:40 pm  · 

thanks for all the burthday wishes!

I'm trying to write an interesting lecture about building/energy/land-use codes... any suggestions?

got my scathing critique of CNU's form based codes in full swing, now I need some examples of performance based codes.

Also looking for cool images to keep everybody's minds away from thinking about dinner.

Sep 27, 09 8:14 pm  · 

I hate hate hate doing project proposals. I love that I've got the opportunity to, but I'm not great at feeling confident in them yet. On that note, LB and manta please check your email for more specific business queries.

Sep 27, 09 8:56 pm  · 

oh, TK, I think the Cali Title 24 review has both a prescriptive and a performance-based option if I remember right. Happy birthday!

Sep 27, 09 8:58 pm  · 

r- yes, you got ten points! T24 is a performance based energy code along with most IBC/BOCA energy/fire/seismic/plumbing stuff these days... the CA Senate Bill 375 that's (still) pending would be one of the greenest performance based land-use codes. Guess, I'm looking for other performance based land-use codes that are not 'transect' based...

Sep 27, 09 9:33 pm  · 

tk - I've always liked the history of how the car has shaped codes...

lb - yeah... I guess you're right - and I kind of perversely enjoy the kitschiness of some of my projects - so I shouldn't complain. I guess my closest relatable story is the "costco" room that was the size of my old apartment. since when did architecture become about housing our useless crap and not people?

sorry about the work/family thing - that sucks... I'm also spending this weekend working ... It's hard enough as it is not getting to spend a weekend doing something with mrs. toaster after not really seeing her all week, so I cannot imagine what it'd be like if I had kids...

I hope you get a well-deserved break soon.

Sep 27, 09 9:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, we did a costco closet once, but it was a large walk-in closet size, in the basement, not apartment sized!

Seriously, I'd love to do an over-the-top perversely kitsch project, as long as the client was in on the joke!

Sep 27, 09 10:54 pm  · 

hi all. Happy sunday hope you are feeling good and relaxed for the week ahead. Apologies to those that had to work, especially LB having to being away from Liberty jr.

Sep 28, 09 12:48 am  · 


japan has performance based codes. that is in fact the major shaper of urban form here. planning laws are almost non-existent, which means the cities here get everything the new urbanists want but without the stylistic hangups. mixed land use is perfectly normal from city center to suburb to exurb to farm-house. it doesn't mean anyone refrains from using cars though.

i believe New Zealand is also based on performance based zoning...

Sep 28, 09 3:38 am  · 
brian buchalski

30 years just to catch polanski, no wonder we haven't nabbed osama yet.

Sep 28, 09 12:38 pm  · 

Greetings All-
Sorry I haven't been around much. Been busy with work and all. Today I'm sanding and stripping the wood trim in my bathroom. It really is a hateful job and I still have a ton more to do. :o/

In other words...I'm still alive. Hopefully I'll catch up on everyone's posts soon.

Sep 28, 09 12:48 pm  · 

day 001 part-time | pro-bono work with a small practice that does 1% un-billed work for inner city development.

day 001 back at the gym. I think I heard my spleen cry out for mercy. Also my arms are stuck at 34 degrees and can't seem to straighten.

went shopping for used suv today... the nicest one is Korean - when did that happen??

Also got the ball rolling with an international company doing health/housing work. Sent a complete CV for the files (3 pages) asked to do a 100 word bio for press. Stuck!

day 004 trying to find someone to go to the pictures with me. Inglorious Basterds. Films that good shouldn't be seen alone.

Sep 28, 09 6:53 pm  · 

Also I watched an indy film called "the architect" that if viewed critically was an oblique retelling of 500 days of Summer

Sep 28, 09 7:18 pm  · 

i just had one of 3 needed wisdom tooth extractions.
No surgery just straight angles.


Archi, would it be on a contract/per project basis. A side to the side gig?

Nite all, off to eat soup.

Sep 28, 09 7:39 pm  · 

OH I had soup earlier too, Nam. Not feeling too hot today.

Quick question: does anyone think it's a particularly bad idea to sit a large toaster oven/broiler/convection oven thingy right on top of an even larger microwave? I'm about to crack open the instructions to see if it says anything. I feel like those types of electricity don't play well together but I am not sure, honestly. (This is all due to the fact that I went to Target earlier, intending to get some picture frames and Ibuprophen, and I walked out 90 minutes later with a whole lot more than that, including this toaster oven. Darn you Target!)

Sep 28, 09 7:59 pm  · 

the microwave and I need our distance. We don't exactly get along.

Sep 28, 09 8:27 pm  · 

Ha ha, thanks toasteroven :o)

Sep 28, 09 8:51 pm  · 

I got this post on my FB wall today
Melt, can you suggest a good website for green building practices? I know you are a crusader and I want to get some information before we start renovating at the hotel.

My friend is a really nice person and doesn't really know the industry, so I don't really want to be rude and tell her that I'm not willing to give her any info b/c her company needs to hire an architect or designer. Thoughts, suggestions? My brain is mush. Thanks.

Sep 28, 09 8:55 pm  · 

Target will definitely do that to a person. So bright and shiny and wide clean aisles and big clear signs and happy employees paid decent amounts...

I just made a new (small) art purchase and she is looking at me no matter where I go in my apartment. I think I am in love.

Sep 28, 09 8:58 pm  · 

*melt-maybe just direct her to the GBC then, in hopes that she'll soon see that it takes a lot of background knowledge and planning to do right?

Sep 28, 09 9:27 pm  · 

nam yeah it's side to my full-time teaching. But I get to right it off as professional improvement - which in the end it really is.

Sep 28, 09 10:47 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Just sharing this band-- I figured some of you might like it.

Apes and Androids

The 4th song "We Don't Understand You" has more f-bombs in it than a Lil Wayne song. Otherwise, the only warning I have for you is that people in your office might think you're a total weirdo for listening to such bad ass music.


A-philia, this paper is seeming easier to write since it seems every abandoned the sugar plantations! The history of the West Indies is amazing.

Sep 29, 09 10:38 am  · 
Ms Beary

Can't stop cooking for some reason, just wish there was someone here to eat it (Mr. Beary is out of town). Made runzas, a peach pie, turned 1/2 the garden harvest into salsa, homemade noodles, rice crispie treats, several batches of pizza dough to freeze, and homemade bread. By the way, bread makers ROCK! Highly recommended.

dubK, my toaster lives on top of my microwave, I never considered they would be incompatible. Are they?

In other news, Mr. Beary's employer offered to "give" him the company as she wants to move to Texas to take care of her ailing mother. He is the only full-time employee as they are very slow right now and, well, not profitable. Sounds intriging, but scary. We'll see I guess.

Me, on the other hand, have been looking for jobs in banking and finance now. Totally not qualified, but if I had the right degree there are a lot of jobs out there and they pay very well. Another reason to go back to school for my MBA?

techno - I too have been looking at used SUV's. I'm looking for a used Nissan Exterra myself. I decided they were everything I wanted, nothing I didn't, then later learned that was the acutal slogan for the vehicle!

Sep 29, 09 10:48 am  · 

Hi Beary!!

I have a few friends in finance or getting MBAs. I would say now is not the right time to get into that profession.

As for bread-makers they rock. I have one although haven't used it recently. Plus, the last few times i made bread i just used the no-knead recipe from NYT

Maybe you can go into business with Mr. Beary?

Sep 29, 09 1:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the ethicist at nytimes recently made a point about how/when to identify yourself in professional settings. might be relevant to those are wondering if they are interns, architects, or whatever.

my toenails could use a trim...maybe i should have wore shoes to the office today.

Sep 29, 09 2:54 pm  · 
brian buchalski

then again, why am i even at the office? i've been working too much lately...time for a beach break. later all

Sep 29, 09 2:56 pm  · 

the Boston Mayoral race just got a lot more interesting.

I'm more interested in the challengers' pledge to dismantle the Boston Redevelopment Authority (the city agency that combines both planning and development into one department)... having worked closely with BRA in the past, I understand the criticism of the department and the current mayor's over-involvement in building projects, but I'm really worried that they have a skewed understanding of how the neighborhood review process should work... the current proposal of handing over control of the review process to neighborhood groups who often have much more extreme aesthetic opinions than Menino would be extremely detrimental to development in the city...

I think there needs to be some kind of liaison from the city who acts as a mediator between the developer and neighborhood - and works to educate all parties... otherwise the process will end up far more corrupt than the current administration...

Sep 29, 09 3:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ugh, I'm exhausted. Just blasted out a bid set (house addition, window siding replacement, and extensive exterior space-making) for printing. Now I'm ready to relax but! have to write the spec tonight.

Oh well, I shouldn't complain. techno, sounds like you've got your finger in a lot of pies lately!

Sep 29, 09 4:40 pm  · 

Barn Burner day while fighting the flue and a broken down car with 44,000 miles on it. In general I'm going to go fall asleep in front of the Tv once the night time medicine kicks in. This is the fricking worst I have felt in years. Started last Wednesday....and has been a down hill trend ever since yet my work load keeps picking up and deadlines are decending....along with fighting with a local building offical who has his very own interpertation of the International Building Code. I'm now the bugger who called him out for not reading it the same way when I called the state for their interpertation. It has not been a good day...One of those days you really want to go find some other tire to kick. Hoping to wake up to a crisp sunshining fall day here in New England and have everything go my way! Night all you architect princesses and princes...

Sep 29, 09 6:49 pm  · 

more likely to have a fish grill than a toaster for breakfast cooker-ing here in japan, usually built into the gas hob/range thingy. so we cook our toast in that. works a treat but you have to make the ding sound yourself cuz of the lack of a timer...

Sep 29, 09 7:05 pm  · 

no ding?

haha hi all, am nursing a bourbon and filling a bath. Gums aren't too bad.

Sep 29, 09 7:16 pm  · 

toast did i mention i started serving on a neighborhood board for my city's CRA recently. I quite like it, but haven't had many meetings yet.

I can understand what you mean by local aesthetic concerns (aka NIMBY etc) but it sounds like the current mayor is pretty aesthetically and more, involved.
Rewriting codes etc.

Sep 29, 09 7:19 pm  · 

I used the toaster oven to broil hot dogs today, it worked great.

A friend of mine tonight told me a story about a firm that he's working at that he is probably going to get laid off from... actually the place sounds a lot like Strawbeary's old firm... but this one is in DC. The story made me so angry - it just frustrates me when managers act like 5th graders instead of professionals. On a broader note, I'm quite worried about the state of the profession... if intelligent young people can't make it work in architecture because of egomaniacal lunatics, how are we going to raise the next generation of designers? Kudos to lb and Steven for fighting the good fight, just remember to be good to all the young'uns, when possible.

Sep 29, 09 10:30 pm  · 

good night all. Liberty you hit the nail on the head, I do have my hands in alot of pots and I'm suffering at the moment. I know it's early days but I'm fighting to keep my eyes open. Worse that it looks like I will have to fill in for a lecturer who's off for two weeks med-rest. It will get will get better... but damnit it's loads of fun.

Sep 30, 09 1:15 am  · 

Aww snook. Hope you feel better soon. Same you you nam and everyone else who is feeling under the weather. I had a headache yesterday but so far it hasn't reared its ugle head today. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Your story of the building inspector reminded me of a seminar I went to a few yers back on the new state building code. It was presented by a city plans inspector who is notorious for being a real hard ass. One guy came to the seminar with a copy of the code with all those post not tabs flagging about a million things. Dude kept hounding the inspector with all these specific questions. Ultimately we concluded the guy must have been denied permit several times and wanted clarification.

Puddles - I was actually thinking of you the other day while sanding. Hope your toenail issue has resolved itself.

Sep 30, 09 8:36 am  · 
A really cool article about rare cloud formations and the physics behind their creation

if anyone is interested.... i sure was......

Sep 30, 09 4:40 pm  · 


I saw that and it was pretty fucking cool.

Sep 30, 09 4:44 pm  · 

I saw what looks to be like some mammatus clouds a couple of months ago; my crappy cell phone picture can't really capture how bizarre it was to have all of nyc look like it was in a lava lamp:

In another news, someone else besides George Costanza is lying about being an architect to get girls, just in a much more creepy way.

Sep 30, 09 5:01 pm  · 

wow amazing picture... ive seen a few of those huge roll clouds from my days of living in kansas... though we called them wall clouds... other than that i dont believe ive seen any of the others in that list

Sep 30, 09 5:08 pm  · 

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