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just got a call that a former co-worker (about 55) died of a freak infection. still don't know exactly what happened.

my 4yo daughter started pre-k today and apparently my 2yo daughter is driving my wife crazy today moaning 'my adi sister, my adi sister....' non-stop.

lb, sorry for my note feeling like a 'dear john' letter. at least it felt like it to me.

weird day.

Aug 17, 09 11:48 am  · 

Didn't realize JD was banned.

slart, besides holl's new addition to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art ??

And Archi i concur with jump. Usain!!!

Aug 17, 09 11:52 am  · 
Living in Gin

Okay, I'll bite. How did he get banned? Must have been before my time.

I spent Saturday afternoon in Philadelphia. Nice town, but I had forgotten how much of a pain in the ass it is to get around without a car there, despite the city having somewhat of a mass transit system. Pics of my trip here.

Other than the day trip to Philly, I hardly got anything done over the weekend that I was hoping to do. Way too much on my plate these days, and it's going to get worse in the fall. Because of this, I've decided to take a leave of absence from my volunteer gig at the cathedral, effective next week. It's been sucking up way too many hours each weekend, and lately it's been feeling more like a chore than something I actually enjoy doing. Funny thing is, the cathedral was one of my big motivators for moving back here from Chicago. Such is life, I guess.

Aug 17, 09 11:52 am  · 

I'm watching Indecent Proposal and just realised that Woody Harrelson's character aside from being an architect also shares my name.

Aug 17, 09 12:50 pm  · 

oh, vado's got a song about the banning, so I'll let him tell it!

I'm painting my mom's kitchen and family room this week, so I'm cleaning and taping today while listening to the 7th Harry Potter book on audiobook. It really does make it go a bit easier. I'm enjoying it so much that I may even add a few chapters to my iPod and keep listening while I hike tomorrow morning. I've been meaning to take my camera up the hills so I can post pictures... while the development I'm staying in is atrocious, the scenery is so gorgeous that it mostly doesn't matter. Plus we've got a pool, which manages to counterbalance my hatred of the massive amounts of foam trim more effectively than expected.

Aug 17, 09 4:11 pm  · 

mmm... I've always wanted a pool. Rationalist, I was at your airport yesterday and it felt about a million degrees in the baking jetway. Never been so impatient to board a plane in my life. Don't know how you people stand it.

Aug 17, 09 4:52 pm  · 

I'm still alive. Exhausted... but alive.

Aug 17, 09 9:02 pm  · 

I got a package from manta today! I haven't opened it yet... but I know what it is!*

*It's a dildo!**

**Just kidding! :o)

Aug 18, 09 12:52 am  · 

Morning all,
I had to kill a giant wasp last night.. I knocked it out of the air with one throw of my dishrag. Like fing David vs Goliath (but backwards?)..

Anywho. I am sore from my run and stayed up too late reading the Watchmen.

That is all.

Aug 18, 09 8:15 am  · 

Re earlier; ha er. I didnt bake it, Im far from being that culinarily talented. Just a happy digital housewarming gift ;)

Im back in provi. Awww. I wub this city <3

Aug 18, 09 8:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, Abram is still asleep, so I FINALLY have time to post. I'm gonna whisper so as not to wake him up, so come closer.

Tumbles, that sounds like a lot of fun, the cheese making. I tried to make cheese once, the kind you can make from scaled whole milk and lemon juice. Well, it literally tasted like air. Creamy air. I even tried to add herbs to give it some flavour, but that stuff was like a blackhole. No mater what you put in, it sucked all the flavour out, and you just tasted air. Husband told me not to do that again. I did invent a creamcheese/jalapeno stuffed chicken breast breaded in tortia crumbs. That he said I could repeat.

We have to drive two and a half hours tonight to our hometown so Husband can get a root canal. Fun times.

Abram has been a REAL pain in the butt the past few days. This self awarness crap sucks. Now I know how God felt when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. No wonder he kicked them out.

Husband built a bookcase for my Grandmother's birthday. Her favorite colour is blue, and so I am suppose to stain it, but I'm terrified I will mess it up. Guess I will try anyway, but it looks so nice in bare pine now.

Congrats TK - I am so jealous.

LB, I think its cool you take Angus to Openings. Do you have any tips for me about Abram? He doesnt want to do ANYTHING I want to do, even if it was his idea originally. Its infuriating at times.

And speaking of, he's awake, and I'm off.

Aug 18, 09 9:32 am  · 

girls seem to be better than boys. we have taken ours to our friend's openings here in tokyo and they behave pretty well. we go out most weekends and they are by now well trained in public life and even seem ok with spending an hour on the subway to get where we are going. which is slightly scary, now i think on it.

Aug 18, 09 9:48 am  · 

Hi sarah and jump..

I found the trick with fresh curds/cheese is to marinate for long time (overnight).

Aug 18, 09 10:08 am  · 

I hate summer colds - I'm back at work today after one really miserable weekend. That'll teach me to burn the candle at both ends for a whole month.

I'm also not happy with my big project, and there's really nothing I can do about it at this point. If I were in charge, I'd have given up on this client a long time ago and moved on. important lesson: never let the client hire the engineers. the moment you do that, you're not managing the project anymore - and there is no way you can assure that what is going to be built is off of your drawings.

IMO - It really needs to be made clear at the outset that in addition to design (this includes programming, code issues, etc), that the biggest value of an architect being brought into a project is in project management - and the client needs to understand what this means and how this works. if we lose or fail in either one of those roles, then what the hell are we doing?

Aug 18, 09 10:42 am  · 
vado retro

the problem with that is that most projects aren't managed that well.(speaking from my own experience and f ups...)

Aug 18, 09 10:55 am  · 

I'm doing the impossible this morning, I'm attempting to create another hanger railing in my girlfriend's already busy closet and then pack up as much clothes as I can. I thought I was a clothes whore - but wow there were loads of stuff with labels still on them. Quite funny actually. But it's really not that odd when I think that she's lived near simultaneously in 3 different countries/cities (Poland, Jamaica, Miami) for the last previous 5 years.

Aug 18, 09 12:10 pm  · 
never let the client hire the engineers.

Very, very true, toaster, and for more reasons than just the one you mentioned. (shudders) you are bringing up some bad memories. Ugh. I feel for you.

OK, TC'ers : been mulling something random over in my head for a bit.

If you were to address a series of students on their very first day ever in an architecture course, what would you say to them?

I've been thinking about how many teachers pulled all this "architecture sucks -- most of you will drop out -- get ready for many sleepless nights and by the way, it doesn't pay shit so if you want money, leave now" crap on us, over and over again, and even made a big point of telling us that on the very first day of class. I don't think I would do that, but I also wonder what is more appropriate to say. So : what do YOU think? What would YOU say to a roomful of architecture newbies?

Aug 18, 09 12:28 pm  · 

one of two things, both of which lb and i do with our high school students:

1. a variation on the 'subtle pleasant sensations' exercise started in a thread here a few years ago.

2. walk part of the city around where your school is and tell them to look, ask, and attempt to answer questions about why things are the way they are. (wild speculation and wrong answers perfectly ok, as long as its thoughtful.)

Aug 18, 09 1:18 pm  · 
vado retro

well first i would point them Here! and then i would calmly point out the difference between "Architecture" and "architecture" and let them know that you will be concerned with the "Architecture" side of things...

Aug 18, 09 1:26 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Darn, my farming idea is probably dead in the water. I guess I didn't want to move back to the midwest anyways. I did have a lot of fun imagining myself as a farmer though, I had a whole jewelry line designed around the notion.

As a consolation for smashing my dreams, mom offered to fly me to Chicago this weekend for my uncle's birthday party. I'm gonna think about it.

manta, for my first architecture assignment, I drew a cross section thru a still life painting. Neat exercise.

Aug 18, 09 1:34 pm  · 

sounds fun, straw! I like that diea. But what would you want your prof to tell you about architecture? Think back to that first day... were you nervous? excited? not sure architecture was the right thing?

SW -- interesting! Can you elaborate on #1? What "activity" is associated with the subtle pleasant sensations?

Aug 18, 09 1:46 pm  · 
Ms Beary

manta, I honestly don't remember anything about that day except that I was wearing yellow pants and my favorite pink batman t-shirt and there were 2 cute boys in the class.

Aug 18, 09 1:55 pm  · 

hahah, Strawbeary love that that is your memory of your first class.

Aug 18, 09 2:20 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I would tell them that architecture is a never ending education. Phase I, which they are about to embark on, will be rigorous yet exciting, and to have fun with it and not think that what happens here is the summation of their careers. Phase II, post graduation, will be very different but still exciting if they continue to apply their experiences from phase I to enhance what they are learning and doing during this time. Phase III? not sure yet.

Aug 18, 09 2:20 pm  · 


My first lecture this semester will be of the 'you can save the world/here are the problems that we need to solve' variety. I don't want to be too cynical or doom-n-gloom about the damage already wrought by human stupidity and greed - but I do want to plant a nuanced and deep seed that we CAN make a difference.

But, I'm not supposed to be writing that lecture till next week. This week I need to keep focused on the entire syllabus and completing my book review.

if anybody wants to subscribe to my lectures, send me an email and I'll start a mailing list...

Aug 18, 09 2:29 pm  · 

hey folks

Aug 18, 09 2:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Did anyone else catch Per peek in, here, in a hilarious and wonderful way? I've missed him lately!

Aug 18, 09 3:58 pm  · 

manta, I don't know. There's something to be said for the "look to your left, look to your right, one of you won't be here in X amount of years" speech. It leave a lasting impression, that's for sure. And, in my opinion, when people realized they shouldn't stick around, they didn't linger, they just got on with their lives. Which is not to say that some of the ones that actually DID stick around should have, but we have all had that experience, probably.

Had an interview yesterday. It went really well. I think they like me. Well, they received 40 resumes and selected only 4 people to interview, and I was one of them, so they must have liked me a little, anyway. I should find out by Monday if I got it. I'll keep you posted.

Aug 18, 09 4:24 pm  · 

Hey Phil, how you been?

LB, i missed that. Almost like a ghost of 3dh past...

Aug 18, 09 4:27 pm  · 
vado retro

increasingly, (especially with this disastrous economy) many architecture grads are not going to go into the profession anyway. it doesn't mean they shouldn't study architecture if it pleases them. even if they aren't that good at it they should be able to pursue the study of architecture. the academic reality is so far removed from the day to day that studying architecture is less about preparing for a profession and more about developing a philosophy about design and design's role in the world. otherwise, architectural education could be just a vocational exercise rather than an immersion into design. look around many people on this site are leaving/have left the field to do other things and thats good. but they still use their education every day. probably more so than if they had stayed in the field.

Aug 18, 09 5:51 pm  · 

manta - I remember the "if you're in it for the money, you're in the wrong place" speech - but what stuck with me was:

these are your colleagues - these are the people who you will be forging long lasting connections with - you will learn more from each other than you will learn from any individual professor. so - support one another - help each other. steal each others ideas - but give each other credit. These next several years are going to be tough, but you'll get more out of it the more you learn how to work together.

that was huge for me, and many of my classmates.

Aug 18, 09 6:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok so the sound was off, and as such I have no idea what the movie is about, but the preview for 'Postgrad' with Rory gilmore made me think of wonder k.

Aug 18, 09 7:55 pm  · 


so many times architects are asked to talk, and we perhaps do a lot of it on this site. Not to say it's bad, but I suspect a stronger message could be reached visually. A slide show or video of images that touched y/our soul, whether a beautiful shadow on a wall or a garbage next to a bistro. The images potentially can encapsulate everything from the depressing to the exciting. Allow them to sift out the salient message themselves - which ultimately it is all about.

closet is about 90% complete. Whoo hooo. So I call goodwill tomorrow to collect a couple dozen items and hangers (seems to be more than I recall)

Aug 18, 09 8:21 pm  · 

Good points, WK, VR, and toaster. These are interesting suggestions and have changed my opinion regarding the "doom and gloom" speech. Sounds like it still has a place -- but the point should be more about feeling free to pursue one's own choices, and how an architectural education might prepare you for anything, rather than about how "two-thirds of you will FAIL AT THIS!!!". (Perhaps I had unnecessarily brutal professors in my day.)

Toaster, good reminder and excellent point. Extremely important for the kids to know from day one that architecture is not like other classes in which peers come and go; and that cooperation and groupwork and sticking around in studio to dcussion and learn from each other are important. Discussions are vital.

Speaking of which : another curious thing. What made you most likely to speak up in a discussion, when you were a doe-eyed young architecture student? How was that positive, encouraging environment created?

Aug 18, 09 8:32 pm  · 

sounds like an interesting idea, techno. i like where all of this is going.

Oh, if only I could create my own architectural school... wouldn't we all like that? We could probably staff a pretty kick-ass school with archinectors only. Oh, to be able to craft your own pedagogy...! TK you are a lucky man.

Aug 18, 09 8:33 pm  · 

manta, our 'subtle pleasant...' exercises have tended to go this way -
- we describe what the hell we're talking about

- we have them brainstorm some sps's in their sketchbooks

- we have each read one out loud so that we can get discussion going and make sure they're getting it

- they brainstorm more in their sketchbooks (sometimes after they go for the evening)

- they are given vine charcoal and newsprint and asked to attempt to draw the sensation, preferably trying to capture the sensation itself, in some way, rather than a figurative description of the circumstances surrounding it.

it's been our icebreaker exercise since we copped it from here in 2005-2006 sometime.

Aug 18, 09 9:00 pm  · 

interesting, SW!

Aug 18, 09 9:24 pm  · 
subtle pleasant sensations

- for those who don't remember.

pulling on a stocking cap just out of the dryer - and noticing it's just a little tighter than before - is one of my favorites.

Aug 18, 09 9:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice post, vado. And toaster I love your point too.

tk, seriously? If you're sharing your lectures, I'd love to eavesdrop! I'll email you.

Aw, Steven, your description of our SPS exercise makes me miss you, both now and in the future! I'm getting all sad now. Excuse me while I go pour a bourbon...which may only make me more sad...

Aug 18, 09 9:32 pm  · 

you could always come in this weekend, lb. ss will be here...

Aug 18, 09 9:34 pm  · 

As a one time teacher, from a different discipline i would say stay away from doom and gloom. Go with something, pleasant/creative/inspirational. Something that (em)powers them.

Allows them to see the possibilities.

Good night all...

Aug 18, 09 9:46 pm  · 

Honestly, if I had my dithers, I would try to tell the students - in no uncertain terms - that their learning begins TODAY. I feel like I lost at least 3 years to thinking, "do I really need to know this for the profession? I don't REALLY need to know this, do I?" Seriously. Maybe I didn't but a few years later, I would have liked to have retained a little more. But that's just me....

Had another interview for some part-time work today. Actual quote from the interviewer: "Wow. You're really impressive. I'm actually surprised you don't have a job yet." Yeah, you and me both, my friend :o/

Anyway, thanks, Sarah, for thinking of me. I like Alexis Bledel. Saw her at a party in LA and she seemed utterly normal. Which is a relief compared to what some of them act like.

Aug 18, 09 10:04 pm  · 

Guess who finally got her ass to the Salk today?

I'll post more once I finish baking a lemon-herb chicken, making brie polenta and a yummy corn/feta salad. Anyone who wants to come over for dinner, feel free to stop by. Dinner time is in t minus thirty minutes.

Aug 18, 09 10:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've got Dan, Steven, and just organized a party here for his show next Tuesday. vado will be here....

n_, that is THE BEST picture of an architect at the Salk that I've ever seen! I have one of me - wearing blue spandex, I think: it was the 80s! - that if I can find I will post!

Aug 18, 09 10:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

And hey DubK: fingers crossed for you, dear.

Aug 18, 09 10:39 pm  · 

Awesome photo n_

Toaster - love your sentiments, they really ran deep. Unfortunately we got no spiel for interiors at my school so I have no .02 to give

DubK - I'm keeping all digits crossed for you. Sending good karma/good energy/positive energy your way.

Oh.... I just can't keep it in any longer..... T minus 11 Days until the next great WonderMelting!!!!!

Now that I have that off my chest. Nite All.

Aug 18, 09 10:58 pm  · 

n -- that pic is fantastic! damn, you can jump!

wk & nam -- both good points, again. This is fascinating. I was thinking something similar, wk : I think I would make some comments about how your education extends beyond each studio, and beyond each studio project : that you should always have in your mind the idea that you are crafting a life-time of design, and each little project is but a cog in a larger wheel of ideas, and that you should never feel like you have to get every little idea out on every project, that there is time to save those ideas and ruese them on another project, or perfect an idea you didn't finish in one project...

also some thoughts on exploration and setting out without a destination in mind, but just seeing what you come across on the way, and learning to evaluate it...

ha ha, lb -- I'll have to look up my Salk pic, too! I bet every architect has one -- we should start a "token picture of yourself at the salk" thread!

Aug 19, 09 12:20 am  · 

i always thought n_ was a dood. whoops!

Aug 19, 09 2:18 am  · 

...And I love how her hand is just hovering above the top of the building, and her foot looks like it's on the building. Suspend reality for a second and it looks like she could be bouncing off the building, or climbing it.

All in all, well done n_____!!!

Aug 19, 09 3:30 am  · 

If we can get a couple of photos of tects at the Salk we totally should start a
"token picture of yourself at the salk" thread!

I myself don't hav eone but if a couple start showing up i will start the thread...

Aug 19, 09 8:09 am  · 

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