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hi all. I had an amazing dinner in Tremont last night at Michael Symon's other restaurant Lolita's. I can't describe the food without being lewd, but I likened it to a culinary orgasm. I recommend everyone passing through Cleveland to stop in for happy hour.

@Wonder K - sounds like a good project, I won't ask too many questions rather wait to hear how the interview, etc go.

Aug 14, 09 12:46 pm  · 

archi - IMO, culinary orgasm is the second best kind of orgasm.

LB - I like the 3rd warning label: "compartmentalization of experience"

- applies to many "contemporary" buildings...

Aug 14, 09 2:14 pm  · 

DubK - That's exciting news, I'm going cross every digit I have in the hopes you get it. Is there a specific project you are going for or is it a generic (for lack of a better word) that you are applying for? I've always wanted to do such a thing... when I was graduating college I seriously thought about the Peace Corp., but I don't think at the time I was ready for it. Recently I've decided that if I'm still single at 40 I'm going to apply.

AP/SW - sounds like you had a great time. I agree with DubK in that the Ward family is definitely a highlight of Louisville (not sure if you remember SW but I was the one that helped move Dubbers out West). Funny that that I just looked at that Guardian stuff yesterday afternoon. Probably as you were walking through the hotel. :o)

Still bored out of my mind. TGIF!!!!

Aug 14, 09 2:18 pm  · 

tumbles is officially a badass.

Aug 14, 09 3:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

Good luck, tumbles! Aren't your parents ranchers or something similar? I seem to recall you having some agrarian experience in your past.

Hey, go ahead an call yourself a cheese architect, I won't mind!

BTW, DubK: I'm very excited about the job prospect, if I wasn't clear enough about that when I made what could be seen as a parallel between Walmart and Americorps above. It sounds awesome, for all the reasons nam and n_ and everyone else stated, not to mention they will be lucky to have you! I feel confident you will be able to network this into something bigger and better after your term.

I went to a local garden center to get some mulch and a hanging basket. Predictably, I went a little crazy - all the potted geraniums were 70% off!!

Aug 14, 09 3:36 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Dude, that is wild...Go Tumbles!!!!

Aug 14, 09 3:58 pm  · 
vado retro

Tumbles that is awesome! Just saying that you 're an Artisinal Cheesemaker is so cool. I'm gonna start saying that when i meet people. so, vado what do..."i'm an artisinal cheesemaker!" you do?

melty i think you and i need to go to louisville for some chocolate fondue!

i was almost hit by a bus this afternoon. the fucker cut the corner to close and if i hadn't looked up i would have swiped by the thing. wtf? it was a charter bus i called them to bitch and ended up telling the guy to have a nice weekend.

Aug 14, 09 4:27 pm  · 

Tumbles, i second n_

You are a badass... I mean so awesome to just up an decide to follow your dream(s) like that. I say go for it, if not now then when, right?

Anyways all the best of luck and i can't wait to here more and i look forward to being one of your first customers (if you do shipping my mail)...

Alos, i remeber from a trip to Cali many moons ago that San Luis Obispo was an amazingly beautiful area.. Also, the ocean was like wetsuit required, level freezing (and this was in July)..

Happy Friday night all. I am going to dinner and drinks.

Aug 14, 09 4:47 pm  · 

Cheese making sounds awesome. I go into the local "DiBrunos" and sample the cheese practically every day. In fact, on my way home...

Hell, I want to be a farmer. I feel like that is one of the most productive things a person can do in their life. And I don't need to sit in front of a computer all day.

Aug 14, 09 4:59 pm  · 
it's official!
Aug 14, 09 5:07 pm  · 

Wow! Cheese-making! Good luck tumbles! That's pretty awesome. I might actually be in your (new) neck of the woods sometime soon so maybe we can get a drink then!

I actually just visited the Tillamook Cheese Factory a couple of weekends ago and it made me very happy. Reportedly "cheese" was one of my very first words, along with "mom" and "dad".

I am feeling very inspired right now!

Aug 14, 09 5:25 pm  · 

wk, still haven't done the tillamook tour.

though i have seen some, uh, fascinating greenery from tillamook.

congrats, TK. i'm a little jealous (i'd love to be teaching, but i don't have a master's and i'm a little hypercritical)

cheese or wine would be fascinating to make.

Aug 14, 09 7:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oooohhhhh, DiBrunos....slarti, you're making me homesick! Do you go to the original one in the Market, or the downtown satellite?

Fantastic, tk. Go get 'em.

Went to child-unfriendly art opening tonight followed by dinner at a child-friendly restaurant. Highs and lows - you judge which is which.

Now, I'm getting a drink, because I deserve one.

Aug 14, 09 9:09 pm  · 

i guess it makes a difference, lb: did you have a child with you?!

interesting evening for me: a vet clinic client asked me during a meeting at lunch time to attend the opening of another new vet clinic to see what they had done...tonight at 6. so i agreed to give away my friday evening, and they ended up talking one of the doctors there into a tour - a long tour. missed dinner, missed my kids going to bed, got a flat tire on the way home....

hoo boy.

Aug 14, 09 9:57 pm  · 

Hiss boo on the tire SW and missing your kids before bed :o/ How was the tour though? I've always had an interest in designing a vet clinic.

tumbles - ROCK ON!!!! I seriously love the idea and cannot wait to (hopefully) one day enjoy your delicious cheese. Please keep us posted as the whole endeavor is truly fascinating. Mmmmm cheese.

vado - mmmmm chocolate fondue...... Will there be any baklava?

Aug 14, 09 10:17 pm  · 

sounds crazy tumbles. Good luck with it all.

I just got a notice that I need to start paying my loans back *tomorrow*... I called up Sallie Mae to get a forbearance, crying. For christ's sake, I've only been graduated for two months!

I'm also trying to decide whether this is for me or not. I like some of the things they do like the TED project and the Johnson&Johnson pavilian, but am way not into some of the other stuff (*coughaquariumscough*). But then again should I not be so picky, since this economy absolutely SUCKS?

Aug 14, 09 11:22 pm  · 
vado retro

melt fondued baklava sounds good. as does the idea i had tonight for a deepfried cheeseburger.

Aug 14, 09 11:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, I had Angus with me. I keep taking him to openings, keep talking to him about the rules for art openings, keep hoping that next time he'll be more patient and well-behaved. It will happen some day, I know.

Just watched War, Inc. I adore John Cusack, pretty deeply, in fact more even than Brad Pitt if I *really* was forced to choose*, and this movie was good - weird, and good.

*Please, Great All-Powerful Spirit/Granter of Women's Dreams, let this situation come to pass for me...

Aug 14, 09 11:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado maybe some mac-n-cheese pancakes instead!

Aug 14, 09 11:44 pm  · 

that is awesome tumbles! i hope you will continue to post here and tell us about it.

it is holidays here in japan and we just spent week camping and traveling round the japan alps and visiting in-laws. the camping was very cool. was raining in the mountains (but not in the valley) so we bought a big tarp to cook under and had a blast, and the rain obliged us by never becoming horrible. i still put the worms on the hook for my girls but they both love fishing for some reason and that was pretty cool too. nothing like standing in the mountains and fishing from a lake.

back to work next monday. not sure if any of us will be able to take it after such a nice long holiday.

Aug 15, 09 2:09 am  · 
vado retro

sounds great jump!

i have always liked john cusack too, but not the way lb likes him. for high fidelity mostly. a few of his films have been pretty big letdowns but that's okay. mac and cheese pancakes? i'm sorry that just does not work. unless maybe they were deepfried. i really have to believe the deepfried cheeseburger would be a hit.

Aug 15, 09 9:54 am  · 

for me it would be an impossible choice between matt damon and brad pitt. They both seem like you could have such interesting conversations with them... mmmmm.....

Tumbles, awesome! There are a lot of artisanal cheesemakers in upper Illinois and Wisconsin; just a few days ago I was weighing whether to spend the dough on a weekend retreat class or not. I bet you could hunt up a good internship around that area if you don't mind travelling. Good thing is that many of them have been around for years w/ lots of embedded knowledge.

'Course, northern CA offers quite a few possibilities too I'm sure.

Can't wait to hear more about your adventure!

Aug 15, 09 11:56 am  · 

LB - I go to both, but obviously the downtown is the one I visit regularly because its only a slight detour from work and home. I don't make it down to the Italian Market that often. They actually have a third one now, underground below the Comcast Center (designed by Robert Stern, like it or not) and connected via Suburban Station concourse.

Aug 15, 09 12:43 pm  · 

Rationalist - I think it sounds likes a pretty cool gig. What turns you off to it?

vado - deep fried cheeseburgers? Hmmmm. Not so sure about that one. I've heard though that deep fried oreos are pretty damn good.

Aug 15, 09 2:50 pm  · 
vado retro

deepfried cheeseburger...

Aug 15, 09 4:08 pm  · 

jump i thought you were posting from a wi-fi'd campsite and for a second i said to myself, "wow, japanese really got the internet age right!"

i went to this last night and conversation 'could' get interesting, if they had some microphones. it was good to see and talk to some familiar faces and meet mimi.
but at the end was a big shock when my friend eric and i found out that the car was towed and it cost us 300 recession dollars to get it out from the sleezy hollywood tow. good thing eric has just made some money at the horses and had the cash ready. hollywood blvd has became one big t&a place and every other shop is a working girls supply store -read- strippers clothing (no pun) and platform shoes outlet.
so you call the number to find out where the car is and you are greeted by the mayor's voice. really creepy. all the tow yards in la are owned by three major companies and it is heavy duty mob biz.
it is all part of hollywood re-development plan and if you don't read the new signs, you can get screwed even at the places you know for thirty years.
one of those occasions when you hate the city and the dirty development schemes.

Aug 15, 09 4:41 pm  · 

orhan internet is awesome here, so would not be surprised if some campsites do have wi-fi. cellphones are certainly covered even in mountains ( ! ), so maybe that is next step.

towing story sucks. t&a on blvd is curious. sounds like bits of holland. we get around on motorcycle in city but get tickets often enough to be painful. part of doing business in city i guess.

Aug 15, 09 8:57 pm  · 

melty, I think my fear is that I'll be stuck doing aquarium details or similar, and never set a line of type again.

Aug 15, 09 11:01 pm  · 

Jump glad you had a good time camping with the girls.

Yesterday I made a jaunt to Akron, Ohio to go see Coop Himmelb(l)au's art museum. Unfortunately we took a wrong turn (car sing alongs do that) missed our exit and had to back track getting there 5 minutes after closing. The light was amazing so I was still able to capture some shots of the exterior (melt this story almost sounds like us in Cincy). There wasn't much else to see in Akron so after driving around for 15 minutes downtown (which was like a ghost town even though there was a festival going on) we headed to Prenera Bread for lunch

Aug 16, 09 10:27 am  · 

lol, archi.

Aug 16, 09 11:05 am  · 

Just returned from a trip to North Western Massachusetts....and artsy fartsy weekend... This was a beak away trip cause I have been putting in to many hours and Mrs. B....well she not be happy. So I offered it up as a suprize at first....I made the Dog Kennel plans... then I knew if I didn't tell her she would not like going somewhere where she that she had not scoped out on the internet. So I broke down and said," I have made reservations for the dogs and were going away." Then I told here we were going to go see a O'keef and Dove exhibit at the Clark Museum in Massachusetts. We tattered around finding bed and breakfast to say in one night each. This is a major hassle on the weekends in this area because of all the things going on. We did find places and so the plan was in place.
Friday I dropped the dogs off at the Spa, came home mowed our small lawn, showerd, changed clothes and we headed out. It was a nice drive and we found our place with not alot of touble...I only drove by it once. We went out to dinner...Mrs B ordered, I ordered steak... later in the night the duck took a swim with her... and not a good one. This lasted thru the early morning but we did make it to the Clark. Where we saw the special summer grabber...o"keef and Dove. Someone told me it was the first time their paintings had been displayed in the same exhibit. His work was known by her an admired by her as was her work by him. I think this is a cool thing. After the exhibit we wandered thru the rest of the museum which we have been on more than one ocassion, and enjoyed the variety of impressionist and assorted other paintings by american artist (Remmington).

The we ventured up the hill to a new gallery designed by Ando.
I was aware this project was in the works but didn't know it was complete. It is the first work I have seen by Ando in person, so it was
special. I tried not to be to critical or to overwelmed with the project. I just wanted to feel it an understand it. You know the emotional dialogue between brain and brain. It is an excellent building! No fuss, straight forward design laid there in the woods. I only wish they had used a landscape architect of the same caliber. Maybe they will in time realize how important it is to lay the land before you with all of its blossoms of flowers, bushes and trees and hardscape to make the building the gem it is.

It also happened the exhibit was focused on japanese it was also so fitting in the space.

We wandered on North into Vermont for another night of laying our heads to rest in another bed and beakfast. I was wasted by nine because I have been suffering with a knee problem for the past few weeks. I actually bought a knee brace to wear cause I know how museums are....alot of standing. I also took maximum pain killers cause I didn't want to hold up the parade.

This morning we woke up and had breakfast.... Omlets... Well Mrs. B doesn't do good with eggs....but she ate just a bit and then we were off to MASSCOMA. Massachusetts Contemporary Museum of Art.
It is housed in a old Manufacturing building and is the perfect place to display "BiG Art" We went there to see a long term exhibit of works by Sol Diwitt. There is a wing 3 floors of glorious spaces where his work is displayed. Damn it just brings a smile to your face everytime you turn a corner. I would recommend to anyone who is ever traveling in the area of North Western Massachusetts to take the time to visit both museums....and if your short on time go see Sol's will never be the same.

We were nearing the end of our visit of Sol's work the omlet took over and Mrs. B was in the tank again.....bummer.

We be back home and no cookies tossed in the car so all is well.

It was a nice get away!

Aug 16, 09 6:26 pm  · 

30,001st! XD

Aug 16, 09 6:59 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

you mean 33,001?

Aug 16, 09 7:15 pm  · 
vado retro
Aug 16, 09 7:23 pm  · 

hi vado!

Aug 16, 09 8:57 pm  · 

just wanted to share a photo of my recent trip to add to snook's beautiful review of Ando's Museum

Aug 16, 09 10:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw, snook, sorry the Ms. had stomach troubles the whole trip, but glad you got away!

I've been doing yard work all weekend, trying to whip the yard into shape for the PTA ladies who are coming to my house Wednesday. I love my weed whacker!

I have a crazy week ahead of me. Too, too busy, but happy for it.

Lots to comment on elsewhere but I'm too whipped. Strawbeary, your post on the how to survive? thread was really great!

Aug 16, 09 10:32 pm  · 

Hello people.

I brought a pie:

It’s a Pecanpiecosahedron!

Aug 16, 09 11:09 pm  · 

AWESOME oe!!!! That is so cool. How did you attach the separate pieces.

Aug 17, 09 12:41 am  · 

oe, that's probably going to be the coolest post on this page so I won't bother trying to post anything interesting :o) But, what melt said. How???

Aug 17, 09 2:32 am  · 
vado retro

happy birthday to the banned one...

Aug 17, 09 7:00 am  · 

It's 4:30 a.m. and I'm wide awake. I have been for 3 hours. Why does this happen to me on a regular basis?

Aug 17, 09 7:32 am  · 
Ms Beary

crazy looking pie! How do you eat that?

lb - I've had a lot of time to think I guess!

Aug 17, 09 8:25 am  · 

Merry Monday all!

Vado, whom does happy birthday to the banned one.. refer to??

Snook long but great post. Very Prose(y)??

Regarding the Clark Museum, you would think that with over 140 acres they would pay more attention to the landscape.

Hey Oe and AMl

Aug 17, 09 8:30 am  · 
Ms Beary

tumbles, I want to hear ALL about the cheese making. Very cool!

Aug 17, 09 8:41 am  · 

hey nam!

snook, i've been to that sol le witt exhibit at massmoca and totally agree with you- it's pretty great!

Aug 17, 09 9:21 am  · 

banned one is JD, nam (i am guessing!)

9.58 Archi! whoop! whoop!

Aug 17, 09 10:05 am  · 

thanks jump Jamaicans everywhere are cheering. 9.58 is pretty damn fast!

Okay I need coffee and to get started on some lesson plans for school ready

Aug 17, 09 11:00 am  · 

Hey y'all, whats there to see in Kansas City? I'm there for business so I won't have that much time, but don't want to miss anything important.

Aug 17, 09 11:19 am  · 

nam, my guess is John Delvin

Aug 17, 09 11:39 am  · 

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