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Slart - Wow, ya... those are bad, but than again there are always these things called slipcovers.

manta - I hear you. My favorite are the areas that the asphalt has begun to ripple b/c it's been driven over so much. The place where I bit it earlier in the summer was one such area. Right at the intersection and I every time I drive over it no matter how slow I feel like I am going to be bounced off my scooter. Very, very scary.

Aug 10, 09 10:05 pm  · 
vado retro

great projects orhan! it seems like a sofa is an expensive wedding present? how bout a set of steakknives?

Aug 10, 09 11:35 pm  · 

Slart if manta and melt manage to talk you out of giving the sofa to your brother, I will take it off your hands. As long as you still feel like buying sofas, that is :-P

Has anyone else read Under the Banner of Heaven? It's terrifying. It's about the Mormons. Actually, what I should say is that it's about a group of bigamists, pedophiles, and murderers who lied, beat and stole their way into the creation of a new "religion" in the 1800's "in the name of God's Holy People." It's quite remarkable how much they have in common with fundamentalist Islamists, in terms of zealotry, and Scientologists, in terms of mandatory obedience at all costs. It makes me wonder how many wars have been fought, and how many people have subsequently died, in the name of "God". 75% of them? 90%? Would guns even exist were it not for God?

Sorry this book is blowing my mind and I'm in one of those moods...

Aug 11, 09 1:53 am  · 

People have always wanted to kill / rape / torture other people. Religion has just served as a pretty handy excuse for a lot of it. The history of mormonism is a great example of this. (Everybody keeps running me out of town for being a liar & a cheat? Fine, I'll invent a religion, gather some followers, and institute rules that say that women have to fuck their way to heaven with me!)

Sorry, but on the large scale I am quite a misanthrope. Humans have been all too ready to commit all kinds of atrocities whenever it was possible to get away with it, with or without institutionalized religion, with or without an excuse. Does that cheer you up at all? ;-)

Also, that book is fantastic. I grew up in amongst large mormon community (not my family but many friends & colleagues) and he doesn't really exaggerate the history or the tenets of the religion.

Aug 11, 09 2:07 am  · 

Hi all,
I watched this last night An_Evening_with_Kevin_Smith

It was way more hilarious than i expected.

I liked Clerks and didn't like Mall Rats, Dogma wa sfunny didn't watch most of the Jay and Bob's or chasing Amy, so i didnt realy understand why Kevin Smith wa sconsidered such a "cult" (whatever) director.

However, as a funny guy who can deliver on an entertaining Q and A. He is up their in the ranks.

Highly recomended..

Aug 11, 09 10:37 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK and manta: Yep, I'm also a misanthrope at a very large scale. Watching Jon Stewart last night only made me hate the world less for a very short while, shorter than usual. I'm in one of those moods, too. Been in it since the news of that waste of conception gym killer broke last week.

On the small scale, of course, my life rocks and I live in an amazing community of people, both personally, locally, like the people at my son's school (open house last night, 1st day of school tomorrow yay!) and further afield like here on Archinect (I meet Surfaces today, yay!).

Ugh. Got to bury myself in work and stop worrying about it for now.

Aug 11, 09 10:40 am  · 

manta & LB - So that's what I am. Always heard that word, but never really knew what it meant. And this whole time I've been calling myself jaded. Perhaps I need to make me a new shirt with the "new" term HA!!!

Aug 11, 09 11:47 am  · 

Is this Angus' first year of school? Kindergarten or 1st grade? Wow! I don't even know this kid but I feel like he's grown up so fast.

Aug 11, 09 11:57 am  · 
liberty bell

First grade. We've all been hanging out here on Archinect for many, many years.

Aug 11, 09 12:00 pm  · 

Wow. Lb it will be so quiet around the house! What fun, though... that's the part I really look forward to about kids -- them coming home and telling me what they learned at school, etc...

Aug 11, 09 12:02 pm  · 

You know, I've really, really gotten a lot of good out of archinect over these years. Wow. What a fantastic resource and an encouragement to me. Thank you all!

Aug 11, 09 12:02 pm  · 

well it's confirmed archinect doesn't like me - two days of posts disappeared.

Treekiller, I wrote a heartfelt response to your post prior to discussion with your employers. But now it doesn't matter so much. I hope everything works out and the counter offer is comparable to you and your family.

congrats Angus on your first day.

where's Sarah?

Aug 11, 09 1:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

A person named Surface is currently in my home....

Aug 11, 09 1:38 pm  · 

seething, absolutely seething with jealousy over here! Take loads of pics we need an archinect meet-up thread

Aug 11, 09 2:04 pm  · 

Sarah is in Fl right?

Hi techno...

Aug 11, 09 2:30 pm  · 

I noticed the CCA job posting last night. If I wasn't planning on jumping ship for grad school I'd be all over it, but right now going back to school is the #1 priority for me.

We need to have an Archinect conference, cleverly disguised as a work-related tax write-off...

Aug 11, 09 2:31 pm  · 

I second the Archinect conference.

Aug 11, 09 2:38 pm  · 

a 'nector will be visiting me tomorrow, too!

and then a certain Surface next week. too bad not all at the same time.

Aug 11, 09 2:41 pm  · 

Pixel, if you work for CCA you get to go to grad school for free............

Aug 11, 09 2:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I didn't realize Charles Gwathmey had just died last week. The first architectural lecture I ever attended was given by him. I was still in high school in Jacksonville, and heard he was going to be giving a lecture for the local AIA chapter and it was open to the public, so I convinced my dad to drive me downtown for the event. That must have been before I got my drivers license. Bummer. :(

Speaking of driving, I'm starting to think seriously about getting a car. I'll most likely need to have one anyway for grad school (assuming I don't end up at GSD and I don't feel like sticking around in NYC for another 3+ years), and I'm already spending as much money per month for rental cars as I'd spend for parking. Gas, maintenance, and insurance would be an extra hit on my wallet, but nothing I can't handle.

I'll probably save up and pay cash for a used car, which will take a few months... I keep getting all these offers for pre-approved car loans, but I'm trying to resist that temptation.

I'm leaning towards a 2000 or 2001 Volvo V70 XC wagon... All the advantages of an SUV, but without the stigma or the lousy gas mileage. Plus, Volvos last forever and I like their looks.

Aug 11, 09 2:59 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Watching Alf while pumping CAD...It's a good day. And all you can eat cheesecake in the kitchen, too!

Aug 11, 09 4:14 pm  · 


Another OSS Officier you failed to mention is Dillion S. Ripley the former head of the Smithsonian Institute. Ask me how I know this and I will have to kill you.

Aug 11, 09 5:48 pm  · 

Sorry about that it is S. Dillon Ripley.....

Aug 11, 09 5:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Aug 11, 09 7:04 pm  · 

Architecture in Movies: The Definitive List

If anyone has anymore to contribute, please post in the comments. I need to go back and review that thread now...

Aug 11, 09 7:31 pm  · 

Slart, I heart that sofa.

Pixel, WonderK, et al, my former coworkers definitely noticed a difference in my mood/temper between when I drove and when I rode my bike. That half hour of exercise in the morning is absolutely magical.

On the Julia Child, I saw Julie & Julia last weekend and they did mention it. They said that she used to work for the government, and she always said that it was just as a file clerk, but the looks she & hubby exchanged when they were asked about it left open the possibility that she was lying. I thought it was pretty well handled, as it was what she would say to people at the time, even if she's since been more open about it.

Aug 11, 09 7:34 pm  · 
vado retro
Aug 11, 09 9:21 pm  · 

wK, i just commented on a woman architect on your blog. not a good movie, but good george clooney watching.

Aug 11, 09 9:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

Surface and I just missed the opportunity to hang out at the State Fair with Ball-Nogues. I have drawings I have to get done instead! Guess I'm not as hardcore as I used to be. Sigh.

But hey, we get brunch with vado retro tomorrow! DubK, I know you wish you could join us!

Aug 11, 09 9:45 pm  · 
vado retro


Aug 11, 09 10:42 pm  · 

Rationalist, word....

I am drunk, wanted to be. Good night everyone.

Aug 11, 09 10:50 pm  · 

rationalist, did you have your interview yet? Or is that next week?

I miss brunch. Can't have too much brunch when you're broke. I applied today for a job that I am quite qualified for, like, almost verbatim, so I got kind of excited about it. I'm getting bolder at calling for follow-ups so I plan to do that later this week.

Aug 12, 09 3:14 am  · 
Aug 12, 09 5:41 am  · 
vado retro

and brinner as well, but only in the winter...

Aug 12, 09 6:24 am  · 

as part of my campaign to get ALL tc'ers to move to louisville (< only partly kidding...maybe), i'm touring one around my neighborhood and downtown louisville today and buying lunch. hint hint.

Aug 12, 09 8:03 am  · 

Huh, I have considered. My grandpa (on my pa's side) and his kin folk were all from western Kentucky way. Plus, i do love me some bourbon.

Aug 12, 09 8:12 am  · 

manta: Yeah, but CCA only offers a M.Arch, which doesn't interest me (even with the added bonus of Andrew Kudless). I'm being picky, I know.

The final reviews for the elective I've been co-teaching are happening in 1.5 hours and I'm extremely nervous. This is the most involved I've been with a course (I developed the curriculum alongside a tenure faculty member) and I'm concerned that I'll take the guest critic's comments too personally. I'll report back this afternoon with an update.

Aug 12, 09 8:27 am  · 
Living in Gin
Aug 12, 09 9:27 am  · 

another vote for archinect conference - as long as I get to be on a panel with a couple other TCers.

pixel - good luck with your review! - The best thing about being the instructor at the reviews is that you get to set the tone of the review, and reign in reviewers.

re: brunch - I'm looking forward to finally having a functioning kitchen so the ms. and I can fall back into our routine of paper + coffee + waffle lazy sunday mornings. fall is the best time of year for brunch, IMO... hot coffee on a brisk fall morning - home fries - mmm....

So... I was originally bummed about my potential commute when I moved across town (my old 25 minute walk into work through a peaceful neighborhood is hard to beat) - but I finally settled on commuter rail to subway... and I'm loving it so far.

I love the commuter rail - I'm on the train with a bunch of middle-aged and very sociable people - so I get interesting stories about their kids off at college and how their work/life isn't really that different from mine - they've just had more of it. I also simply love riding the train. whenever it pulls up to the station and the conductor yells "all aboard!" It's like I'm 5 years old again. great start to my day.

Aug 12, 09 9:29 am  · 

yick, toaster... i really dislike my commuter rail. i used to ride my bike 35 min into downtown Chicago. Now, my train ride is between 40-70min with a 20min walk. the walk isn't bad, if i could enjoy it, the first couple blocks with all the train riders is something out of ben hur. (ok i'm exaggerating a bit) 90 min each way (if i'm working early and late) is borderline unbearable.

i really miss my bike ride, the air, the workout, the sunrise over the skyline right as you peak at des plaines and kinzie, the coast down that hill inhaling the "fumes" from the Blommer Chocolate Factory... really, always had a better day when it started with that ride.

...i caught a glimpse of a couple riders coming down that hill this morning from the train... my teeth clenched...

did i mention i'm happily married?

Aug 12, 09 9:55 am  · 

Hi postal!!!

Aug 12, 09 10:14 am  · 

this image is for the health care free-marketers...

Aug 12, 09 10:19 am  · 

hola nam & TC reg's...

willl morning commutes be a topic at the 'nectuer conference?

other suggested topics:
life after the new and improved archinect salary poll
drinking at work: more than just productive
Achieving LEED Protactinum (free-range orphan in every grab bag)
Where is Jerry Lewis?: the Vado Retro Workshop
Aggregate Archinect: Thread Central's effect on Earth's Rotation

the events will be capped by:
Name that Building & Architect Live Battle

Aug 12, 09 10:42 am  · 
Living in Gin

I miss having a car for evenings and weekend use, but I generally don't mind commuting on the subway. My train runs express from 125th Street all the way to 59th Street, and I find the NYC subway to be about a million times more reliable than the Chicago 'L'. It also helps that my apartment is only a half-block from the subway station; back in Chicago I had a bit of a walk to get to the Red Line, and then either a longer walk or a bus ride to get from the Red Line to my office once I got downtown. (Not bad when weather is nice, but it sucked balls during a heat wave, severe thunderstorm, or blizzard... Or if the train was packed full of morbidly obese Cardinals fans making their annual pilgrimage to Wrigley Field during evening rush hour.)

The only real bummer about taking the subway -- aside from the usual panhandlers, weird odors, and groups of obnoxious teenagers -- is the fact that my commute is almost entirely underground. Combined with the fact that my apartment window and my office window both face brick walls, I feel like I see a total of maybe 15 minutes of sunlight per day.

Aug 12, 09 11:02 am  · 

and a panel where your responses can only either be in images or youtube videos.

postal - is Blommer where you get the collision of chocolate and sausage smells?

re: jobsite pics thread - reminds me that a couple months ago our client caught the night-watchman running a brothel at the site of a hotel renovation job we're doing... ah... florida...

Aug 12, 09 11:53 am  · 
vado retro

just had an archinect conference and brunch! with lb and surfaces. you know them. you love them. thanks lb!

Aug 12, 09 12:08 pm  · 

toaster, what part of the country are you in again? Sorry I forget.

Thus far I have noticed that people in Portland use the word "commuting" exclusively to describe getting around by bike. Predictable. It's raining today, I was going to go on a ride but I desperately need to buy fenders for my bike first. Also I need to go to Goodwill and find something that I can fashion into rain gear. It's good to have goals.

Aug 12, 09 12:14 pm  · 

wk, so did you get a job?

Aug 12, 09 12:22 pm  · 

No, holz. Why would I have?

Aug 12, 09 12:34 pm  · 

...going down kinzie past the blommer chocolates at 6am is quite the experience... you want to go all meg ryan from city of angels, head back, sun hitting you in the face, eyes closed, arms outstretched, inhaling a sweet combination of chocolate, body odor, & sausages...

but you can gain some good speed down that street, and it's still the city, so resist the temptation to do the above or else you might end up like... meg ryan...

(i may be confusing the movie, but i think city of angels is right w/ cage)

Aug 12, 09 1:06 pm  · 

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