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is a sealant required pre-primer for exterior concrete?

Jul 29, 09 10:12 am  · 

do you want to seal exterior concrete?

Jul 29, 09 10:15 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm not sure why I think this, but I actually think Madonna looks kick-ass awesome in that photo. I love the way her pants fit her, and the belt, and she must be carrying some heavy stuff in those bags. Do recall that she's over 50!

Jul 29, 09 10:20 am  · 

@ AP - I'm Colombian! If you like Colombian soups, I highly recommend a Colombian sancocho. My family usually eats sancocho with our typical American Thanksgiving. It's appears to be similar to your chicken soup in that it's broth-based but it also contains yucca, plantains, cilantro, and big hunks of corn. Sancocho tends to be garnished with half and half cream instead of sour cream. And, of course, the quarter lime and chopped avocado are essential. Your dinner looks lovely.

@ architechnophilia - I really, really like the tech tattoo down the spine of the ladies back. It must have been terribly painful to receive.

@ b3tadine[sutures] - I'm overly self-critical as well. I had a hard time at my first job after college. It was a very insular work environment and there was little to no collaboration with my coworkers. At my previous firm I had a phenomenal boss/mentor who encouraged daily dialogues about our projects. While it was a large, corporate firm, it worked more as a studio due to my boss' strong emphasis on daily pinups, crits from members of other departments, etc. It was a great learning experience to have such polar work experiences back to back.

Jul 29, 09 11:06 am  · 
Dapper Napper

That lion guy is so gonna end up like the other animal people...killed and/or eaten. Cool video though.

Madonna needs to eat. After a certain age, you need more fat in your body for common sense health reasons.

Portland and Seattle are very high on my list of places to live, thus why I have not yet invested in real estate. What is a good time of year to visit the pacific northwest?

Jul 29, 09 11:27 am  · 

good morning all. My arms are killing me (not like madonna's but hurting nonetheless). I spent the afternoon with my niece at their new house chipping away at a solid fill conc block wall preparing it for a mosiac tile back splash. The tool of choice was a wooden handle chipper that looked like a medieval mutant between a cross-peen and a geologists hammer. Anyway after 2 hours of prep we were finally able to lay out the tiles only to find that we had far too many inserts and not enough base (that's what I get for listening to the pretty lady at the counter)

Jul 29, 09 11:55 am  · 

Dapper, now through early september is a good time.

Please tell me you photoshopped that photo of Madonna, because that's disgusting! I'm all for strong women but I can't see how she thinks that look is doing her any favors.

One of my portfolio crits finally got me in an argument, but it's the most retarded argument imaginable. Thanks to jump for trying, but I think that's a sinking ship right there.

Jul 29, 09 12:02 pm  · 

my cat has turned into a blood thirsty killer. After a week of being grounded for killing a chipmunk (which he brought into the house for the coup de grace), it took only 5 minutes of roaming the yard this morning to kill another young chipmunk - back into the dog house for him!

I just wish he would have targeted the squirrels and rabbits that are digging up my garden, not tweety or alvin!

Jul 29, 09 12:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, you're in the right over there. Don't let it get you stressed and by the way: you are so smart, and every time you explain something graphically I have two AH HA! moments: first, I "get" the thing you're trying to explain and second, I realize yet again that architects ARE NOT necessarily good, or even decent, graphic designers!

Jul 29, 09 12:14 pm  · 

n_, that sounds amazing. i just looked at a few sancocho recipes online. will try something like that next time.
this soup started out as a basic chicken base (made by boiling a carcass of a rotisserie chicken we had for dinner the other night), with the typical combo of onion, carrot, celery and garlic. we also added some potato and sweet potato....and of course a bunch of pulled chicken. so far pretty normal. the distinct flavor came from a spice mix/paste that we made and added about 10 minutes before it finished simmering: olive oil, lime juice, cilantro, scallion, garlic, a touch of hot sauce, and bijol. i'll be re-heating it for lunch today!

tk, i saw a stray cat snipe a squirrel once. it was pretty amazing, honestly. i felt like it should've been on one of those animal planet shows about wild creatures hunting prey. 'just look at him'...

Jul 29, 09 12:28 pm  · 

A couple of things I forgot to mention:

-I think Madonna would look great in that picture... if you Photoshopped her scary, veiney arms out of it. They look freaky.

-Hi nam!!!! :o)

Also holz, you are totally right. And like I said it is damn hot, so I don't blame everyone. However the weatherman here in Portland is my new favorite news personality. Last night he said "it's hot as biscuits!". Love it.

BTW, holz, since you're rocking the bikini, does that mean you are a girl?!? Sorry I thought you were a dude. Unless you are rocking the Speedo? LOL. I think I feel now how people must have felt when they discovered, thousands of posts ago, that rationalist and I are girls.

Jul 29, 09 1:46 pm  · 

Wait a second, holz, I'VE TALKED TO YOU BEFORE. You ARE a dude. Stop confusing me like that. Bikinis! LOL.

(goes back into cave...)

Jul 29, 09 1:49 pm  · 

wk. i thought the same thing... but then again..holz is german isn't he?

Jul 29, 09 2:04 pm  · 

Yes. Now I'm having visions of Borat. Dammit.

Jul 29, 09 2:13 pm  · 

holz sure didn't sound German when I met him... but that might've been the beer.

Jul 29, 09 2:18 pm  · 

Yeah, I thought the same exact thing. Its weird how we assign genders based on our archinect identities. Its like how I assume all dogs are male and all cats are female.

Jul 29, 09 2:34 pm  · 

i guess i just assumed cause he posts so many projects from that area..and also isn't holz = wood in german? or something like that? is the distaste/squemishness for the banana hammock a sign of american insecurity about sex or just good taste?

Jul 29, 09 2:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

If we're talking men in tiny bathing suits, I urge you to image google "daniel Craig bathing suit" - it's a treat.

In other words, lars, if someone looks as awesome as Daniel Craig in a Speedo, of course they should wear it, because that's just good taste.

Jul 29, 09 2:56 pm  · 

holz freaked me out too, i saw bikini, and went huh, for an hour...

tk, send kitty over to my yard, i have some of alvins friends under my porch, and my cats are too chicken shit to do squat.

Jul 29, 09 2:59 pm  · 

I thought holz was an American who lived and worked in Germany for many years. I could be totally wrong but that's what I assumed from his posts.

Speaking of unknown genders: calling puddles, calling puddles.

Jul 29, 09 3:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

speaking of germany: calling string-emil, calling ">] string-emil

Jul 29, 09 3:29 pm  · 

Foiled again!

Jul 29, 09 3:58 pm  · 

hah hah the holz bikini is an international phenomena I thought so too. Liberty the Daniel Craig Le Perla trucks is a classic image - enough to make any gaze and desirous for the figure or the stud in them. But whilst searching for the image I found this beef cake - you can thank me later.

And this is the best week ever - spoke to *m yesterday afternoon, and then Wonder K today. I wonder if I can hit the trifecta

Jul 29, 09 4:06 pm  · 

NOOOOOO! not string-emil! not that!

Jul 29, 09 4:16 pm  · 


re: holz, I really have no idea what I'm talking about. I know he has some sort of association with Germany. But I do know he is a "he". I'm sure he's going to enjoy this conversation when he comes back to TC later on, LOL.

Jul 29, 09 4:16 pm  · 

lol@ "banana hammock" I would say just good taste... I'm not a bit squeamish about sex, but most men just don't look good in those.

Jul 29, 09 4:32 pm  · 

Technically Craig wasn't in a biikini/bannan hammock though is he?

That pic actually inspired my latest swimsuit buy (earlier this year) and it was while not a bikin a small speedo branded suit (that came about 2/3 thigh length).
But then i have always worn my suit small, i have always hated the long (even below knee) board short syle that was so popular in US for so long.

Jul 29, 09 4:43 pm  · 

I thought Holz grew up on Military bases (therefore international).

By the way, thanks to whoever brought up the movie "Hara-kiri" earlier in TC. Definitely worth a watch. I know the Bushido culture was very formal, but the movie reflected that as well where not one thing seemed out of place in terms of the filming. Its such a pure movie. Is there a movie recommendation thread already?

Jul 29, 09 4:46 pm  · 

Slartibartfast there are quite a few movie recommendation threads, but there is no Thread Central movie Recommendation Thread (that's a mouthful)

Jul 29, 09 5:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

despite appearances, not all europeans are fans of "banana hammocks". i had a nice conversation with a british woman a couple years ago who insisted that she couldn't stand those...although she referred to them by a british name...i think she kept saying "berry huggers" but my memory of that night is rather dodgy and i might be mistaken because i drank alot (and when i say i drank alot, that means something).

even so..."berry huggers" is pretty funny

and as i think about's swimwear is a niche that could really use some making over. just google it and see the schlock that comes up (if you dare look). the speedos are ridiculous and those knee length board shorts are absurd looking too (their length reminds me of something from victorian england). really, other than the boxer short style trunks from dolce & gabbana, i can't say there is much out there right now that really flatters the male physique. maybe i'm alone in thinking this but i think there is a huge market opportunity there.

Jul 29, 09 5:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hell I posted a long response and accidentally lost it when I went looking for string emil.

techno, did you try to call me? I saw a number I didn't recognize and was in a rush so didn't answer - plus I have you in my phone memory so if you called form your cell I would have gotten it.

nam, Craig is wearing a "square brief" bathing suit. puddles, the problem of a bathing suit that "enhances" a man's physique is interesting. With such a small bit of fabric to work with, one would almost need to include fake pectorals as part of the suit?

By the by, a bird pooped on me today. Isn't this supposed to be a sign of good luck?

Jul 29, 09 6:44 pm  · 
brian buchalski

please note that i said "flattered", not "enhanced".

on second thought, the problem is the suits so much as its the men themselves. some of them need to get in better shape...and nearly all of them need to improve their posture. this is somewhat tangential, but if you've ever observed naked people at the beach (even from a modest distance) you'll likely notice the resemblance that men bear to apes, lumbering about with hunched shoulders and arms flopping along their sides. women seem to be much more posture conscious while standing & walking with their back straight. i suppose this is partially due to the fact that women are typically shorter...but i also suspect that they are trying to either show off their breasts or at least make them appear larger by standing straight.

Jul 29, 09 7:03 pm  · 

Wow, TC has been busy today.

Slart - I have the same memory of holz. I think he worked there for a while too.

Lars - yes "holz" is German for "wood".

Beta - I'm not trying to seal the concrete per say I'm just trying to make my lower two steps to look like the upper two steps, i.e. painted a nice cool grey (gray?).

Pixel - I think sealant is required only if the concrete is new. My steps definitely aren't new

Re: Madonna - her arms to me remind me of those of a severely anorexic woman which I always equate to concentration camp victims. I used to think she had some pretty bad ass arms but now... not so much. Give that woman some bacon.

TK - You do realize that your cat has no memory 5 days after the fact why he's been inside, right? Ya, it always sucks to watch them catch and kill defenseless baby animals, but they can't help it, it's instinctual. I do however always divert their attention away when I see them hunting something. Typically it works.


Atechno - YAY for the TC Trifecta. I hope you achieve it.

HI n_!!! Hi Nam!!! Hi Rationalist!!! Hi DubK!!! Hi AP!!!

SW - You are aware you can lock down your profile so certain people only see certain things? I'm just saying.

puddles - glad to hear the fingernails are under control. For whatever reason your links didn't work for me.

Anyone seen vado? Or SH for that matter?

Sorry if I missed anyone.

Jul 29, 09 8:01 pm  · 

Wow, Wonder, that was a long post.

Hey anybody see this Thom Mayne and Laurie Anderson in Icon from Feb??
I get the feeling they are talking past each other alot of the time. More than that though i find it interesting she keeps trying to get him to talk about a building of his with the most contradictions and he can't come up with anything. But interesting convo.

Jul 29, 09 8:25 pm  · 

n I owe alot to a Columbian Architect... I was just a kid, all of 18 when I went to work in a Boston Architectural Firm as a Gofer....ya go for this go for that. He was the lead designer in the firm, educated in Columbia, France and Italy. He also did a stint of work in various places around the world. Anyhow we spent alot of hours on the "T"
subway in Boston and he lived a couple of blocks from where I lived so we spent alot of time walking from Harvard Square to home. We had many delightful conversations. I don't think I would have been able to grasp all the elements of design without the clarity inwhich he revealed them to me... well not enough to sit for the exam without a degree.

Jul 29, 09 8:28 pm  · 
vado retro

man migraines suck. you can't do anything. you can't read or look at the tv or the computer you can't write. all you can do is lay in the dark with an icepack on your face. fortunately i had the audio book of revolutionary road to keep me company when i wasn't asleep which was most of the day. you know how bad it was???? i couldn't even answer a call from Liberty Bell. Now that is bad.!!!!

Jul 29, 09 8:44 pm  · 

ooh,not fun vado. my mom gets them all the time and over years has become resistant to anything but injection of high-strength pain-killer of some sort (and even then...). hope yours is gone and never coming back.

rationalist, your comments are always good. the flamer is silly. what kind of dingbat thinks winning an award gives you permission to be an ignorant d*ck?

madonna is still awesome. one bad photo is not representative of what she looks like in reality. this one looks like it came from the national enquirer.

speaking of aging lady-rockers who still look bloody good i was amazed to see Kim Gordon of sonic youth in news lately and realised she is like 20 years older than me but looks like she is younger...apparently being smart rocker person can keep you young. excuse me but i'm gonna go and tune my guitar to D now and roll around on the floor for an hour or so...

Jul 29, 09 9:18 pm  · 

liberty I didn't telephone but now I'm almost compelled to.

Jul 29, 09 9:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aw, vado, feel better. Coffee Friday morning? I need to measure the banquettes at the BR cafe.

Jul 29, 09 10:13 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Says the man who brings up the fact that he has a PHD in urban planning every 4 posts.

Jul 29, 09 10:21 pm  · 

hey if you've earned it flaunt it. Did someone leave the door open?

Jul 29, 09 10:38 pm  · 
vado retro

my two women rockers of days gone by are

tina weymouth and debbie harry.

Jul 30, 09 7:35 am  · 

lol, orochi.

i know! i feel like such an ass when i mention it. i know very well that it aint such a big deal, but seems relevant to some threads. however i don't think i use phd as justification for flaming someone. if i do please free to give me kick. i won't complain.

sorry archi, i left the door open. could you close it for me? cheers.

Jul 30, 09 7:55 am  · 

i like to sound like a phd every 2 post even i don't have one, sometimes my friends let me use theirs, thank you.;.)
i was up all night writing a review. this ain't no phd related though.

Jul 30, 09 8:08 am  · 

Vado, i just read Revolutionary a few months ago. How do you like it?

Jump, Yes Kim Gordon looks amazing for her age. I assume it is the money/freedom to live the exact life she wants. Also, for some reason i always imagine you telling your jokes in this super deadpan way.

Orhan, nice news post. How is your summer going?
Morning everyone else

Jul 30, 09 8:42 am  · 

orhan you are welcome to mine. i will have to take it our from the closet, but if you have use for it am glad to lend....

if you could sign it for me before handing back would be totally cool.

btw, nice review. i find myelf enjoying your writing the more i get the chance to read it. in japanese i would say it "tastes" nice. very cool.

LB, the shoes you posted on facebook are the ones you talked about above? they look awesome.

Jul 30, 09 9:02 am  · 
brian buchalski
underpants for the hands
Jul 30, 09 9:56 am  · 

Re: Japanese as language...
Is the "taste" like an aesthetic impression?? Which can't be directly translated into English

Jul 30, 09 9:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm here. I've just been too busy to post. That, and every time I come stand infront of the computer, Abram comes and pushes me away. Literally.

I think I am going to get an iPhone today. Husband had one through work, but is giving it back, and I REALLY got used to using his internet conectability. He got a blackberry to replace his iPhone, but the internet BLOWS on that thing. I can see how the blackberry is superb for businessy business, but not so much for just surfing, ect. I am going to miss my little phone. Its so tiny, and I love it. When its in my pocket, I dont look like I have a penis - which really isnt a good look for me.
Its about the size of a credit card, including the antenna.

Regarding swim shorts, I think I do preffer the boxer breif style; on any shape really - some certainly look better than others, but in general I think they look better than the baggy board shorts. Techno, I bet you flaunt the brief style, huh.

So I started reading Moby Dick. I'm on capter 10. Man is Melville a wordy guy. Its very Scarlet Letter-y. I'm taking Tolstoy, and some fun books with me to FL as well.

Off for now.

Jul 30, 09 9:58 am  · 
Jul 30, 09 10:28 am  · 

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