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you know what, now that I think about it it's kind of annoying that they can put the word "architects" in their firm name and I CAN'T. That's pretty shitty! I have to be "mantaray, designer" ugh. "Designer" is so meaningless. Wow we really, really need to do something to address this ridiculous restriction...

On a side note : just now, while searching for a comedian I wanted to find, I randomly came across this Cincinnati Map for Optimists that some of you might like. Ahh, the miracle of the internets!

Jul 3, 09 1:25 am  · 

I mean that link and the comedian I'm searching for have absolutely jack shit to do with each other. You never know what you're gonna find out there, folks!

Jul 3, 09 1:26 am  · 

It's like we hit the limit of exploration of our physical world so now we spend our days exploring each other's brains and ideas.

Jul 3, 09 1:26 am  · 

mmmm. borek.

Jul 3, 09 3:12 am  · 

from NY Times today: it appears that China will have 30,000 megawatts of wind energy by the end of next year — which was previously the target for 2020

isn't it great to be alive to witness the end of america as the country everyone wants to copy?




Jul 3, 09 5:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What is borek?

So, I think my husband needs help. He has a serious problem. As I lamented a month or so ago, he sold his mustang, and bought a truck. He also sold the 89 GMC a few weeks ago. We were finally down to a simple 2 cars in the driveway. Until last night. Last night he bought this...

I wonder if there is a help group for people with this affliction. Something like Carbuyers Anonymous.

Jul 3, 09 8:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Jul 3, 09 8:26 am  · 
vado retro

its kinda unusual for spouses to just show up with cars in this day and age doncha think? i mean i'm just sayin'...

Jul 3, 09 8:28 am  · 

if my wife came home with this

i'd do the housework for life!

Jul 3, 09 8:55 am  · 


SH - Did he discuss this with you or did it just show up in the driveway?

Jul 3, 09 11:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, my husband's uncle goes through - seriously - 4-8 cars every year. He drives them for awhile, tinkers with them, and usually sells them for a slight profit. It's a hobby, and I guess registration costs in Michigan are cheap.

jump I have to say your comment on the end of America is a terrifyingly accurate crystallization of what I've been uneasily sensing for the last decade. Maybe "unease" is the contemporary human condition.

I'm continuing to be highly mobile for the next three weeks, so I'll be in and out. Hang in there everyone. Come September I hope we'll all feel a bit more stable.

Jul 3, 09 12:39 pm  · 

a borek is a turkish pastry stuffed w/ goodness.

Jul 3, 09 12:49 pm  · 

The armenian version is called boereg... SO GOOD, oh man. Wonder if it's any different from the turkish? they're probably pretty close if not identical. On the other hand, armenian dolma is different from the greek. in case anyone's ever curious...

Jul 3, 09 1:14 pm  · 

my understanding is there are hundreds of different variants...

but yeah, delish.

Jul 3, 09 1:39 pm  · 

yes it would be fun to do a taste-test.

Jul 3, 09 1:56 pm  · 

I'm posting from my new laptop. I knew my six year old laptop wasn't going to cut it for graduate school so I needed an upgrade.

It smells new! And it's not scratched (yet)! And I love the softness of the keyboard! I'm a computer nerd!

Jul 3, 09 2:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I share jump's and LB's feelings about the future of America. Ever since Reagan launched a movement around the idea that "government isn't the solution; government is the problem", we've seen an entire generation grow up under the common knowledge is that America's best days are behind us, and that we can't do anything good or worthwhile anymore, despite what other countries are doing.

"America can't have universal healthcare because it won't work and it will cost too much."

"America can't fix the environment because it will kill jobs and cost too much."

"America can't have high-speed rail or urban transit investment because we're different than Europe and it will cost too much."

"America can't provide affordable higher education because it will cost too much."

etc., etc.

I'm pretty fed up with constantly being told what America can't do. Reagan was known for his brand of sunny "morning in America" optimism, but that was merely a veneer over a far darker and more pessimistic view of society that an entire political movement is based upon.

Jul 3, 09 2:25 pm  · 
brian buchalski

still alive

Jul 3, 09 2:37 pm  · 


when one of the parties is resolved to actually make government fail, is it any wonder it is difficult to actually pass anything of merit?

also, i'd really love it if america was more like europe. frankly, i'm not sure what this avesion to europe is - everyone seems to hate it so much, yet they spend thousands of dollars to visit and then proclaim how great it is and can't wait to go back.

Jul 3, 09 2:40 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Speaking of nutcases who hate the idea of government, Sarah Palin just abruptly resigned as Governor of Alaska in a babbling, incoherent word salad of a news conference. My guess:

1) Some huge scandal was about to break, and/or

2) Faux News just offered her a ton of money to start a talk show.

So long, Guv...

Jul 3, 09 5:12 pm  · 

holz, as much as I like Europe, how would it even be possible to make the US more like it? We don't have the density, the history, the economy - not to add different resources, different dynamics between cultures/ethnicities, and etc.

Frankly, I'd like to see the US become more like its ideals, and also to have a more distinct "culture." The current trend seems to be that the neutrality or lack of culture IS being seen as the American culture (and I'm not talking about race/ethnicity kind of culture, BTW). Once in a while, I see/hear something and I think to myself "thats the kind of American culture I want to see more of."

Jul 3, 09 5:30 pm  · 

americans are americans... david bowie is afraid of them.;.)

Jul 3, 09 5:59 pm  · 

Slart, what ideals are those exactly? I ask because different people have different notions of what this country is all about...could be an interesting discussion for TC (since this crew is pretty good at discussing diverging viewpoints in a civil and productive way...for the most part at least).

Thanks everyone for your kind words regarding my stepdad (atechno - "stepdad" is my mother's husband, not my "father in law" which would be my gf's dad if/when we're married). Anyway, we spent a great few days together. He's still holding out hope for the 3-part procedure that could put his heart into better working condition (now that someone has explained it to me, I totally get why it's needed and why he isn't likely to have much a life (in quality or length) if he doesn't get it. Oh, and dubK, he's not on a bypass machine because his blood has issues and always clogs the machine, so no go there. Important thing is he has good spirits and is holding out hope for the best.

Orhan, my best wishes for your friend L as well.

Back in Jacksonville...

Jul 3, 09 6:08 pm  · 

AP - I was referring to the kind of ideals that can accommodate different people's notions of what this country is all about. (I'm being serious, not trying to be a smart-ass).

Nice to hear he is in good spirits. Thats admirable.

Jul 3, 09 6:53 pm  · 

Ya, I hear you, but that's where it gets tricky "in this day and age." I'm honestly of two minds on the matter of what this country is all about, but one of those minds is very much along the lines of what you're saying (which, if I'm understanding you correctly, probably revolves around personal liberty, first and foremost)...

Jul 3, 09 8:04 pm  · 

shorter work weeks
denser cities
efficient and clean public transportation
single payer health care
fair trade

Jul 3, 09 8:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Good wine
Good cheese
Good beer

Jul 3, 09 8:40 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've updated the transit map (PDF, 9.3MB) to reflect changes made in response to come comments here. I've re-routed the Green Line through the west side to provide better access to Price Hill and Cheviot, and I've changed the color scheme (basically using the same colors found on the NYC subway map).

The line colors are chosen with the following logic in mind:

Warm colors (Red, Orange, Gold) run roughly north-south. The Red Line runs near the ballpark (home of the Reds), and the Orange Line runs near the stadium (home of the Bengals - orange team color).

Cool colors (Blue, Green, Purple) run roughly east-west. The Blue Line stays near the river, and the Green Line serves several parks and leafy residential areas.

The two express lines that directly serve the airport: Silver and Gold.

Jul 3, 09 9:43 pm  · 

american culture is fine. or rather it is no more goofy than anyone else's culture.

i just wish that america was still the country that led the space race, had the cars everyone in the world wanted - and somehow could get off of its ass and support the new round of energy technology that is actually still being invented in USA but implemented in germany and china... what in the world is going on? its like the vcr, but with political consequences.

how come china has better environmental laws than usa? that is soooo strange. seriously, usa economy is in for a big drubbing if it misses this boat.

Jul 3, 09 10:05 pm  · 

I am taking a leave of absense from TC. Please know that you are welcome to email me or visit me at my blog or on Facebook at any time.

Have a nice summer.

Jul 3, 09 10:23 pm  · 

Good luck with everything WonderK.

LiG, I'm looking forward to the diagrammatic version of your map. I London's and Tokyo's better than the current NYC version because they are more diagram and less literal. I love Vignelli's diagrammatic NYC subway map...but maybe this is personal and stylistic and less about how well they perform as subway maps for the population in general.

oh, by "if/when" in my earlier post I don't mean to confuse...let's just say i meant "when" and leave it at that...

also, forgot to say it before, but congrats on your resignation atechno (if that's an appropriate sentiment?)...hope the next stage of your career is fulfilling for you.

...while I love many things about Europe, I'm not sure it's fair or useful to compare the US to European countries (for the most part). The US was founded on a specific set of principles and differs in some pretty significant ways from most European countries that I'm familiar with (and by familiar I mean the handful that I know more about than some trivial facts and characteristics). Note - I'm not set in any one position (hence my earlier comment about being of two minds about the US)...I'm just interested in having this discussion here.

Jul 3, 09 11:27 pm  · 

*I like London's and Tokyo's...

Jul 3, 09 11:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The colors of the current NYC map read well, but I agree the semi-literal geometry is a bit chaotic. Have you seen the Kick Map? IMO, It's a bit more diagrammatic, but also more intuitive in terms of showing express/local routes, etc.

Good luck on the road, WonderK.

Jul 3, 09 11:33 pm  · 

Perhaps the discussion of transit maps and such are better suited for your own thread LIG.

Jul 4, 09 1:23 am  · 


I can definitely go with shorter work weeks. I'm sitting here doing renderings at 2am on Independence Day.

As for denser cities... Do we have the population to fill dense cities? Are you proposing that "if you build it, they will come?" My opinion is that its probably the opposite. As for public transportation, I would think its mostly used by people where it makes sense financially and circumstantially. I would be ecstatic if it was cleaner & more efficient, but I'm not sure if that is what is causing the lack of popularity of public transportation.

Ok, I'm done for the night. Going to bed...

Have a nice summer WK.

Jul 4, 09 2:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Completely different subject...Did anyone see the new July 09 Anthropologie catalogue? All the shoots were done in Baragan buildings. Pretty cool.

Yes, Husband DID call to discuss the car purchase first this time. I think he's learned his lesson on that one.

And I agree that you cant compare Europe to the US. European countries are geographically smaller, and share a fairly unified culture within themselves. Maybe if you considered it more the EU compared to the US, and then Countries compared to States, sure. But then you get into Federalism, and people dont like that. I'm still not clear on why, though.

Jul 4, 09 11:39 am  · 

I agree with you Slart. Too many people want to live the American dream of having 2.5 kids, the dog, the white picket fence and a huge lawn that they bitch and complain about having to mow all the time. I'm not saying I don't think the shift won't occur but I think it's going to take a while to change the ideology(?) of the American dream.

Jul 4, 09 11:58 am  · 

Happy 4th all.

Sarah H, that is one sweet ride.

And mmmmm, Borek!

Jul 4, 09 5:55 pm  · 

Damn I must be living the American Dream...back yard full of weeds and unsplit wood....2.5 dogs (cause we look after the neighbors from time to time). I guess we be redneck yankees!

Jul 4, 09 6:00 pm  · 

oh ya and i completely forgot...the 1984 Merc Grande the driveway along with the Grand Jeep Cherokee....and I do drink American Beer even though the Company is owned by a Belgian Company which is run by a bunch of Brazilian Businessmen.

Jul 4, 09 6:02 pm  · 

nothing wrong with american dreams. american apathy is more worrying. is the same in canada.

still...happy birthday !

by complete chance i was reading the story of america's constitution to my daughter last night for bedtime reading. i got her a series of books called "everything your kid needs to know by grade 1, 2..."and we are doing grade 2 and 3 now just for fun. they are great cuz have lots of poetry, talks about slavery, greek myths, religion (i had to explain why these latter were not the same as myths, which is pretty smart observation). but anyway, she was totally impressed with american history and the men who made the constitution. rightly so.

she also got a kick out of the story if war of 1812 when usa invaded canada and we crossed the border and set fire to the president's residence, forcing you guys to paint it white to cover up the soot...and thus creating an icon for the world...;-)

Jul 4, 09 8:06 pm  · 

sorry I completely fucked up that interpretation. Wow I'm really stupid when I go sans coffee in the morning. Nonetheless I'm glad there are still options available to him to both preserve the length and quality of his life. Congratulations are defintely in order - the resignation was to facilitate my new teaching job as well as a few professional objections that the previous one couldn't namely registration.

@Wonder K - you'll be missed and like treekiller I'll be calling in and checking in on you. I meant to ask you earlier about the lil' white station wagon, and if you were going to be experimenting with greener fuels along your merry drive, and where were you driving to?

@Gin; good to see you are back working on your thesis. However looking at your map, I'm left more confused or filled with questions than answers. Also you mentioned that there was an urban design component to what you were doing... but looking at the integration and much of what you said on the other thread it seems more like planning.

@*m - wassup chica?

@all - has anyone heard anything more about Hill&Rock? Has he appeared on any other threads?? Paul has there been any movement from his account?

Jul 5, 09 3:35 pm  · 

not to be tongue in cheek about jump's recent comment/critique I ran across this recent article in Vanity Fair

@Sarah that's a mean looking ride. Classic muscle cars have such appeal to them even despite the appalling gas mileage.

Jul 5, 09 3:56 pm  · 


Jul 5, 09 5:20 pm  · 

err, crap.

Jul 5, 09 5:46 pm  · 

Panko and Walnut Encrusted Tilapia with a Blueberry Balsamic Reduction, collaboration with for her family since we're staying with them for several weeks this Summer...sides by others.

Jul 5, 09 8:04 pm  · 

All, I had a great weekend. Shopping, consumption (of all kinds) and friends and family.

"Lord a mercy", all of us.
Hey fays,
and i haven't heard anything on the local (Orlando news channel) on cable..

Jul 5, 09 9:44 pm  · 

that last bit re: H+R..

Jul 5, 09 9:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Laundry: Washed, ironed, and folded.
Bathroom: Cleaned.
Living room/bedroom/office: Vacuumed.
Kitchen: Swept.
Dishes: Washed.
Cat: Fed.
Groceries: Put away.
Beer: Cold. Time to crack one open.

My parents are on their way back to North Carolina from Cincy. If things had been planned out better, I would have postponed my own trip by a week so that I could've met up with them. They decided not to buy either of the pieces of land they were considering. I think they're learning just how expensive it would be to build their own custom house, and I think they're now leaning toward buying a house that somebody else already went through the hassle of building. Their biggest issue is getting a house with the master bedroom and bathroom on the ground floor, which isn't really the case with a lot of the older housing stock in the area. I'm sure they'll find something, though.

I saw the fireworks on the Hudson River last night, and actually found a pretty good spot near the Javits Center. Normally the city has various displays spread around the island, but this year is the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the Hudson River, so they decided to have one mega-display there. I don't normally deal well with crowds, but the fireworks were impressive, and I was actually able to avoid the worst of the crowds.

Atechno: The project has an urban planning element to it as well, which is what the maps are for. This is just one part of the project, though. I haven't really gotten to the architecture part yet.

Jul 5, 09 10:07 pm  · 

"Lord a mercy" Nam you are hilarious!!

Wow it's crazy hot here. Could someone fix the environment please, it was never this hot before. I'm on my fourth shower... and thinking of finding some river to soak in. If this keeps up we are going to end up with a very active hurricane season. I'm now going to watch the activity off the south-west coast of Africa to see if anything is forming

Jul 5, 09 10:41 pm  · 

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