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Sarah, I try not to make the mojitos myself it affects the pace at which I can consume them. Notwithstanding when I do have to make them it's about 1/2 juicy lime per glass and about 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar - if you want to go with brown sugar cut that in half. Oh and I use a shit load more rum... it's the pirate in me... ho ho ho.

Yes I'm back from an amazing weekend. A beautiful hilltop resort built around 40 years ago for the affluent island visitor. Now it's a chic location for the arty types looking to get away. But it really has a bit of old world charm, the have housekeepers that come in and cook all your meals and I swear there was nothing she couldn't make. The missus and I were tempted to clout her over the head and bring her back home.

Jump thanks for the suggestion and I agree online journals, blogs, etc have really made it difficult, but it has opened up things that would of normally been referred to as academic to a much wider audience.

Jun 28, 09 3:08 pm  · 

the pride parade in TC was well attended, fun too, the mayor seems well liked, and the drag queens are talllllll................

Jun 28, 09 3:35 pm  · 

looks like USA is about to pull of a HUGE upset over Brasil and finally get some well need respect. the score is USA 2 - Brasil 1...

Jun 28, 09 4:12 pm  · 

Not sure if we were watching the same game atechno, but the US team played poorly in the 2nd half and didn't look like a winning side for any of that half. Fabiano's goal 43 seconds into the 2nd half took the wind out of the US team's sails. That said, I do think these two efforts (against Spain and Brazil) will give the US a bit more respect against their opponents.

Regarding mojitos, I like to use simple syrup instead of granulated sugar, for a more even flavor from beginning to end. BUT, I'm not a native islander (though Miami may be a fair proxy), so I'll cede to your wise words on the matter of tropical rum cocktails.

Jun 28, 09 4:37 pm  · 

Hi all.
It was hot at the beach yesterday luckily i didn't get burned. I talked to AP this weekend briefly. Its been ages.

Hi LB, beer and barbicue. Sounds like a weekend to me.
I love downtown Chicago, especially the whole lake and river view of tall buildings and canyons.

That Brazil + USA game was wacky. I mean we were up...
Congrats on the LEED-AP sltbart.

Jun 28, 09 4:55 pm  · 

Archie....All is good in our household with the Brazil Win!...I will continue to have my Mobil Star 5 meals...and all the extras....that come along with it....Go Brazil! Serious, damn those Yankees looked good in this tournament. We will have to wait and see how much they grow after a loss like today! I did speak with both my nephew and niece in Brazil after the game...I was hearing alot of, "Brazil"
I love how they is alot like a well drawn sketch....not to perfect....but understandable and very beautiful. I'm hoping my countrymen can someday find that beauty.

Jun 28, 09 4:58 pm  · 

Brasilian football is a beauty to watch. Individually they possess so much skill but together it becomes this orchestra unmatched by others. AP I think I had a late submission - by the time the page refreshed the score was levelled. Good match nonetheless...

Also about the mojito; homemade clear syrup is the way to go but I never seem to have any around when I do, so sugar becomes an easier choice. And I suspect with Miami's proximity to the birthplace of the mojito (similar to ours) you can claim knowledge of such

Jun 28, 09 5:21 pm  · 

your trip sounds brilliant archi. totally jealous. we are overworked here and working harder than usual tokyo hours. not sure if it is fun or some kind of torture.

no worries about the academic stuff. i was at a loss myself but had advice from another phd graduate from my uni who is well into the ways and means of academia. this year i have been writing a lot of academic papers and proposals and had to sort out the same things. can be very tedious.

Jun 28, 09 5:31 pm  · 

yea that's pretty much the stance I'm in. Although I've been skirting academia for so long the last papers I wrote were for the school's journal when I was a student (pre-2001). So it's a little out-dated to say the least. And I've been told I need to publish 2 papers per academic year (I'm sure the other f/t members aren't but) so I'm looking to get out there. I may be calling on you and TK for advice and direction from time to time. Also if you'd like to have something published in our annual I'd be more than honoured to present it at the next airing of the editorial team

Jun 28, 09 6:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Pizza: Turned out great, at least I thought so. Mine was sauted mushrooms, onions, and garlic, smeared onver the crust and topped with gruyere. I thought it was great, and it looked like fancy gourmet food. Husbands was simply pizza sauce, mushrooms, pepperoni and shredded mozzerella - typical american. He liked it, but I felt it lacked the umph that mine had. Oh well.

I got a quote back from the architect about the church project. I think it sounds fair - 40 and hour, but its not up to me. So I am trying to get the head of the building comittee on the phone, give her the numbers and let them ask God. In the end, no matter what price the architect has set, its up to God, and they will do whatever He says.

I asked my favorite bartender tonight how she makes her mojitos, she told me 1 packet of sugar to 1/2 a lime. So it is a LOT of limes. Wonder if I can grow a lime tree; I'd like to grow a lemon tree.

I really like the Moody Blues. I'm glad their song is used in that Visa comercial.

Husband and I have decided to save the money, and post pone the trip to next year. We're already going to Florida for a week, and staying in a swanky hotel for one night on our aniversary, and I am unemployed. Time to come back to earth, I guess.

Jun 28, 09 9:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Greetings, all....

I finally landed at JFK at around 7:00 last night, 26 hours after first arriving at Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky Airport for my departure. The flight kept getting delayed because they were waiting for a crew member to arrive on an inbound flight from JFK, and when they finally loaded us onto the plane at 11 PM, we taxied out to the runway only to be informed that the plane had some mechanical issues. We sat there for an hour while some mechanics tinkered around with the hydraulic system, before finally sending us back to the gate and canceling the flight. They put us up in a hotel, and then I was finally able to catch a 4:30 PM flight the next day. And people wonder why I hate flying so much...

Think it will do any good to call Delta Air Lines and request some sort of voucher for future travel, as compensation for all the hassle? Or would that simply be a waste of 45 minutes I'd likely spend sitting on hold?

As promised, here are lots of photos:

Fort Thomas, Kentucky
My hometown. (63 photos)

Downtown Cincinnati and the Riverfront
(108 photos)

(32 photos)

Union Terminal
(25 photos)

University of Cincinnati
(46 photos)

Maysville, Kentucky
(10 photos)

Mount Adams, Eden Park, and the Krohn Conservatory
(66 photos)

Cincinnati Zoo
(59 photos)

Village of Mariemont
(20 photos)

Around Town
Includes Columbia-Tusculum, Hyde Park, Mount Lookout, Spring Grove Cemetery, and my unplanned late night at CVG Airport
(41 photos)

Back to work in the morning...

Jun 28, 09 9:57 pm  · 
vado retro

for SarahHamiltonalways LovelytoSeeYou...if there are no Questions then I must Go Now...

Jun 28, 09 10:39 pm  · 

Sarah I think that's a fair price for you but I think it's hilarious that they have to ask God! I feel like God is going to rip you off. I mean let's be honest, God really wouldn't rip you off but people who spend their lives "devoted" to him often will rip you off. Televangelists, anyone?

Jun 28, 09 10:46 pm  · 

How did I not know all those songs were by the Moody Blues? I heart them all.

SH - Wow!!! Should we pray to Him and let Him know that $40 an hour is a fair price? I mean (s)he's got other more important things to worry about then to really know the average going rate of an architect's fees these days, right?

Jun 28, 09 10:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, what in thee HELL is that crazy shingle stuff?!?! I love it. I love hippy architecture. It gives my husband (and, I suspect, my co-teachers and most of my friends) the heebie jeebies!

I guess we missed the opportunity to have you down to see the Kentucky students, LiG, I had forgotten how close you were and we are, as usual, way ovserschedueld. Also, due to the economy we had to cut a field trip this year, so Cincy was the one we decided not to do. I think the Kentucky Governor's Office likes it when we spend their money in KY not OH.

I stumble over the God gender all the time, as I have since high school. God, in my mind, isn't a being therefore doesn't have a gender. But then, I don't think my car is a girl either. The English language really, really needs a gender-neutral singular pronoun. Other languages have them, right?

Jun 28, 09 11:42 pm  · 

Not that is a prayer that I think comes from the humblest place versus asking for stuff which most prayers usually are (often preceded by compliments to soften him/her up). I hope no one takes that as being rude...

Jun 28, 09 11:43 pm  · 

it kinda looks like bruce goff on peyote!

Jun 29, 09 12:08 am  · 
Living in Gin

LB: The crazy shingles are thin sheets of wood that have been cut and layered in various ways. WonderK or another DAAP person might be more familiar with the house's history than I am.

No worries about not meeting up... I'm sure I'll make it back over that way before too long. Maybe our schedules will work out better then. It would be great to finally meet you, Steven, and Vado.

Jun 29, 09 12:16 am  · 
vado retro

thats a cool pic of Ursus maritimus. hope you didn't dive in with them like that woman in germany did.

Jun 29, 09 12:29 am  · 

The "mushroom" house - which was sometimes referred to as "the treehouse" or simply "that weird house in Hyde Park" - was built by hand, and for many years occupied by, former DAAP professor Terry Brown. I never had Terry for studio, which was unfortunate because everyone who did raved about him. He was a professor for part of the year and a rancher in Texas for the other part. I believe some of Terry's students got the chance to work on the house many years ago; when it finally went on sale a couple of years ago, no real estate agents knew how to list it!

Sadly, Terry died in a car accident in Texas last year, I think he was only 55. I think if I could have a legacy though, I would want one like Terry has.

Jun 29, 09 1:39 am  · 
Living in Gin

Did Terry have any formal affiliations with either Bruce Goff or Bart Prince? The Mushroom House certainly seems to have come from a similar school of thought.

Jun 29, 09 2:05 am  · 


Jun 29, 09 2:51 am  · 

SH, i talked to God last night, and he told me the architect is getting ripped off...

Jun 29, 09 6:24 am  · 

LiG - awesome photos - I love stuff like that mushroom house...

ugh - another rainy day here in new england... I think we've had one half day of sunshine in the past month. it's like that ray bradbury story "all summer in a day."

Jun 29, 09 7:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, you guys.....God was the one that told them to use me. Even after I told that to use me, they would have to be VERY patient because it would probably take 2-4 times as long. They have so far gotten the topo that I asked for, and are simply following my lead, and of course praying about everything. Just to clarify, I am not going to get paid until it gets into CDs. Instead, I am donating my time to charity, and will write it off on taxes. The architect, however, should be paid, and they understand that. They arent the 'rip you off' kind of people - though I understand that those do exist. I remember that the firm I worked at before billed me out at 90 bucks an hour, so I figured 40 was good.

Thanks, Vado. I bet you could rock that mean 'stache from the seesaw video.

Did I mention that I found some Porcini mushrooms at the market on Friday? I've been raving about them since I went to Rome 5-6 years ago, and havent been able to find them. Guess how much they were...50 dollars a pound! I bought 3 equaling 18 dollars, and served them over pasta. Husband loved it. Yeah.

michael jackson, michael jackson. sheesh, get onto to other things already.

Jun 29, 09 8:16 am  · 
vado retro

your welcome sarah!

i been to bart prince's place. our studio went there. eventually i lived about a block away. he's a very nice guy and has wienerdogs. He also came and spoke to the design studio i taught. pretty sweet to have a pretty well known archi come and talk to a design 102 class.

Jun 29, 09 8:56 am  · 

thanks archi,

i am just getting back to article to be published near future in Town and Country Planning, and am aiming for american journal of urban planners (or something like that, i can never recall its name) for next one. these are good journals as prestigious. in real life though, if it weren't for presenting papers at conferences i would have nothing to put on my list of publications....which makes me feel slightly doltish next to my properly trained up PhD buddies. ;-)

Jun 29, 09 8:56 am  · 
Living in Gin

Here's the obituary for Terry Brown in Architectural Record. Sounds like he was a great guy... Shame that he passed away so young.

Jun 29, 09 10:28 am  · 

Is it just me or is $40 an hour too little? Will the architect take the liability? If anything, I understand volunteering services for feasibility, conceptual design, and into schematic design (depending on scope), but at the documentation stage (DD and CD), and construction administration stage, it should be the full quote for an architect, shouldn't it? Is that wrong? Even if it ends up being the same amount at the end, I feel like thats devaluing the professional services.

Never heard of Terry Brown, but his work are interesting. Shame he passed away in an accident like that at that age. An architect's 50's are probably at their prime.

So... I got a speeding ticket on the way back from the wedding. And its HARDCORE. One of those if-I-said-it-everyone-would-have-a-totally-different-opinion-of-me-HARDCORE, regardless of the ticket being valid or not. Of course, I'm going to fight it. The officer even has the wrong color of the bike on the ticket, and he told me he chased me for 10 minutes, which is ridiculous. He's got the wrong bike. I wish my motorcycle gear didn't make me look like a motorcycle rider. I think it throws people off. I feel like motorcyclists in the US have a bad rap. I gotta get a pink Hello Kitty jacket or something and a helmet with bunny ears.

Jun 29, 09 11:45 am  · 

LiG, this last picture looks like something out of a howl's moving castle

Jun 29, 09 12:28 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Congratulations Slart! The new version of LEED seems a bit harder, I kind of wish I had taken the v2.2 but I had to finish up my ARE's.

Jun 29, 09 12:35 pm  · 

Sarah, sounds like everything's rolling along well! I find it to be expected that people of God would pray about everything -- and it makes me happy, because there's lots of people who claim to be spiritual & christian (I'm looking at YOU, Pastor Joel!) and clearly don't give two shits about what God thinks about their lives. So, whether you're a believer or not, I think it's something to be respected when people live out their ideals. (As long as those ideals don't include, say, killing each other, or seducing others into giving up their life savings, etc!) (insert standard religious activity disclaimer here)... anyway I'm rambling but it's a beautiful morning here, I hope everyone else is enjoying a beautiful morning too!

Jun 29, 09 12:52 pm  · 

I, too, find $40 absurdly low, but then again I assumed Sarah was wishing to discount her services for the church. Sarah -- have you determined what the partner architect will be paid? Partner architect is carrying liability, correct?

Jun 29, 09 12:55 pm  · 

Here you go Slart. I'm sure we can rig up a face shield for ya.

Jun 29, 09 1:07 pm  · 
vado retro

it is a beautiful morning even if i got a dead battery anywaze since there are so few worthwhile videos of the young rascals on youtube and i really want to hear its a beautiful morning because well its a great song and they had a lot of great songs, you kids really should check them out they were great i will post this Version of the song by three women singers because its a nice version and i have a thing for the singer in the green skirt...

Jun 29, 09 1:11 pm  · 

*M - That'll go nice with some goggles and a scarf flapping in the wind.


Architectural Designer, LEED AP/Possible Convict/ Speed demon/ Hooligan/ Squid (motorcycle terminology for dangerous riders)

Jun 29, 09 1:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

The partner arch - the one with the liscence - is the one who quoted 40 and hour, not me. I'm thinking once we get to CDs, all will be reconfigured.

Jun 29, 09 2:13 pm  · 

So the $40 quote is up until Schematic Design, and contract will be reconfigured after SD?

Jun 29, 09 3:00 pm  · 

Does anyone ever feel like they've ruined archinect?

Jun 29, 09 3:58 pm  · 

You know it's funny about this internet thing, but am I the only one to notice that mantaray typically makes back-to-back posts? I suspect it has to do with commenting midway through reading the posts, and then again after, but in my head I imagine genius repeated. I hope you don't feel on the spot mantary

Slar I'm reall curious as to the speed you were travelling, granted I doubt that would raise many eyebrows with this crowd. I am most taken by the fact that you ride a bike? By your comment about US riders I'll imagine a Harley or perhaps an Indian versus a Japanese crotch rocket.

I too wondered about the $40 dollars but suspected it had to do with preliminary stages, and assuming that Sarah would do much of the due diligence. Perhaps schematic to outline drawings with negotiations at Detail design/approval (is that right or am I twisting my RIBA/AIA conversion?)

Jun 29, 09 4:31 pm  · 

I was ticketed for 100mph at a 65mph. If I was in Virginia, I would be in jail right now. As I mentioned though, I'm going to fight the ticket. It wasn't one of those situations where they pulled out right away. He apparently lost visual contact had to chase for 10 minutes afterwards. I think he saw a fast bike and caught up to me and figured I must've been the guy. The fact that he put down the wrong color for the bike adds to my theory that he got the wrong guy. If he can't even figure out the color of my bike, how is he going to track it down among the numerous bikes on the road.

I'm not going to lie and tell everyone I was going exactly 65mph (I think that'll be most dangerous not following traffic). But really, I wasn't going a 100mph. Really.

Jun 29, 09 4:39 pm  · 

There was a funny moment where instead of handing him my license, I handed my credit card. Realizing my mistake I joked about not trying to bribe him.

Jun 29, 09 4:48 pm  · 

I believe you Slart. I'd be scared shitless even going 65mph, let alone going 100mph.

Jun 29, 09 4:56 pm  · 
brian buchalski

september is the best time to swim the great lakes...water has actually warmed up by then since the summer sun has been beating on it for three months...and all the kids have returned to school so it usually much more peaceful too...also the best time to attempt nude sunbathing if that's your thing too.

Jun 29, 09 5:23 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

It must have been an odd year when I tried swimming in Chicago. I was freezing and it was like the second week of Sept. Or maybe the lake was rejecting me due to my absurd swimming skills.

Jun 29, 09 5:51 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Jun 29, 09 6:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

When in Rome, puddles.

I just made a rookie mistake. I'm broiling sliced tomatos to put into a pasta salad (it makes them like roasted tomatos, but without the waiting all night), and I put too much olive oil in the pan. Now my whole house is filled with smoke, and I have to open the windows when its 100 degrees ouside.

Jun 29, 09 6:25 pm  · 

sarah, that's what a bbq is for! But why are you cooking when it's 100 degrees out?

the missus scored a new g4 for me on ebay - her winning bid was $107! so with shipping, I get a new machine for less then $150. next, I'll sell my old machine for parts. I'm looking forward to reading my personal email again. (I set up the account so long ago, I can't remember the password or figure out how to get webmail access...)

Jun 29, 09 6:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

tk, I'm always cooking, no matter the temperature, we still have to eat. That said, I tend to cook lighter in the summer; think greek, italian, foods from other hot places on the planet. I'm going to mix the now roasted tomatos with cold penne pasta, kalamatas and feta, and we will have a lemon rosemary chicken that Husband will grill outside. I don't know how to use that thing, and just flat refuse to learn.

I think I'm going to make this for my aniversary.

Jun 29, 09 6:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

or...when in germany

Jun 29, 09 6:54 pm  · 

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