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vado retro

the meat processing plants and industrial pig farm factories are still hiring because even though we're out of work we still need our bacon.

Jun 22, 09 6:43 pm  · 

Has anyone heard from Just Why or anyone else from the DC contingent? I always get antsy when I hear about this stuff. Worrying about nomadzilla has been more than enough.

Jun 22, 09 9:37 pm  · 

We will always need bacon.

Jun 22, 09 9:40 pm  · 

even through all the turmoil in tehran, Nomadzilla seems mostly concerned about not getting to go to Michigan's graduate architecture program this year.

I wonder if it's safe for him to continue posting about what is going on...

I'm also getting really frustrated at the lack of information coming out of the press about the situation in Iran... I feel like they are always one or two steps behind. I really don't want to be getting my news from twitter...

Jun 23, 09 7:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Morning, all.

Jun 23, 09 8:04 am  · 

I've been wondering the same thing toaster. At this point I think I'd be happier getting an "I'm still alive" post from him. U of M was his ticket out. Now it looks as though he's stuck :o(

Jun 23, 09 8:16 am  · 

Hi Sarah,

I think nomad just wanted to get out of Iran.... I know i would.

Jun 23, 09 8:29 am  · 

Because really, don't we all want a little more dick?

Jun 23, 09 8:42 am  · 

haha, the website is a unbiased, cool.

Jun 23, 09 10:10 am  · 

I dunno- I think I'd be excited to be part of what is going on even if I had been planning on getting out. someone has to stay and fight.

Jun 23, 09 10:10 am  · 

toaster, i agree, to me as an american i think fighting for your rights is much more existential than voting...

Jun 23, 09 10:40 am  · 

when in graduate school (eons ago) I had several classmates who were ex-pat Iranians. this was the late 70s and not long after the Shah had been disposed. at that time, the Iranian secret police (i think it was called SAVAK) was known to be operating in the US and would take revenge against the families of US based dissidents.

i realize a lot has changed in the past 30 years, but these are not nice people we're dealing with. my classmates were terrified of SAVAK and simply would not discuss any aspect whatsoever of what was happening in Iran. they just didn't know who the could trust or how information might make its way back to the secret police.

Jun 23, 09 11:09 am  · 

So the interview went well, as far as anything I have any control over. My work was called "great" "incredible" and "fun." I met like half of the office and they all seemed to love me, including the one partner I met.

BUT. They are not in as clear and immediate position to hire as I would prefer. They want to add someone sometime soonish, but haven't figured out their exact timetable for that. BOOOOOO.

Jun 23, 09 11:58 am  · 
vado retro

distant- i was down at indiana university in the late 70's just hanging out and getting high mind you not going to school and the iranian students had set up information tables in the union building to let people know what the shah was up to. they hid their identities out of fear of reprisals. many of the same savak agents went to work for the revolution after they took power. meet the new boss...

Jun 23, 09 12:15 pm  · 

if OMA are hiring again, thats a good sign. no?

Jun 23, 09 1:13 pm  · 

fays I don't think OMA stopped hiring! They are the architectural version of a cattle factory... cows come in beef comes out.

So I just came from a site visit with a potential client. It was nice being chauffeured in her 3 series BMW. We went to look at a house she's looking at converting into either townhouses/apartments or both. Should be a nice project even if it's just to driven around in the fine German automobile again.

On that note to those in the know. In the pre-preliminary stages of a project say for instance a visit to a site how do you charge for it? Or has the era of that long passed?

Jun 23, 09 2:18 pm  · 

Sarah, yesterday you asked if anyone noticed you were gone but I didn't have a chance to respond. Yes I did... you and I tend to be the early posters, and I wasn't able to yesterday either... I thought it was a coincidence.

Jun 23, 09 2:21 pm  · 

Philia... you can see Koolhaus' weiner in that picture!


Jun 23, 09 2:46 pm  · 

I think that's Koolhaas having a little weiner-envy that's his hand poking through.

Jun 23, 09 3:14 pm  · 


Either request a retainer before getting in the car, send an invoice for the initial consultation & deduct fee from first real invoice if hired, or just suck it up as marketing. I've seen residential folks have a very clear fee schedule with an initial consultation & two sketches for a few hundred $$$. But you gotta let the potential client know BEFORE you are chauffeured around in their beammer. there is the $.05 architecture guy... good luck.

Jun 23, 09 3:39 pm  · 

Down by his zipper... there's a little stube that's not hand related.

God, I need to stop reading gossip blogs.

Jun 23, 09 4:12 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm not drunk right now...but my fingernails are trimmed...i wonder what's becoming of me...

Jun 23, 09 4:36 pm  · 

rationalist, good job on the interview. I've had a few like that, I promise.

I had an interview today in Long Beach and I *think* I got the job. I mean, the dude took me to the office space that they are moving into, showed me around, and then pointed out some potential apartment buildings that I can move into. Normally I would say that's a good sign but I've stopped making plans because as soon as I do, they go awry. On a side note, Downtown Long Beach is quite nice, unexpectedly so. I would be glad to be living in a such nice area that's just a short drive from all my SoCal friends.

beta, I love Dickipedia. My favorite entry is probably the [url=
2006]]2006 Cincinnati Bengals[/url], which I discovered yesterday. Hilarious.

Jun 23, 09 5:15 pm  · 


Jun 23, 09 5:17 pm  · 

What am I missing from that OMA picture? I don't see anything out of place...

WK - Good luck!

OK, the LEED AP is not looking good. I was going to study hardcore this past weekend and a friend decided to stay over and spend the next day with me. Its been a long time so I didn't want to be like "hey, I got this test..." Then Sunday was father's day, so I went home to see him and played with the kitten they rescued from their car. Thats right; the kitten was in the engine bay WHILE the car was running and was alive. They named him/her Lucky. I could not tell the gender by looking. Kitten was OK, except for the horrible haircut to get rid of the oil stains on its fur.

I guess its my fault for cramming at the last minute... Now back to studying... Good thing I'm bad at acronyms and names.

Jun 23, 09 6:01 pm  · 

this is a funny one. I made reservations at this very snooty resort on the Eastern Coast of Jamaica for when the missus arrives. It's in walking distance from Ian Flemming and Noel Coward's old place. This is an area steeped in old money. Anyhow, they tell me that I could pay for the stay close by and give me the address, that looks awfully familiar. I do a quick search and it happens to be the office of a local architect (he was green before there was such a thing). So apparently he owns a few old-world hotels bought when the architecture money was good. I'll make sure and take plenty pictures with "a you could be here!"

Wonder K, I'll keep the excitement to a minimum but I'm so happy for you nonetheless. Where's madam *melt?

Jun 23, 09 6:23 pm  · 

I'm here... at home... enjoying my evening... ALONE!!!!

Jun 23, 09 7:14 pm  · 

melt, sounds like you need it.

Also apprehensively promising DubK?

Jun 23, 09 7:42 pm  · 

melt, you're not alone, you're with us, and the Melty cats. :o)

Yes, nam, yes. Potentially promising. Maybe this time if I pretend I didn't get it, I might actually get it? Ugh.

Jun 23, 09 7:54 pm  · 

DubK, did I ever mention that I spent two years in downtown Long Beach? I was at 7th and Pine, right at the border between nice downtown and shady downtown. There's a ton of nice apartments in that area, and cute little houses just to the north, between Pine and the 710.

Jun 23, 09 8:11 pm  · 

Yes Nam - as a matter of fact I've been needing it. These past few weeks have been really rough for my family and I. My oldest brother has been going through a bitter divorce these past two years with probably one of the most evil hateful women I have ever met in my life. About a month ago he was summonsed back to court to for yet another by his evil ex-wife to get money or something when he literally had a psychological break.

He's been seeing a psychiatrist for a few years to help treat his ADHD and his depression. Well I guess the doctor switched him to a new medicine and it didn't help... at all. One night he got delusional and and well it's been a wild ride sine. Apparently he's had a lot of trauma in his life, (unbeknown to us all) and this last bout of stress put him over the edge. I kinda would equate it to opening Pandora's Box. It's not been good. He's currently in a paranoid manic phase, in which he thinks everyone is out to get him. He's been very verbally abusive to everyone, including his girlfriend with whom he lives (the woman should be sainted at this point) He won't take the meds. the doctor prescribed him when the delusions began and he refuses to go to the appts people have made for him to get the treatment he so desperately needs. Fortunately his energy levels are beginning to wane (it's all relative) and we're just waiting it out until he swings the other way. Unfortunately this means he will swing the other way... into the darkest depression he's ever seen.

It's been hard to watch. He and I are very kinda kindred spirits and we are pretty close. Now I barely know him and it's tearing me apart. I mean he doesn't even look like my brother.

In any case. I got out of town this weekend to get away. Last night I pretty much went to bed at 8pm... now I'm sitting at home relishing in the fact I'm sitting at home... alone...trying to keep things off my mind.

Jun 23, 09 8:33 pm  · 

good luck with the jobs! that is such awesome news, wk.

archi, i have a fee schedule that i give to clients outlining design process and when we get paid (4 payments for completion or starting of 4 phases). we didn't used to get retainer but learned is not good idea, so now what we do is hand over document saying how we work and point out that for prelim discussions no fee is necessary. when we do begin to put together a basic prelim plan we charge $2000 or more (depending), but then waive the fee if the project continues. since they pay us to begin proper prelim design shortly after that we don't actually lose any money, and they understand that we are not going to work for free. it also is a way for us to judge the commitment of possible clients without being overly money-centric.

i am happy to send to you, but it is in japanese. we need to do an english version but have not gotten round to it yet... it has absolutely proven to be very helpful for clients who don't know how much work is involved in design and the overseeing of construction. many think a house design should be ready to build in a week and construction takes a month !

iran is scary place to be. i have great respect for those who are out on the streets. looking at a gun in your face and seeing trigger man is ready to kill is not something easy to ignore, for freedom or not. that is when existential fight for ideal becomes fight for life. snipers are even more frightening. sure puts things in perspective if you are even remotely thoughtful person, doesn't it ?

Jun 23, 09 8:34 pm  · 

dubk....did I ever metion I was headed to long beach back in the day but the young ladies father put and end to it. She was finishing college and well I was just starting....sigh! That was my closest attempt to put foot on California Soil since I was a baby.

I knew nothing about Long Beach except I had a job there....but it wasn't in Architecture.

Jun 23, 09 8:36 pm  · 

hey jump what you've said makes loads of sense. I find it difficult to talk to clients about contract and fees, because I see them getting overwhelmed. But a simple - "this is how we work" makes loads more sense. And yes I'd love to see it - maybe I can translate it... eek with google translator

Jun 23, 09 8:47 pm  · 

Sounds like more people have had brushes with Long Beach than I realized!

My impression with DT Long Beach was that it was nice, compact, clean, newish, and vibrant without being overrun; but obviously lacking the history that DT LA has. Also Long Beach goes to hell in a handbasket a few blocks beyond the city core, I think. But the central area is quite nice, and apparently affordable too. It's very strange. Believe it or not it reminded me of Cleveland; as Cleveland sits on the lake waterfront, the two had very similar landscapes. Anyway, if I get the job, well, awesome....if not, then it's back to Plan F (or is it Plan G? I've lost track...)

Jun 24, 09 12:38 am  · 

I just wanted to let everyone know that Transformers 2, although it was panned by the critics, was pretty bad-ass. If you like things that are bad-ass.

Jun 24, 09 6:21 am  · 

Wow melt,
Sounds like you and your family have had a pretty stressful period.
My heart goes out to you all.
Mental illness is no joke.

Jump, yes Iran and the bravery of those men and women is just so inspiring in my own life. Reinforces me wanting to stay true to my beliefs nor matter what.

Good morning everyone else,

Jun 24, 09 8:09 am  · 

Morning all...

Tuna, i'm very sorry to hear about the difficulty your brother is having with his ex and with his mental health. I know from experience that both of those things are supremely difficult for a family to deal with, and I can only imagine how challenging it must be when both are happening at once to the same individual.
My heart goes out to you as well, and I wish you the best as you continue to support your bro while trying to maintain your own peace of mind.

Jun 24, 09 10:03 am  · 

*M, hang in there. your family can always hospitalize your bro.

I got sent an interesting presentation (that's 90% in korean) about a proposed 'green' initiatives for Incheon Korea. one of the slides has the following list - I've heard of 1/3rd of these:

Destiny Florida
(Destiny, Florida, USA)

Albert Basin
(East London, UK)

Menlyn Maine
(Pretoria, South Africa)

Stockholm Royal Seaport
(Stockholm, Sweden)

Dockside Green
(Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)

Toronto Waterfront-Lower Don Lands
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)


Godrej Garden City
(Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)

Mahindra World City Jaipur
(Jaipur, Rajasthan, India)

Panama Pacifico
(London & Regional Panama)

Zonk’izizwe Town Center
(Jonannesburg, South Africa)

Elephant & Castle
(London Borough of Southwark, UK)

Treasure Island Redevelopment Project
(San Francisco, CA, USA)

Pedra Branca Sustainable Urbanism
Greater Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Victoria Harbour, Docklands, Melbourne
(Docklands,Melbourne,Victoria, Australia)

Jun 24, 09 10:19 am  · 

dubK, just keep on keepin on and I'm sure everything will fall into place, one way or another (wow, 3 cliches in one sentence, but i mean it!)...

so I learned yesterday that straight razor shaves (at the barber shop) are no longer legal in Florida. I went to get my beard taken off at a local Jax Beach barber, and after trimming it down with the electronic clippers, Big Jim patted me on the back and said you're all set. I quickly asked if he was going to use the straight razor, and he was like oh no, that's illegal in Florida... something about HIV/AIDS prevention, and how he used to do more shaves than haircuts, and so on. I had been in a week prior for a haircut so he didn't charge me for the shave (I tipped him $5 anyway). I came home and did my best to cut it close, but after 3 years with a beard, I was a bit tentative.

...beardless beach day for me!

nam, I'm gonna give you a call later today...

Jun 24, 09 10:25 am  · 


Jun 24, 09 11:51 am  · 

TK - we've thought about it, unfortunately he's now neither harmful to himself or harmful to others. Meaning he'd lucid again. ARGH!!!!

Thanks for all the support everyone... you have no idea how grateful I am for it.

TK - Awesome list. Might have to do a google search.

AP - that's just sad. I'm guessing getting a straight razor shave is nice.

Jun 24, 09 11:58 am  · 

hey archi,

will send to you by e-mail. i wish you luck with translation but you are very welcome to it ;-)

Jun 24, 09 11:58 am  · 

AP that is interesting. I've never gotten a straight blade shave before... not like I'm often clean shaven anyway. But it looked cool nonetheless. I once got a haircut via razor blade whilst sitting on plastic chair in a strange latin america country though.... I brought a sweat because I was trying to stay still.

I just came from a meeting where I hinted at resigning due to a lack of support in my duties. It was met with shock, but understanding. Prior to the meeting I was informally told that I was slated for a promotion due to one of the senior directors retiring. Interesting scenario bird in the bush, bird in the hand next point wins?

Also let me apologise, I know folks are struggling with both finding jobs, as well as the restructuring of the ones they have and I shouldn't be complaining, bitching or elaborating on anything else. I mean it not to be cruel but give voice to my own dilemmas. Let the TC feel good continue

Jun 24, 09 1:41 pm  · 

archi- hanging onto the status quo is tough enough for those both with and without gainful employment these days. But who says can't keep on striving for advancement? Good luck my brother and keep on sticking to your principals!

Jun 24, 09 1:51 pm  · 

Hello my people......TK, DubKs, Rationalist, and all the fine people here. I missed you all and since now I have time on my hands, I wanted to stop by to say HI.

Jun 24, 09 2:03 pm  · 

I just woke up and realized it is 2:15. I missed a phone interview but the sleep was fantastic.

Jun 24, 09 2:13 pm  · 
n_ - Thanks for the recommendations for the Seattle living. I've been looking mostly in the U. District, Ravenna, Queen Anne and Capital Hill. I've been checking craigslist regularly and now I have The Daily link. Hopefully, I'll find something before September. Thanks again.

Jun 24, 09 2:36 pm  · 

i think im starting to hit my limit with v-ray + sketchup of what I want to do.

oh noes, i'm going to to have to learned 3DS max.

Jun 24, 09 2:47 pm  · 

WTF Mark Sanford!!? Crazy! (I'm giving up on doing the neat little links if I'm in a hurry)

Anyway, welcome back squirrelly, it's been a looooong time, dude.

Also, techno, no need to apologize, I have no idea what you do anyway, LOL. Nothing but love and respect though!

Jun 24, 09 3:57 pm  · 

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