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us 2 - spain 0 in the confederation cup... spain was ranked no 1 and hadn't lost since 2006...

Jun 24, 09 4:27 pm  · 

Lars - That's awesome. I must admit though, the first time I read it as "us", as in more than one person. I had to read it again. LOL!!!

DubK - I thought the same thing when I heard it on the radio. For some reason I wasn't surprised. It actually made me chuckle. I find it humorous these days when any politician gets caught having extra marital affairs.

Atechno - No problem. Everyone deserves a good rant now and again. Ditto TK's sentiments.

H&R - Whatever happened to the firefighting thing? Or were you just seeing if we were paying attention.


14 more minutes!!!!

Jun 24, 09 4:47 pm  · 

I got all my paperwork sent out. I'll more than likely be doing GIS for them. I'll get to fight forest fires from an air conditioned trailer.

So it'll be a desk job with hero status.

Jun 24, 09 4:49 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Good to see you Squirrelly, did you finish your ARE's? Sorry to hear about the lack of employment (via another thread).

Really sorry to hear about your brother, Melt. Hang in there and know that its ok to take a step back, if you must. Bipolar/mental issues are strong in my family, some of it trauma induced. Thus I'll probably never reproduce so as not to pass it on to another generation.

Jun 24, 09 4:52 pm  · 

Anyone who still thinks that health care doesn't need to be reformed needs to read this article. After that, if they want to go on paying more than they should to essentially line the pockets of the CEOs of Health Insurance companies, by all means, go ahead.

Quiet around here today. My life is utterly crazy and will provide updates when I have them.

Jun 25, 09 1:24 am  · 

having been a patient in dutch, belgian and uk medical systems, i find it apalling that anyone thinks it's ok to pay more for 'health insurance' than every other country pays for health care.

that certainly doesn't seem very fiscally responsible, but i guess when you're owned by insurance companies and representing them instead of the citizens you were elected to represent, we shouldn't be surprised...

Jun 25, 09 3:13 am  · 
chatter of clouds

will this thread be eternally archiving itself many many years after the death of all current archinectors?

Jun 25, 09 8:22 am  · 
chatter of clouds

eternally...many many *tsk*

Jun 25, 09 8:23 am  · 

ARGHHHHHH!!!!! Why did I even open that link? Now my blood pressure is rising. FUCKING HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANIES!!!! I HATE THEM!!! I HATE THEM!!!! I HATE THEM!!! Seriously they have got to be the most evil companies out there, and the saddest thing is the employees really do believe the crap they are towing. They think it's all the fault of the medical professionals, yet they completely underpay the doctors so they have to raise their fees just to make ends meet. I've seen this with my own two eyes folks. Talked about all of this with my doctor friend this weekend. GAH!!!! And don't even start me on the mental health system in this country. It's even more deplorable, despite the act that was recently passed in Congress. MEH!!!!

OK - time to go cool down.

Jun 25, 09 8:24 am  · 

guys don't worry about health insurance. Save the money you'd normally spend on insurance, and use for plane to the Columbia or France. They will treat you for free, and will not turn you back for any reason. And you'll get a little site seeing whilst you are at it. Oh and don't worry about the level of care you'll receive

Jun 25, 09 10:21 am  · 

why does everything always take three times as long and cost twice as much? I really suck at doing estimates - please tell me this gets easier with experience.

Jun 25, 09 10:55 am  · 

Maybe with experience you'll apply those multipliers in your estimates? I think with estimates, cynicism and pessimism can be your friends.

I'm in a foul mood. It looks like I'm moving to NY for sure in August. Looking for apartments that are affordable and at least interesting if small or unsightly. How do I find roommates? It looks like I'll need at least a 2 bedroom place to afford a decent place.

For some reason everyone I know in NY are female. And I don't want to purposely have a roommate that is of the opposite sex - and I'm sure they don't either. Thats how my brother found his wife!

Jun 25, 09 11:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think I am swimsuit shopping on Saturday. What people think of swimdresses? I hate shopping for swimsuits, its as bad as shopping for shorts and, its worse.

Jun 25, 09 11:35 am  · 

Slart - Why are you upset about moving to NYC? I think there are a few archinectors that might be able to help you out. At least getting started in looking for housing.

Jun 25, 09 12:44 pm  · 

lars, the usa/spain game was great. Unbelievable win. Bend but don't break... Really impressive show of heart. And an amazing performance by the goalkeeper. I think it's pretty cool that he (Tim Howard) was drafted by the Harlem Globetrotters...

Hi squirrelly!

Jun 25, 09 1:19 pm  · 

Sarah good luck on the swimsuit. I remember you saying how hard you've been working out to get back your pre-Abe shape. As well that you were respectfully hit on by those wealthy blokes at the cocktail party. So shopping for a swimsuit shouldn't be so hard if you keep that in mind. Find something that makes you happy. You are going to be splashing about in the sun and the surf in the summer - live it up.

toast it gets alot easier, but I would suggest keeping a QS on call. Particularly better if they are an independent and looking for work as well, then you can partner on quite a few projects. You'd be amazed at how must you can offset that way in terms of time and moola

Jun 25, 09 2:01 pm  · 

Well, I don't particularly like NY. I haven't lived there, but I've been there many times for personal (friends in NY), academic (trips from school, AIAS, etc), and professional reasons (HQ in NYC I visit often).

Reason two: NO pay adjustment to work in NY. I'm not a greedy guy, but there is a huge difference in living costs. If I maintain similar living costs, my standard of living will drop dramatically. If I maintain the same standard of living, I'll practically be losing money per month instead of saving.

Reason three: My family and friends are in Philly. Granted Philly and NYC are not THAT far apart, but its tough making time to meet them as it is, it'll be even more difficult being in NYC. Following my pattern of bad timing, I have many long time friends moving to Philly, now that I'm leaving. Literally all the old friends (from various places and times) I've had as long as I remember, all somehow converging in Philly. Its crazy. Some kind of joke.

Reason four: I have a very tentative - potential offer for a great firm in Philly possibly by beginning of next year. Its a long shot, but they've kept me in the loop and sound optimistic.

Reason five: I HATE moving. I've moved so many times in my life. Across countries, states, cities. Even as a little kid, we never used movers or even rented trucks. And I did a lot of the heavy lifting, every time. And my mother is a seamstress who has a thing for collecting heavy, large sewing machines. I know I won't be moving sewing machines, but I just have bad associations with moving.

Jun 25, 09 2:10 pm  · 

Toaster the secret is, from what I learned in planning, is just to tell everyone it takes 6 times as long and costs 4 times as much.

You'll always be under budget and early!

Jun 25, 09 2:11 pm  · 
vado retro

I just talked to LB. She is in Kentuckay twisting young minds and she is the best person EVER!!!

Jun 25, 09 2:25 pm  · 

Man I was about to post how much I miss Liberty Bell. I think I'll call her later

Jun 25, 09 3:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

sometimes i forget what day it is...but this doesn't really bother me because i just remind myself that i don't really know what year it is either, most of the time

Jun 25, 09 3:31 pm  · 

Slart, sorry to hear all of that. Does sound like bad timing.
Regarding the increased cost of living, that's attributed mostly to high rent, and you can mitigate that to some extent by living in Brooklyn, Queens, or quite possibly by having multiple roommates in some parts of Manhattan. larslarson has been somewhat successful in finding large spaces at reasonable/economical rates (by NY standards) within Manhattan (Chinatown, Lower East Side).
I have several friends that have lived in Brooklyn (outside of ultra hipster Williamsburg) and pay half as much in rent as what you will find in Manhattan and within most of Williamsburg or other gentrified BK neighborhoods.
Also, rents have adjusted a bit since last Fall/Winter. Many apartments have dropped rents a hundred or so a month, and more in some cases.
Best of luck!

Back to the Brazil vs. South Africa semifinal (SA is looking pretty great so far).

Jun 25, 09 3:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Checking in from Cincinnati... Well, Kenwood, anyway. I thought I'd stop into the mall for a while to escape the heat and take advantage of free internet access here in the Apple Store. It feels like a steam bath out there. I've been taking lots of photos all over town with my new camera; look for them to be posted online soon.

The trip has been good so far, and I wish I didn't have to head back to NYC tomorrow. This afternoon I had lunch with one of my best friends who I've known since first grade, and I'll be meeting up with some aunts, uncles, and cousins later this evening for dinner.

I'm with Slart: NYC is a great place to visit, but most of my family are here in Cincy, and the obscene cost of living in NYC just isn't worth it for me anymore. Even if I were to take a 50% pay cut by moving to Cincy, I'd be able to afford a much better standard of living and still have enough money left over to visit NYC a couple times a year.

I had a meeting this morning with one of the professors at the University of Cincinnati's school of architecture, and I think it went well. I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll finally be living back here around this time next year... Wish me luck.

Tuna: Sorry to hear about your brother... Been there, done that. His issues sound more serious than anything I've had to deal with, but I'm sure I've driven my friends and family crazy a few times over the years. I've always been grateful that they're there for me, though, and I'm sure your brother feels the same about you.

I also agree about the pathetic state of healthcare in the US right now... That's one of my major hot-button issues. If it weren't for some close friends and a free community mental health clinic in Philadelphia, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be here talking to you all now. The Democrats in congress have been handed a huge mandate as well as the moral high ground on the healthcare, and they still cower in fear of making any real changes. It's beyond outrageous. I think I'm even more angry at them than I am with the GOP.

Anyway, I think they're going to make me buy this iMac if I spent too much more time here, so off I go. Be well, all...

Jun 25, 09 3:53 pm  · 

archi - forgive my ignorance - what's a QS? quote specialist? quantum of solace? quiet sherpa?

Jun 25, 09 4:10 pm  · 

slow day at the office, we gave no-go's to two current rfps for owner's rep, so I'm watching this and reading this. not that I'm complaining...

Jun 25, 09 4:12 pm  · 
vado retro

i don't follow non american football but, hearing a commercial that was run in spain about how it would be impossible to lose to a country that calls football soccer made me laugh. growing up we didn't call it soccer or football, we called it communist kickball.

Jun 25, 09 4:16 pm  · 

Hi LIG and squirelly and SH...

Jun 25, 09 4:40 pm  · 

NY isn't for everyone, sure, but it is for me and many others. I may not end up living there again (although another stint is possible after grad school), but I can't imagine ever finding a US city that will be so pleasurable to live in (again, for me). I moved there for an increased level of professional and cultural opportunity, and while neither of those aspects of life in NY disappointed, what I most enjoyed (and I said this a few pages back) was the in-between moments. The moments between point A and point B. Weekend visits or even prolonged vacations to the city can't replicate that kind of experience. That is, unless puddles is in town...

yesterday at the beach...


Jun 25, 09 4:43 pm  · 

I'm with AP....

Always have, always will. :o)

Jun 25, 09 4:57 pm  · 
vado retro
Hell, I still love you New York!
Jun 25, 09 5:13 pm  · 

Thanks for the suggestions

Yeah, I'm not saying NYC is "bad". Its just not for me. Sure, I may end up liking it in the long run, but the city itself is clearly not the only reason why I am not excited about this move. If the job was worth it, I am OK with giving up a few things, but its not even an ideal job. I know, I know, "I should be happy to even have a job in this economy." Yeah, well...

Jun 25, 09 5:21 pm  · 

NYC's gov't isn't as corrupt as philly's on a day to day basis. There is rot in the gov't, contractors, and unions, but it doesn't taint living as much as I experienced in philly. Bloomburg even managed to get city employees to do their jobs, something that I never witnessed in philly (except getting parking tickets).

Jun 25, 09 5:36 pm  · 
Michael Jackson

might have just kicked the bucket!

Jun 25, 09 5:37 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I love N.Y. and I've never even been there.

Jun 25, 09 5:49 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

MJ would make number three for the celebrity death triplet. And all in a week.

Jun 25, 09 5:50 pm  · 

The really annoying thing about new yorkers is that they seem to think you can't get things outside of NYC. whenever our ny friends and relatives are coming to visit, they always ask if we need them to bring us something.

Jun 25, 09 6:10 pm  · 

damn I must be living under a rock.

Best part of that article "Jackson had rented the Bel-Air home for $100,000 a month. It was described as a French chateau estate built in 2002 with seven bedrooms, 13 bathrooms, 12 fireplaces and a theater." - uhmm it's a French chateau in Bel-Air... lol; it's a chateau with 7 bedrooms - chateau is supposed to be a small villa - silly

One more day until my weekend begins whoo hooo

Jun 25, 09 6:52 pm  · 

I was reading a couple blogs about people that failed/passed the LEED exam, and some of these people studied 6months to a year. Great. I should pass with flying colors having studied for 4 days while chatting it up on Archinect. Anyone notice this is the most active I've been on Archinect? Coincidence?

TK - I don't know if it was meant to or not, but I'm not feeling very motivated by the comment about philly vs NY. I guess I'll try to stay upbeat. Oh, one benefit of NY over Philly - There are plenty more eye candy in new york. You guys know what I'm talkin' 'bout.

Jun 25, 09 7:59 pm  · 

Slart--if you've learned general green principles either in school or at work, then there is one key to taking the LEED exam. Memorize the list of credits, including headings, sub-headings, and number of points associated. I memorized one section per day by reciting them out loud (like a pledge, for all you greeks out there). It was the last thing I looked at before I went to bed at night, and I made myself recite the whole list in bed before I even got up in the morning without looking. Then when they gave me ten minutes at the start of the test to learn how to use the computer, I used my scrap paper to write down the whole list of credits. Since the names are so self-explanatory, that's really all I needed to ace the test.

Jun 25, 09 8:10 pm  · 

Slart - when do you take the exam. A co-worker took it yesterday and passed. He didn't study much (he's also studying for one of his AREs at the same time... crazy boy) and passed. You'll be fine.

Jun 25, 09 8:32 pm  · 

Oh and Gin - please do not compare your few bad days/weeks/months to my brother's break with reality and Bipolar Disorder. They are two very different things. Thanks.

Jun 25, 09 8:41 pm  · 

I can't believe Michael Jackson is dead. Between the situation in Iran and this, it's been a rough week in West LA. And the rumor mongering on the internet that started right after he passed about other celebrities dying was totally uncalled for. This information overload is really distracting.

As my BFF said, this is like when Princess Diana died....crazy.

Jun 25, 09 8:53 pm  · 

well the other celebs can breathe easy. Ed McMahon|Farrah|Michael we got the three out of the way. unless of course Mickey Rooney's ventilator gets the cord pulled.

Jun 25, 09 8:59 pm  · 

toaster, i am still trying to get these things| good italian, jamaican beef patties, great cannolli, decent pizza, a cheap sunday times, and a great fuck you - all of those things you can't get outside of NYC.

Jun 25, 09 9:03 pm  · 

What kind of rumor mongering was going on. I didn't even hear about it until after I left the gym.

Now there's a special on ABC and all the news channels are running the news.

Poor Farrah. She didn't even a day of memorializing :o(

Jun 25, 09 9:20 pm  · 

There was an internet rumor going around right after Michael passed that both Jeff Goldblum and Harrison Ford had died.... truly classless, somebody just getting their jollies off by starting something.

Oh, that reminds me of the MJ song..."so you wanna be starting something, you got to be starting something..."


He was a weird dude, and it probably stemmed from his all-around messed up childhood, but you can't deny that he could really perform.

Jun 25, 09 9:54 pm  · 

good italian, jamaican beef patties, great cannolli, decent pizza, a cheap sunday times, and a great fuck you - all of those things you can't get outside of NYC... funny Beta you could almost say that about London "good Indian, jamaican beef patties, great cannolli, decent [s]pizza[/s]curry, a cheap sunday times, and a go sod off"

dubK I was getting a little confused about the Jeff Goldblum/Harrison Ford bit and it was hell searching for death announcements on google since they adjusted the news feed (wtf why isn't it on the first page anymore??)

Jun 25, 09 10:11 pm  · 

and of course I fuck up the strike out!

Jun 25, 09 10:13 pm  · 

Per an ad on Archinect's home page, apparently there's a DIY network and apparently they are having a stud search. So do you think I should email them and ask to be hooked up with the guys that don't win the stud search? LOL

Jun 25, 09 10:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi TC!

I'm more or less caught up, though I only skimmed the last few pages. Very tired - these high school students are exhausting me, and Steven too, though not as much. Steven is on fire: he's been teaching so much info so well the last two days, I imagine he's gaining energy from spending it!

Tomorrow we go to the Miller House again, woo!

Hang in there everyone. The world is sure unpredictable!

Jun 25, 09 10:41 pm  · 

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