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Orhan - hope Sputnik heals well! i wanna see a satellite dish-head picture!

LiG - that sandwich sounds amazing. i asked the GF if she knew about 'em and she replied, "oh ya, that place, those are really greasy." sounds great! i'll report back (with a picture of course)....

which reminds me, tuna, your beans, rice and tilapia on page 312 looked great. we'll have to try that one out (with tilapia or maybe catfish).

here is a recent food pic, from a cookout we had at my aunt's house in Chicago a few days ago:

Happiness is a grill full of fillets...

nam - i look forward to seeing you again soon brotha, it's been far too long. we'll be in Jacksonville for a few weeks, but are leaving town this weekend for a wedding in North Carolina. i'll call soon though so we can coordinate...

Jun 17, 09 10:53 pm  · 

someone here under an assumed identity [hint,hint] tried to bait me into revealing my email address. nice try. i don't respond to anonymous prats, my new favorite word - along with prig, so bugger off before i start posting your email address on all the porn sites i hang out at...

Jun 17, 09 11:42 pm  · 

Has anybody ever bought a vehicle from a government auction? Or know anyone who has? Any success stories?

Jun 17, 09 11:46 pm  · 

dubk, local or fed? local seems pretty easy, i haven't but friends of mine in the passed have purchased cop cars through local auctions.

that cover above you posted is too much, nice to see hairy men are back...feels retro.

Jun 17, 09 11:48 pm  · 

that guys hairy? beta, you gotta stop surfing twink sites...

Jun 18, 09 12:08 am  · 

jump - I so became a yes man about 8 months ago. I stopped over analysing stupid things and decide to recapture aspects of my youth and just went out and took up offers to do pretty much anything. If anything it made me laugh alot more. But still I'm a little cautious about being a tourist/terrorist.

Now I'm having one of those moments where I want to go out, but I want to stay in my bed, I want to sip on a frappacino listen to some life music, but... sigh. Maybe I should stay in and knock out a 3d for old time sakes. It's been a while.

Oops apparently I forgot to hit submit. I went out. Listened to some live music, sipped on mojitos and chatted with an old friend from art school. She's a culinary lecturer at the same university I'm set to teach at. Oh and yea I'm still awaiting my offer letter...

Jun 18, 09 12:28 am  · 

Ryan Reynolds is amazing - but that picture so doesn't look like him. And real men have hair chests and bellys.

Lately it feels like TC has become feel good territory, congratulating people on the great stuff happening in their lives and less about the rants and raves. I [heart] that!!. On that note Happy Birthday Daisy & Rupert - the space pup, Orhan I'd email you but I wouldn't want you to be afraid and respond in beta like fashion. But I would like to know what's going to be happening in the Nap/KY since I'm going to be in the area come August. I may kiss you on the cheek if I met you in person... I'm just saying! Barry good luck with your first LEED certified project, and you too Slar - pick up a book, it couldn't hurt. And now I know what a twink site is... thanks Holz; I'm going to go scratch my retina out now, they don't even look like they've left grade school eh!

Jun 18, 09 12:50 am  · 

sorry, atp. it's one of those things you learn after reading savage love for years and years.

to keep TC feel good... holz was recently selected for a project that he really wanted to work on, and it's not work related. which is great because work has been causing some serious depressive funks the last year. it's good to have some design balance, i guess.

Jun 18, 09 1:08 am  · 

Good job, holz! <----continuing the good feelings

Techno I like "real men" too but it's so much fun to look at that particular one, as he's just ... amazing :o)

The auctions I'm thinking about bidding in are for the GSA. And wow, do they have a lot of cars up for auction! All American of course, but I'm not opposed to purchasing a Jeep or a Ford. I'm thinking about getting a used SUV so I can trapse around the country for my unemployment tour.

Which reminds me, ****melt, how much notice do I have to give you so that you can join me for a designated 7-day period?

Jun 18, 09 1:46 am  · 

congrats holz.

happy ruffday OA puppies. i'd like to be doing that trip to KY too, meeting 4 allstars at one time, i'd need to get autographs.

Jun 18, 09 5:30 am  · 

apropos of .... nothing -

a fun flickr pool i found this morning:

Jun 18, 09 8:05 am  · 

run the slideshow for best effect.

Jun 18, 09 8:06 am  · 

DubK - My project deadline is July 1st... after that I'll be twiddling my thumbs until my other project gets the go ahead (end of Aguust maybe). I'm guessing two weeks or something. It's the guys... you know, they really don't care if you're getting your work done (when there is some).

AP - when I have a moment I'll email you the ingredients. I don't really have a recipe... it's all to "taste".

Jun 18, 09 8:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

whats a twink site? I'm not about to go searching for one after Technos post. It sounds like its porn site featuring '18' y.o. boys, but I tend to be haunted by images after I see them, so I dont want to see it.

Looks like we're going to be purchasing a bigger digital antenna. Our indoor one, while you couldnt see it, or the cables - which I loved - was too sporadic for Husband to accept. He has a serious TV problem if you ask me. So we're going to get one to put outside.

Happy birthday pups.

Techno, what does a culinary lecturer talk about? SOunds facinating.

Huh? Peta doesnt like you to kill flies? What?

Jun 18, 09 8:37 am  · 

twinks are young, hairless, thin men, with very nice hair. think Doogie Hauser.

Jun 18, 09 9:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

doogie hauser puts in into perspective, thank you. You know, I so had a crush on him when I was 7.

Jun 18, 09 9:53 am  · 

Morning all
I am down for a trip to Louville.
It ain't that far from Fl. And if i can meet a bunch of necters and tour a bourbon distiller than i am there.

Jun 18, 09 10:15 am  · 

@Sarah a culinary lecturer is a trained academic in the art of food, they instruct students on the intricacy of recipes and taste. They are often trained chefs or food critics... I like to imagine her being Gordon Ramsey to a room full of helpless...twinks? Heh heh yea don't go looking for twinks unless you want some porn with your coffee.

Great news I've broken the top 10 which more than makes up being snubbed by that other architecture listing.

more later - I have to restart my machine. The job of opening it and cleaning didn't go so well. After I pulled over 20 screws the size of a mosquito's ass the damn thing still wouldn't open. I didn't know if it was a snap doohicky, but after 30 minutes fiddling with it and my fingers getting sore I gave up. Needless to say my fans are blowing so I'm going to cool it down.

Jun 18, 09 10:29 am  · 

the library thread could be potentially interesting...

I'm curious as to how TC'ers view your own personal libraries and what you guys think they represent to others.

Jun 18, 09 10:36 am  · 

i dont like others looking into my books,, is that weird?

Jun 18, 09 10:52 am  · 

i dont like others looking into my books,, is that weird?

Jun 18, 09 10:52 am  · 

i dont like others looking into my books,, is that weird?

Jun 18, 09 10:52 am  · 

i think it's weird that you're so adamant about it!

Jun 18, 09 11:06 am  · 
liberty bell

Fays, fays, it's OK, we won't look into your books!!! ;-)

OK I'm on borrowed time as I have a TON to get done and my schedule right now is stupidly busy. Will have more TC time in the next few days.

Steven, please do email Orhan, I'm too busy right now what with the 3 hour drive and CPR training and all.

jump and tachno: I'm a yes-woman. I figure for the most part it's better to be totally enthusiastic about things in the moment and worry about the deeper issues related to them afterwards. For example, I embarrass my husband whenever we go to a parade together because I get WAY INTO parades - I clap the whole time and carry on. Even at the Veteran's Day parade I went to with my son's class field trip I went crazy: I'm pretty completely a pacifist, but if you look at former soldiers and think about the ideal vision of them fighting for a shared belief, giving great personal sacrifice, watching friends die etc. it's pretty damn moving and worthy of respect, even if the reasons behind the fighting don't make any sense at al in the bigger picture.

On a lighter note, yes, if I ever take Angus to Disney we'll do it up and totally enjoy the fun even though I basically think Disney is utterly black evil social cancer at the core. Anyone ever read Gas, Sewer, Electric by Matt Ruff?

Orhan, I love your post and glad to see you are optimistic about things. Hugs to Rupi - when we had to put the elisabethan collar on Gus he would put his head straight down to the floor and sniff/eat up everything caught under the cone. So when he word it we called him Hoover. Then he managed to tear the collar off himself and eat IT. So we just kept him under close watch instead. Gus was an awesome character but my Chica is a much easier dog!

holz, the whole twink thing made me laugh out loud. And no disrespect DubK but Ryan doesn't appeal to me at all. I mean, his hip muscles sure as hell do but he as a personality does not. Too young, I guess. I'm just not a cougar!

Have a great day all.

Jun 18, 09 11:22 am  · 
vado retro

An all inclusive happy pet birthday! although they are family members arent they?

maybe one reason i love love love billie piper is that she said in an interview that she thought men with six pack abs were just trying too hard. i won't post any cheesecake photos of her.

speaking of libraries i have 72 items checked out.

i'm looking for yes..yes...YES!!! woman myself.

Jun 18, 09 11:59 am  · 

lb is not a cougar! I love it! Ryan's older than me, and I think he's extremely clever. He's written a couple of things for HuffPost that were downright hilarious. Also he's Canadian so....yeah.

I would like to start off my day by directing you to this video of baby pandas wrestling.

Jun 18, 09 12:01 pm  · 
I basically think Disney is utterly black evil social cancer at the core

- Liberty, you've managed to so eloquently capture my thoughts on that sinister empire.

So now I'm working on a design, that I know won't be built, and will be changed as soon as someone else comes into this post. So why am I doing it? Maybe for a peaceful existence.

Jun 18, 09 12:15 pm  · 
vado retro

too cute the howling wolf cub and the baby goat is good too.

Jun 18, 09 12:19 pm  · 

I like Billie Piper too. Wish she was still the Docs girl.

Jun 18, 09 1:02 pm  · 

"thanks! i see you now!..." - sputnik (temp.)

Jun 18, 09 2:12 pm  · 
I embarrass my husband whenever we go to a parade together because I get WAY INTO parades

oh lb, I embarrass the heck out of my S.O. CONSTANTLY. Poor fella. He can't stand public gatherings of any sort and of course I get way into them. I get way into pretty much anything, including Disneyland, which I grew up on. Life is grand... we're heading out to the local Six Flags soon for a friend's 33rd bday and I am so stoked I can't contain myself. Rides!!!!

On a side note -- if you know of my alter ego, please be kind and take care to keep it to yourself. I take privacy very seriously as I have had some problems with people tracking me down in the real world before, and it is very, very scary. It's a big act of trust for me to feel free to join this community and I very much appreciate all of your consideration in that regard. (and, you-know-who, never fear, we are still buds!) Thanks guys!

Jun 18, 09 2:18 pm  · 

WK, I never like RR until I saw an interview with him, and then read a piece he wrote about running in some NY marathon in honor of his father (I think?). It was then that I realized there's quite a bit to him, which is such a nice change from many stars. It suddenly made a lot more sense why he was with Scarlet J, who also seems quite interesting / intelligent. I have read something recently about how apparently he and Sandra Bullock have been friends for a long time -- she of the great (and quiet) humanitarian causes. Anyway, enough dishing but the long and the short of it is that even though RR isn't my type (too boyish looking) I think I would love to be friends with him.

ok afternoon gossip over!

Jun 18, 09 3:03 pm  · 

Today I learned that I never again want to ride my scooter in the rain. I didn't check the weather report as carefully as I should have and I got caught in the rain on my way home for lunch. Not only did the drop feel like needles hitting my skin but the bike ended up skidding out from beneath me on a turn. I'm alright, I was only going about 10 or 15mph (I actually think I wasn't going fast enough), but the mirrors got all bent up as well as the wind shield. My one knee and both palms got scraped, I think I have a piece of gravel in the one palm, but other than that, I really am fine. A police officer saw it and as I picked up my bike and got on it, he came over and asked if I was alright. I was more embarrassed than anything really, so I got out of there as quickly as possible and drove the car back.

My big cat one time had to wear a cone. It was hilarious. He walked around the entire perimeter of the room backward picking his feet way up off the ground. I promptly took it off and watched him carefully. I couldn't stand watching how pitiful he was with in on.

Jun 18, 09 3:35 pm  · 

*m, no gloves when riding? Nice to hear you're relatively ok, but with some nice leather gloves, it might protect your hands. Can't type on Archinect with road rash!

Jun 18, 09 4:03 pm  · 
vado retro

glad your okay melty. just think if you hadn't have had those motorcycle lessons.

Jun 18, 09 4:04 pm  · 

tuna, count your blessings. get well. first rain mixing with oil on the surface..... slippery..

Jun 18, 09 4:06 pm  · 

Melt, glad to hear you made it home safely..

About 5 years after a serious car accident, in which my head went through the windshield (luckily i was wearing a seatbelt) and my car flipped and spun, i had a little piece of glass pop out of my forehead.

The nurses at the time of my accident told me they knew of people who had peices of asphalt pop out of their body years after an accident.

Hi orhan.

Jun 18, 09 4:11 pm  · 

sorry about the triple post, thats what happens when you post with your director in eyesight..

my first full weekend in a month is ahead of me!

is tomorrow LiG's last day before his vacation!??! I cant keep up with alot :S

Jun 18, 09 4:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow, glad you're okay, tuna. That sucks. I checked the weather there this morning and it looks like Cincy got clobbered with a pretty good storm.

It's apparently monsoon season here in NYC... I half-expect to see people in rowboats on 57th Street when I leave the office today.

Jun 18, 09 4:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, tomorrow is my last day before my week off. I feel like I still have about a million things to do before I leave.

I was finally able to find a cat-sitter and get a duplicate building key, but only after about a week of phone tag between me, the landlord, and the super. None of the locksmiths or hardware stores I went to would make a copy without an authorization card.

Jun 18, 09 4:34 pm  · 

Wonder K - I like the panda at the bottom humping the yellow toy

Have you guys read the review of Synecdoche by ICON? It's really eye opening

hey mantary the last time I was in [insert city to save identity] you said you were 6 hours away, I should be back in August and will be in your stomping ground at least overnight. So you may need to grab your archinect t-shirt, and celebrity concealing sunglasses at least for a photo-op

Jun 18, 09 4:34 pm  · 

manta I agree but I like to ogle him as well, LOL.

****Melt! I'm glad you're OK. I know you have enough sense to go slow in the rain but these kinds of things can happen to anyone. One day I fell totally off my bike, TWICE. (It was a rough day.) Shake it off and don't worry too much about the scooter, it'll be fine.

nam! That's bleeping crazy!

Jun 18, 09 4:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, I'm glad you're ok, and only embarrassed. Think of the great stories you can tell people at work! Say....what ever happend to the crush whose place caught fire?

So I'm watching the Cosby show....its a 'first time to go parking' scene. Do they call it parking in y'alls parts?

Did I mention that I got the new antenna? I had to go all over town; with a baby; screaming in the baack seat; running down the aisle, pulling the flashlights off the shelf. Ugh. And then! I had to carry the antenna MYSELF! Whatever happened to helping a lady out.

Jun 18, 09 4:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Does anybody else think its strange to drop your kids off at a Jonas Brothers concert, to attend without supervision? Maybe I'm just old-fashioned. Guess I wont be the hip mom.

Jun 18, 09 6:13 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

@AP were the recent pics on your flickr taken with the palm pre, or just sent from it? If so, it has great clarity.

Melt, glad to hear you're relatively in one piece.

Manta, like LB and DubK, is one of my archinect idols, so I got a wee bit excited. I appreciate such insightful conversation points.

I've loved RR since his 'Two guys and a girl..." days. He and Hugh Jackman are the only furry men I like. Everyone else needs to wax or keep their shirt on.

Jun 18, 09 7:18 pm  · 

Sarah you will more than likely be the hip mom, I'm sure Abe will be tinkering with cars from an early age and with an architect mom he's probably going to be pretty nifty with a hammer.

Wonder K I forgot to mention that Ryan Reynolds is one of a small handful of actors that I have and will see EVERY movie they have ever made... other actors include Samuel L. Jackson, Angelina Jolie, etc etc

Jun 18, 09 8:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Anybody got any suggestions for what to do with a 7-year-old digital camera that's now been replaced with a much newer far superior model?

2.1 megapixels
128 MB memory card
Approx. one hour of battery time
No low-light capabilities; pics can only be taken in bright sunlight
About the size and weight of a common brick
Comes with two dead AA batteries and a charger

Price when new: About $400 for the camera, plus $60 for the memory card. It was bought for me by a friend that I was doing some freelance work for.

Value now: Less than the cost to ship it anywhere.

The expedient thing would be to simply toss it in the trash, but I know this stuff shouldn't ideally go into a landfill, and I still feel a touch of guilt throwing something away that was originally given to me as an expensive gift. Other options include giving it to some outfit that recycles electronic stuff, or simply putting it in the closet and allowing it to collect dust until it's time for me to move again.

Jun 18, 09 8:46 pm  · 

hah, sarah. thats a problem indeed.

my parents were both the counter example of how proper parents are supposed to act... it was the 70's, and they enjoyed it. so did my brother and i.

i would like my kids to enjoy their lives as much, but am slowly coming to realisation that the only reason my parents let us do all the shit we did was because they weren't paying attention. so now i find myself trying to figure out how to give our kids freedom without putting them in danger...i am hoping to resolve this question before they hit the sex drugs and rock and roll years, but probably won't.

nam, all i can say is holy shit.

Jun 18, 09 9:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I went back to Ohio
But my city was gone
There was no train station
There was no downtown
South Howard had disappeared
All my favorite places
My city had been pulled down
Reduced to parking spaces
A, O, way to go Ohio

Well I went back to Ohio
But my family was gone
I stood on the back porch
There was nobody home
I was stunned and amazed
My childhood memories
Slowly swirled past
Like the wind through the trees

A, O, oh way to go Ohio

I went back to Ohio
But my pretty countryside
Had been paved down the middle
By a government that had no pride
The farms of Ohio
Had been replaced by shopping malls
And muzak filled the air
From Seneca to Cuyahoga Falls
Said, A, O, Oh way to go Ohio
Jun 18, 09 9:43 pm  · 

Awwww thanks all, I feel so loved. Even more so when I got a concerned phone call from a certain Jamaican archinector who all the sudden had a big brother urge to protect me.

SH - funny you should mention the crush. Things have been progressing about as much as the continental shelf moves in a year. Every time I think I've moved forward, I do something stupid. Like yesterday for instance... he's helping me out on a project and I really wanted to get something out to the client, but in order to do so he needed to finish something. I walked by his desk several times only to find him not there each time. Finally I realized he had left and was slightly miffed that he did so without telling me, so I sent him a slightly bitchy email saying something like "thanks for telling me you've left. Let me know when your done so I can send my stuff to the client". Turns out he left at shortly after lunch with a fever and was puking his guts out until about 4am this morning. He dragged himself in today during lunch to finish up what he was doing for me and one other thing. I felt like a complete ass.

Anyway, I thought I'd share my horoscope from today, as I felt it somewhat fitting: You could benefit in your career by making the right kind of friends. Rather than thinking of this as social climbing, think of it instead as a strategic intersection between your social life and career. There is nothing wrong with you leveraging a shared interest to mutual benefit.

Anyway, off to take a shower and then to read. I ran four miles today and I'm very stinky and sweaty.

Jun 18, 09 10:13 pm  · 

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