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this stuff really brings tears to my eyes...

This illustration of reconstructed Mars landscape shows the presumed Shalbatana lake on Mars as it might have looked roughly 3.4 billion years ago, scientists said on June 17, 2009. Data used in reconstruction are from NASA and the European Space Agency. Credit: Image credit: G. Di Achille, University of Colorado

Jun 18, 09 10:20 pm  · 


And I am all for helping a lady out SH. What happened to simple societal mores?
Jump, I can't even imagine the challenge of parenting, between freedom and guiding hand.
Nite all.

Jun 18, 09 10:40 pm  · 

uhmm that's a very cool image Orhan. But why the tears? It looks however like those dried up and disappearing lakes in Africa (Lake Chad)

*m I'm glad you were well enough to go for a run, so I can now safely turn my big brother back down to a normal level (ie. party mode)

Jun 18, 09 10:42 pm  · 
Don't Call Me Liz!

i plan on calling and emailing her.

Jun 18, 09 11:05 pm  · 

i just switched to thunderbird from outlook express and found out i can do all kinds of things that i bin wanting to do and never knew...

orhan, mars is awesome. no tears from me but sure wish i could head out there. its all kim stanley robinson's fault

Jun 19, 09 12:37 am  · 

beta, that article is AMAZING. What a whack job that LIZ is. She should be reprimanded somehow; do people still not realize that the internet exists? Jeez.

PS. I had dinner and drinks with rationalist tonight! Woo hoo! I'm trying not to spend TOO much money on eating out but A) my cupboard is getting quite bare, and B) I sold a couple of bobbleheads, so I think I paid for it, LOL.

Jun 19, 09 12:41 am  · 

Dapper Napper - yes, the pics for the past 2-3 weeks have been from the Palm Pre (a birthday gift received a few days early on June 6). it has 3mp, which is a 50% upgrade from my previous 2mp cameraphone, which i was already pretty happy with...

Orhan, i'm looking forward to your upcoming features. i haven't had much time for prolonged internet lately, so i'm a bit behind on reading longer format online articles (such as your constellations feature, i must shamefully admit). the limited time i have had near a computer the last few weeks has been focused on wrapping up a feature of my own, which should be up very soon...

tuna, glad you're ok, and hope you'll get some sporty gloves to protect your hands in the future...

i was in a bad car accident when i was 14, and i'm pretty sure i have some scraps of stuff in my head and my back, but nothing has popped out that i know of...

Jun 19, 09 12:56 am  · 
vado retro

oh me oh my oh
look at miss ohio
she's runnin around
with her ragtop down....

Jun 19, 09 12:57 am  · 
oh baby you, you got what I nee-eeed...
but you say he's just a friend, you say he's just a friend...

Interesting how marketing works so well sometimes. That commercial is great.

Jun 19, 09 2:57 am  · 

so, i decided i am completely unemployable in anything at all.

i am moving to CO soon because my father got me a job being a forest firefighter there. so i will more than likely be relocating to some place in south central CO.

The best part or worst part (depending on how you see it) is that I will more than likely be dead in 5 years!

Jun 19, 09 4:05 am  · 

im moderately happy with the prospect of a suicidal job.

Jun 19, 09 4:06 am  · 

moreso, this is a honest job. it beats being a drug dealer... that was an awful job.

Jun 19, 09 4:07 am  · 

to jump... you in japan reminds me of this.

but please try to watch it in private... it will make you cry. it is one of the saddest things on the internet.

Jun 19, 09 5:13 am  · 

ok, that is sad :(

Jun 19, 09 5:37 am  · 
Living in Gin
What a whack job that LIZ is. She should be reprimanded somehow; do people still not realize that the internet exists? Jeez.

Keith Olbermann gave "Liz" such a verbal acid bath on Countdown last night that any official reprimand would seem anti-climatic.

Jun 19, 09 7:44 am  · 

Wow beta, just WOW!!!

SW - I finally got around to checking out that fliker page. Those are some pretty cool photos. I love looking at old photos. Even cooler that you could see the then and now.

Orhan - amazing photo.

Jun 19, 09 7:57 am  · 

poor liz.

who cares? good grief, its like national enquirer for slightly uptown (or is it downtown?) crowd. i can't for the life of me figure out why that article was published anywhere...exposing pettiness is, um....what's the word? oh yeah. petty. ;-)

h&r, interesting choice. not sad for me though. sorry. cowboy training and poverty as child. not my fault! good luck with the fire fighting. hope it ain't as dangerous as you suggest.

Jun 19, 09 11:02 am  · 
vado retro

Sending a professional email to a person unknown to you should not begin with Hi Liz. That's the issue. Business writing and etiquette. Sit up straight and compose a fucking proper email.

Jun 19, 09 11:12 am  · 

I'm with vado - I don't think "Liz" handled it professionally, but she was right about being addressed properly. You only get to use someone's first name after you've established a relationship.

non-sequitur, but felt like sharing - the process of buying a house has really connected a lot of the dots on the business side of architecture for me... suddenly costs and time frames have real meaning because I'm the one who has to pay for it.

I really wish our current set of grads isn't entering into the field with tremendous debt - I think they'd (and we'd) all benefit from being a client early in their careers.

Jun 19, 09 12:17 pm  · 

Okay it must be my third world sensibility but I didn't find that video remotely sad. Long and drawn out but not sad.

So apparently someone dropped the ball, and was supposed to have sent an electronic copy of my contract/financial offer for me to review unbeknownst to the head of HR. That's all cleared up - so I'm just hoping something comes through before Monday. This job is infuriating me and I'm excited by the next step!

Jun 19, 09 1:51 pm  · 

yeah, but one correction was enough, and the first letter was addressed Elizabeth. i sent her an email last night, i wonder if i'll get a letter back?

Jun 19, 09 2:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

For those in/near Cincinnati next week:

Tuesday 6/23 @ 7 PM
Your chance to meet yours truly, in the flesh. Come one, come all.

1440 Walnut Street

If you know me on Facebook, then you have my cell phone number.

Jun 19, 09 2:35 pm  · 

Tee hee, on the iPhone the column of links at the bottom of TC looks a little like the Empire State Building.

Reason #473 why I need to get out of LA: why is it when I'm sitting on the bus, empty seats all around me, every crazy son of a b*tch that gets on thinks they need to sit next to me? Happens constantly. I'm so tired of crazy people...

Jun 19, 09 4:14 pm  · 

Me too DubK, me too.

Jun 19, 09 4:40 pm  · 

WK and *M - OK, what about when a seemingly non-crazy looking lady does this? I sat on a train that was practically empty and this woman just sits right next to me. Doesn't say hi or nothing. Were they crazy for sitting next to you on an empty bus or were they cursing-at-pigeons-while-looking-through-trash-can crazy?

Jun 19, 09 5:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

melt I just emailed you at work. Sorry to be slow to respond, I'm internet-poor the next few days!

Jun 19, 09 5:35 pm  · 

wK & *m- you need to get your crazy on! start cursing at those co2 spewing folks not riding the bus or what ever else gets you hackles up the moment somebody enters the bus. maybe that will keep them away.

slow day that I shouldn't have had to be in the office for, mostly hurry up and wait. Got a proposal out the door in the am for a project interview (we'll find out next week). Since then I've been fiddling with numbers for designing the roads & utilities for an army base in afghanistan. dumb, very dumb - why do I need to do this other then my boss is functionally computer illiterate. And I was supposed to have today off. Guess I'll stay home monday.

Jun 19, 09 5:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Were they crazy for sitting next to you on an empty bus or were they cursing-at-pigeons-while-looking-through-trash-can crazy?

I'm pretty touchy about my personal space, so I don't like it when somebody sits next to me on a nearly-empty train, crazy or not.

A week or two ago I was on a subway platform waiting for a train, and some person came over and stood less than 3 feet behind me, despite the platform being 600' long and relatively empty. It was incredibly unnerving and annoying, especially given my proximity to the platform edge. The obvious solution is to move to another spot (which I did), but there's still an understandable sense of indignation when somebody intrudes into your personal space.

Funny thing is, during rush hour when the trains are packed like sardines, it doesn't bother me at all to have lots of people very close to me. I think it's an interesting part of human psychology that your personal space shrinks in response to crowding.

About crazy people: The "cursing-at-pigeons-while-looking-through-trash-can crazy" ones are usually harmless as long as they're not putting anybody in immediate danger. The ones I get nervous around are the amoral sociopaths with the big smile and lots of phony charm. I've worked for a few of them, and I've dated a few others.

Jun 19, 09 6:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay I get to see Steven tomorrow! Drive safe Steven!

Jun 19, 09 6:23 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Is Steven coming up to Naptown? If my travel schedule were different, I'd be willing to make a side trip up there from Cincy to meet you all.

This time tomorrow I'll hopefully be in my cousin's backyard enjoying some beer and barbecue with the family.

Jun 19, 09 6:30 pm  · 

I find it entertaining that as a humans we use public transportation but get bothered when someone sits close to us. I guess that it is a design issue, not enough allotted space per individual

Jun 19, 09 6:54 pm  · 

They are crazy for sitting next to me on a half-empty bus, but then, when I get up and move so I can have my personal space back, they are crazy for talking to themselves for the next 25 minutes.

I just had an adventure! I went to a government/GSA Auto Auction to check out some of the cars up for bidding. They are all American-made, so there's not too many that I'm interested in, but I did learn how to drive on a Chevy Blazer, so there's a certain comfort level that I have with smaller SUV type vehicles. Anyway, it was pretty low-key and not nearly as shady as I expected. Except for the part where the little old Mexican man stands in the parking lot with a portable jumper kit and waits for a car that doesn't start. Funny.

Jun 19, 09 7:12 pm  · 

No biggie LB I knew you were busy and it wasn't all that imparative, I just wanted to make sure I was going in the right direction.

LOL TK!!! That would be plastic bags for me.. DubK, maybe we should go and get our crazy on... Your place or mine? ;o)

Slart - the crazy I'm currently dealing with is of the cursing-at-pigeons-while-looking-through-trash-can variety. And boy is it fun... NOT!!!!! They might be harmless, but God they're annoying.

Jun 19, 09 8:46 pm  · 
Living in Gin

So, I went downstairs to do my laundry so I could pack for my trip, and after I had loaded about half my clothes into the machine, the super comes in and yells that the laundry room is closed because he needs to paint the floor later tonight. (This laundry room normally has 24/7 access to tenants.) When I tried to explain that I have to leave first thing in the morning to catch a flight, he started screaming, "Fuck you! I'm the boss in this building! I don't work for you!" etc., etc. He was still screaming obscenities as I took my clothes out and hauled everything back into the elevator. He won't have the room re-opened in time for me to do my laundry in the morning.

Now I have to fire off an angry email to the landlord about the incident, and then tomorrow morning I get to haul my dirty laundry on the plane to Cincinnati so I can spend two hours of my vacation sitting in some laundromat in Boone County, Kentucky.

I fucking hate people.

Jun 19, 09 9:35 pm  · 

I love people

Gin I respect the fact you took your clothes out. I would of washed mine... despite what he said. It would of been far too much of an inconvenience otherwise.

Jun 20, 09 1:11 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I don't hate all people, just a few real assholes.

I took my clothes out because I was worried that I wouldn't be able to transfer them to the dryer or even retrieve them at all. I'd rather take dirty laundry with me on the trip than soaking-wet laundry, or no laundry at all. I'll get up early and try to make another attempt first thing in the morning, but I'm not holding out much hope.

I should be asleep already, but I can't stop checking the news about Iran. Talk about some people with much bigger things to worry about than their laundry.

Jun 20, 09 1:24 am  · 

Well, if someone bombs the sewage lifts in Tehran... they're going to not only worry about their laundry, their city will begin to fill up with poopoo.

Technically, if you wanted to shut down Manhattan for two weeks and fill it to the brim with literal shit... it would only take about a dozen sticks of dynamite to bring the city to a halt.

Almost the same with LA since the LA aqueduct runs for nearly 60 miles without any fortification.

Jun 20, 09 3:19 am  · 
Living in Gin

And I'm off... Have a good week, everybody.

Jun 20, 09 10:33 am  · 

So is LIG gone then? Does that mean we can talk about him now?

LOL just kidding. Mostly.

Jun 20, 09 12:19 pm  · 

i'm w/ ATP... i would have left my laundry and stated you need to notify residents before work. pretty dick move on the super's part.

Jun 20, 09 12:48 pm  · 

I agree... and I would have probably stated something like "Well technically... you do work for me"

How sad am I. I'm currently sitting around the table here in Columbus with my friends and we're all looking at our FB accounts and so I figured I just stop in and say "Hi".

HI. Tonight I'll be hanging out with the BFF. Wonder what kind of trouble we'll get in... probably not much, as my other friend will be with us too and he's now a responsible parent.

Jun 20, 09 5:06 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Heh... That's exactly what I told him, which is what prompted the screaming and profanity on his part.

Laundry is done, and I'm several hundred miles away from him now, so I'm not going to worry about it until I hear back from the landlord.

(checking in from beautiful Florence, Kentucky on my iPhone)

Jun 20, 09 5:25 pm  · 

LIG....You must have caught some sleep on that plane flight...cause you were posting at 5:00 am.....Have a grand Vacation!

Jun 20, 09 5:34 pm  · 

Happy Birthday Tumbles...

Jun 20, 09 5:46 pm  · 

Tumbles this picture is for you:

Happy Birthday!

Jun 20, 09 6:03 pm  · 

So here's the thing: I just saw The Proposal, mainly because Ryan Reynolds was in it. I wasn't expecting much. But it was actually HILARIOUS. No, really. He's got such comedic timing...and his chemistry with Sandra Bullock was kind of amazing. I like her too. If for no other reason you should see it because there's a fluffy puppy in it that is cuter than any creature I've ever seen.

It was like one of these except CUTER...

Jun 21, 09 3:50 am  · 

....and then I catch up on news from Iran, and I'm sad again. This is just awful.

Jun 21, 09 4:35 am  · 

lb and i are at governor's school in lexington ky. a minute ago she was sitting next to me...but now she's not. hi lb!

kids arrive today. we'll be a little scarce for a little while.

Jun 21, 09 9:35 am  · 
vado retro

have fun steven and lb! warp some young minds...

Jun 21, 09 11:43 am  · 

Happy Father's Day.

Jun 21, 09 1:26 pm  · 

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