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Liberty Bell, what happened? Whose ass do Vado and I have to kick?? We are so ready

May 31, 09 11:01 pm  · 

I should hear about the job soon.

****melt, sorry I missed you. The good news is, I'm available all week. No, really. ALL WEEK.

I had no idea about Manhattanhenge, and I am all about it! Thanks for the photo, LIG. That's pretty freaking cool.

A mildly amusing anecdote about my modest remaining stuffed animal collection:
Most of my stuffed animals were gleaned in high school from a $2 game at King's Island (Cincy's amusement park) called the "Age & Weight" game. I was never interested in having someone guess my weight, always my age...and I never lost that game. Often I would play every station in the park for the express purpose of winning stuffed animals for my friends. Once when I was 17, two different people guessed that I was 37 years old. Thus my goal has been to one day actually look my age. I think I might be there, actually.

...and I am keeping a few stuffed animals, including a banana with a beret named Pierre that my friends once kidnapped and held for ransom. You can't make this stuff up, folks.

Jun 1, 09 2:34 am  · 

LB - this thread?

some of the comments are really upsetting...

Jun 1, 09 10:16 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'm waiting to hear back from Orhan before I make any more comments on that thread.

Jun 1, 09 10:19 am  · 

hey, get this; i am watching Bloomberg channel and the reporter is at the White House and in the background the guy cutting the grass is using a gas powered lawnmower? COME ON! can't we put some more people to work and save on gas by using push mowers????

Jun 1, 09 10:35 am  · 
vado retro

wait til they break out the leaf blowers beta.

Jun 1, 09 10:36 am  · 
vado retro

I believe LB is talking about hitting the wall regarding working so hard on a project and not the limit being hit on archinect. Although she may be hitting that as well.

Jun 1, 09 10:38 am  · 
liberty bell

Yes, toaster, that thread, and some other knucklehead comments on other threads, but what is making me want to leave the planet most today is the outright murder of a doctor inside his church - his CHURCH! - by someone claiming to be "pro-life" who belongs to an organization that should have been investigated for domestic terrorism and disbanded years ago.

I'm angry, angry, angry. but I also have a deadline today so I need to disappear from the internets for the rest of the day.

Just to lighten things a bit: DubK, I love the ida of the bereted banana and of course you must keep Pierre. My pink childhood teddy bear, Sammy, is my lone remaining stuffed animal. I know I've mentioned him hear before, but he's truly hideous. My husband calls him "Frankenbear" and would not let me give him to Angus because the thing is so terrifying - his body is made more of repairs than of fabric, I've stitched him up so often he's scarred and worn through in places so you can see the nylon stockings with which he's stuffed through the threadbare fabric. My aunt made him for me, and I'll never give him up.

Later all.

Jun 1, 09 10:40 am  · 

leaf blowers = dick cheney?

Jun 1, 09 10:45 am  · 
Living in Gin

Ever have one of those Monday mornings where the birds chirping outside your window turn out to be vultures?

Jun 1, 09 10:51 am  · 

LIG - Is that a metaphor?

Jun 1, 09 10:56 am  · 
brian buchalski

whoa? they pulled the breathalzyzer thread already?'s what i was going to post;

as someone who regularly drinks & drives (sometimes drinking while driving), i feel that the [i]threat of drunk driving to the well-being of the public has been manufactured for primarily for political reasons. i know plenty of people (including myself) who are very competent drivers while inebriated. drunk driving laws simply one more weapon in the effort to criminalize the poor, disenfranchised, and otherwise normal people.

of course, if you're wealthy enough or politically connected then it doesn't matter who you kill (whether driving or not)...there's always a way out.

at any rate, thanks to evilp for sharing some good pointers[/i]

Jun 1, 09 12:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Cockpit of a Boeing 307 Stratoliner. (It was either this or another highway sign.)

Jun 1, 09 12:57 pm  · 

why did the breathalyzer thread get yanked?

Jun 1, 09 1:08 pm  · 

There was a breathalyzer Thread? DAMN WORK!!!! It's getting in the way of my archinect viewing.

Jun 1, 09 1:15 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think it got removed because archinect's lawyer doesn't want archinect to be percieved as encouraging my deviant behaviour...because everybody knows i do exactly what is posted on the internet

Jun 1, 09 1:16 pm  · 

There was a breathalyzer Thread? DAMN WORK!!!! It's getting in the way of my archinect viewing.

Jun 1, 09 1:16 pm  · 
vado retro

Did EP get banned? Somehow I don't see another Archinect Pie coming out anytime soon.

Jun 1, 09 1:18 pm  · 

ep got banned and scrubbed. i knew the slippery slope was going to be tested when Orhan made the decision regarding the "joke" that h&r made.

orhan, i think it sucks you were put in that position, and i think it sucks that people will now see that decision as a measuring stick as to your own personal moral/ethical compass.

i vote - as if i had a vote - to ban banning unless people advocate crimes or display of confidential information. let the racists, homophobes, and other hate mongers expose themselves for what they are, petty, insignificant dolts and assclowns.

Jun 1, 09 1:32 pm  · 

i don't think it's so much that the breathalyzer thread was removed... i think ep said some things on the asperger's thread that warranted his account being deleted. the breathalyzer thread was created by him, ergo...

Jun 1, 09 1:34 pm  · 

Would FLW get banned from archinect?

Jun 1, 09 1:35 pm  · 

why? I hear FLW was a sweetheart

Jun 1, 09 1:42 pm  · 

it was a joint decision to ban. i have been sparing and covering up for ep for a long time and used to enjoy his more sober views from time to time even though, he called me names few times and even though, i didn't share his views on a lot of things.
i said this before and will say it one more time; archinect cannot afford to allow hateful statements on its boards. not only the editors, but all should be protecting this rule. end of conversation, for me.

Jun 1, 09 1:42 pm  · 
Living in Gin

IMO, it was the right move and long overdue. While EP occasionally had some intelligent things to say about architecture and urbanism, his troll-like behavior and personal insults made it impossible for the rest of us to have a reasonable discussion on any thread he decided to hijack. Vigorous disagreement is fine, but outright hate speech shouldn't be tolerated. EP had a long track record of abusing this forum for insulting and bigoted comments, and he finally got what he had coming.

Jun 1, 09 1:44 pm  · 

LiG, ingenious.

Jun 1, 09 1:44 pm  · 

one of my co-workers just got back from a week sailing in Caribbean with 2 billionaires and brought back a rum cake from Jamaica for the office! one slice didn't seem to make me tipsy. maybe I should have another... but I have too much to do.

Jun 1, 09 1:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh for fuck's sake.

I'm not happy about this. Not that I matter, I don't, but I think banning evilplatypus is an overly harsh response to something that could have been handled by a warning email or even a post from the big green head.

Jun 1, 09 1:48 pm  · 

So, I guess we have something to talk about on Thread Central today. I missed ep's comments on the Asperger's Thread but from my incredible powers of deduction I can tell that they were homophobic and offensive. Not surprised.

Now to lighten the mood, I present to you, Pierre:

Jun 1, 09 1:50 pm  · 

like i've said before, it's archinect's site and they make the rules. i just think EP's view[s] are shared by a lot of people in the world, and while i disagree with nearly all of his views, i don't think we could get rid of those we disagree with or find offensive. i hate the right wing ideologues that post here, the anti-Obama threads i find repellent and tinged with racism, when are they going to be removed? i mean i've never asked.

Jun 1, 09 1:54 pm  · 
brian buchalski

huh...ep is a stuffed banana?

Jun 1, 09 1:58 pm  · 

liberty bell - one more use of the f-word and you're getting banned ;)

seriously, we're incredibly lenient with what we allow in the forum. most people think we're too lenient. what we don't allow, however, is continuously offensive comments from members. if we're forced to choose between hosting a forum only for members that are offensive and those that can tolerate it, or hosting a forum that has a reasonable level of decency that accommodates a larger proportion of the architecture community, we'll choose the latter.

the most recent complaints about EP's comments were the last of a long string of complaints about him. his suspension (the decision to be banned is ultimately his) is due to his history of offensive comments.

Jun 1, 09 2:02 pm  · 

Wow, EP is banned... thats gotta be one of the more high profile bannings i can recall. I also missed the thread for which he was banned, so im not sure what he said, but i had noticed his posts in the past few months becoming more and more aggressive. He was clearly trolling more and more recently.

Its unfortunate that he was banned, as hes been around a long time, but i definitely agree with Beta... this is the nect, its their site, they pay for the hosting and provide all the content... they can ban whomever they like... though im afraid that banning EP just solidifies this site as lefty and will likely only encourage the aggressive righties we have here to be even more aggressive...

which is actually ok with me, i like to fight with them!

Jun 1, 09 2:05 pm  · 

man really wish i could have seen what he said! anyone by chance copy it?

Jun 1, 09 2:08 pm  · 

What about calling people an "asshole" while removing the post that has me stating that I'm not explicitly an asshole... but a gadfly.

I don't think people should take a mental health disorder lightly and assume they have a problem unless there is a clinical diagnoses.

In fact, it is technically illegal to self-diagnose mental disorders as that would make you an unlicensed mental health practitioner.

Jun 1, 09 2:11 pm  · 

lletdownl, do you think that his increase in offensive/aggressive remarks over the past few months has anything to do with the increasing desperation being shown by right-wingers to throw something that actually sticks? Hmmm, it reminds me a little of this article on HuffPost about the killing of that abortion in, during the Bush administration, the crazies were dormant because their crazy agenda was getting pushed through, but now that they are marginalized again, we have to worry about them getting more aggressive and violent? Am I making sense?

Jun 1, 09 2:19 pm  · 

hill you're part of the problem. you glide into conversations with all the care of a bull in a china shop, and then you up and leave.

i don't think you should assume that people are faking or self-diagnosing personal afflictions.

i think you're a moron.

Jun 1, 09 2:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

WK: I think you've hit the nail on the head. Right-wingers in general seem to have come completely unhinged since the election, and I worry that we've only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. I hope I'm wrong.

Jun 1, 09 2:24 pm  · 

i do think he got more aggressive once it became clear his political philosophy was falling out of favor in the main stream... i feel some apprehension saying that though, as its such an easy answer for his recent behavior. And having met him personally a few times, i think he is smarter than that, although his recent postings would perhaps lead us to believe otherwise...

But there definitely has been a serious influx of aggressive right wing posters since the obama election. I sometimes wonder if the 'nect is gaining a reputation for being a lefty haven, and so is drawing random crusaders from other design blogs

Jun 1, 09 2:27 pm  · 

Did you read the thread? LiG and The_Geek both admitted to being self-diagnosed.


Jun 1, 09 2:27 pm  · 

If [licensed professionals] people can sit around and call themselves aspies [practicing without a license] to make their own personal struggles easier without seeking the approval of a licensed professional...

I'm going to go ahead and build houses for people under the guise of "architect."

Funny to see architects not respecting licensure.

Jun 1, 09 2:31 pm  · 

honestly, hill&crock did you even read before posting? where did either say they were self diagnosed, prior to your asinine comments? where? you know you are a real mental midget.

Jun 1, 09 2:31 pm  · 

Total Entries: 2
Total Comments: 197

05/31/09 17:44

So, wait... you find white lies and being phony too hard.

"I generally dont like to socialise becuase to me and my aspergers self... I find it nihilistic, tedious, somewhat pretentious and a waste of time."

Considering the prevalence of AS is 2-in-1000 on a good day... are you absolutely 100% sure you're just not an asshole? I'm not trying to diss anyone who is clinically diagnosed but your assumptions on high society fall slightly outside the range of Autistic Spectrum of understanding.

And if you find social mores to be too troubling to yourself, I can of find it a little discomforting to know that you're using a completely aware disability to be a self pronounced geek. Someone with anti-social behavior (ie, someone not socializing at all [making a division here between anti-social and chav anti-social]) and someone who calls himself 'the geek' just doesn't mesh too well.

It seems like you've assumed a culture, are mildly content in that culture (geeks have limited expectations) and are now upset that *GASP* you'll stop having to be a geek?

this was the start. dolt.

Jun 1, 09 2:33 pm  · 

"Besidse all that I scored as having Aspergers on the University of Cambridge, Self Diagnosing test."

Posted by Aspergers Syndrome, 05/31/09 18:10


"What the fuck difference does it make if an Aspie is self-diagnosed? The vast majority of adult Aspies are, and studies have shown that the self-diagnosis turns out to be accurate over 80% of the time... DOT DOT DOT ... Besides, I don't need an astronomer to tell me the sun rises and the east, and I don't need a shrink to tell me I have Asperger's."

Posted by Living in Gin, 05/31/09 18:36


Wha-wha-what? Whicky-whicky-WHACK, yo.

Jun 1, 09 2:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Got a problem with something I said on another thread? Discuss it there and stop polluting TC with your drivel.

Jun 1, 09 2:37 pm  · 

you do have a tough time with the internets, don't you? are you developmentally disabled? did you read your first post, where you suggested he was an asshole?

wha-wha, what? you're whack...go back to beat boxing in your moms panties.

Jun 1, 09 2:38 pm  · 

The "I have Aspies" is a classic internet down-right-down-right-left-up-left-up move on messageboards. (NSFW, NSFA [NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE]).

There was a 95% chance that this dude has never stepped foot inside of a development therapist or clinical psychologists office.

I was pointing that out. Please don't say you're disabled unless you have a paper that says you're actually disabled.

Jun 1, 09 2:40 pm  · 

what if they both had "papers?" you still called him a faker and an asshole prior to them revealing some undisclosed "truth" you are a real professional, you outed someone.

when do you go to jail again? tool.

Jun 1, 09 2:43 pm  · 

On another Political Note: Here in Connecticut our Republican Governer comes up with a brilliant idea: State of Connecticut, proposes suspension of funding for National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) dues for two years in the Governor'sproposed 2009-2010-2011 budget for the Department of Consumer Protection's Architectural Licensing Board.

As proposed, such suspension will not save the cited $10,000.00 over two years. NCARB delivers the Architectural Registration Exam (ARE) on behalf of the Connecticut Licensing Board. If the state fails to pay these dues for two years, it will be denied access to the ARE.

The proposed cut does not factor into the budget the cost of creating and administering our own State examination for licensure to replace the NCARB exam. The cost of producing one exam will far exceed the cost of the dues and purported savings.

It is likely that the creation of an exam for the state will take several years. In the time period in which no exam is produced no one could become an architect by examination in Connecticut, with a severe detrimental effect on state residents seeking to become architects and on the public at large.

Such suspension and the lack of an exam for licensure will result in a loss of the revenue generated by the license fees paid by new architects, now approximately 20 to 25 new architects each year. At $50 per applicant, the initial loss is $1,250.00 per year or 25% of the savings. The offices of NCARB also facilitate the licensing by reciprocity of approximately 200 architects annually. This avenue will also close if we fail to pay our dues. At $50 per applicant, this will cost us $10,000.00 in the first year alone. Therefore, our "savings" will cost us $25,000.00 in revenue over two years.

I'm not a fan of NCARB but at least you would think some one on the governors staff could add 2+2.

The funny thing is you have to see how NCARB has woven its ways into State Politics. I'm not sure but I would assume most State Statues read similar to those in Connecticut.

CT Regulations 20-289-2a and associated sections clearly mandate that the Architectural Licensing Board maintain membership in NCARB:

Sec. 20-289-2a. Board procedures

(a) Board Meetings. In addition to the four regular meetings prescribed by law, the board shall hold additional meetings at the call of its Chairman who shall give due notice of the time and place. Three (3) members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

(b) N.C.A.R.B.

(1) The board shall maintain membership in the National Council of Architectural Registration boards and pay the necessary costs therefore.

(2) The board shall keep up to date information on the syllabus and the policies adopted by N.C.A.R.B.

(3) The board shall participate with the N.C.A.R.B. in establishing uniform standards of professional qualification throughout the United States.

(c) N.E.C.A.R.B. (1) The board shall maintain membership in the New England Council of Architectural Registration boards and pay the necessary costs therefore.

(2) The board shall participate with other member boards of the New England Council of Architectural Registration boards for the purpose of establishing like policies and standards among the boards in qualifying applicants for licensing, preparing, conducting and grading examinations, and in giving assistance in the enforcement of laws regulating the practice of architecture.

Sec. 20-289-1a. Definitions

Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following terms have, for the purposes of these regulations, the meanings indicated in this section: (1) "board" means Connecticut Architectural Licensing Board; (2) "candidate" means a person who has the qualifications for admission to examinations and who has filed with the secretary of the architectural licensing board an application for licensure accompanied by the examination fee; (3) "construction" means any new construction, enlargement or alteration of any building or project; (4) "plans" means any drawings or graphic representations or any combination of drawings or graphic representations, or reproduction thereof, prepared for the purpose of illustrating proposed or intended designs for the construction; (5) "specifications" means detailed statements of particulars for construction; (6) "licensed architect" means a person duly licensed as an architect by the board to engage in the practice of architecture; and (7) "N.C.A.R.B." means the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

I hope I don't get banned for this.

Jun 1, 09 2:46 pm  · 
Aspergers Syndrome

Total Entries: 5
Total Comments: 23

05/31/09 23:02

i got tested by my Doctor who did the test with me. I wouldnt go to a psychologist becuase it was too expensive. The test was sent on paper format, from The National Autistic Society.

Asperger is very hard to detect, and most normal people assume that im anti-social when i dont want to talk to them, there is a difference between being a mean "asshole" and hating everyone, and between someone who has aspergers and cannot face the challenge of talking to someone who im not familiar with face to face.

my tat for your tit, h&r...

Jun 1, 09 2:48 pm  · 

A DOCTOR IS NOT A CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST, PSYCHOTHERAPIST OR DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST. Nor is a doctor a diagnostic clinician, practices diagnostic medicine or a diagnostician.

The Doctor did clearly not know how to diagnose something with an autistic spectrum disorder.

I can go to my doctor [general practitioner] and get diagnosed with Huntington's to score liquid morphine if I wanted too.

Jun 1, 09 2:55 pm  · 

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