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Couldn't have said it any better myself vado. I've honestly never understood the big controversy over gay marriage... but than again, I'm just a heathen.

May 26, 09 4:57 pm  · 

Could someone deactivate my account?

I just found out about 10 minutes ago that I was sued and was given a court order to pay up or find employment over a student loan I thought was in forbearance. I had no idea this happened. But it happened a while back and I never received a letter or a summons or anything else.

So, I guess I'm going to jail tomorrow for contempt of court for 45 days. That means I won't be able to pay my other two tickets or show up for the court dates for them.

So, I guess I'm going to go out and get shitfaced tonight because I'm going to be in jail for the next year or more-- over a loan and two minor tickets.

You all are rid of me. Bye archinect.

May 26, 09 5:13 pm  · 

Oh, I thought she was nervous about the outcome of the vote - not the protesting, etc.

May 26, 09 5:39 pm  · 

jk, exactly what lb said. Also I think Obama put it best when he said "we need to be able to discuss these issues without turning the other side into a caricature". Although he was talking about abortion, I think that statement applies to a lot of debates these days, perhaps the Prop 8 one included. Especially since I know many Christians who think that gay marriage should be legal!

hillandrock....uh. Don't really know what to say to that. Although that seems a little extreme for a loan you say you didn't know about. You should probably get off Archinect and call your lawyer.

May 26, 09 5:40 pm  · 
vado retro

its kinda funny that richard branson of virgin fame wants to buy playboy.

May 26, 09 5:49 pm  · 

As disappointed as I am regarding the Prop 8 ruling, I am not surprised. What irritates me is how some of my gay friends think that writing strongly worded status updates on Facebook will somehow change something. Also that they are now blaming the whole kit and caboodle on the California Supreme Court. I mean, fix the problem, not the blame, folks. CA Supreme Court didn't start this and they won't end it. People need to relax.

May 26, 09 6:29 pm  · 

meh - it'll be legal in california in a couple years - the question is will it come from the legislature or a vote?

my bets are on new york legalizing before the end of the year.

May 26, 09 7:11 pm  · 

i think that CA supreme court by doing what they did have pushed the Prop 8 issue further than any other state has done thus far. in terms of getting a national resolution, CA seems to be forcing the Supreme Court to bring a real resolution to the issue. regardless of the court make-up, i can see no earthly reason why the Court would side with the Prop 8 crowd.

May 26, 09 7:38 pm  · 

Uh, because CA voted to pass a constitutional amendment for it in November. Small detail.

May 26, 09 8:09 pm  · 

yeah, and i am sure if rednecks had their way amendments to state constitutions allowing segregation, and preventing miscegenation to become law as well. Supreme Courts have often been the final decider when it comes to "the will of the people," because their will wins, doesn't mean it's constitutional.

May 26, 09 9:54 pm  · 
vado retro

I think I said this earlier somewhere. Maybe on page 197 or maybe it was 207 I don't really remember. Anyway if gay people just established a gay religion. All members are gay and the church recognizes gayness and gay marriage then they would be protected under the first amendment.

May 26, 09 10:17 pm  · 

Good luck.

May 26, 09 10:54 pm  · 

nite all.

May 26, 09 10:54 pm  · 

G'nite al

May 26, 09 10:57 pm  · 

I know it's not right that California voted for it, and many of them have changed their minds....that's the problem with CA right now. Eh, what's done is done. It's no use blaming the Supreme Court. It will all work out eventually.

I'm drunk on cider! And I have a job interview tomorrow. Need to drink water.

BTW I don't know what this is: "miscegenation" vado makes an interesting point on the religion thing.....

puddles how do you do this every day?!?

May 26, 09 11:20 pm  · 

is wonderk talking about the ca supreme court and beta talking about THE supreme court? sounds like.

May 27, 09 8:12 am  · 

vado - huh? gay couples can already get "married" in several religious institutions.

May 27, 09 8:31 am  · 

yeah Steven i am, The Supreme Court and not the State Supreme Court.

i think the highest court in the land will, like in the past, side on previous precedent.

May 27, 09 8:51 am  · 
vado retro

But its not part of a religion. you can still be of a church etc and be discriminated against. but if your church religious principles and they are violated by the state then it violates the first amendment. That's why you had "churches" like branch davidian etc... but what do I know really, not much.

May 27, 09 9:34 am  · 

wK - enjoy your rocky mountain high and good luck!!!

May 27, 09 10:46 am  · 

some buddhists in Pennsylvania filed a lawsuit against that state's gay marriage ban on the grounds that it violated their first amendment rights - last I heard it didn't go anywhere...

I don't think it's so much a first amendment issue (even though the loudest opponents keep citing religious/moral reasons for their opposition) - but an equal rights/discrimination issue. several states have equal rights laws, and that's why the courts in Iowa and Massachusetts struck down bans on gay marriage on the grounds it violated these laws.

however - if you read the opinion of the california court carefully, it seems they were handing it back to the legislature to do something about that state's f-ed up amendment process. legal scholars on both sides are actually upset about the ruling because it means that under the current rules voters can amend anything to the constitution as an "exception." meaning, as long as it doesn't go against federal law, they can do whatever the hell they want.

the federal supreme court shouldn't really take up this issue because the california courts claims it's a structural issue within their state's constitution.

and - there is currently no federal equal-rights laws, so I can't see how SCOTUS would be able to do anything with this case anyway - except uphold it is a state's rights issue.

May 27, 09 11:58 am  · 

hi all - running out on a site visit

May 27, 09 11:58 am  · 

uh toaster, Separate But Equal.

May 27, 09 12:05 pm  · 

beta - oops - I guess you're right - although do you really think the current supreme court will see this as part of the 14th amendment?

May 27, 09 12:20 pm  · 

i'm no legal scholar but this seems like exactly a 14th amendment case, along the lines of loving v. va.

May 27, 09 12:25 pm  · 

So who thinks rock is actually in jail right now? =P

Could easily be a cry for attention...

May 27, 09 2:06 pm  · 

Libert[arianism]y for all!

May 27, 09 2:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm skeptical about h&r's story. Unless there's more going on than he's telling, you don't go to jail for not paying your student loans. Worst thing that happens is that you get a default judgement against you, and the bank is then free to seize your assets and garnish your wages.

If you get a summons for a traffic violation and fail to appear, though, then you get an arrest warrant for contempt.

Not that I have any personal experience with this stuff, mind you... *cough*

May 27, 09 2:31 pm  · 

Actually, it turned out to be a threat from a collections agency pretending to be someone else.

I called my loan's bank and they were awfully upset. Called my brothers lawyer/accountant (I couldn't pay for one if I tried... I'd have to suck a lot of D), he's writing a letter and if everything goes through alright... I'll be getting 12,000 written off the books!

May 27, 09 2:45 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

well good to hear you're not locked up, h&r.

May 27, 09 3:33 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i don't need to cut my fingernails right now...i feel so groomed

May 27, 09 3:34 pm  · 

puddles, lol?

May 27, 09 4:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

H&R, can your brother's lawyer write a letter for my student laons too?

May 27, 09 4:33 pm  · 

Sarah, only if your collection agency treats you like absolute shit, calls from an unlisted number and pretends to be a court clerk... then maybe.

May 27, 09 4:42 pm  · 

LiG - and it really messes up your credit for several years (even if you get it resolved). sounds like someone screwed up - we just don't know who.

in other news - i'm very excited about spec'ing some big ass fans on my current project.

May 27, 09 5:27 pm  · 

arg! link here:

this has happened a few times - I paste in a different link and archinect somehow links back to the current thread...

May 27, 09 5:30 pm  · 

Toaster - they have two of those fans at the gym I go to. They are AWESOME!!!!

May 27, 09 7:48 pm  · 

I do love those fans...although I think they'd be really cool if they spun really fast. A question for TK our green guru (no disrespect to our other green gurus) but is it possible both cool a space with a big ass fan, whilst simultaneously generating energy from it (I suspect it wouldn't be a very efficient system)?If this sounds awfully stupid ignore. However if it possible, I claim copyright dibs on the idea

May 27, 09 9:25 pm  · 
words fail me.

LB and WK in particular will find that interesting. (you may have already seen it, lb!)

May 27, 09 10:28 pm  · 

you know manta, I actually agree with Schulman to great extent on the purposes of marriage. He said it better than I could, but the feeling that those are the purposes behind marriage is a lot of what keeps me from being completely comfortable with the idea. Don't get me wrong, I believe that if the state is involved in marriage at all then it ought to offer it equally to all, but I'm not convinced that it has a place in modern society at all, and Schulman did a great job of illustrating why.

May 27, 09 11:18 pm  · 

I agree in that, sadly, his words are true regarding the broad, general, historic reasons for the institution of marriage. However, happily, I feel we have progressed beyond vaginal lockdown as being the primary marriage motivator today. Pretty pathetic that Shulman continues to believe in and perpetuate this obviously double-standard. (Very tellingly, he exhorts society to continue to wield the horrible weapon of marriage as a way to enforce the "privilege" of virginity -- but he means only female virginity, as he makes clear, and he very obviously feels that men should be allowed to fuck around with impunity, while women's sexuality is "different" and therefore women should be "protected" from being allowed to fuck around with impunity.

If people truly feel that this is what marriage represents today, then we are in a truly sad state. I continue to believe that a public commitment to love and honor your chosen mate, for better or for worse, forever is a wonderful choice to make; I know I'll take it seriously when the time comes. Whether that public commitment needs to come with a piece of paper or not really only makes a difference in terms of all the various privileges our government, for some bizarre reason, affords the paper-holders. Whether or not those government privileges should exist -- and I think not* -- is a different discussion...

*or rather, I think the government should obviate the need for these marriage-paper-holding privileges by making other, better changes : universal healthcare would obviate the need for spousal coverage on healthcare plans; hospital policies could be changed to allow any legal guardian to be present at bedside and make health decisions; I'm not sure what to do about the estate tax, but it could at least be enlarged to include partner or common-law beneficiaries to avoid the estate tax.

May 28, 09 12:09 am  · 
Another (quicker read)

that I think some of you will ike. It's a post by Libba Bray, (apparently) a well-known teen-lit author (I didn't know about her).

And last but not least:

May 28, 09 12:10 am  · 

argh. I thought it was smaller.

May 28, 09 12:11 am  · 

I'd be curious on that guy's view on open marriages, marriages of convenience, etc... especially for a modern society.

May 28, 09 12:40 am  · 

OK, I'm going to try to do this as briefly as I can:

on the Denver job: It's not locked down yet but I'm their best candidate so far, and they told me as much. My multiple interviews today went really well, and they are an innovative company that really walks the "green walk" - it made me really excited and I would be happy to work with them. The only hang-up is that one of the guys really wants the position to be mostly about energy modeling, whereas I was of the impression that I could contribute in other ways. It's not enough to make me decline, however, and I would probably look for ways to make the position evolve if I took it. If not, well, it's a paycheck for the time being. I should know by early next's a "buyer's market" so I think they still need to evaluate other prospects, which I totally understand.

on WonderMan: I decided to call him and tell him about my day since he's been so supportive. We ended up having a good and rational conversation about us....He said that since his graduation visit he had been thinking that perhaps he wasn't as ready for another long term relationship as he thought, which I said I had thought since he said he "couldn't handle another anniversary" back in March - it occurred to me then that he hadn't really healed from his divorce. Anyway, he told me that he suddenly wasn't so positive about me coming down there and he thinks he needs some time to be single. I said it was good we were talking about it because I kind of wasn't so positive that he'd ever be willing to leave the island after I visited. I mentioned that I just wanted him to be happy, and we agreed that we didn't like talking about it like it was so final, and I said maybe we could go our separate ways for a while and come back again in a few months. We're going to talk more but that's the gist of it for now.

I feel really OK, actually.... For better or for worse, it's not as hard to let go emotionally from someone you don't live anywhere near :o/

I'm going to hold off on creating a "Date WonderK Contest" thread, in any case, LOL. Yes, it has crossed my mind. :-D

So yeah, still waiting for life to happen....

May 28, 09 1:41 am  · 

BTW, did you guys see this? How very unfortunate, and surprising if you ask me...

May 28, 09 1:43 am  · 

good luck with job, WK. also good luck with the dating thing, though to be perfectly honest i don't think you need much luck in either category.

it was a pity the prefab lady went under. i am curious about what part of the business was the last straw. financing, lack of clients, cost of her homes, or something completely different.

May 28, 09 4:01 am  · 

Hey Wonder K, congratulations about the interviews - although I'm not surprised that you were their "best candidate." In fact I'm sure you'll be the "best candidate" when you start dating again.

More on WonderMan, when you posted your previous spiel regarding the graduation I meant to tell you that it sounded awfully familiar to my previous relationship, with a recent divorcee. I was about to strap on my Dr. Phil ass-hat and say that it sounded like he was projecting, unable to handle the moment of attention on you, and what is a happy event. But... seems like everything has come out in the wash.

And that truly sucks about Michelle Kaufmann. Aside from the fact that she's a complete hotty, she really became the modern day Bucky preacher on prefab - hopefully someone will see the wisdom in investing in her and this company to help ride it through

May 28, 09 7:41 am  · 

I feel bad for her too, but if the prefab houses cost alot, then, one has to ask, what is the point?

May 28, 09 7:43 am  · 

wonderK. GOOD LUCK!

May 28, 09 7:44 am  · 

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