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tuna, the name and author of the book are in my "747" link above! :)

SH : yeah -- the design of airplanes is definitely a peculiar interest that not everybody shares. Don't worry, I won't hold it against you. :)

LiG : It's not publicly accessible and even I've only seen it once. Availability of viewing is very capricious and depends a lot on when you're here / when the people who control access are around, so don't get your hopes up too much. I will say that it's a working piece of railroad infrastructure unique to Chicago that already has a spot in a museum reserved for when it quits working. But if you happen to be in town and the planets align, it would be fun to share it with you. I'm not too into trains myself but I am wayyyy into infrastructure design, so it struck a big chord with me.

jump : Disneyland was my favorite place in the world when I was a kid, and I can't wait to take my own kids there someday. It has definitely changed (mostly for the worse, unfortunately, and really only because of the incredible crowds. costs have always been exorbitant so that remains steady) but I still think it's a magical place and enjoy visiting myself. I think any museum / opera type parents would be hard-pressed to disagree...

Jun 2, 09 10:41 pm  · 

Hey guys, could I get anyone in TC to sound off on my current portfolio layout? I just completed my first spread, and I feel like my sense of judgment is off after looking at it for too long.

Thanks! =)

Jun 2, 09 10:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

That's pretty awesome, although the Situation Room was a little anti-climatic. I'd always assumed that Cheney had made some architecturally-sensitive modifications:

Jun 2, 09 10:44 pm  · 

oooooh, I want to be the White House carpenter!!! Look how huge the shop is!!! Who do you have to be to get THAT gig?!? Too awesome.

Anyone else figure the east wing is the Residence? Or does everyone but me already know that.

Jun 2, 09 10:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

(in response to *m's White House link)

Jun 2, 09 10:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Crap, manta, now I'm going to go nuts trying to figure out what you could be referring to. Does this have to do with CTA rapid transit, or the mainline railroads?

Jun 2, 09 10:51 pm  · 
Paging LiG...

Now's your chance!

Jun 2, 09 10:57 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow, the chance to literally be Living in Gin! Leave it to the English to come up with something like that... The ability to get drunk without the burden of having to lift a glass.

Jun 2, 09 11:04 pm  · 

Ha ha, seriously LiG. (re : the english LiG)

re : train infrastructure... neither of the above. I feel like I've told you about it before, though... maybe when I came by to check out your apt?

Jun 2, 09 11:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Hmm... Still drawing a blank. Something to do with the old freight tunnel system?

Jun 2, 09 11:21 pm  · 

Just got this book.
Really excited One-Straw Revolution

I love Disney. I too eventually realized if i was to "learned" to love it than i wanted to be dumb. It is like regressing to childhood on some level. Although going with children changes that I am sure.

And with regards to old style jobs. Gainesville's last remaining cobbler finally closed last year, after 30+ years of operation.

Jun 2, 09 11:45 pm  · 

Hmm, maybe I didn't tell you about it. Can't tell you in public, though, you'll have to email me.

Jun 2, 09 11:45 pm  · 

I don't like disney. I did when I was kid, but now I'm a little hardened. It could of been all those sports stars saying, "I'm going to disneyland" after winning a championship. It could of been the fact that the imagineers had completely ruined architectural culture by the scaling of inappropriate sizes 3/28 wtf? It could be how they depicted the Jamaican bobsled team...

ok time for bed

Jun 3, 09 12:14 am  · 
liberty bell

My BLDGBLOG book just arrived this week. It's really a lovely book, nice and dense, like the site.

As soon as I finish the Richard Russo book I'm almost done with (good, funny, but another story about a male mid-life crisis: not my favorite topic) I'll be reading bldgblog before bed - should make for wackily wonderful dreams.

Jun 3, 09 12:17 am  · 
Living in Gin

I was once denied admission to the Magic Kingdom based on my choice of footwear, and I've been holding a grudge against Disney ever since.

That said, I choose to ignore the fact that Pixar is part of Disney.

Jun 3, 09 12:50 am  · 
vado retro

but another story about a male mid-life crisis: not my favorite topic--don't you get enough of that when you talk to me LB?

Jun 3, 09 12:50 am  · 

Don't worry, LiG, Pixar hates being a "part" of Disney as much as you do. I've never heard about a more contentious, non-partner "partnership" in my life.

Jun 3, 09 1:02 am  · 
Living in Gin

Email sent, btw.

Jun 3, 09 1:03 am  · 

i missed a couple of days, i have a question, is Quibble of Sundog & Halo noctilucent?

they sound the same?!?

Jun 3, 09 1:34 am  · 

jk, I didn't know you were a DAAPer! And you worked at Elkus Manfredi?! You must know my friend Cindy! And perhaps Maria, too? Anyway, your portfolio spread looks pretty bad-ass, but I would expect no less from a fellow UC person :o) What's the size of those pages? My only critique would be to maybe bump up the text size - proportionally, of course - because if those are 8.5 x 11 pages, the text looks tiny.


****melt, thanks for the link but does anyone else find that graphic of the White House to be uh, I don't know, a little revelatory? Like, I'm all for transparency and what not, but I don't necessarily think the terrorists need a public graphic displaying where every damn office in the White House is. Maybe I just worry about Obama too much. And trust me I do worry.

That said, this NBC report has two of my favorite dudes in it - Brian Williams and Obama. Brian Williams has to be one of the sharpest guys out there. Will watch the whole report tomorrow, I think. Time for ice cream now.

Jun 3, 09 3:26 am  · 

i had impression QS&H is quondam.

i get ya archi, about disney. i like the japanese version because every bit of it is foreign and fantasy. it might be odd if i was in tom sawyer land in usa where it is easy to do all that in your back yard, but in tokyo it is fun...

the workmanship is really awesome too. the winnie the pooh ride is just brilliantly made. my girls are so happy to be walking through giant pages of a book as they wait in line that they don't even notice that they are in one. which is quite an achievement. the musicals they have at disneySea (next to disney land here) are also pretty good. like a 15 minute broadway musical. also perfect for a 5 year old (and for me).

if i didn't have kids i might not enjoy it all as much. but trying to get my oldest to sing as loud as possible a silly made up song while riding through the haunted mansion was too funny. of course she said no (and she covered my mouth when i started into a solo ), because she is too mature for that, but i am pretty sure my youngest will be willing to give it a go in a few years.

in the end culture is a living thing and the parody of a place like disney is for me very valid and even necessary. even if they are rigid and slightly insane as organisation. that's part of the deal, and it is easy to walk away, so no biggie....

Jun 3, 09 3:43 am  · 

jk3hl, portfolio page looks nice.

if you don't mind some well-intentioned criticism:

i find the text kind of, well...easy? lazy? it feels like you wanted to put text but had nothing to say. when you say you learned stuff, while it may be true, what you wrote is rather generic as lessons go. you could have learned that stuff on any project, not this one. in which case, why is it with these images in particular? and how on earth were you endowed with the insight? was it like communion? this kind of slightly miraculous wording is a huge turn-off for me and a pet-peeve, so i beg forgiveness, but why not just be honest and direct? it would sound more mature in my opinion.

you mention that you did a number of iterations for the facade, before coming up with final system. its pretty standard facade from my perspective, so i found myself wondering what the other iterations look like. ditto sketches for the planing that you were involved in. If you want to show you learned something I would show those iteration images, and not bother with text explaining what you learned. the pictures would make it clear. and the page would be more interesting too. or at least to me it would.

while i am in the midst of being ridiculously anal, i would recommend labeling the detail as well. i assume it is a plan, but it doesn't say.

my 2 cents.

Jun 3, 09 4:00 am  · 

Am waiting for something to print and am finally getting to breathe... unfortunately not enough time to sleep though. I've got some sweet looking maps to show for it, for my exhibit and books. I want to do enough to hand out to the people who have helped me, but this has taken foreeeeeever just to get the bare minimum number I need.

I've read through a bit at random, and am I the only one totally undisturbed one way or another about the banning? I feel like I should care more, but I just can't manage it. On the portfolio spread above, I'd say limit the number of horizontal bands to 2, maximum. And make them contain a type of information that is consistent. Right now it's like different paths in a maze or a timeline, and I'm not always sure I'm following the right one.

Jun 3, 09 7:18 am  · 
liberty bell

fays, I'm pretty sure quibble is noctilucent. The name is more Rita Novel-esque, but the speak sounds like nocti.

I was asked to remove a 3/8" wide black leather studded wristband from my arm at Disney - actually, the plainclothes guy who approached me took my arm, removed the wristband, and handed it to me, recommending I put it in my pocket, smiling all the while. Creepily, creepily Mafia-like, and a middle aged man standing that close to and touching a 14 year old girl was, in retrospect, totally uncool.

Still, I'd like to take Angus to Disneyland ( in California) someday. he's not a big fan of rides, though, so it's not a big priority. Where he really, really, desperately wants to go is to Cape Canaveral to see a shuttle launch, and our time on that is running out!

jk, I've not looked at your portfolio as I generally don't feel I have much good critique to offer, but will try to today.

Jun 3, 09 7:18 am  · 

today will be an adventure. i've popped something in my back. it took me 20mins to get out of bed, a crazy amount of time to take a shower, and i'm still psyching myself up to try to put socks on. i wonder if i'll be able to get out of the car once i get in?

all because i was trying to empty a stupid blow up pool in the back yard...and it fought back.

Jun 3, 09 7:41 am  · 

Steven, Owww...

I have an occasionally reaccuring back problem I got when I use to powerlift (back when i was 18 and full of testosterone).

Good luck and good morning all.

Oh and archi, i responded to your post about the Hostel in the Forest.

Jun 3, 09 8:26 am  · 

ok. at work. got out of the car without incident (except that it started dumping rain immediately before i opened the door).

now i'm sitting in my chair wincing with each tiny move.

strangely, i'm in an exceptionally good - almost smiley - mood. and not because of drugs. go figure.

Jun 3, 09 8:56 am  · 
vado retro

The date yourself post...

When I was a kid we went to Cape Kennedy. It was cool. The ship on the launching pad was Apollo 11. You know the one that landed on the moon. We got within about a mile of it. And it just sat there. I didnt get to see it blast off. And Disney world did not exist.

My adventure ride (if you don't count teenage driving) has been limited to County fairs. I remember this ride called the sky diver i went on with my older cousin who was a bruiser. we were in this ride which of course spun one direction while circling in the other. well every time we spun my cousin would crush me into the metal cage that passed for windows and whenever we went upside all my change fell out of my pockets. I got out that ride bruised and broke.

I hurt my back playing air guitar in the shower back when i was in my 20's. If I recall it was to The Hoodoo Gurus. Couldn't walk for over a week and had to hobble for a month.

Jun 3, 09 9:23 am  · 

Thanks WK - they are 8.5 x 11... and you're probably right about some of the font sizes, in some places it's as low as 8 pt. I'll print out a test copy and see!

Cindy's drawing a blank... I am familiar with Maria, though! Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to work closely with her. =/


Jump, no - thank you! I totally agree, some of what I said is really cheesy/generic. I think that will be one of my biggest challenges (the writing part). Was it just the "I LEARNED" paragraph that turned you off?

And yea, I plan to add some sketches on the next page. And I'll label that detail. Thanks!


LB, please do!

Jun 3, 09 10:18 am  · 
liberty bell

OK, jk.

In terms of overall layout, the page (double spread) looks nice. I like the graphic band across the top, the informational band below, the use of grey, and the overall similar density across the pages.

I agree with jump that the "I Learned" section sounds too starry-eyed. But I very much like the system of text: the lettered paragraphs relating to specifics of the project, and the red "I Learned" as a summary of how your experience on this project will be useful to an employer.

My own pet peeve is that sections A, C, and D are all complete sentences, while section B starts with a phrase with a period at the end.

It looks really nice, in my opinion.

Jun 3, 09 10:31 am  · 
brian buchalski

seems like everyday there another sweet iphone app turning this polaroid photo

Jun 3, 09 10:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


JK, Ill look at your portfolio is a bit.

Steven, we bought Abe one of those cheap 10 dollar plastic pools. He doesnt play in it like he does the tub. Strange, right? Mostly he stands in it, and plays with the waterhose. He likes to splash me with it.

On a side note, being a stay at home mom hasnt been as rough the past 1.5 weeks as I thought it was going to be. I havent gotten any job hunting accomplished, but at the end of the day, I'm not frazzled and freaking out. I'm a bit proud of myself. We play a lot of hide and go seek, which isnt so bad.

The one thing I look forward to about having a kid is that I can do childish things without feeling silly. I've never been to Disney anyplace, but I went to Universal Studios Island of Adventure once. It was fun, but not a little kid place, not really. And when I see carnival rides now, I wonder what I was ever thinking to think that was fun.

Jun 3, 09 10:49 am  · 
Living in Gin

I love amusement park rides, especially roller coasters. I'm tempted to make a trip up to Kings Island while I'm in Cincy later this month, depending on how much time and money I feel like spending. It's been ages since the last time I was there, and I still haven't ridden The Beast. There's a few newer coasters up there as well.

Jun 3, 09 10:55 am  · 

Okay just because certain people have been railing about how great Conan was I decided to leave the comfort of my bed and watch a few minutes of it. Waiting for Conan to start I took in a bit of Colbert Report - which was the first time I've watched it and it wasn't a rerun. The opening sequence for Colbert has gotten ridiculously long and I kept trying to find other things to do as I waited for his entry monologue. So finally Conan started and I couldn't contain my laughter, not because of anything but the size of his head. It must be something about the Tonight Show that you must notice the host's head more than anything else... Johnny Carson had this wee body, Jay had the massive chin, and now Conan has a head that seems to be growing vertically and hair that's about to take off. WOW!!

And JK what they said... but I'll add that your best images that really give the project some bearing happen to be your smallest and I'm referring to the 4 elevations at the bottom left hand side.

Jun 3, 09 11:08 am  · 

And JK what they said... but I'll add that your best images that really give the project some bearing happen to be your smallest and I'm referring to the 4 elevations at the bottom left hand side.

hmmm - ok. have I just tried to cram too much on that spread? I can't think of anywhere else to show those images, if but on a new page.

Jun 3, 09 11:22 am  · 

jk re: portfolio page - same comments on text as others - awesome layout - I'd like to see some images to back up your text (or use images to describe something instead of text) - if you talk about process, show process (you know the old rule - don't talk about stuff you haven't shown)...
toaster's pet peeves: if you show renderings not done by yourself, make sure you give adequate recognition of who did them - and don't make them prominent if they aren't yours (the point is to showcase your work, not others' work). also - only a couple views of the same thing - just enough to describe what it is - not multiple views of the same thing to fill space - otherwise it seems like the project isn't living up to your layout. I'm also wondering if the work you did on this project warrants more than a couple pages... if you did some kind of really in-depth investigation on the envelope and you had a bunch of descriptive diagrams and several iterations that explored different performance or structural issues, for example, then I'd say it deserves several pages... if you're struggling to find something to say about the project, then my inclination is probably not.

anyway - you've got some great composition skills.

Jun 3, 09 11:25 am  · 

Yea toaster, my intent was to give a brief rundown on the project as a whole, show images of the tower, then look closely at my specific role in the entry/curtainwall/canopy - i cited the 3ds images as 'team renderings' in the text below them - should I be more clear?

Even though I had a lot of responsibility with the entry, there's only so many decisions I could make as a student intern so I was guided pretty carefully throughout the whole thing - ultimately it was left to one of the architects on the team.

Jun 3, 09 11:37 am  · 

DubK - I don't think they are really showing anything that you can't find in books or on-line about the white house. If you noticed a lot of the photos are from different sources.

jk - nice composition. My thoughts are pretty much on par with everyone else's especially the A. B. and C. parts. IMO it looks strange to have some as complete sentences while one is just phrases. And for whatever reason, it bugs me that the LEFT/ABOVE statement is right justified while every other one is left justified.

Jun 3, 09 12:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god there are so many bunched up panties over on the EvilP thread!

I can't keep up. I'm so, so worn out from being a working single parent. Steven, you know how exhausted we are every day at GSA? At this point, it's looking like a vacation, I mean at least I don't have to cook!

By the way, I hope your neck is getting looser as the day goes on and not hurting much.

Jun 3, 09 12:23 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I keep telling myself I'm done with that thread, but I always end up jumping back in. I need to do a better job of resisting that temptation. I am getting a kick, though, watching the usual suspects come out of the woodwork to circle the wagons around their beloved comrade. I think it would be helpful to have a discussion about how the forum can be policed and the house rules consistently applied in the future, but it's impossible to have that discussion when a bunch of shit-flinging howler monkeys have taken over the room.

Jun 3, 09 1:22 pm  · 

It's all Tough Love, LIG......

Jun 3, 09 2:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

uh...some of us don't wear panties. now that i think of it, the "panties in a bunch" cliche is kind of sexist.

Jun 3, 09 2:05 pm  · 

jk - I think directly below the image in italics "project team rendering" or "rending by so-and-so" or "rendering by others." is this for school, or finding a job?

Jun 3, 09 2:08 pm  · 

for grad school mostly - but I imagine I'll use it professionally, too

Jun 3, 09 2:12 pm  · 

I think you can be more descriptive about the project for school - "what I learned" is only really appropriate in this context, and you can get more into your process and what you did during the co-op - although - if this is for grad school applications, is this really your best work? does this represent who you are as an individual? if the answer is no, then I'd downplay this project. if it's for portfolio review for a co-op school, then I think what you have is appropriate.

for employment I'd only present a brief overview of the project (text and images) and a description of your role and a handful of your best details/drawings - one or two pages max. at this stage in your career employers will still be interested that you've got professional experience working on an interesting/high profile project at a good office even if it was in a support capacity (no one expects a summer intern to have much input on a project) - so you really don't need to oversell your experience with them.

Jun 3, 09 2:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, one of the benefits of not wearing pants is they never get in a bunch! You're able to swing free at all times!

And going back to my mention of the A Way With Words radio program, "Don't get your panties in a bunch" is just fun to say, regardless of the gender and undergarment proclivities of the assembled.

Jun 3, 09 2:23 pm  · 

One of my best childhood friends was British. His mum would always say, "don't get your knickers in a bundle." His father was a prosaic fellow who often shared his point of view (after spending several hours in his bar/den drinking and watching boxing or soccer). His most memorable offering was "Don't piss people off." We tended toward degeneracy those days, so we needed to hear it at least as often as he enjoyed sharing it.

taken on the way to my final nyc indoor soccer game last night...

Jun 3, 09 2:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We say "Dont get your knickers in a wad" down here, at least they do in East Texas.

Guess I'll have to go check out the EP thread.

Jun 3, 09 2:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Nice pic, AP... Got your email, but I have a schedule conflict tonight and I won't be able to make it. I'm sure our paths will cross again at some point, though. Good luck with the move.

My grandfather was British, and his favorite line was, "Don't make a spectacle of yourself."

I don't think Quibble is the same person as noctilucent; the language doesn't seem opaque and pretentious enough. I have a suspicion who it might be, but I don't want to "out" anybody's real name. Regardless of who it is, I'm starting to like him/her.

Jun 3, 09 2:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aww, AP: i feel like I am intimately familiar with what you're feeling right now. When I moved away from Philly I took a LOT of last minute photos of the stuff I just familiarly looked at every day, I felt longing for the city even before leaving!

Jun 3, 09 3:00 pm  · 

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