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liberty bell

Speaking of doggies, n_, are you kinda pissed off at Dan Savage over last week's column? I'm disappointed he didn't take a harder line. I'm hoping he'll do a later column where he reveals his "real advice" as he has done previously on controversial topics...

Feb 6, 08 11:56 am  · 
I need more puppy love in my life.

I couldn't agree with you more Liberty

I just recieved some publications in the mail (overseas territories) and all the projects featured were the ones I PM'd or designed. Now if I could just find a cool way to frame all of this to put on my wall

Feb 6, 08 12:04 pm  · 

following Super Tuesday - this seems appropriate

Feb 6, 08 12:05 pm  · 
vado retro

nick drake is soooo good in the rain. too bad im in an office and not at home listening to pink moon cuddling with a puppy...

Feb 6, 08 12:37 pm  · 


slow day in the office. still waiting to get paid. so I've been looking at an RFP we're working on for the SD/DD of an 107 story tower. Just wrapped that up and now time to archinect - yeay!

nice bright sunny day, but the temp is supposed to be dropping back down to the teens after a brief thaw....

the day after SUPER tuesday is rather anticlimatic. I want to vote again, and again!

The DFL (democrats & farmer's league) caucus I attended was the worst organized attempt at voting I've ever experienced. as we entered the auditorium, we were each handed a slip of yellow paper and instructed to write down our choice to drop in a trash bucket sitting on a table at the front. no IDs verified, names crossed off, or any other efforts to limit voting to a single occurrence. since they were running out of paper, they started ripping the slips in half- so what stopped lots of BO supporters from tearing their slip in half again and getting two-fer-the-price-of-one? since he got twice as many votes as hilary, maybe that's what happened... or not.

'picture' day is tomorrow in the office, so should I wear a bowtie?

Feb 6, 08 5:13 pm  · 

you should wear a bolo.

Feb 6, 08 5:14 pm  · 
vado retro

my sports medicine doctor yesterday wore a bowtie. he also said he wanted to be an architect!! one problem that archis have is that we do not use latin and greek. instead of plain english we should use latin and greek to talk about the particulars of our project. like the doctor uses. he had a resident with him and would push on me and say to the resident. i was pushing here against the latin/greek word for whatever muscle or bone he was talking about. thats where the bucks are. in latin and greek.

Feb 6, 08 5:19 pm  · 
jealous of the world

hmm.. what you need here is an ionic column.
..I think what this project needs is some corinthian leather walls.

Feb 6, 08 5:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

"corinthian leather" made me laugh, jealous.

I think vado speaks the veritas.

Feb 6, 08 5:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm getting ready to defenestrate one of our consultants~

Feb 6, 08 5:46 pm  · 

Tumbles I did direct mdler to the Rio Carnival Site in the local paper
for his and your viewing...see the Rio topic earlier today.

Feb 6, 08 6:01 pm  · 

Tumbles: see the thread : Archinecters in Rio de Janeiro

I'm dumb and don't know how to directly link you is fricking amazing what people can build...for floats.

Feb 6, 08 7:15 pm  · 

Tumbles : :)

Feb 6, 08 7:17 pm  · 

I need more puppy love in my life too, lb.

So after one trip to the doctor and two days on the second-worst medication I've ever been on, I went back and saw a different doc, who pronounced that I definitely do have bronchitis. Bah. At least it's the sort of diagnosis where my professors will actually be glad that I stayed home, though!

I don't know whether any of you guys have asthma, but anyone who's able to handle albuterol is a stronger person than I am.

Feb 6, 08 9:06 pm  · 

So today I lost my planning mojo that is. I think it happened when I realized yesterday afternoon that this collaborative project has become a competition between me and another person on the team. Unfortunately I never got the memo. It's really upsetting me, as I thought this would be a really great opportunity to bounce ideas off others, get feedback on my ideas, exercise my creative muscle, (as it's been a while since it's gotten any kind of real workout) and generally come up with a kick-ass design in which we all could feel we've contributed to and be proud of. But I guess I was wrong :o/. So now I guess I've got to redirect my mindset. Poop!

Feb 6, 08 9:27 pm  · 

just a word on the MN ballot, you have to sign in name and address, phone, and signature. the ballots cast cannot exceed the numbers of those signed is chaotic, but the DFL and the RNC had no clue of turnout, none. my convener was late, and as a precinct coordinator that pissed me off. what pissed me off even more were those that came to vote and did not know what precinct they were in or ward, so they had to track down the map and locate there polling area, we had 4 precincts in our building. our precinct in senate district 62 cast the most votes for obama, apparently where i live we are active folk, and don't let the man put us down. one word next time out, come prepared to be part of the process and do your homework.

Feb 6, 08 9:45 pm  · 

Liberty, I'll listen to his podcast tonight and give you my thoughts tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have an exciting night of laundry, Valentine card making, and Dan Savage awaiting.

Feb 6, 08 9:59 pm  · 

hi all. mommy is here. We had dinner at home, and wine - falling asleep

love to all

Feb 6, 08 10:45 pm  · 
vado retro

n___ i enjoy red sparkles and hearts on my cardS :)

Feb 6, 08 11:09 pm  · 
vado retro
Feb 6, 08 11:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, n_, I meant the written column in The Stranger (online) was disturbing. The podcast is actually great - I loved the line "Your husband has a bullshit loaded gun pointing at your son's head" addressing a woman with a freaky evangelical (as opposed to a normal evangelical) husband.

rationalist: my son took albuterol, inhald via a misting-thingy that's escaping my memory - a nebulizer, that's it - and the pediatrician plus my sister the doctor both told me it's a very benign medication with few side effects. He seemed to have none and did gget breathing relief from it. Are you taking it in another form, or maybe as an adult it's a significantly higher dosage? In any case, I hope the bronchitis clears up quick. You're on antibiotics for it, or no? Slippery elm bark tea is great if your throat hurts from the coughing.

Second night in a row of working til after midnight. I'm getting too old for this! But feeling very happy to be so busy.

Feb 7, 08 12:08 am  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Hello Mrs. Architechnophilia! (I'm standing by my chair like all polite guests should do.)

tunamelt, oh no! I guess you'll just have to embrace your inner Colette (warning: disney clip ahead).

Happy Year of the Rat!

Feb 7, 08 12:29 am  · 

anyone in barcelona or going to barcelona should check this place out:

new restaurant started by an architecture school classmate of mine who ditched architecture school after graduation and has now become a chef. restaurant is a hybrid of vietnam/neworleans/catalan. already got a mention in the travel section of the nytimes!

better yet, he opened the restaurant with one of our architecture school professors as his partner!

oh, and, let me know how it is. i probably won't get to bcn again until my kids are a little older.

Feb 7, 08 7:42 am  · 

funny thing about that professor. he could hardly EVER get through a review without using some sort of food analogy with reference to your project...

Feb 7, 08 7:42 am  · 

food analogys are always good - so are sexual ones.

tumbles mum is from Jamaica, but she was just arriving from carnival in Trinidad. She was severly tanned and was still hoarse from all the partying/screaming.

I have a bone to pick with puppy though - she went and jumped into bed with my mum - not me!!

Feb 7, 08 8:21 am  · 

OH NO Atechno!!! LOL!!! Perhaps she's just trying to make your mom feel welcome. I know how that feels though, kinda like you've been cheated on. It'll be okay.

Oysters I loved the clip. I totally agree... the inner bitch in me came out for a brief period yesterday. although not as witty as Colette. Guess I'll just have to work on it.

Feb 7, 08 8:27 am  · 

LB, I read the written column after listening to the podcast last night. I concur; I'm somewhat disappointed in his response. Did you read this week's column? Did you notice the letter from the Director of Communications at PETA?

Vado, red aparkles and hearts it is. I'll also add a doily because I extra love you.

Feb 7, 08 10:12 am  · 

Glitter makes everything better ;o)

Feb 7, 08 11:37 am  · 

hello tc! just catching up after the carnival holiday. looks like lb's pecha kucha went great, nice pics vado!

Feb 7, 08 12:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski

why does aml get carnival holiday and i have to work on leap day this year?

Feb 7, 08 1:17 pm  · 

I wanna go to Carnival in Rio....its like the Rose Bowl Parade with naked girls!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 7, 08 1:18 pm  · 

I'm thinking in honor of Valentines Day, this thread get revived.

Feb 7, 08 1:23 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Did Sarah Hamilton have her baby? She's been missing for a while.

Feb 7, 08 1:35 pm  · 

puddles, i think it's because you're in one of those islands that can't make up their mind which calendar to follow. just come on down to south america and enjoy the long weekends of summer [although we call it winter].

Feb 7, 08 1:44 pm  · 

I love making Valentines. This year I'm making a Valentines for every month my significant other and I have been together (40 something months = 40 something Valentines). I purchased beautiful handmade pink envelopes that are super long and narrow. Each envelope has a note written on dot-patterned vellum with a reason why I'm adore her, favorite memories of us, or a hint to the location of her real Valentine's gift.

I have fourteen more to go.

Feb 7, 08 1:54 pm  · 

n_.....does one of them include a picture of your cars after the fender bender?!? That was such a funny story. What a sweet gesture though. She is lucky to have you!

Another year, another crap Valentine's Day. Humph.

Feb 7, 08 2:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Valentines' Day is not a holiday I celebrate, it always feels forced and dreary.

However, i did just buy my son 32 Transformers valentines to give to his classmates - I admit I'm buckling under the peer-mommy pressure, but the Transformers keeps it a little subversive, in my mind.

beta: you have per, I have this guy. He brings out my inner radical feminist. I'm busy packing metaphorical (and hopefully humorous) molotov cocktails to lob at every comment he makes.

Feb 7, 08 2:55 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm happy to join you in that quest, LB.

Are there any thoughtful conservatives out there? In this forum and on another forum I frequent, it seems like the only conservatives who speak up are the ones who have all the nuance and critical thinking skills of a 10-pound sack of shit. They're hardly a credit to their movement.

Feb 7, 08 2:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DANG! Out of commision for a week, and theres a lot to read up on. And no, the kid has stayed put, which is extra unfortunate because I have been Super-sick with flu/croupe like symptoms, and you'd think all the coughing, nose-blowing, ect would encourage him to move on to a much more comfortable climate, he seems to be a stubborn one.

At least I'm starting to get better.

Glad everybody's everything is going so well, except your space-planning Tuna, that sucks, but you can take the compitition, I know it.

Feb 7, 08 3:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LiG, I'm personally pretty concervative, but I keep many of my oppinions to myself part in fear, and part in that I just havent taken the time to research the other sides argument, and therefore, don't want to get into a fight unprepaired.

Feb 7, 08 3:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

long weekends sound lovely

Feb 7, 08 4:13 pm  · 

Sarah, I don't think LIG thinks you are a 10 pound sack of shit. The analogy makes me giggle though, so I'm glad he mentioned it.

Also, I think there's a difference between being conservative, and being a Conservative. Very nuanced, yes, but the difference is that the former usually has common courtesy, while the latter often does not.

Feb 7, 08 4:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well-stated, DubK!

Feb 7, 08 4:38 pm  · 

I could use a long weekend. I think I may be gtting a cold. And I agree with WonderK, there is a huge difference from being conservative and being A Conservative.

Feb 7, 08 4:39 pm  · 

All of my clients are thoughtful conservatives.....yikes I need to find a new client base.....but maybe I will wait until the economy turns around.

Feb 7, 08 4:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

No, I was referring to people like Pimpanzee, SandRoad, and futurist.

Feb 7, 08 4:56 pm  · 
vado retro

i think vd should be a national holiday! i love vd and everyone else should as well. vd with me is not dreary or forced! it is pink and red and sparkly!!

Feb 7, 08 5:24 pm  · 

I hear you LB. There have been many times where I've sat and scratched my head, wondering "Is this guy serious? This has gotta be a joke." Unfortunately that's just not the case.

Feb 7, 08 5:42 pm  · 

hmm well its agreed, we have to do a walk through of the entire town of which its not fully designed in only 3.75 weeks. The dude doing it said he'd need 5 days to render it. Ack....2,75 days...stress

heading to dinner with mum

talk with you guys soon


Feb 7, 08 6:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Actually, my dad is a thoughtful conservative. And he's conservative in the really important ways: fiscally, yes, but he's also a recycling maniac and used to do a 14-mile bicycle commute every day because it's good for the environment AND his wallet.

I do have a difficult time arguing politics with him, however, as I inevitably end up regressing to being a teenager. I can talk parenting, my job, hopes and dreams, anything else with him with no problem - but once politics comes up I start feeling like a kid again and get whiny and defensive.

vado, I think you mean vd is pink, red, and tingly, right? I don't know from expereience, but I've heard...

Feb 7, 08 7:09 pm  · 

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