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liberty bell

Orhan visiting would definitely be reason to keep the food top-level gourmet.

archetype: good to meet you today. The Ball State lecture series looks great, I'm sure I'll be back up many more times this semester!

Happy weekend everyone. Husband is taking child to a hot rod show tomorrow, so i get a free day to work woo!

Feb 8, 08 8:11 pm  · 

steven, if you were in that party, you'd be coming with me to sam woo's, of course i'd buy and detour around the coop himmelblau's almost finished high school few blocks away and see it at night. after that i would drive you back to airport, driving through my custom selection of los angeles architecture and explain why jean nouvel's new condo project in century city will be very interesting to see. on the way to drive by that site, we would also talking about renzo piano's museum and looking at new chris burden sculpture on wilshire blvd. i would even pull to the side and you could snap a picture for your records. but that's not all, i would also throw in a little snap shot op for a schindler house around the block or see something else, a little rem, across from the king's (flw.)
i mean if you want to see the stars.
well, the choice is still yours. we could hang out at the dwell party and discuss imported german kitchens and find out who gives the best vendor lunches among the dwell advertisers and discuss the leed marketing one more time.

Feb 8, 08 8:43 pm  · 
oh shit Orhan!!!

- I think there is a market for these individual tours. I think you might have to pick me up when I visit LA on my way to enjoy the cocktail of women and whiskey. Coop, Nouvel, Renzo and a fine dose of Rem...sounds like a rich architectural experience, and just from an airport journey

Feb 8, 08 8:51 pm  · 

@ Orhan - Can I tag along too? Please?

@ Oysters - check your email :o)

Feb 8, 08 9:13 pm  · 

sounds like a blast, orhan! you're right, i'd ditch the party for sure.

last time in l.a. i got to visit this house by schinder:

the original owner, the guy who hired ol' r.m., still lived there! cool place.

Feb 8, 08 9:19 pm  · 

funny the tension between the car and the house is rather intriguing

Feb 8, 08 9:55 pm  · 

finally posted my portfolio circa 2001 to this thread

bigger versions on my flickr.

tuna- my brain is full of green goo, but drop me a note and I'll see if I can help.

had a pleasant time playing at CDES for a working review with MLA capstone kids this afternoon. now I have to pay for playing hooky and spend some office time tomorrow atoning for my sins.

ps- we're supposed to have a blizzard this weekend. wish me luck!

Feb 8, 08 10:29 pm  · 

so, the wife and i went to see some friends from jersey open for Marilyn Manson, fucking retards - the MM fans, and guess what? yep, you guessed right, this fucking skank ass cow, pulls thong aside squats and pisses in the corner by the merch table. time to go, before i fucking puke. damn skank.

Feb 8, 08 11:39 pm  · 

beta, that's disgusting. Now, close your eyes, I need to invoke Per for a minute.

Per, where are you? I wish we had a Bat Signal for Per...."come out Per, it's time to talk about silli Romans again...."

Anyway, Per, I was at this lecture at my school the other night, it was presented by Arup. And it was the damndest thing, but Cecil Balmond was talking about 3DH. Observe:

Wicked cool, right? Sorry you missed it, it was awesome.

(I looked for a better thread to put this on but I was afraid I'd get stoned if I brought back the Fancy Graphics lovers thread)

Feb 8, 08 11:48 pm  · 
vado retro

beta i saw the same thing at this ShOw!

Feb 8, 08 11:55 pm  · 

question, are the powers that be Republican Conservatives? i keep seeing advertising for the GOP and John McCain.

Feb 9, 08 6:07 am  · 

beta it could of been worse, the f'ing skank could of been at the GoP

Feb 9, 08 7:26 am  · 
vado retro

remember, its a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll...

Feb 9, 08 9:28 am  · 
Fuckin' Genius.
Feb 9, 08 10:45 am  · 

Mmmmm bacon. That is pretty cool.

@beta that's pretty disgusting indeed. I would have left immediately too.

@TK - check your email :o)

Feb 9, 08 12:37 pm  · 
vado retro

off to the office and you can bet i have my architecture sucks shirt on.

Feb 9, 08 12:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

n_, that's possibly even better than the Clocky.

Feb 9, 08 1:29 pm  · 

I need clocky!!!

Feb 9, 08 1:41 pm  · 

okay its almost 5pm, we've been cleaning since 9am - the garden/driveway looks wonderful. We are making a mean fish and vegatable soup for lunch so that we can go back and finish up. But its looking photo worthy now. Puppy is walking about, scratching herself at the moment.

So today my 60 yo mum and I did the following;

cleared the driveway of overgrowth
turned the soil
transplanted about a dozen plants on either side of the verges
cleared the cupboards of all wares
cleaned and moved all furniture to centre of living room
cleaned doors
removed ferns growing on verandah transplanted to driveway
packed wares into boxes and relocated to garage
demo'd vinyl tiles from the floor in the kitchen and dining
demo'd wall tiles in the kitchen

and then I opened the door to the guest bedroom and came apart in my hands...rotten to the core. Funny

Feb 9, 08 3:53 pm  · 

beta, are you referring to the Archinect powers that be? They are Canadian and German, and I'm pretty sure the German one is an Obama fan. Perhaps it's just on your computer....they have found you!

I got a new haircut today. It's best described as punky, which I enjoy. Also I have nothing to do today besides take pictures, so I'm going to get a nap too! I need that bacon clock to wake me up.

Yay Saturday.

Feb 9, 08 4:40 pm  · 
vado retro

okay i am at work listening to npr over the internets and their was a story about podcasts on and they played this story about a woman who had this bacon in her fridge and began talking to it and she had the same name as a certain bacon lover i know and for a minute i thought maybe this person talking to the bacon was this friend of mine with the same name who also loves bacon to the point of obsession and then i figured it wasnt the same person.

Feb 9, 08 4:43 pm  · 

I want to see the cute new cut, WK!

I did my civic duty and caucused today... They asked how many people were caucusing for the first time, and practically the whole place raised our hands. Absolute insanity. I didn't stay for the whole thing though, as they said that signing in and writing down our choice of candidate was the most important thing. So housemate and I signed in and got the heck out of there.

Feb 9, 08 5:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, pictures!!!!!! (Is it really short?! I'll bet it's adorable.)

Feb 9, 08 5:07 pm  · 
some person

Facebook your haircut photos, WonderK.

Feb 9, 08 5:10 pm  · 

come EmK show us the punky brewster haircut...

I think they should give out those bacon clocks as gifts when you retire.

Feb 9, 08 5:33 pm  · 

Rolled out of bed way to early for a Saturday...had to meet a mechanical contractor at a building to fix some ventilation problems that he has been going to fix since last summer. Met up was at 7:00
am. I arrived and managed to mess up the security alarm cause they have two pads.... and ended up with the police coming by to see what the action was. Contractor arrives pops some ceiling tile takes a look and says we need to go back to the shop and get the flexible duct we need so we should be back in an hour or so....cause were also going to go have breakfast....your welcome to come along....I said, Thanks no Thanks (cause i knew i would mess up the alarm again and have another visit from the big blue). Signed a contract with a new client, came home took a shower....payed a few bills.....thought it is a nice morning maybe I should go grab some outside measurements on a house I working on because this past week has been nasty here every day. Call the owner and they don't mind so I jump into the Jeep and about half way there it starts pissing ice from the sky. So I took about three measurements and said f**K this. Head back home and the Mrs is sitting in the car cause she is locked out of the house cause she went to the gym and didn't take her house key. She had been waiting for me for about 45 minutes cause all of our neighbors seemed to off doing something on saturday morning. Upon my arrival home she says we need to get groceries, so off to the store we go in the Land Yaught "TaJ" the 1984 Grand Marquis. Stop by the Post Office so things will go out today and not sit till Monday. We head to the grocery Store, spend way to much time and money there. Go to start the car and a dead
battery. I reach for the cell phone....damn left it at home. So our little 1/2 hour shopping turns into a three hour ordeal. We ended up catching a cab home. I realized damn I forgot the dog food, which is purchased at a different place.....caue we feed them only the best. So I took the Jeep picked up dog food went back to dead "Taj", jumped the car and drove it home. Mean time my mother inlaw has called and need my Mrs to give here a call about her younger brother,
which is never good. So I have to go spend money on a calling card, so they can talk for ages (because I love her). So I round up the neighbor and hitch a ride back down to pick up the Jeep. Then back home again. What a fricking day.....I'm going to go have a beer and call it a day.

Feb 9, 08 5:45 pm  · 

Come on DubK, you can't tell us about your new 'do and not show us a photo.

Feb 9, 08 5:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, your photo didn't load; I was excited at seeing your place all gussied up.

Feb 9, 08 6:31 pm  · 
vado retro


Feb 9, 08 6:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

snook, I hate that kind of day. What a hassle, one on top of the other. That series of events would at some point just make me sit down and cry. Hope tomorrow is better.

Feb 9, 08 7:46 pm  · 

I had no idea so many people would want to see my new haircut! Mind you, this is taken after a jaunt outside and a nap, so it's a little mussed up:

It's rather difficult to take a picture of one's own haircut. Also my hair stylist is treating my head like a work of art, she wants me to come back so she can put some strategically placed red and blond highlights in it. I said that's great, but I have to wait until I get paid again!

Feb 9, 08 8:29 pm  · 
vado retro

thats a nice haircut girlie. i got my hairs cut yesterday but am a bit disappointed with it. boohoo

Feb 9, 08 10:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Nice do, DubK.

I still need to find a decent barber/stylist here in NYC. There was a great place in Philly called Style of Man that I loved, but Philly is a long ways to go for a haircut. I'm sure there's similar places here in NYC, but I'm still trying to find one.

Feb 9, 08 10:15 pm  · 

hey what's with the claddagh ring? i thought that you were single?

Feb 9, 08 11:47 pm  · 

Wonder K

nice camera
really nice haircut
lovely ring
who does your manicure - nice
I wish we could see more of your face - it looks like those hidden photos I used to take.

sarah H, pic of me and my mum on flickr

Feb 10, 08 12:02 am  · 

picture was taken iin a mirror, hence that's her right hand, not left. you're safew, You can still ask her out.

those mirrors, they are so conniving.

Feb 10, 08 12:03 am  · 

i know, mana, i am married for the record, but the claddagh ring usually has special significance...

Feb 10, 08 12:24 am  · 

beta - she is.

The Claddagh's distinctive design features two hands clasping a heart, and usually surmounted by a crown. The elements of this symbol are often said to correspond to the qualities of love (the heart), friendship (the hands), and loyalty (the crown). The expression which was associated with these symbols in the giving of the ring was: "Let love and friendship reign."

The way that a Claddagh ring is worn on the hand is usually intended to convey the wearer's romantic availability, or lack thereof. Traditionally, if the ring is on the right hand with the design facing outward and away from the body, this indicates that the person wearing the ring is not in any serious relationship, and may in fact be single and looking for a relationship. When worn on the right hand but with the design facing inward toward the body, this indicates the person wearing the ring is in a relationship, or that "someone has captured their heart". A Claddagh worn on the left hand ring finger, facing outward away from the body, generally indicates that the wearer is engaged. When the ring is on the left hand ring finger and facing inward toward the body, it generally means that the person wearing the ring is married.

Feb 10, 08 12:27 am  · 

Love the 'do too.

Atechno - cute photo, although mum doesn't look all that happy. Hope you didn't work her too hard. She is on vacation after all ;o)

Feb 10, 08 12:29 am  · 

thanks for clearing that up....

Feb 10, 08 9:33 am  · 
brian buchalski

i've got a 16:00 appointment with my stylist today. i know i'm too old for it but i'd love to get a mohawk.

Feb 10, 08 10:51 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you said you're mom is 60?! She looks like she could take you anyday. One very tough lady. You better be on your best behavior. And you are much taller than I expected.

Feb 10, 08 11:14 am  · 

of course they want to see your haircut, you're "the famous WonderK", remember?

Just dropping by to say 'hi' to all before my day of hard-core designing starts.

Feb 10, 08 12:34 pm  · 
vado retro

i got an email that some of my posts were showing up under the name nicholas benjamin? wtf??? is up with that. now walter benjamin i could live with.

Feb 10, 08 12:40 pm  · 

oh, and the hair looks shagadelic, WonderK.

if you can't guess, I had to post again so that I could uncheck, "Notify me when someone responds to this post?".

Feb 10, 08 12:46 pm  · 

Great hair!

I have always wondered about the Claddagh ring. I see it quite regularly and didn't know the significance behind the ring. Interesting.

Feb 10, 08 2:10 pm  · 

got my hair 'trimmed' yesterday. nothing as fab as wK's doo, but that's to be expected. I miss my LA stylist.

do we know erin as some other name?

Feb 10, 08 2:39 pm  · 

I was wondering the same thing because she is the guest editor for this week.

Feb 10, 08 3:01 pm  · 
vado retro

i know her as another name...

Feb 10, 08 3:11 pm  · 
vado retro

i am at the office. its freezin inhere man. i got my carhart on and my feet are cold and for me thats where it ends. cold feet that is.

Feb 10, 08 3:12 pm  · 

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