
Thread Central

Oysters and Trifle

When I was studying landscape architecture, a couple of my classmates were attorneys. I wouldn't f' them off. I would, however, develop the reasons for my decisions. When, you have them on your side, it's like greased rails. Good attorneys have great minds.

Did I mention mercury's in retrograde? Not that I'm superstitious or anything...

Feb 4, 08 5:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oysters, is retrograde Mercury why I'm in such a piss-poor mood today? I think I'll blame it on that.

vado, there's a video of you saying "MachuPichu" out there on the internets....

Feb 4, 08 6:22 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Someone asked a philosopher what he thought of astrology. He answered, nowadays, there's so many other things pulling stronger.

Believe nothing, entertain everything.

Of course, to be rational for a second, thinking is good. Feeling is good. Feeling good is good.

Feb 4, 08 6:37 pm  · 

BAHHHH! Mondays suck!!!!

Thanks for your suggestions Atechno. I double checked the column grid and was wrong. They vary between 13' and 18' OC, just depends on the location within the building. At this point I am just working with boxes. Still no luck. I put a full day's worth of work in and all I have to show for it is about 4 mostly done schematics, i.e. nothing. Just as I think I have it figured out another flow issue comes up and I get stumped.

As I was leaving, one of the principles announces that there is going to be a presentation of which on any other day I would have jumped at the chance to attend. But after the mental marathon I had, it was all I could do to get to my car and drive home. Had I had prior knowledge I probably wouldn't have worked though lunch and would have had the energy to stay. Thanks for the advanced notice kids. In his defense though, the person heading the presentation had pretty much just called him and asked to use of our conference room.

To top it all off, I had to get gas today. Normally this wouldn't irk me so much but the gas station was crazier than normal. Everyone was trying to get up to the pumps, not realizing that in order to get to them you actually have to make room for the people that are trying to leave the pumps. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out folks. If you leave just a wee bit of room between you and the guy in front of you the person attempting to leave can actually manuveur in between. Morons. Every one of them.

Maybe some left over Thai will help get me out of this pissy mood.

Feb 4, 08 6:40 pm  · 
some person

...did anyone else see Cameron on the inside cover of Metropolis this month?

Feb 4, 08 8:08 pm  · 
vado retro

i saw cameron in contract magazine today. he's everywhere!!!where is this vidio at lb???

Feb 4, 08 8:56 pm  · 
vado retro

found it lb. i look like hell.

Feb 4, 08 9:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, hush. You look adorable.

tuna, that is just exactly the mood I am in today. I think it IS this Mercury dealio.

Feeling really *is* good, but right now all I feel like I can do is watch some mindless tube.

Feb 4, 08 9:27 pm  · 

LB - I had to do the exact same thing. Hopefully watching Zoolander will help me get a good night's sleep b/c this project has invaded my dreams. Literally. I dreamt about it both Saturday and Sunday night. WTF? I'm crossing my fingers tomorrow goes better.

Oysters - How long does this Mercury retrogade thing last? I really don't think I can handle another day of this. On the other hand, thanks for posting photos of those pretty Magnolia blossoms on my favorite thread.

Feb 4, 08 10:49 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Oh, tuna, you're funny. In the land of fruits and nuts, there's lots of people making money off of fruits and nuts; you can't be too vulnerable. Someone may just tell you here that your future looks spineless, and bam! you turn into a jellyfish. (Not that there's anything wrong with jellyfish; they're extremely smart and make pretty colors and patterns too!)

This is what I do sometimes: if nothing is going my way, it's because the Lords of the Cosmic Jest have found me entertaining and want to play a little. So I play with them.

C'mon, you're creative.

Sorry to hear about the space planning theatrics. What I used to do was develop one or two okay ideas as a fallback, which would free up my mind to explore more bizarre scenarios.

Oh, and if you come to L.A. in March, check out the Magnolia blossoms at the end of the parking lot at the Huntington Library. They have two or three different kinds that you can compare side by side, if I'm not mistaken.

Oh, and if you come to L.A., don't forget to try the guava pie at Tropical Cafe on Sunset and Parkman in Silver Lake. Flaky crust, hot cream cheesy filling, thin layer of guava jam on top of that...

Feb 4, 08 11:45 pm  · 

Oysters, you're funny. You're in LA? Want an invite to the party we throw when tuna gets here in March?

Super Tuesday tomorrow! So exciting!

Feb 4, 08 11:54 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

I'd be wary Wonder. I just might say your future looks spineless. (Totally untrue.) Oh heck, why not. Email me. I'd love to talk green with you. And purple and orange and light greyish yellow.

Feb 5, 08 12:16 am  · 

goodness I miss guavas. We had a tree at my familial home. I got to have some pommelo, today, though, which was a nice blast from the past.

kudos to libertybell for resuscitating the "phenomenology of the jobsite" thread--one of my faves and just in time for something I've been turning around in my head, too! We are two minds thinking alike, lb. (Does that mean we're great?)

in other news, my flowers -- beautiful lilies of peace -- appear to be an utter mystery! but they have been making me happy for days, so thank you, to whomever they are from. as i said to my friend mr. retro earlier : they are ever so gently filling my little minimalist white cubicle with color and scent and vitality. So I send a very, very heartfelt THANK YOU to the doner -- they came at the perfect time.

Feb 5, 08 12:46 am  · 

also, since I apparently will never, ever have time to make the mix tape I keep revising in my mind, here's a link to something that has been making me very happy lately :

Vampire Weekend

Check out song "M79" on the music page. (If you go to iTunes you can preview all the songs on the new album, which I highly recommend as they have a variety of different interestingly mixed-up sounds.)

StevenWard, lbelle, and possibly even Vado -- here's looking at you, kids. (Although this may be too happy sounding for vado?)

Feb 5, 08 12:52 am  · 

this is nothing groundbreaking or even new, you've prolly all seen it already, and you can (i did) guess the author before you even start reading the words because there is a picture first. But this really resonates with me and so I thought I would drop it here in case anyone cared and hadn't seen it.

I've had a crazy delicious day, accidentally caught a band @ the pub (that wants to hire me to brew beer!!!) that was mind blowing- the Andreas Kapsalis Trio. Guy plays a guitar like a man possessed. Tomorrow starts with snowboarding on 16+" of fresh and ends with a sushi date with my favorite woman.

i have a nasty cold, a partially torn mcl and some weird meniscus click, and practically no money, but I just don't care. About a year ago my life SUCKED (see page 71) so it's good to be sportin' the ol' shit eating grin 24/7 again.....

well its' 2am and I'm rambling, so thanks for listening!

Feb 5, 08 4:11 am  · 

shit I just realized that trio is playing @ Arcosanti on Friday. GO CHECK IT OUT!

Feb 5, 08 4:16 am  · 

congrats on living the good life, fro. sometimes it's just a matter of changing your frame of mind, hm?

ok, so two new music things to check out: vampire weekend & the andreas kapsalis trio. that vampire weekend track, mantaray, put me right back in high school. it's like the poppiest pop of new wave - except maybe after a little too much caffeine and gummi bears - all over again.

Feb 5, 08 7:17 am  · 

its tuesday

my mum comes in tomorrow and my house is a mess - worse puppy didn't go out this morning because it was rainy (understatement)so I'm sure she'll go stir crazy until I can get to walk her out a bit at lunch time.

Fro - last year this seemed to be a rough one for us all; great to see you are back up and grinning away. Have a eel roll for me and a slice of ginger.

today is the day - I'll let you know all, I might have to be blogging from mikkidees if I don't get the green light on the job.

Feb 5, 08 8:06 am  · 

Oh and i have 2 dozen guavas in my freezer right now used to make smoothies. Yum!

Feb 5, 08 8:07 am  · 

Atechno - i'm sending postive vibes your way. No blogging from mickidees allowed.

Feb 5, 08 8:12 am  · 
liberty bell

FRO, that ando text is nice. The notion of introducing a bit of "captured" nature (as it is in this house) so that one can perceive the changes of nature through the day and through the year is a big one for me. Growing up in Arizona, the mountaiens were always this distant indicator of time of day/weather/season. Her in the flatlands I struggle with finding it.

The bird feeder outside helps, a little. On a very different scale.

Feb 5, 08 8:28 am  · 

lb, these days you just need to hang an anemometer and a rain gauge next to that bird feeder. when they all blow away, you'll know exactly what's going on!

Feb 5, 08 8:49 am  · 
John Cline
This guy amazes me.

I wouldn't give a crap, but i love my pbs and npr. Why can't he just go away quietly?

Feb 5, 08 9:20 am  · 

gotta be signed up, i guess, john.

Feb 5, 08 9:30 am  · 
John Cline

oh shit. sorry. wife sent it to me so i just clicked on the link within the email..

Feb 5, 08 9:40 am  · 
liberty bell

My mother-in-law is such a fucking drama queen, and I'm really fucking tired of it.

That's all. I have to head to a meeting now. Grrrr.

Feb 5, 08 1:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

anybody else interested in applying for this job? granted, the whole enterprise could use some work...but oddly enough, i think my grumpy old man attitude would probably mesh well with hef in the face of all these fresh kids with their crazy new ideas...i wonder what the interview would be like?

Feb 5, 08 2:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow... I wonder how much they're planning to pay for that position.

Feb 5, 08 3:06 pm  · 


you could show up to work in a smoking jacket

Feb 5, 08 3:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

heh... Five-martini lunches probably wouldn't be frowned upon, either.

Hmm... Why sit here designing transitional housing facilities for homeless people when I could be living the life with Heff and a bunch of Playmates? Damn social conscience.

Feb 5, 08 3:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

probably not much pay...but i'd imagine that there's some nice intangible perks involved. let's weigh this one: paid internship at playboy vs. unpaid internship with oma (or other starchitect)?

oh, and i already show up to work in smoking jacket...sometimes pajamas too.

Feb 5, 08 3:36 pm  · 
vado retro

just like julian schnabel...

Feb 5, 08 3:38 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ah shit...i can't compete with schnabel...he'll definitely score the internship before i even have a chance

Feb 5, 08 3:44 pm  · 

LIG- hef's daughter runs the day-to-day operations - pretty sharp business woman i've heard, hef is just the figure head and viagra endorser. they were very low budget when I did some work for mystique films back in '95. email me if you want the name of that skin flick.

Feb 5, 08 4:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yeah i doubt you'd get to even meet hef...the job posted is in nyc and it seems the old man doesn't like to leave the mansion in holmby hills very often. i've seen a few episodes of his show on the cable tv channel. the one where one of his blonde girlfriends (holly? molly? etc) tried to redecorate the work out room in the basement. hef seemed reluctant to part with the old couch.

it's amusing to look at the vintage playboy stuff from the 1950s when hefner had this kind of sophisticated swingin' urban bachelor pad image and to contrast that with today where he living a much more schlock-laden, tv-land existence.

Feb 5, 08 4:34 pm  · 
vado retro

i think they want your blood to transfuse into the heffer.

Feb 5, 08 5:15 pm  · 

No one seems to be taking the bait about the skin flick you play the pizza boy, if so I think I've seen that one already.

Tomorrow mi mamma comes to visit - I'm so excited. I'll have to pick up a couple bottles of red wine after work, but the house is relatively tidy. She'll understand she knows her only son/2nd child doesn't really know the difference between tidy/messy very well...5 days should be fun.

Feb 5, 08 6:12 pm  · 

wasn't so lucky to be in front of the camera. I was the prop master ;-p

enjoy that maternal visit!

I'm off to caucus!

Feb 5, 08 6:27 pm  · 

just saw Dr. XXX, Architect and thought they were continuing the conversation about hef!


Feb 5, 08 6:28 pm  · 

Wish I had known there was a current disscussion about Hef (though I did see the job post for an interior designer :D!!!); I'dve chosen a different title!

Feb 5, 08 6:56 pm  · 

In the true spirit of Thread Central, I present to you our endless political threads which may be currently found respectively on pages 1 through 3:


Obama '08

Super Tuesday

Are you a McCainIAC

Archinectors Super Duper Tuesday Poll



Run Hillary Run


futurist, how about you start a Romney thread?

Wow. I think I got them all. How about we talk architecture now?

Feb 5, 08 9:47 pm  · 
vado retro

so i went to the sports medicine doctor today and i got an inflamed ulnar nerve in my left arm and got a brace for it and i got right rotator cuff problem and the beginnings of arthritis in my right thumb. other than that i m great. also, i am fucking sick of february thunderstorms and tornado warnings. wtf? is up with that...

Feb 5, 08 10:42 pm  · 

I have a ton of homework to fact I'm overwhelmed at the moment....instead of working, however, I'm sitting here watching NBC on TV and NYTimes on my computer screen and I can't get enough of these maps with all the blue and red and purple and ochre on them. Super Tuesday is way more interesting to this nerd than the Super Bowl was!

Feb 6, 08 1:54 am  · 
brian buchalski

year of the rat...almost here...hope i live to see it

Feb 6, 08 7:48 am  · 

had to wake up the girls and take them to the basement last night. they're not old enough to think this is an adventure yet, so it was sort of a pain. [yawn.] sleepy.

Feb 6, 08 7:50 am  · 
liberty bell

I did an electrical plan huddled in the dark in Angus' bedroom - we don't have a basement. Luckily I didn't wake him!

My car roof leaks, so I'm kinda soaked today.

Feb 6, 08 8:28 am  · 


You might want to visit the site I posted at Rio....for Brazilian Float Building 101.

Feb 6, 08 10:27 am  · 

LB its funny how my brain works - but I read and re-read your post a few times and still it seems like your basement leaks on the electrics. I think I need re-wiring

Feb 6, 08 11:32 am  · 
Oysters and Trifle

liberty bell, I have a tiny leak in my first generation miata happening around the seal with the window and the top near the front, and it drops right on the seat. So 'Pasha' stays in the stable. If I angle my collapsable sun shade just right, it redirects the drops onto the floor well.
Also, I have to drive that thing like a Buick when I'm in the wet stuff. (I will refrain from allusions to rear ends and Fred Astaire.)

Feb 6, 08 11:37 am  · 
liberty bell

Likewise, Oysters, I drive like a grandmother in the rain. I took the sunshades off - a cleaner look, and I never used them - but maybe I could have kept one to use as a baffle like you suggest - my leak drips right on my leg above my knee, and sadly the seat is soaked so I'm sitting on a fleece throw today.

Got a new job today! It's small, and the owners have already redone most of their house, but they are well-connected so I will try to keep them happy. They also have two big adorable doggies who brought me toys as offerings when I came to the front door. I need more puppy love in my life.

Feb 6, 08 11:54 am  · 

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