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Hi eRin. thanks Orhan for the clue.

Feb 10, 08 3:41 pm  · 

OK first of all, you guys are so cute talking about my hair and my ring. tuna is 100% correct, I am single and that claddaugh ring is positioned as such. Guys who know about it usually have a leg up on the competition because they know I'm available!

Secondly, this hair does feel quite shagadelic. There is something about getting a good haircut, by someone who loves to do it and does a good job. There are very few services where I am willing to pay more than just the cheapest thing available, but this is one of them....and when they do a really good job, I'm like, "here, please, take my money".

Thirdly (is that a word?), Erin is, as barry alluded to above, the "real version" of one of our most rational TC friends. Yay for another dual-action archinector!

Sometimes having a screen name and a real name on here feels like being Peter Parker/Spiderman. I like to think of our screen names as superhero versions of all of us....let's play a game. Here is the question:

What is your screen name's superhero power?

Rules are, you can pick anything you want, and then we get to debate it. Go!

Feb 10, 08 6:22 pm  · 
vado retro

i think wk got that ring before she met me cuz she knew of my rep of hitting on girls with shagadelic hairstyles and rad tour guide skillz...

Feb 10, 08 6:25 pm  · 

Shit! After a whole day of my mind racing you now want me to think of my superhero power? GAHHHH!!!!!!

Feb 10, 08 7:57 pm  · 

Yes I do!

So I went ahead and made it a thread. Good thing my 100th entry is so profound, lol.

Feb 10, 08 8:14 pm  · 

You suck DubK ;o) But I love you anyway.

Feb 10, 08 8:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, congrats on 100 DubK! As others have said, the haircut is, indeed, shagadelic. It suits you. I mean, it suits your face and style, and yes, your shagadelicacy (how's that for a new word?!).

NOTICE: To the person who called me today to say thank you, I'm very, very happy to have been helpful, and I meant every word I wrote. You rock.

techno, I can't see your mom's pic! :-(

I've just about had it with weather in the teens and waking up every night worried that a tree is going to blow over on my house. I'll be one happy bell when I can start gardening again.

vado, lunch tomorrow? I still have your birthday present in my car!

Feb 10, 08 8:52 pm  · 
vado retro


Feb 10, 08 8:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Excellent, I'll call you in the morning. Gotta go put my kid to bed.

Feb 10, 08 8:57 pm  · 

Liberty - I just got word that the "White Death" should be arriving in the 'nati sometime tomorrow evening. Tonight's low is 3 degrees *le sigh* and it was so nice yesterday.

Feb 10, 08 9:03 pm  · 

Love the hair...

I too would love a LA Orhan narrated tour.
Between that and whiskey drinking i may have to get out to LA sometime.

Most likely i would combine the two.,

Feb 10, 08 9:41 pm  · 
vado retro

aml- pride and prejudice is on!

Feb 10, 08 10:04 pm  · 

WonderK I want to hear abou SpeedyPeety

Feb 10, 08 10:08 pm  · 


there is some MDLER in BH worth checkin' out...

Feb 10, 08 10:12 pm  · 

hi vado!

i don't think i get that channel, but i do own the dvd for the bbc series

[i should say facebook is guilty for vado discovering my weakness for english melodrama]

Feb 10, 08 10:12 pm  · 

mdlear, is it done let's go! you me tony.

Feb 10, 08 10:33 pm  · 

yeesh, the bbc version drives me crazy! It's like they shoot all their movies in a super-soundproofed box -- there's no subtle background noise to create realistic ambience, and the sounds of each word die away quickly while the characters are still speaking. Every sound sounds too tightly controlled and thus overtly staged -- a door closing has all the weight and presence of a new character in the scene -- in fact, every BBC movie / series to me sounds as though it is being filmed on a closed stage rather than in situ. Thus it lacks a vital realism that I need to stay interested. Ugh. Plus it is like 8 hours too long -- at that rate you should just go and re-read the book!

A better version is the Gwyneth Paltrow movie of Emma... oh, so excellent!

Feb 11, 08 12:24 am  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Neat haircut, WonderK! I ask everyone who gets a new one, "What does it look like when you do the Cher thing?"

Feb 11, 08 1:09 am  · 
liberty bell

vado: Angus has a 101.4 d. temp and is staying home today - gottta cancel lunch, though I may drag him to the stone yard with me this afternoon, poor kid.

Feb 11, 08 7:39 am  · 

get better angus! (sick days at home with mom are always pretty cool though.)

Feb 11, 08 7:47 am  · 
vado retro

okie doke give him lots of treats.

Feb 11, 08 8:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My mom always gave us Jello-Fruit cups when we were sick. They were almost always green jello with pinapple chunks, tasty, and made for visually exciting vomit.

My dad always gave us 'salt-sugar water' or salty koolaide, niether was tasty, and it always made us sick. Yeah for home-made electrolites!

Get well soon Angus!

Feb 11, 08 9:39 am  · 


Homemade electrolytes.
That is awesome!

Feb 11, 08 9:47 am  · 
...visually exciting vomit....

Yes! Thank you Sarah, that made me giggle. Kinda gross but funny.

Feb 11, 08 11:00 am  · 

negative seven when I left the house this morning. my office is barely 50 degrees (or so it seems) so I'm still wearing my hat.

anybody with supertall highrise experience??? got some questions.

Feb 11, 08 11:12 am  · 

a busy weekend and you miss so much on TC

tunamelt - momma insisted she help with the house both inside and out. She's a marathon running/carnival jumping/demolition momma

Sarah H, thanks...I'm 180cm | I don't feel tall but my mum is tiny (great momma goodness comes in tiny momma packages)

Erin Williams and Emily Kemper - you two inspire me, I will likely have to change my secondary archinect name to reflect real name/nombre

Liberty Bell - the momma & me pic is on flickr. Click to view your friends pics

my momma is the star of my post :-)

ps. is it really just the hair that makes WK shagedelicious?

Feb 11, 08 2:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, where've you been today?! I have island questions for you...

What is the weather like between say November and January? Are rental 'villas' really so cheap as 1200 a week? Are there areas to AVOID if vacationing?

I guess I could've emailed you, huh.

Feb 11, 08 2:14 pm  · 

Sarah - sorry it was a shit crazy morning

island quesetions...right! Between November and January the weather is great perfect for tanning without breaking a sweat! Yes villas are fairly cheap at $1200 a week - some for less. I can recommend a few if you like, almost all are single occupancy (a group if you like) with great views of the sea and pools. Okay actually they are ALL like that. Areas to avoid? Hmmm explain - countries, citys or sections of Monty. That's a loaded question - tell me more. pls

email me if you like

Feb 11, 08 2:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Areas to avoid would mean the less than savory places, (i dont know anything about your island, except that their tourism website BLOWS), and the overly touristy places. I'm doing prelimenary research for a possible family vacation sometime in the next 5 years. The island seems inexpensive, and quiet - I hate the touristy/site-seeing thing. I love immersing myself in local culture.

Feb 11, 08 2:24 pm  · 

oh sarah...Monty is so tiny that there aren't any unsavory places to go. It is one of those places where anyone color/creed can feel safe anywhere. Montserrat is so anti-tourism | some of the people actually won't believe you are a tourist...thinking instead that you just bought a house and live there ... so come to my island and immerse yourself into the local culture. I'm trying to desperately make up for what is lacking on the website

Feb 11, 08 2:42 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

I feel so naked using this email address...yet it feels so liberating

Feb 11, 08 2:54 pm  · 

Welcome David..

Man everyone is switching to their real name now.

Love it,.

Feb 11, 08 3:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Except that I don't know people by their real names. Who is David? Can we get a hint? I know EmK and I think I know Erin, though I'm not 100% on that one. She rides a bike though, right?

Feb 11, 08 4:36 pm  · 

Sarah, Erin rides a bike and lives in Seattle. David should be emailing you about island life shortly! :o)

Feb 11, 08 5:12 pm  · 

nam, I don't think that everyone is switching to their real names necessarily. They are just options that are out there, particularly when posting something you really stand behind vs. community nonsense.

Feb 11, 08 5:38 pm  · 

This real name thing is rather a interesting phenomenon. Anyone else?

Today was the most unproductive day I've had in a while. The thing that really sucks is that I have a lot on my plate before we meet with our client Wednesday. It doesn't helps that many people in our office have very little to do, hence people milling around and disturbing the flow of thought. On a good note though, one of the principles made nice comments on the artistic photos I took of the building that I picked out to be used on some presentation boards. I'm hoping to use the photos as a way to pick out some preliminary color schemes as well. I also found out that I'm not the only one banging their head against the wall over laying out the space, as some areas are really awkward.

SH - I admire your vacation planning. I know you said it's a while off but, I think that's why I find it so admirable.

Feb 11, 08 5:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ah you crazy kids with your anti-disguise disguises. Maybe I will get a screen name that isn't my real name....or not, too much work.

Feb 11, 08 5:42 pm  · 
John Cline

what's in a name i wonder?


Feb 11, 08 5:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey, a girl has to dream about something, right? Gives us something to look forward to.

Feb 11, 08 5:51 pm  · 

Seriously folks... the snow hasn't even started yet and there are already snow emergencies and school and businees closings in the area. WTF?

Feb 11, 08 6:51 pm  · 

it's started here!! :)

Feb 11, 08 7:41 pm  · 

it all started with an email from paul. with all these unmasqueings, I keep on checking here to see if there are any additions...

Feb 11, 08 7:51 pm  · 


Mine has always been the un-incognito moniker, so i find it exciting or at least confusing. Almost as if i never thought of them as just screen names. In my head i guess i though about knowing a Treekiller, or a WonderK. Fun stuff.

As for travel planning. Sarah i second Tuna. Always nice to daydream and plan logistics.

Also, too bad it is so snowy for some. I have been enjoying the atypical cold here, personally.

Feb 11, 08 8:25 pm  · 

I'd use my own name if I didn't think seeing my last name would send people into a panic attack ;o)

After all it has 12 letters in it and four syllables.

Feb 11, 08 8:31 pm  · 

i'm not afraid. I just won't try to pronounce it ;-)

Feb 11, 08 8:34 pm  · 

LOL!!!! Not many people do. I love to mess with people when they ask for my last name, especially when they are taking notes or doing something where they have to wrtie it down. I'll say it and watch them blanch as they attempt to spell it. It's pretty hilarious actually.

Feb 11, 08 8:39 pm  · 

how many nervous breakdowns per week would be the safe limit?
in all your esteemed opinions, im just curious.

Feb 11, 08 8:53 pm  · 
some person

eeek! that's awesome, tunamelt.

My maiden name has 9 letters total, 4 vowels, 3 syllables
My married name has 6 letters total, 1 vowel, 2 syllables.
Both are unpronouncable.

I'm not ready to use my full name here... :)

Feb 11, 08 8:57 pm  · 
some person

and p.s., an informal poll:

Is anyone else getting tired of this?

I wish the dialogue were formulated in such a way for us to give meaningful, progressive input.

Feb 11, 08 9:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Today I dragged my poor son along to two job sites- oneof them twice - and the stone yard. He was such a little trooper, and wore his (my) hard hat at both sites. At the stone yard he sat quietly and "read" my Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes book. Now he's in bed and I hear him coughing - lordy I hope he's well enough to go to school tomorrow!

And now I'm catching up from a day mostly lost trying to get prepped for two meetings tomorrow. Plus the jobs keep coming in, we're swamped (crosses fingers that it stays this way).

Steven: I've never read Calvin and Hobbes to Angus until today - and I'm made a bit nervous by how much he loves it ;-)!!!

Feb 11, 08 9:20 pm  · 

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