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congrats on surviving and thriving LB! pics do indeed suggest a blast was had. love the pics of vado. the images match the legend.

i love those posters. fairey is coolio. have seen his images afore but didn't know his name. i am same age as him so should be old enough to be thrilled or apalled by the message but i am unmoved cuz i'm politically pagan. the artwork is brilliant though.

Feb 2, 08 8:19 pm  · 

okay I'm back from the party.

Ack! I kept the limes from the previous drinks in my cup, I counted 7 - damn that's alot. I'm a little out of it - glad I didn't walk the 3 houses down...I know I know I know - how lazy (my defense was the puppy would see me walk out and want to join me...uhmmm it was raining)

so now i'm drinking apple juice, letting puppy out for a crunk/pee and watching snl reruns - tina fae rocks!

Feb 3, 08 12:14 am  · 

I'm home already, too.... how disappointing. I may have picked the wrong party, but I'm not in any condition to make my way to the other one either. = (

Feb 3, 08 3:10 am  · 

My roommate dragged me out of the apartment to a bar up the street from us tonight, which was surprisingly happening. We befriended some enthusiastic straight male dancers and later found out that they were European....unfortunately, aformentioned roommate wouldn't let me bring any of them home, so I might just have to go back to that bar and make more friends soon.

Next weekend I have a whiskey-drinking date with tumbles.....woo hoo!

Feb 3, 08 5:11 am  · 
vado retro

the day the MuSiC died (:

Feb 3, 08 9:24 am  · 

Thanks everyone for the belated birhday wishes. I had an excellent evening eating mass amounts of yummy Thai food and partaking in good conversation. Although I must admit I was in bed asleep by midnight. The consequences of turning another year older, I guess.

LB many congrats on a successful pech kucha presentation. Sounds like you kicked some ass. I am also interested in seeing the images you used.

Feb 3, 08 10:48 am  · 

hmmm I thinks me has to fly to LA next weekend for the Tumble K whiskey drink-a-thon sponsered by Johnny Walker

Feb 3, 08 1:50 pm  · 

that sounds like a great party, wish I could be there! (any blue label being served?)

beta- love your list. it is a great list. it is better then my list. But the pats will still win.

Feb 3, 08 2:38 pm  · 

WK & Tumbles, have a drink for me! Wish I could be there...

Feb 3, 08 2:46 pm  · 

Poop! I wanna come too. Couldn't you guys have waited a few weeks longer? Mid March would work so much better ;o).

Feb 3, 08 5:07 pm  · 
vado retro

i had me a couple of oban's the other night.

Feb 3, 08 5:14 pm  · 

I heart the whisky bar, too, tumbles. After my birthday (that you & mdler missed!!!), I guess some of my other circle of friends came to heart the whisky bar too. Unfortunately only a couple of them found the appropriate amount of humor in the decor though.

WTF was I thinking when I signed up for courses this quarter? How did I end up in THREE studios????? And why, oh why, must they all have deadlines in the same two days? Oh yeah, maybe because people aren't supposed to take this many studios!

Feb 3, 08 6:00 pm  · 
Feb 3, 08 6:05 pm  · 
Feb 3, 08 6:06 pm  · 

I'll have to make sure that my house is stocked with enough whiskey in case any archinectors drop in. So the cellar might end up being not just a wine storage but a whiskey bar as well. Hmmm drunk in the familiar that sounds. Oh well - here's to a happy life.

Feb 3, 08 6:28 pm  · 

man, i'm not worth nearly as much: $168.63. simply confirms what i already suspected...

Feb 3, 08 6:44 pm  · 
liberty bell


Yes, I did stretch the truth a little ;-)

Also I have to protest: no questions about skills? For example, to someone with a grammar fetish (NSFW) I wouldn't be worth much, though I could turn on a punctuation fetishist pretty well.

Feb 3, 08 7:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also, I just spent half an hour with my son watching the Puppy Bowl. Infinitely more interesting than the Super Bowl, which is where I know most of TC is right now!

Feb 3, 08 7:11 pm  · 

The Savage Love podcast has discussed grammar/vocabulary fetishes twice in the past month. I never knew such a thing existed until then. Who knew I would learn some much from a sex advice podcast?

Feb 3, 08 7:16 pm  · 

via the short form I'm worth $226.25 an hour....makes working a 10 hour day far more bearable.

Feb 3, 08 8:03 pm  · 
vado retro

do you girls take post dated checks?

Feb 3, 08 8:09 pm  · 
vado retro

why dint tom petty play this TuNe?

Feb 3, 08 8:18 pm  · 

my hair brought me down $3/hour to

$190.26 per hour

that's pretty close to my billing rate (I wish!!!!)

Feb 3, 08 8:19 pm  · 

if tk rated $190 with THAT hairline, then it must be because i'm from kentucky! ; )

if they had asked about the grammar thing, i actually think my $$$ would have been much higher.

my favorite moment of the superbowl: [closeup] 'and those are the bananas.'

Feb 3, 08 9:38 pm  · 

right now I'm worth $220.24 per hour. If I ever reach my goal weight, I'll be worth $265.80 per hour. So it seems that every pound gained equates to a $2/hour loss.

Feb 3, 08 9:48 pm  · 

okay, that last giants score was pretty amazing...even for a football-ambivalent like me.

bring on the fun commercials! hope they had some saved up for an exciting ending!

Feb 3, 08 9:59 pm  · 
vado retro

manning get away from being sacked and the helmet catch was amazing! everyone should read frederick exley's "a fan's notes". in honor of the giants victory. just for the record i hate east coast teams.

Feb 3, 08 10:07 pm  · 

wtf was that last second for?

oh, an middle aged, albino dwarf hung like horse with halitosis is worth
$246.43 per hour in vegas...

Feb 3, 08 10:24 pm  · 

$296.40. Wow! That's based on the short form.

Feb 3, 08 10:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow.... I'm apparently only worth about $176. Still better money than my daytime gig, though.

Feb 3, 08 10:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles: I thought of you at PK when one of the presenters showed a Carribean blue sea with the text "The only networking I do is naked and on a yacht".

Kitty Halftime show was certainly cute, though I prefer the puppies. I actually did see and enjoy the last 8 minutes of the real game, too.

Feb 3, 08 11:04 pm  · 

i am worth just a tad under 190.00. if i were in new york, where i assume the prices are higher. afraid to find out how much i am worth in kentucky. probably i have to pay people just to talk to me.

game was on tele but i only could catch the ending-after-the-ending where everyone was screaming at the incredible play that finished the game. was kinda funny cuz they were doing live japanese dubbing over the english. like watching iron chef but with football interviews...if you thought the former was inane, this was hilarious.

Feb 3, 08 11:08 pm  · 

ha ha, i would have loved to see the japanese version!

i pretty much only caught the last 10 minutes, which was perfect. good job, eli! i'm amazed at how well he held it together with all that pats defense at his throat play after play. impressive, simply impressive.

and that last second was retarded.

party at the mannings house tonight!

Feb 3, 08 11:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've nearly filled out the top tier! Guess I better go make my kid's lunch.

Happy Monday all. It's foggy here, and not just in my brain!

Feb 4, 08 7:38 am  · 

Go Giants (for all those born in Brooklyn boys)!

It was super foggy here yesterday morning and today as well..

Feb 4, 08 8:17 am  · 

Liberty I'm hurt you didn't think of me :-( naked networking in the Caribbean...ah well

So I'm supposed to be nervous as hell, because tomorrow I should find out if I will be gainfully employed for the next 10 months or not. Otherwise come end of the month, I may have to sell the house I just bought and take the prostitue price from theory into practice. Nonetheless I'm remarkably calm. My PM's wife queried why I was so cool about it - and I must admit that since my seizure I've had to remind myself that its not worth stressing about. So....yeah

Feb 4, 08 10:39 am  · 

good luck, techno! I'm amazed at your balls: I never would have bought a house without having semipermanent employment secured. I hope it all works out for you.

In other news, on top of my stupidly heavy workload, I think I may have bronchitis now. I thought my cold had gone away, and then it magically reappeared in my chest, and now it hurts to even breath deeply. Great, that's just what I need! Guess it's time to test whether my student insurance is any good.

Feb 4, 08 10:43 am  · 

speaking of balls, I found some of those questions in the sex hire pricing, a little well specific. Yet they asked nothing about my .....bells? Maybe in the men's long version that is yet to be complete.

<embed src="" quality="high" width="180" height="210" name="scroll" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" /><br />Chocolate Salty Balls Lyrics</embed>

Feb 4, 08 11:26 am  · 

stupid cut & paste...yah raitonalist, I mulled it over and if I didn't buy it now I wouldn't be able to. And if I don't have a job, I can work full time on the house, and pretty much make 2ble my annual salary in 6 I bit the bullet. Most of these decisions were alot easier to make by the fact that my SO turned a house here before, and the market has improved significantly since.

Although I hope I don't jinx myself.

Feb 4, 08 11:30 am  · 
liberty bell

OK, that a-techno piqued my interest, I have to go pretend to be a man and fill out the men's pricing predictor form...

...and techno, honey, I didn't think of you naked on a yacht because the presentation using that line was totally ironic. Which seems more puddles' speed than yours, even though I know puddles only pretends to be ironic and wonders why we all think he really is so.

Truth is you're both sweethearts, I'm sure of it.

Feb 4, 08 11:38 am  · 

ahhh no I'm blushing considerably (despite my shade - see letter m)

Feb 4, 08 12:08 pm  · 

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Today I really fucking hate existing columns, esp. when they are between 12' OC and 14' OC. Makes it feel nearly impossible to fit any decent size cubicle configuration into the space. I've been working on a few schematic layouts for four days now and every time I think I have it, something goes haywire. Doesn't help matter any that the building was added onto several times so I'm dealing with some very awkward placements of load bearing walls. Back to the grind. Keep your fingers crossed I figure it out soon, as my PM would like to see something by the end of the day (I think).

Carry on!

Feb 4, 08 12:48 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Time for custom millwork workstations!

Feb 4, 08 12:51 pm  · 
Oysters and Trifle

Mind if I join the party?

Happy birthday to all us aquarians! Is mercury in retrograde?

On a similar note, "Tear down that BITCH of a bearing wall and put a window where it OUGHT to be!"

I love space planning; it's a godly task.

Hope it goes well.

Feb 4, 08 1:11 pm  · 

tuna I've never seen you this way (usually docile calm even in the face of missing kitty). Having had to deal with reno and refits in unusual spots I would say my only piece of advice is to plan it out diagramatically (if the spacing is actually 12 or 14' - pls dble check) with w/s and circulation. I hope it sorts itself out lest you have to take a hostage

Feb 4, 08 1:26 pm  · 
Today I really fucking hate existing columns, esp. when they are between 12' OC and 14' OC.

Ha, tuna, it will all be OK. BTW, when you come to visit, we will not only have a whiskey tasting, we will have an all out party.

Then, after you leave, I'm going to Hawaii....sorry you can't come. Actually I was on the fence about attending my friend's wedding in Honolulu at the end of March because it's the first week back to school after Spring Break, and I wasn't sure if my professors would be happy about it. Then last night he called me to ask not only if I was coming, but if I would BE IN IT, and if I would basically be his "best woman". How cool is that! He's one of my oldest friends, and although we haven't lived in the same place for about 10 years now, we've always stayed in touch, and I've always talked him through his roughest patches (like coming home after a year in Iraq...that was pretty rough). So, they are having a special dress made for me, and I get to be on the groom's side! I'm so touched, how fun.

Feb 4, 08 1:50 pm  · 

that is so cool dub K...sorry to sound so rosy cheek and glassy eyed. But I have a similar relationship with my best friend who I saw once in 2007, and about twice the year before - but who I wouldn't trade in for the world. Go on! Be the best man a woman can be (probably plenty better than I am most days)

Feb 4, 08 3:09 pm  · 
liberty bell
Be the best man a woman can be.

A devilishly clever sentence!

Feb 4, 08 3:12 pm  · 

How do you tell a lawyer to f* off, do his job and let me do mine?

the small town real estate attorney for my project keeps on questioning my selection of consultants for the design team. these are my consultants, not his. WTF does he know about the qualifications of ecologists, traffic engineers, environmental engineers, or civil engineers? He's never done a project entitlement before, seems to have never been part of a design project before, so what gives him the right to talk to the client on three different occasions about our selection????????

its not like he is even contracted directly with the client, but has been retained by the realtor or so I was told.

Feb 4, 08 5:24 pm  · 

watch out for folks like that treekiller - he's looking to expand his project role. He may even be looking to be the programme co-ordinator dub Project Manager - we had such a case with the airport. Cost us a bundle but he had political allies so we just had to watch on from the side line as he fucked everything up. My advice 1. seek the audience of another attorney - on legal rights regarding 2. write a descrete letter to the lawyer blind copied to the client in regards to the selection of consultants and the level of experience they bring to the table.

happy monday

Feb 4, 08 5:36 pm  · 

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