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I am so emotional lately. Maybe it's because I'm moving in a few weeks? I don't know? But lately all I do is eat ice cream and cry and want to hug people. WTF. Is this one for the WTF thread?


Jun 8, 07 1:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

FRO where the hell are you that you are getting snow this week?!? I thought you were in Baltimore or something - guess I'm lost.

Happy birthday tomorrow to AP - so smart so young...

And it may be Paul's (aka floating green head's) birthday tomorrow?

Steven, the moment I saw that Yum! posting I thought that would be a cool job, given what you've told me about it. (Un)fortunately my own thing is going quite well right now so I won't be applying, though I'd love all the perks especially being in the same town as you. Actually Indy is going very well at the moment as Brian just found a true patron who is kicking in some private money to help him with a sculpture - I'll keep everyone posted.

Jun 8, 07 2:02 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Happy early birthday to AP, Jambi (Paul P.) and Angus Bell.

Jun 8, 07 2:07 pm  · 

ike reilly is playing louisville on 19 june, lb. don't you need to come to town?

Jun 8, 07 2:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

Shhh, Steven PLEASE don't tell Ike that I haven't even bought his latest album yet even though it's been out for a month! Between money and time and going to Scotland I just haven't been by the indy record store yet...

If you go, throw some panties at him for me, OK?

Jun 8, 07 2:10 pm  · 
vado retro

i'd never heard ike until lb turned me on to him. and i lived in the same town as him for awhile!

Jun 8, 07 2:16 pm  · 

oh namby, I understand! I'm not quiiiite there yet but I'm close enough to see it coming up. I'm right now alternating between "Fifteen weeks! Fuck, that's so long, how will I last fifteen weeks?" and "wow, I'm only going to live in LA for fifteen more weeks..." My only consolation is that I'm not terribly crazy about LA, it's only an attachment of nostalgia, and I hope Seattle will be much better for me. You on the other hand, seem like you really love New York, so it must be very hard.

Jun 8, 07 2:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, but also, Steven, on the 19th I'll be in Lexington - maybe I can bring the students on a field trip to the concert?

Jun 8, 07 2:18 pm  · 

oh, btw, good news: found a lovely printer who's sort of walking me through my first experience of actually producing a quality piece of printed matter. Once I get done with this I'll feel 100% more confident in my ability to work at a good firm.

Jun 8, 07 2:19 pm  · 
vado retro

virtual hugs for namby!

Jun 8, 07 2:32 pm  · 

omg, mini panic attack. How can I leave this? I am in control, I am doing ten things at once, I am powerful and capable, and I am valued and respected for it. Yes I'm going to leave it to pursue some vague idea that if I'm going to spend 40-60 hours a week at a job I'd better love it. Don't you accrue virtue by doing anything, as long as you do it well? I am virtuous. How can I forsake virtue?

Somebody just tell me that I am doing the right thing.

Jun 8, 07 3:19 pm  · 

LB- I grew up not far from Baltimore, but I dunno how you would know that.... I'm on the Western Slope of Colorado, where it sometimes snows on the 4th of July. Beautiful sunny high 60s today though!

Jun 8, 07 3:21 pm  · 

rationalist- you are doing the right thing!! The only real question is, will it make you happy? the rest is details...

Jun 8, 07 3:23 pm  · 

Well there are things I love about NYC but I'm honestly rather exhausted after having been here 7 years. I will REALLY miss my friends though. I have a couple good friends (and some people I don't know well yet but already adore) where I'm moving but they graduated this year and are leaving, so we'll have a couple months overlap this summer but that's it. :( :(

Sometimes I read things like thisand am reminded of what I won't miss at all...

And no matter where I am AP can send photos of his ChiaTurtle from his cellphone to mine ;)

Jun 8, 07 3:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist: your typical state of mind is one of essential rationality. That is clear from the way I've watched you post here for lo these last 3 years.

This exactly as you describe: a mini-panic attack. Float through it and you'll be fine. The last 18 months of considering making the change then researching the new career then applying to school were all actions performed while you were in your normally rational state of mind. Don't discount the effort you have put into this already KNOWING it was a good decision!

This is an existential thunderstorm. It will blow over and another will come, and another, in the next fifteen weeks, but by three weeks into school you will be certain you have made the right decision, I am sure of it.

Jun 8, 07 3:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

God, "culinary anxiety"? Yeah, namby, I understand being eager to get away from that.*

* Though of course there are a lot of people in NY (and everywhere) who, like me, would also just laugh with their guests that they had to borrow a bottle of rum because they forgot to buy it rather than agonize over whether they bought the "right" one!

Jun 8, 07 3:34 pm  · 

rationalist: We can be existential crisis freakout buddies. 2007 Existential Crisis Commisserate Here! Seattle is beautiful... the longer I spend away from it the more I appreciate it.

Jun 8, 07 3:51 pm  · 
vado retro

man there was a quick but heavy and windswept thunderstorm here and i left some of my windows open. i guess i'll be cleaning up when i get home. unless teh cat did it for me.

Jun 8, 07 4:06 pm  · 
Ms Beary

rationalist, is your bf going to seattle with you?

Jun 8, 07 4:30 pm  · 
Ms Beary

aw, i came home for lunch and both kitties are sitting on my lap, one on each knee... they are reading archinect with me.

Jun 8, 07 4:31 pm  · 

Thank you all for the reassurance. I guess I just feel like I'm ahead of the game in architecture, like I've learned so much and become so depended on in such a short space of time, it just made me freak out a little bit to think that I'll be headed right back down to the bottom of the totem poll when I go into graphic design... I'm a control nut, I like to be on top of things, to know what I'm doing, so unknown realms can be scary to me.

Namby, do we need an "2007 Existential Crisis Commisserate Here!" thread, or is TC playing host to the Existential Crisis Freakout?


rationalist, is your bf going to seattle with you?

I will give you the same response that I gave Garpike last night, merely to be fair. Official response: "Fuck off!!!"

I don't really mean for you to fuck off though, that just means that I'm not emotionally up to answering that question at this time (which probably helps you guess the answer easily).

Jun 8, 07 4:50 pm  · 

Strawbeary, can the kittens be sent to the 2007 Existential Crisis Freakout? Little fuzzy guys always help.

Jun 8, 07 4:52 pm  · 

anybody else notice mightylittle's addendum to his name, the ™ ?

should I replace the 'r's in treekiller with ®??? or is that just too uncouthly capitalist?

good luck to all the 2007 existentialists with their moves!!!!

who is IKE????

Jun 8, 07 5:02 pm  · 

yeah, i've decided to accessorize like mightylittle, too.

like it?

Jun 8, 07 5:26 pm  · 

Crap! You guys are moving fast!

Just stopping in to say hello. How do I get that "TM" behind my name like all the cool kids?

I am currently explaining to my friend Katie (Pole Kitten, for those of you paying attention) how I have to stop in on this thread and say hello....I am doing this by comparing it to the local coffee shop or bar where we all spend our time. "Thread Cental Coffee". Ha.

Jun 8, 07 5:44 pm  · 

ok so its been a weird week

here's a recap

Monday new director started on Monday, cool guy brilliant blue eyes and speaks with a Kiwi accent.

Tuesday it was really all a blur spent most of the day Cad'ing detailed drawings to give to the structural engineer. As well making calls to M&E engineers interested in submitting proposals for said project

Wednesday blur continues. Got home and set up laptop on the terrace...moonlighting until sunset (does that make sense?)

Thursday still CAD'ing away between 8-4 (9 to 5 for the yanks). Came home and went back out on the terrace finishing up some drawings on a few projects.

TGIF finally got done with the detailed drawings. Only to be told, that it was all in vain...fuck me and the devil I rode in on. So I'm back out on the terrace but this time I'm catching up on TC...sigh I remember like it was just yesterday we were awaiting the 10,000 post. Time flies

Jun 8, 07 6:02 pm  · 

On on to the weekend plans. I'm going to call my mum tonight and chat - she's off on a business trip, and its usually our time to chat away. Tomorrow I go hiking in the am to the top of the "other mountain" - ie. not the fricking lava filled one that makes life on this rock interesting. And then roll out on the beach and spend a few hours there.

Life is significantly different now that i'm taking care of myself and not holding up the bar as per typical weekends. Different for sure. Ahhh it is but a temporary move until my James Bond liver returns to normal

Jun 8, 07 6:06 pm  · 
vado retro

my week is over and im home and sitting on a heating pad cuz my back is killing me. and its really nice out now. thank god for movies

Jun 8, 07 6:18 pm  · 
vado retro

happy birthday ap and enjoy your rocket birthday angus!

Jun 8, 07 6:20 pm  · 

the chia-turtle will be seeded Tuesday morning, after soaking for 24 hours, beginning Monday morning when i arrive to the office. her (i've changed my mind and decided to call her a her, not a him)...her "1-2 week" development from bald chia-turtle to fully coated chia-turtle will be chronicled via texted cell phone photographs, sent in tandem to Susan and my flickr account.


Jun 8, 07 6:26 pm  · 


happy weekend to everyone, birthdayer, existentialist or otherwise.

Jun 8, 07 6:27 pm  · 

i noticed.

Jun 8, 07 7:04 pm  · 

AP what's the plan for the birthday? Party with the chia pet?

Jun 8, 07 8:14 pm  · 
Ms Beary

whoa rationalist, sorry i asked.

Jun 8, 07 8:29 pm  · 
Ms Beary

the kitties don't travel well, so we'd have to have the convention here.

Jun 8, 07 8:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

I want the world to be overtaken (in the manner of, say, Starbucks) by Steven Ward tm!!!!!!!!*

*I have no idea how to do that little postiofontological trick, but I love the way Steven Ward tm looks!

Jun 8, 07 9:13 pm  · 

i know...liberty bell and vado retro would look astonishing with the addition

Jun 9, 07 12:46 am  · 


i love TC. makes stupid endless discussion with client today about concealed door in gallery space roll out of my brain and onto floor.

don't think i will even bother to pick it up.

Jun 9, 07 1:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Gorgeous analogy, jump.

Perfect weather in the Midwest today, especially perfect for a four-year-old's birthday at a spray park! I'll be hopefully relaxing outdoors and watching a bunch of kids run wild, not being a nervous hostess worrying whether my guests are havinbg fun.

Happy Saturday everyone!

Jun 9, 07 8:31 am  · 
vado retro

have fun at the spray park kids!!! yeah it is gorgeious out and my back is feeling better. gonna walk down and get some cat food eventually as my cat is pisssssed that she didnt get her brand this morning. prolly head over to the harrison center to catch some of the all day music and look at the "art" by architects exhibit. i'll be sure to wear my architecture sucks shirt.

Jun 9, 07 8:39 am  · 

I still haven't worn mine out in public yet. I'm looking for the right event

Jun 9, 07 11:39 am  · 
vado retro

actually i wore my old sun records, distressed through use, t shirt. decided to walk down to midland antiques which is a huge antique mall and on the way ran into the gay pride parade. the antique mall was empty! there's also a croquet tournament goin on katty corner from me. havin some lunch now.

Jun 9, 07 12:08 pm  · 

left home at noon, wandered w/ the GF to filene's basement on union square. returned a pair of jeans and bought another, plus a shirt. walked to 5th ave, then north, against a large parade of hare krishnas and buddhists, floats and all. then to the day's main attraction: the BBQ Block Party, at Washington Square. waited in line for 45 minutes to buy a pulled pork bbq sandwich and some cole slaw. took about 5 minutes to eat...

back at home, ready for a nap.

Jun 9, 07 3:12 pm  · 
ran into the gay pride parade. the antique mall was empty!

that's funny tried to sip that past us

AP sounds like you are having a good birthday

Jun 9, 07 4:33 pm  · 

those parades sound nice.

yesterday (satuday) i was visiting client in ginza and decided to walk to the subway entrance close to the palace so i could check out the tower by grimshaw that has just gone up. Building is quite beautiful as skyscrapers go. reminded me of carson pirie scott store somehow (you know, by louis sullivan), but much taller...and darker. Grimshaw is good at evoking the past without getting all pistache-ied, and it is perfect in setting across street from 100+ year old red brick tokyo station (ginza used to be all stone and brick and london-y, but was mostly destroyed by earthquake in 1923).

i was just admiring the area and Grimshaw's building when a tricked-out van with HUGE speakers on top went by with a kid screaming at top of his lungs and insane 1930's japanese military music blaring in background. He was yelling at me, i think (all i could hear clearly was OY! you...). You get them sometimes, hillbilly types who want japan to go back to imperial days, kill all the foreigners (seriously), and re-invade asia. But this time was special, cuz that lone noisy van was then followed by another, driving slowly with more insane military music, then another, and another, and another., all with speakers and crazy music They were about a block long. I stopped to watch. At the end of the line were two police cars, the lead car telling the folks up front to calm the yelling down.

Apart from that was a beautiful, even bucolic day.

Today is daughter's 3 yr. birthday party. she is very excited. so is her mum.

Jun 9, 07 5:29 pm  · 

jump those guys sound crazy... shows that (ironically enough) racism is one of those precious things that connects all cultures.

Jun 9, 07 5:44 pm  · 

didn't mean precious, more like few...

Jun 9, 07 5:45 pm  · 
vado retro

GirlPower- a filly wins the Belmont!!!!

Jun 9, 07 6:33 pm  · 

I rode over to Venice Beach today, wandered the boardwalk and had some lunch. There are so many piercing and tat shops over there, I cannot walk the boardwalk without someone trying to convince me to get something done. I think they see my ears and think they have a chance at convincing me... this time a piercer tried to convince me to get my nipples done! OW.

Jun 9, 07 7:10 pm  · 

oh, and I'm getting my car ready to sell! We got the check engine and airbag lights to turn off today. Anyone in LA want a Jetta? It's a super-green Jetta, as it was raised from the junkyard.

Jun 9, 07 7:21 pm  · 

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