
Thread Central


I think we need a thread on vado's exgirlfriend/future wife whose at Cambridge, the real one - I think its lovely how he mentions it. And although I've never heard his voice, I can just imagine it in a monotonous tone and in one breath.

Again vado rocks!

Jun 11, 07 9:26 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks techno. however, i have a melodious singsongy voice.

Jun 11, 07 9:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think it's lovely too, architechno, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed it. Actually, it's not dissimilar from how I say "My sister, the doctor.... And I love my sister!

Jun 11, 07 10:01 pm  · 

wait a minute your not from the BWI what are you doing with a sing-song voice - I thought that was my unique flavour. Wait that makes me more like vado, even cooler

Jun 11, 07 10:11 pm  · 

just for good measure

Jun 11, 07 10:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm drunk.

I'm real drunk.


I think NeoCon may just be the one thing that's worth living in Chicago for. A solid week of lavish cocktail parties sponsored by various furniture and textile vendors in an effort to woo design professionals to spec their products. But mainly one big drunken orgy with the Merchandise Mart as the epicenter.

Last night was a private party at the Apple Store on Michigan Avenue, sponsored by my friends at Allsteel. Open bar. Tonight was a huge bash at Soundbar sponsored by my friends at Knoll. Six open bars. Tomorrow evening is a huge shin-dig sponsored by Lee Carpet. More free booze.

This evening at Soundbar, I was with our flamboyantly-gay IT guy and our flamboyantly heterosexual female admin assistant... Both of whom spent the evening checking out the guys at the club while I stood around awkwardly drinking martinis and checking out the impeccable millwork detailing. Nobody has ever accused me of being the life of the party. Given a choice, I'd much prefer a quiet cocktail lounge in the company of a small group of close friends.

WonderK: Your place looks fucking awesome. If/when I decided to visit LA someday, I'll know who to contact for a place to crash.

I'm back to square one on my NYC apartment search.... Stay tuned.

Jun 12, 07 12:20 am  · 

HA ha, LIG is wasted. Thanks though! I'm excited.

Drunk posting is everyone's favorite activity these days....

Jun 12, 07 12:59 am  · 


I went to a Knoll event in Melbourne - when Asymptote released their A3 workstation system. Hani Rashid was there - vodkas slushies all night.... I only remember it now [5-6 years later] after you mentioned Knoll... good times.

Jun 12, 07 1:07 am  · 

oh, speaking of crashing at WonderK's place- does the roomate know that I've claimed rights to the couch when I'm in LA??

Jun 12, 07 1:39 am  · 

Having a beer at 1:40 am can't be all bad after spending most of the day and night in airports. Reeling in architectural thoughts after
a great long weekend in Arkansas, visiting Fay Jones Sites, and making friends with a great Aussie Architect.

Jun 12, 07 1:42 am  · 

i just ate a whole bar of milk chocolate from Trader Joes...I feel sick


are there any other pictures from Saturday that didnt make it onto Flickr? any of mdlerweed?

Jun 12, 07 2:17 am  · 

lars, i too hope to collaborate with peeps here, how do we do it?

Jun 12, 07 5:11 am  · 
vado retro

gin you crack me up. several of our office went to neocon. i don't think wolfowitz was there.

Jun 12, 07 8:06 am  · 


i'm not sure how it happens yet.. i just feel momentum towards
something happening...maybe i'm wrong, but it seems in the past
couple months that relations are moving from the virtual to the real
more than they ever have in the 10 year history of archinect.

i feel like it has to start in either la or ny or both..and we go from
there...although it's already started in a way with the breur competition..
if only we could find a way to make it profitable. there's so much
young (and older) talent here that seems to be languishing waiting
for something to happen...if only we could find a project/competition
or something.

Jun 12, 07 10:01 am  · 

how would one check if they are languishing...or not?

Jun 12, 07 10:06 am  · 

i think the omphalos of this happening might be somewhere between indy, cincinnati, and louisville, lars.

Jun 12, 07 10:10 am  · 

i did say it sort of already happened with the breur comp..
meaning lb and vado. my apologies to the middle people.
didn't mean any slight...just seems as though there are
concentrations of people on the coasts if a real office was
ever to happen...hey..i'm a dreamer. if it's any consolation
you'd be my first pick for principal/ grand poobah/ consilieri

and jump...i think if you have over 1000 posts in a year
you may be languishing...perhaps not the best adjective..
but i haven't had any coffee in a couple weeks.

Jun 12, 07 10:15 am  · 

of course i don't really know what omphalos can
be the navel if you you want to set up a sort of
taliesen midwest? start buying up drafting tables and i'll
bring some ideas for a thing i like to call the usonian house.

Jun 12, 07 10:21 am  · 
vado retro

omphalos is greek for navel i believe. we had a meetup in cinci last year wid

steven, wk, sbd, superheavy, lb and me. also wk, lb and me have hooked up a coupa times.

Jun 12, 07 10:32 am  · 

no doubt if you did a post count map..the midwest would
be well represented..

and vado i did say collaborations had already started using
you and lb as an example...i'm just wondering/interested
in if this is somehow viable as a money making enterprise..

hope i'm not threadjacking thread central.

Jun 12, 07 10:54 am  · 
Ms Beary

i don't think it's possible to threadjack thread central

Jun 12, 07 11:09 am  · 

Tuesday, June 12 - the seed spread

these pre-soaked chia-seeds are nasty. fearing they may grow if i dump the excess in the office sink, i take them to the bathroom for disposal.

Toyo [Ito] the French Bulldog came to the office in recognition of this momentous occassion:

Jun 12, 07 11:22 am  · 
liberty bell

AP, you're spreading seed on Thread Central?!?!?! Yikes, I'm not sure how THAT got past the censors!!!

Haha, imagine a chia clump growing out of the sink drain, eww.

Jun 12, 07 11:43 am  · 
vado retro

im down for doing a competition, real project or whatever.

Jun 12, 07 11:46 am  · 
liberty bell

WWTCD? I met with a couple this morning who want a kitchen/master bath project done. Their house is beautiful, they are smart and good-natured, and I really want to do it. Problem: they have already "designed" most of it: picked tiles, counters, appliances, plumbing fixtures, basic layout. And they want to move in by Christmas.

The view I'm taking as I talk myself into doing it: their selections are simply parameters within which I have to work. I don't have to spend time making those selections, just finding cabinet layout/paint colors/light fixtures that complement them. I don't have to take responsibility later it they end up hating the shape of the cool bathtub.

I really want to do this job. I *think* I can get my fee to a workable place for it. Am I kidding myself that I can add this to my already full plate, or that it won't be a disaster if I try to change one of their already-made selections?

Jun 12, 07 11:48 am  · 
brian buchalski

is chibi french?

Jun 12, 07 11:55 am  · 


i think you can at least look at it knowing that they're looking
at a limited pallate of materials...a smorgasbord of home depot,
lowes and the local hardware store. you can at least suggest
a wider variety of materials that the general public doesn't really
have access to..or is at least unaware of. something the simple
google search won't find.

if they don't go for least you can get the money...i mean
are you really going to put a bathroom in your portfolio anyway?

as far as your busy of my ideas for the archinect
gods is to start a craigslist like section for just this sort of thing..
architecture related part time work...where you could post a need
for say a rendering or cad help and work together via email and
the like.

for instance you said you hate cabinet dwgs..well maybe there's
someone out there that is kind of fond of them...has done them for several offices and has some dwgs that he/she has culled from them
and pro cabinetmakers...which makes it easy to draw them. just
an idea.

Jun 12, 07 12:05 pm  · 

'i don't think it's possible to threadjack thread central'

hi tumbles

Jun 12, 07 12:38 pm  · 
liberty bell

lars, I think a archinect-craigslist combo is a great idea!

Actually these people picked gorgeous materials - LaCava plumbing, marble tiles. They have great taste, and eclectic. I'm going to do a fee proposal and see if it works out.

And, my portfolio is full of bathrooms, it's one of the things we do best!

Jun 12, 07 12:49 pm  · 

ah..i see. not belittling bathrooms perse...just figured with the
houses i've seen of yours that you had several of those to
display potentially...

it'd be cool if we could somehow figure out a post count map
that'd automatically update or something...

another thing i'd be interested in collaborating on is some kind
of flickr/google maps thing where members could submit images
of projects (their own or famous ones) and as you were travelling
you could sorta see all these cool places that other people have
already seen/posted...i know flickr already lets you map photos..
we just need to start an archinect project pool...

Jun 12, 07 1:00 pm  · 
"did I mention, that if we have an office, I would like to do the diagrams and pretty pictures? I'll work for beer. "

Did I mention, that I'm up for freelance graphics work if anyone should need such? Seriously. I need a way to support myself through grad school. And of course in our ideal network-sharing firm, I'm up for marketing materials and presentation boards of all types.

Jun 12, 07 1:04 pm  · 

I will build models...and weld anything that needs to be welded

Jun 12, 07 1:06 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i break things. i've also been known to randomly piss.

and i take lots of naps...often. and sometimes surf the internet when i'm still living.

Jun 12, 07 1:09 pm  · 


you can pee on my leg when I accidently catch myself on fire welding

Jun 12, 07 1:37 pm  · 
Jun 12, 07 1:53 pm  · 
Jun 12, 07 1:53 pm  · 
Ms Beary

hmmm, trying to think what i am good at to contribute to the archinect talent pool... besides criticism that is.

i already offered to clean lb's house, but with the cost of flying me out there it didn't make much sense.

Jun 12, 07 2:14 pm  · 

Chibi is french and knows how to ride a skateboard. Cute!!!

Jun 12, 07 2:56 pm  · 

clarification - Toyo (who is currently chewing on my chair) belongs to my co-worker. He's less than a year old...and only in the office 'cause the boss is out of town...

and yes, he's wearing a pink shirt and a head cone.

Jun 12, 07 3:28 pm  · 

lb- have you built one of these yet?

from inhabitat

ask the kitchen folks if they want one!

Jun 12, 07 4:16 pm  · 

that's BRILLIANT! I want one... well, I don't have a staircase, but if I did, I'd want one like that. Shelf-wise, anyways, but maybe with nicer rails.

Jun 12, 07 4:33 pm  · 

wow. did anyone else read the 'comments' on the inhabitat link?

Jun 12, 07 4:39 pm  · 
vado retro

just got back from a meeting in sprawlviille with my structural engineer. what dreck how can anyone live in that anyway, the upside is i got to hear old 97s satellite rides all the way through.

Jun 12, 07 4:45 pm  · 

Dude, that stair is pretty sweet.

and shush! vado! there was only a size discussion because women's clothing varies SO much. You are lucky to be a man, such that (for example) size 32 pants are usually the same from brand to brand.

totally, tumbles. I was just bitching about this to my boyfriend the other day (who had patiently sat in the Target Starbucks waiting while I had to try on 2 or 3 different sizes of each of the garments I liked--and they were all tshirts, too! Although he has the patience of a saint, he started to look a bit pouty, and I was like, "Trust me, do you think we women ENJOY trying things on?! We HATE it! And hate the fact that we have random protruberances on our bodies that make sizing difficult, and on top of that, women's sizing isn't uniform (especially in cheap shops selling badly tailored and made things, ahem). Drives me nuts.

Also, WK--that looks like one of those cream-tinted epoxy pours over the concrete--you know, it has that thick lush epoxy sealant look with that same sort of coloring to it. VERY cool! I'llh ave to come visit next time I'm in southern california.

And LB--take the project!!!! A) you'll probably end up with more input than you think--and also, you know how often "oh, we just want to do our master bathroom" turns into "welllll, could you look at the living room, too? and how about the kitchen... and we'll probably need to add another bedroom on in the back..." Besides which, even if they THINK they've "designed it" and picked out everything to pick out, they probably haven't thought through everything by a long shot, and yo'ull find all kinds of holes to fill in with your own design.

and B) everytime they have a dinner party, guess who gets mentioned to their possibly wealthy friends? libertybell!!!!

:) Have fun!!!

also lars there already is a taliesin "midwest" ... or was that a joke I missed?

Jun 12, 07 4:46 pm  · 
carbon offsets, anyone?
Jun 12, 07 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

when i hooked up with my exgirlfriend/future wife in philly we did a lot of shopping. well she did. but i always enjoy it. especially when we were in the lingerie section at lord and taylor. but banana republic was fun as was some upscale shoestore that i forgot the name of and a coupla others. i pay attention to my lady!

Jun 12, 07 4:53 pm  · 

i like random protuberances... :)

sorry... that's probably inappropriate... but i'm in a weird mood...

Jun 12, 07 4:54 pm  · 

i (usually) like shopping with my wife too... i'll even go get her different sizes of stuff when she's in the dressing room... i'm like the gay best friend... just not gay...

Jun 12, 07 4:57 pm  · 

it's not called taliesen midwest is it?
isn't it just taliesen and taliesen west? that was my intended joke
that steven could add taliesen midwest...although if there already
is a place named taliesen midwest..well then i'm dumb.

Jun 12, 07 5:27 pm  · 

But although it's just called Taliesen, it is in the midwest, so it's kind of the de-facto "Taliesen Midwest."

Jun 12, 07 5:32 pm  · 

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