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tk, you're in MSP aren't you? best biking city man. and after a while you won't sweat when you get to work.

Jun 7, 07 4:05 pm  · 

it seems we have a crystal light in the mix, rationalist lock the doors - this one is going down!

Jun 7, 07 6:01 pm  · 

phil - followed your link. But I'm confused. What's a TI-82?

Jun 7, 07 6:04 pm  · 

is it one of those? If it was you really didn't need it anyway. Welcome to the world of free-math where if it takes a specialty device vs searching for the answer on line - you really didn't need to know it all.

Sucks to all those who've lost things recenty. I've become uber paranoid myself. This island has had 4 robberies in the last 5 years I've been here, and I have a feeling that number five might involve me (as did number 2)

Jun 7, 07 6:07 pm  · 

One of my co-workers put CL in her place today. Someone dropped off wedding photos for another co-worker who is out of town on their honeymoon, and CL wanted to see them. The guy whose care they were left in predictably (and rightly!) said 'no', and CL whined "why no-ot?". You could hear the exasperation is his voice as he answered, "It's a SEALED PACKAGE."

Jun 7, 07 6:13 pm  · 
vado retro

when i lived in albucrackee my girlfen'z(now exgirlfrend/future wife) had her car broken into about three times. it was a vw fox wagon. and they would steal nothing but always break the anyway we lived on the second floor of a house and there was a small apartment building nextdoor with a parking lot in between(this is on 8th and gold for all you albucrakeeans) and one night i hear this yelling and i thought oh there's a fight. and then i heard about three shots, and my girlfren is standing by the window talkin to her friend like nothins goin on. well i pulled her away etc. cuz stray bullets kill, people. and then later we find out that somebody was trying to break into the shooters car and so he fired some warning shots! wtf!!! im waiting to get my car stolen as it a highly prized vehicle for tuner/chopshops!

Jun 7, 07 6:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

If somebody stole my car right now, they'd be doing me a favor, as I'd likely get more money from the insurance company than I would by selling it. Maybe I should just start parking it on the south side with the doors unlocked.

Jun 7, 07 6:29 pm  · 

a friend of mine back in undergrad had his jeep rag-top stolen. turned up some three/four days later at which time it was implicated in a homicide.

he claimed to have lost his bass guitar in the process and wound up with a settlement that covered a new car and a fat, brand new tobias five-string bass.

he never had a bass in the car.

a question for The Ethicist, Scott Cohen?

Jun 7, 07 6:44 pm  · 
vado retro

okay insurance fraudulator wanna-bes. before you do the deed you had BeTtErWaTcHtHiS!!!

Jun 7, 07 6:46 pm  · 

hmmm- I know a professor (who happens to be featured in the current arch record) report that drawings from a famous dead architect were stolen from a car that was broken into during a NYC studio road trip. that roll of drawings (if it even exists) was never ever near NYC at the time...

so that's why our car insurance premiums are so high!!!

Jun 7, 07 6:49 pm  · 

i get the same...

Jun 7, 07 8:35 pm  · 

awesome. can i get one for the threads i start?

Jun 7, 07 8:55 pm  · 

I lurk a lot, but it ain't me asking passwords. No problemo!

Jun 7, 07 9:05 pm  · 
Ms Beary

i thought i didn't see thread central once, i think it was because I wasn't signed in.

my neighbor's bike got stolen, about an hour ago. someone walked by with bolt cutters and cut it off the pole outside. he was just out riding it 15 minutes before that. i got home just as my neighbor was bolting out the door and running down the street. he is pretty pissed off, poor guy. DON'T STEAL

Jun 7, 07 9:28 pm  · 

phil, that tape dispenser must be from 1984...

happy anniversary.

re: the password pop-up - that happens occasionally when someone posts an image from a secure site. in most cases when you see that pop-up there will be an image somewhere on the page that isn't showing up.

i'm so happy to hear that daisy will be home soon. i feel for you guys, and rupi too ...poor guy will be so excited when she's back.

that TI-82 takes me back to high school algebra! you can do quite a bit with one of those things...

my grandfather, war veteran, is named Norbert.

Jun 7, 07 9:44 pm  · 

oh, and my bike was once stolen from me at gunpoint (in miami). best thing about it, the kid was my age (13 or 14). found a cop rather quickly and got my bike back within an hour...since it was a new GT Performer and worth $300 or so, the kid was charged with grand theft. he didn't show up for the court date.

Jun 7, 07 9:46 pm  · 

my apartment has been blessed by the presence of WonderK

Jun 7, 07 9:48 pm  · 
vado retro

my wwII vet relatives
ray my dad and his brothers russell and clarence(bud)
my dad's sisters were named gladys, ethyl, mildred. mary and ruth.
not the most common names and my grandfathers were named
orville and otto. although my grannies were named eliza and allie which are popular girl names.

if you have never seen the barbarian invasions. you should.

Jun 7, 07 10:07 pm  · 

rationalist have fun for all of us

Jun 7, 07 10:59 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I just had the WIERDEST night of my life. I went out with these girls tonight. The goal was to get some girl (that I didn't know) laid who hadn't had any in a year and half. Among other events, she forced me to walk up to a couple of guys with her and she asked, "Are you single?" to which they to replied, "I'm Gay." & "I'm taken." It was so embarrassing. She was about 94 pounds, dumb as a doorknob and frankly old as shit to be hanging out at a singles bar picking up guys. Anyways. This girl apparently had a lot of money and liked to talk about it. Actually they all did. We got into conversations about how much money we all made, dangerous, among the 4 of us. I am so embarrassed. I don't believe I make about 1/6th! of what these ladies make. They all either had the whole day off tommorrow or half off too - at least 5 weeks of vacation a year. I didn't really say anything about my situation I was so embarrassed, I looked down at my discount department store rags compared to their versace gear. One said that they didn't know how anyone could live off of $xx,000 a year (what I made). I was like, "me either"! Yeh, I'm such a poser. But WTF. How can people make six figures that easy? Is it really that easy? $6 at the bar for a measly glass of house red wine is a LOT for me. What am I doing again? I can't do this. I can't. Goodnight. I love architecture. Love don't pay the bills nor the bar tab. It's been one of those nights.

Jun 8, 07 1:51 am  · 

I did have fun. But I also discovered that it's high time to put my car on the market.

Got in to drop WonderK off, and the car wouldn't start! I hadn't driven it in so long that the battery drained...

Jun 8, 07 2:02 am  · 

mdler and tumbles i thought i was alone in that wierd security pop-up...

Mayhaps the Man is tracking us...

Jun 8, 07 2:13 am  · 

maybe someone put in a bit of weird code...?

saw this guy in the times today...LOVE his work (Dan Perjovschi)

Jun 8, 07 6:18 am  · 

Strawberry, what is this lonely girl's phone #? I could use a sugar momma.

Jun 8, 07 6:34 am  · 
liberty bell

Sorry about your night out, Straw. I had a similar experience recently with a client and another woman - I ranted to vado about it in a long existential-crisis-type phone call, during which the question of doing work for people who may directly exploit the working conditions of children in Cambodia was raised. It can be a nasty, greedy world we live in.

I don't have anything to offer except that your quality of life can be wonderful even for cheap if you can take pride in being frugal, not just in money, but in impact on the earth. It really is true that living a considerd life is more valuable in the end than wearing expensive clothes (though yes I too drool over every new pair of boots I see!).

Hey, at least it's Friday! You can stay in tonight with the Mr. and have an entire BOTTLE of wine for $6, and infinitely better company!!!

Jun 8, 07 7:08 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and I am starting my morning with an ICED coffee today as it is ridiculously hot and muggy already.

Jun 8, 07 7:12 am  · 

i know that most of the people on this board have certain OPINIONS...about yum, kfc, taco bell, etc, and that, in fact, i probably share those opinions.

but, despite that, if you want to make really good pay, have really fascinating work, and live near ME in wonderful louisville (which i've sold heavily in the's really a great city) > notice the yum! job posting that popped up today. their approach to design is integrated: buildings to menus, concept design dept watches over all aspects and has been typically headed by an architect! you probably haven't seen the new kfc building prototype because not many have been built yet, but it's actually very nice.

a good friend of mine has had a very similar role to the one described for the past ten years and has thrived in it. strangely, when not at work she's an organic food, seasonal food, farmer's market, no corn syrup, no sodium kind of person who has been taking culinary arts classes in the evenings. it can work!

Jun 8, 07 7:25 am  · 
vado retro

it IS muggy in indianapolis but it supposed to rain and cool off for a nice weekend of free music up the street at the Harrison Center. Yes that was quite a rant LB. the fact is being an architect if you aint got money can be analogous to building ferraris and then riding your scooter home. it aint equitable. but i am not into architecture bashing. i think we need to show some pride. but yeah we are underpaid there's no doubt and with the additional hassles of registration there is gonna be a massive shortage of architects. but not of architecture students. maybe it should start there.

Jun 8, 07 8:03 am  · 
vado retro

man i am stiff i strained something working out on wednesday.

Jun 8, 07 8:05 am  · 

for those that give two, it's cold and windy in the twin cities. went to the gym at 430 this merning and it was in the low 50's.

i luv, luv, luv it!

Jun 8, 07 8:25 am  · 

Strawbeary - she may be making $X00,000k a year but she is also the one who needs to have a group of friends troll her through the bar trying desperately to get her laid because she hasn't gotten any in a year and a half. Maybe the personality had something to do with that... ;)

Jun 8, 07 10:41 am  · 

AP- 13 with a GT Performer, those were the days!!

SB- namby is dead on if you ask me. Its all chickenshit once the big money comes in. Around here I deal with a lot of soulless realtors that can only think in dollar signs, but act like I'M the strange one for caring about what I do beyond the bottom line...

And since were bringing up weather, today is the first day without snow this week for me, woohoo!!!

Jun 8, 07 11:19 am  · 

so the saga of the attempted grand theft auto continues: found a shop to fix it for $740, plus a $55 tow and then renting a car at $30/day for a few days to get to the LARE... so that degenerate looser is costing me over 1 grand to fix the shit he did to my car... at least I still have the car and will be getting it back next week.

r- remember that nothing turns off a guy quicker then desperation from a chick. we can smell it from a mile away. even if we want to get laid , there are times that we'd rather chew an arm off then wake up next to a person like that...

Jun 8, 07 11:30 am  · 

tk- huh? I've been with the same man for errrr, quite a while now. Will remember that when I get back out on the market again, but for now am slightly confused.

Jun 8, 07 11:37 am  · 

r- I was referring to that chick you had to play wingman for last night. there is a reason it's been over year...

Jun 8, 07 11:49 am  · 

actually talking to strawbeary i bet....

Jun 8, 07 11:50 am  · 

ahhhh, there's the confusion. That was Strawbeary. I was WonderK's wingman last night. ; )

Jun 8, 07 11:50 am  · 

tk- thats sb not r

r- tk means sb not r

Jun 8, 07 11:50 am  · 

oooh time warp

Jun 8, 07 11:51 am  · 

so unless you're trying to say mean things about WonderK... we'll assume you meant to address that remark to Strawbeary.

Jun 8, 07 11:51 am  · 

whoa, FRO, you post fast!

Jun 8, 07 11:51 am  · 

a little bored at work here, I see I'm not the only one.....

It feels like the entire profession is about to come to a screeching halt while we all post simultaneously to TC, everyone hang on!!!!!

Jun 8, 07 11:53 am  · 

your thief was probably a starving architect tk...

Jun 8, 07 12:15 pm  · 

well done tumbles.

Ode to a GT Performer, thieves, and being 13 without a care in the world other than how I was going to get to the movies on a Friday night...

...something like this, older model, black, not purple:

and the robber's gun looked something like this:

Jun 8, 07 12:17 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Wow, three posts at 8:50, and three again at 8:51. Damn you people can post!

Jun 8, 07 12:21 pm  · 

woops!!!! - i did mean strawbeary my bad.... sorry sorry sorry r and wK

Jun 8, 07 12:23 pm  · 

did I mention the time I got held up by a hoagy in philly? the kid was caught before I could hand him my wallet- the cops frisked him and pulled out a soggy hoagy stuffed in his pants...

and again- sorry sorry sorry about confusing the great rationalist with the fabulous strawbeary

Jun 8, 07 12:26 pm  · 
Ms Beary

dang, I go to a meeting for an hour and you guys are all chatty cathys over here.

Believe me, this chick WAS radiating desperation, and those guys def. picked up on it. tumbles, my friends have traditionally been lower wage earners, artists, students, teachers and such. But those mortgage brokers sure know how to party is all...

Jun 8, 07 12:29 pm  · 
Jun 8, 07 12:35 pm  · 

that's one really fancy pizza wheel...

Jun 8, 07 1:14 pm  · 

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