
Archinect 3.0


Is the text editor different on th iPhone vs a computer web browser? Doesn't gave some of the new features buttons Not that it matters IMHO... So long as it works

Apr 23, 11 1:52 pm  · 

Yes, wysiwyg text editors (what you see is what you get), like this one, do not work on iOS devices, so when you view Archinect on an iPhone (or iPad/iPod) you will get a regular text field without the formatting buttons.

Apr 23, 11 1:54 pm  · 

Cool, great job on the site by the way. Looks great, looking forward to digging deeper into the new features.

Apr 23, 11 6:05 pm  · 

I have always wondered.

Is there anyone who is keeping tabs on any spam/flooding etc posts around here? If we see a post of sort, should we contact someone? Or will you guys just take care of it?

Maybe a report button of sort would help notify you mods or something.Not sure if that was ever in place before or if it's just disabled atm.


Apr 23, 11 7:43 pm  · 

Wondering how I can privately msg another member... I'm not able to select their name like old Archinect..? 

Apr 24, 11 9:31 am  · 

Thanks bRink!


Rasa - we have some tools that we're using to keep spam at a relative minimum, but we're also in the process of building some more back-end tools to try to stay on top of things better, in addition to integrating "flat" links so users can report spammy content.


mk2 - contact forms will be soon integrated into professional profiles, as well as very basic profiles for anonymous users.

Apr 24, 11 4:12 pm  · 

Suggestion: Is there a way to insert tabs into paragraphs? It would make news (and other articles) look better. I know you could use double unicode 'En Quads'  to make a decently nice tab space but I'm not entirely sure it would be the wisest idea to fill postings with exotic unicode since it may not read on mobile devices. Also, unicode tabs make copy-and-pasting annoying because programs don't register them as characters. I've been using double returns as a standard formatting but that sometimes gets edited out.


I mean, I'd really like 5pt lead paragraph break but I'm not going to split hairs. I know that this actually exists in the formatting but it doesn't always seem to work 100% of the time. Examples for formatting:


No space:

Simossimin estio. Onsentu resequia vellore necaten damendionsed maiore, ape plabore voloria prae cor sunt offic teseque omnimus atiassequi aspietus, te platempe es asit doluptam ex et, omnimincte eaqui nulland itatur sequamus pa dolentur aut aut dolo bea id quiaese quoditius molorrovit expe sedisin vellorrum, aritati scillabo.

Axim nimusant molora volenis idebis es es volupta tempore, soloruptisit aut offici nitat eveliame verum volupta quia perrovi dipictaquis mossimus apidebistrum core sae conem aceria ea niet unt, venti sam.


Faux tabs:

  Simossimin estio. Onsentu resequia vellore necaten damendionsed maiore, ape plabore voloria prae cor sunt offic teseque omnimus atiassequi aspietus, te platempe es asit doluptam ex et, omnimincte eaqui nulland itatur sequamus pa dolentur aut aut dolo bea id quiaese quoditius molorrovit expe sedisin vellorrum, aritati scillabo.
  Axim nimusant molora volenis idebis es es volupta tempore, soloruptisit aut offici nitat eveliame verum volupta quia perrovi dipictaquis mossimus apidebistrum core sae conem aceria ea niet unt, venti sam


Double return break:

Simossimin estio. Onsentu resequia vellore necaten damendionsed maiore, ape plabore voloria prae cor sunt offic teseque omnimus atiassequi aspietus, te platempe es asit doluptam ex et, omnimincte eaqui nulland itatur sequamus pa dolentur aut aut dolo bea id quiaese quoditius molorrovit expe sedisin vellorrum, aritati scillabo.


Axim nimusant molora volenis idebis es es volupta tempore, soloruptisit aut offici nitat eveliame verum volupta quia perrovi dipictaquis mossimus apidebistrum core sae conem aceria ea niet unt, venti sam.


Single return break with faux tabs:

  Simossimin estio. Onsentu resequia vellore necaten damendionsed maiore, ape plabore voloria prae cor sunt offic teseque omnimus atiassequi aspietus, te platempe es asit doluptam ex et, omnimincte eaqui nulland itatur sequamus pa dolentur aut aut dolo bea id quiaese quoditius molorrovit expe sedisin vellorrum, aritati scillabo.

  Axim nimusant molora volenis idebis es es volupta tempore, soloruptisit aut offici nitat eveliame verum volupta quia perrovi dipictaquis mossimus apidebistrum core sae conem aceria ea niet unt, venti sam.


Edit: The return break spacing that shows up in text editor does not translate over to submitted content and postings.

Apr 24, 11 4:53 pm  · 

If you change the style for '.Bottom p ' on style sheet 'archinect.v3.css?4'  to 'padding: 0.35em,' it makes everything all pretty again. Unless you're a double spacer


Also, tabs work if you change '.Thread p' to include "text-indent: 2.5em."


Apr 24, 11 5:12 pm  · 

J. James - some good points. Here are some answers to your questions:


Indented paragraphs don't really translate to web formatting like they do in print formatting. It's not a format we've ever used on Archinect, to address the style reason we don't apply indentations to our CSS. Technically, each line break (upon click of return or enter by the user) creates a new paragraph (<p> tag) rather than <br> and <p> tags, so indentation would occur by default in inappropriate contexts when using the wysiwyg.


Regarding line spacing in the text editor matching the rendered text in the front-end. We've made changes recently (a few days ago) to ensure that this does match up. Maybe you need to clear your cache to ensure you're not using a cached CSS file.


This is a screenshot showing text while typing:

And here is a screenshot of the above text rendered on the front-end of the website:

Are you seeing different results? If so, what OS and browser are you using?

Apr 24, 11 9:01 pm  · 

Firefox 3.6.16.


This is what I see.


Simossimin estio. Onsentu resequia vellore necaten damendionsed maiore, ape plabore voloria prae cor sunt offic teseque omnimus atiassequi aspietus, te platempe es asit doluptam ex et, omnimincte eaqui nulland itatur sequamus pa dolentur aut aut dolo bea id quiaese quoditius molorrovit expe sedisin vellorrum, aritati scillabo.

Axim nimusant molora volenis idebis es es volupta tempore, soloruptisit aut offici nitat eveliame verum volupta quia perrovi dipictaquis mossimus apidebistrum core sae conem aceria ea niet unt, venti sam




Apr 24, 11 9:53 pm  · 

Here's what I see with that posted:



Here's a composite of the difference:



I know it's a bit superficial. But it does drive me insane. And I don't know what's done on the editor's side of things but I personally prefer double space paragraph breaks if indentation [tabulation] is not used or if the spacing is different.


I've done a very recent browser cache and it looks the same within the FireBug net console with disabled cached browsing is used. So, every view or reload with that activated only pulls in whatever is on the server.


Edit: I use Firefox 3.6.16 and Vista. Does the same in Firefox 4.

Apr 24, 11 10:09 pm  · 

Thanks Paul for the quick response. Will these contact forms be available for people who have not signed up or logged into 3.0?  Wanted to contact someone from an older post. 

Apr 25, 11 4:31 pm  · 

mk2 - all of the old user accounts from v2 have transferred to v3 so it's not necessary to re-register if you already had an account on v2. you can login with same credentials as v2.

Apr 25, 11 6:10 pm  · 

Firefox 4.0 - Having trouble with the text field.  I type, it works, but if I try to reposition the cursor (with arrows or mouse), it puts it at the top of the page.


I can't edit the text (before submitting it), only clicking back will do anything - no highlighting, etc.



Chrome seems to work just fine.




End - how about a "To End of Thread" button?  I had to click about 6 times to get here



Thanks for the hard work, I admire the dedication and am quite proud to have been here from the early days!

Apr 26, 11 9:43 am  · 

trace - we've been trying to reproduce this problem without success. we're testing it on mac osx and windows 7 with the latest versions of chrome, firefox, safari and IE. what platform/browser are you using?


we DO have a jump to last comment button, from both the discussion forum index (click on the name of the person who last commented) and the top of each discussion thread ("» last comment" link).

Apr 26, 11 9:55 am  · 

whoa, ok, great job, thanks!  I must have dozed off there for a second.


This machine is W7, FF 4.0, Chrome 10.0.648.204, IE 8.  Seems to work in everything but FF (and I swear that it worked correctly when first launched...and it is working in this post!  Go figure.).





Apr 26, 11 1:51 pm  · 

Thanks trace. I wonder if it's related to whether you pasted the text into the field, or typed everything out. Did you paste or type the text?

Apr 26, 11 1:55 pm  · 

I can seem to paste text here that I typed elsewhere, it is just sticking it at the top of the field.

 Oh, wait, it is all wacky...CTRL does not work (CTRL+A does not work, but I couldn't delete the text I typed below).

Hi Paul, I typed, as I am now, and it is not working again (return does nothing, cursor is not visible, etc.)  I cannot copy the text, either (if I hit CTRL+A, CTRL+C and go to another program it will not paste anything).



Apr 26, 11 7:24 pm  · 

FYI - I am still having issues with tyring to edit my comments after I submit them. Both on my personal computer and my work computer

Apr 28, 11 1:12 pm  · 

I’m having the same problems as Trace at my PC at work. It’s FF3.6 on Windows XP. I guess this also serves as a reminder to update this machine.



Apr 28, 11 2:29 pm  · 

Thanks you for the post.
Hi guys, Im a newbie. Nice to join this forum.

Apr 28, 11 10:15 pm  · 

cannot edit posts.




May 3, 11 1:00 pm  · 

TaliesinAGG, can you describe the problem as specifically as possible?


EDIT: this is how it should work. Please describe how it's not working for you.

(see this screencast)

May 3, 11 1:11 pm  · 

I don't see an edit option...what am i doing wrong? All I see is "flag comment".


May 3, 11 1:17 pm  · 

You only have 5 minutes to edit a comment. After 5 minutes the edit option is gone.

May 3, 11 1:18 pm  · 

Now I see the edit , but not on a post I made about an hour ago on another thread.

May 3, 11 1:19 pm  · 

I need at least 10 minutes....

May 3, 11 1:25 pm  · 

do i need to login everyday a new even i checked the remember me? that's what i do. using chrome. also, explorer works but stretches all the images.

May 3, 11 2:18 pm  · 

Orhan - both of these issues have been fixed recently. To stay logged in all the time, please delete all cookies from your browser (note: you will have to log into Archinect again after doing this, but then you will stay logged in). For the Internet Explorer image fixes, if you haven't already noticed that this is fixed, try clearing your browser cache and refreshing.

May 3, 11 4:36 pm  · 

So everything works great for me except for one thing: user resume images. If they have more than one image shown in a single project, the thumbs on the top do nothing if you click on them ie. only first image of the project will load in full size. Company profiles work in the same way, but this problem doesn't affect them.

May 3, 11 4:56 pm  · 

to be more precise, now it works, but not all the time.

May 3, 11 4:58 pm  · 

Is this a problem you've noticed on Chrome?

May 3, 11 5:00 pm  · 

Looks like a Chrome only problem. Just checked FF, works fine there.

May 3, 11 5:51 pm  · 

I've noticed this on Chrome as well. Not always a problem but sometimes. We'll fix this.

May 3, 11 5:53 pm  · 

i was having the same thing happening in chrome but, yes, only sometimes. 


if i have one lingering suggestion, it's that i've realized i miss something a lot. and this is totally based on my archinect-ing habits:


as much as i LOVE that the school discussions can be separated from the normal discussions, i miss the school blog entries that appeared on the discussion page and tempted me in.


now they're something you have to go intentionally find. since i don't often think of it, i'm not going to them as often. and i miss being pulled into them...


any way to mainstream them again - teasers, at least? 

May 7, 11 8:41 am  · 

i agree with that steven.  do they appear on the front page already when someone updates?

May 7, 11 9:59 am  · 

I agree. The main issue is that our new blogging platform has not yet been integrated with the new site. The school blogs are still running on our old system. Once the blogging platform is ready and integrated, the school blogs (+ new school blogs; + new non-school blogs) will be better integrated with the rest of the site.

May 7, 11 11:11 am  · 


May 7, 11 7:52 pm  · 

Will there be the old counters put back in?  So we can see how many posts people have, comments, etc.  While not only ridiculous fun, it also serves well to determine if someone is legit on here.  (FF is still having those issues, in case you had been working on it).  Thanks!




May 9, 11 11:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Trace, I was just thinking about those counts the other day.  It's funny to see the seemingly insignificant things are actually really important to people.

May 11, 11 2:34 pm  · 

Sarah - yes, I thought they were silly at first, but it is a good way to weed out the trollers and have a better idea of who is really interested in being here and who is just passing by.


I like them (and have a nice number racked up over the last 13 years or so!  Hmm, now I think it makes me just look old...but I'd sure buy a few t-shirts with that on it!) 

May 17, 11 12:11 am  · 

Hey Paul, in an effort to be a continual about them counters?


A good example of where they would be useful is the post at the top now by piersomethingorother.  At first, I didn't recognize his name, he/she wrote/rambled too much, so I didn't reply.  Then I saw a post and thought I'd offer some advice.  Now's he going off on people (not bad, yet, but clearly he won't be around here long).  If he had a counter showing 2 threads started, 0 comments I would have not wasted my time replying.


Just saying that they were helpful beyond being entertaining.



May 18, 11 9:04 pm  · 

what happens when a post is flagged?

May 20, 11 1:07 pm  · 

trace - the counters are coming. we have a LOT of updates in the works, and this is among them.


orhan - clicking the "flag" link will indicate that a user thinks the post or comment is bad in some way (spam, offensive, whatever). we monitor the flagging activity and check all comments and/or posts that have more-than-typical flags, so that we can more easily detect problems that would otherwise get missed by us.

May 20, 11 1:11 pm  · 

Paul - thanks, and as always, greatly appreciate your (and your teams) hard work and dedication

May 20, 11 1:39 pm  · 

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