Warner Architecture Studio

Warner Architecture Studio

Cincinnati, OH | Beijing Shi, CN


General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University Orthopedics Hospital

Serving the rapidly growing northeast Xingying quadrant of Yinchuan, this 840 bed Orthopedic hospital is located on a narrow site that is over 600 meters long in the east-west direction but only 88 meters wide. The total building area of 137,550 square meters includes the hospital, a separate Rehabilitation Unit, a commercial space building and the basement parking. In addition to the Orthopedics focus, the hospital departments include Maternity, Gynecology, Cardiology, Neurology and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Given the significant length to width ratio, the focus was on two aspects, designing an efficient, tightly compacted building to reduce the hospital's overall length and to provide for site entries and plazas that take advantage of the site's length. Thus, the south facing In-Patient towers were placed in the middle of the site on top of the Diagnostic block. Aligning with a pedestrian entrance on the east side of the site, the Out-Patient was placed between this entrance and the hospital block. To the other side of the site, to better work with the nearby retail, the commercial building was placed at the western edge of the site. This created an area in-between the commercial and the hospital block for the Rehabilitation Unit to be located in a more garden like area. This organization makes for the hospital to be compact enough for convenient patient access inside and to allow for easy access to the multiple entries outside.

With the elongated site shape, internally the building design focus was in creating the most efficient medical planning horizontally and vertically. The interior planning allowed a public street all along the northern edge of the site for easy access to all departments. On the south side, there is a separate medical corridor linking all of the departments on every floor of the podium and the Out-Patient.

As to the exterior massing, the curved ribbon shaped In-Patient towers were placed on top of the Diagnostic block to not only make for a more compact organization, but also to allow the massing of the In-Patient towers to each build up higher in a series of three vertical linear bars with the tallest at the center of the site. This creates a distinctive shape that draws the viewer's eye as they approach from either end of the long site.

The Out-Patient clinic is alternately are composed of one folded horizontal bar that stretches out from the from the hospital block toward the eastern entrance. These not only create a series of south facing courtyards but are also topped with green roofs as a part of the overall series of sustainable strategies employed on the site and in the buildings. 

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Ningxian, CN
Firm Role: concept design and design development
Additional Credits: Work with our partner Ningxia Industrial Design