Elemental Architecture

Elemental Architecture

New York, NY



his Tex-Mex restaurant in Union Square spans 2,000 square feet and is carefully designed to transport visitors to a romanticized version of Southwest Texas. The interior intentionally evokes the vast, flat vistas of the Southwest through its sparse and expansive design. The monochrome color palette is inspired by the natural colors of the desert landscape and is punctuated by moments of intense color and pattern that pay homage to traditional Mexican motifs and the region’s flora. 

The walls are adorned with geometric Mexican cement tile and custom artwork created by Texan artists, depicting traditional Tex-Mex folklore. A custom-designed chandelier expands throughout the space, creating varied topography in the otherwise flat space and evoking the branching forms of cacti. The design seamlessly blends organic shapes and textures with sharp, angular lines to create a unique and memorable experience that captures the essence of the Texan desert while catering to New York sensibilities.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US