Aug '08 - Jun '14
I am completely knackered.
In hopes of getting to teach at the graduate school I was invited to join the CSSI (construction, structures and services integrated) seminar. The course is an in-depth analysis of technical desciplines and how they are integrated in comtemporary buildings. This was the course I taught for 6 months after grad school before buggering off to work in Montserrat.
Anyway I digress, I only said that to say that although only teaching part-time I was there a for full day.
In the afternoon we attempted to catch up some lost time caused by Gustav, with the 2nd year design studio. What was intended to be a short lecture on the incorporation of meaning in design (architecture, art, etc) became a heated discussion on historical and ancient influences, Fibonacci series, golden proportions, the Venturian/modular man etc all kick-started by showing an image of stonehendge. I had a quick lapse and had forgotten how passionate we can be in architecture school but was quickly reminded.
The studio continued until the evening, with the critique of their warm up assignment. They were given the task at the last class to construct a non-representational self portrait. The project was meant to get their design juices flowing, and we didn't expect a high level of finish (worse with the storm blowing through). We were pleasantly surprised at pin-up with the level of thought and detail in some of the projects that ranged from 2d paintings, collages, drawings to 3 dimensional models and sculptures from a host of materials and even a poem.
pin up
one of the models
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Critiquing students' work is exhausting, no? Get some rest!
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go for it David! didn't know you were "professing" over at CSA -- that's great news. I hope all is well, and I will stop by for a studio session to see how it's going. back to work for me!
Critiquing students' work is exhausting, no? Get some rest!
I may have to steal that assignment at some point! I love the idea of constructing a self-portrait instead of students being limited to the traditional mediums of drawing, painting, or photography.
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