Laurie Linville-Gregston

Laurie Linville-Gregston

Portland, OR, US


Koninklijke Hoogovens Renovation

Competition winner in 1997 for the renovation / restoration of registered Dutch Landmark Koninklijke Nederlandse Hoogovens en Staalfabrieken (KNHS) now Tata Steel. Renovation / Restoration was completed in 2003 with OZ Architecten.

"The head office of the Koninklijke Hoogovens (Royal Dutch Blast Furnaces and Steelworks) was opened in 1951 and was designed by Dudok and his partner Robert Magnée. The main building consists of an elongated three-storey office building that is interrupted by an almost equally high glass gate that gives access to the production site. To the left of the gate is the first wing. This was where the drawing room was located. A second wing is the so-called golden wing, the place of the management. The main building, drawing room and golden wing form the three walls of a square that forms the entrance."

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Status: Built
Location: IJmuiden, NL
My Role: Project Designer
Additional Credits: Wouter Zaaijer, OZ Architecten

Pedestrian Bridge
Pedestrian Bridge
Floor Plan
Floor Plan
Cafeteria Rendering
Cafeteria Rendering
Historic Image
Historic Image