Alfredo Pimentel

Alfredo Pimentel

Boston, MA, US

Group Work
Group Work
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Social Desktop: Submission for Archdaily Innovation Challenge (Powered by HP)

Work Flow Driven Space

Innovative work spaces should embrace the increasing reliance on social media platforms and the emergence of business models that thrive on collaborative or crowd sourced effort. Rather than giving focus on the individual in the work environment, this proposal focuses on the types of work that an individual may partake in throughout the day. By taking agency through work the resultant space becomes an organized series of moments that can be as solitary as working at a bench and as communal as lounging on the steps of the lobby. In order to delineate these space types without jeopardizing the overall continuity of the space a raised plenum was introduced. The plenum would also serve as the platform to service those using it. Such services include the facilitation of seating, storage, power for electronic devices, and a place to grow a low maintenance indoor garden.

Materiality was decided on the assumption that the given plan was from an old brownstone building that was in need of a retrofit. To continue the established language of reuse, the plenum is imagined as a deck made up of reclaimed wood. To further the warm palette, notes of salvaged steel plate are used for walls, access ramps and the receptionist’s desk. As for lighting and furnishings, the intention was to fashion an ambiance that one would find at home or that trendy coffee shop that’s around the corner so as to establish an environment that would be conducive to a more intimate social experience.

No Really, Who Is This For?
Ideally, the intention was that this office would be for a paperless workplace. With computers getting smaller and smaller, employees working remotely and the importance of the soft economy it seems wasteful to spend company overhead on oversized and over thought office furniture. It only seems fit that a workspace should be as fluid and indecisive as the economic platform it participates in. So, is it a blogging site? - Yes. A startup app developer? -Yes. A day trader post? Sure, why not? The more accepting we are of a paperless system, the more applicable this model can be as a work environment.

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Status: Competition Entry
My Role: Head Designer
Additional Credits:

Lobby - View From Solitary Work Zone
Lobby - View From Solitary Work Zone
Solitary Work
Solitary Work
Presentation Area
Presentation Area