Absalom Espinoza

Absalom Espinoza

Los Angeles



When dealing with space there’s always a decision to be made about enclosure. Defining boundaries is part of the daily excercise of the architect. In this project I wanted to explore creating a space that is both open and at the same time defines the proper boundry of each area. This was addressed in plan view  having the whole usable area is contained in a rectangle that in itself contains the spaces that interact as independent units that play off of each other by the way they are positioned inside the bondary line. 

The interplay between glass and concrete echos the properties of both materials as they create a tension between solid and void which is perseived visualy but also spacially as they define in an indirect way the extents of the spaces creating barriers but also blurring the lines between each other and in this way giving us something that is both a limit and a continuation.  

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Culiacán, MX
My Role: Designer