Absalom Espinoza

Absalom Espinoza

Los Angeles


2GAX Replica

This studio will interrogate the potential of the replica in architecture. Advancing recent debates regarding influence, affinity and appropriation in architecture, we will adopt an approach that exploits the potential for architectural acts of appropriation to engender new forms of authenticity and to challenge context and type within an architectural project. Quotation as a postmodern form of referencing an ‘original’ and subsequent forays into sampling including kitbashing and the mash-up are various forms through which appropriation has surfaced in architectural discourse and practice. A more contemporary notion of the replica ties it to the status of the object in architecture and its inherent potential to engender multiple and coexisting forms of legibility; raising questions of scalability ranging from the colossus to the miniature. This approach involves the selection of copies (found objects) instead of the creation of originals.

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Status: School Project
My Role: Partner
Additional Credits: Mehrdad Fonuouni