Absalom Espinoza

Absalom Espinoza

Los Angeles


3GBX Bichos in Beijing

Over the last two decades, the design ethos that has grown out of the digital turn has triggered key shifts in architecture. The far-reaching effects and consequences of this phenomenon are hard to spell out - and perhaps still too recent to be fully theorized (despite many attempts to do so). However, I think that some of the main shifts that occurred in our field can be summarized as follows: representation to simulation; composition to systems; collage to pixilation; geometry to image; close reading to virtuosity; and details to close ups.

The studio is proposing to re-examine the possibilities of form generation as an entity trough the understanding of literal manipulation of stuff. As well to focus in the idea of the “literal” as a production mechanism for form making. With the objective to produce a euphoric and effervescent act of architecture through technology a mutant nature. We will explore two extremely strong juxtaposition of matter, technology and living particles/ matter.

The trajectory of abstraction, in many ways, has been the dominant force of form production in our discipline. The studio is aiming to explore the methods used in pragmatic models of arrangement as a literal and artificial construction of nature. Matter simulation and organization are the other ingredients of this studio. Pollution, nature, discards have the capacity to be very literal, again, about their intention and also visceral in their affects. The aim is to make the combination of the potential formal arrangements and the formalized self-organization as the perfect intersection of agents of contamination. The clues are in the currency of ideas, ideas that come from the cohesion of borrowing techniques from the technological domain and literally extracting the exuberant physicality of things.

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Status: School Project
My Role: Partner
Additional Credits: Yo Tomura